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  • Cylindrical CoordinatesRepresentation and Conversions

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Recall polar representations in the plane

  • xyRepresenting 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Recall polar representations in the plane

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Cylindrical coordinates just adds an z-coordinate to the polar coordinates (r,).

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Cylindrical coordinates just adds an z-coordinate to the polar coordinates (r,).

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Cylindrical coordinates just adds an z-coordinate to the polar coordinates (r,).

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Cylindrical coordinates just adds an z-coordinate to the polar coordinates (r,).

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. Cylindrical coordinates just adds an z-coordinate to the polar coordinates (r,).

  • Representing 3D points in Cylindrical Coordinates. (r,,z)y

  • Conversion between rectangular and Cylindrical CoordinatesCylindrical to rectangularRectangular to Cylindrical

  • Cylindrical Coordinates Integration

  • Integration Elements: Rectangular CoordinatesWe know that in a Riemann Sum approximation for a triple integral, the summand

    computes the function value at some point in the little sub-cube and multiplies it by the volume of the little cube of length , width and height .

    xkykzkf(xk, yk, zk) Vkf(xk, yk, zk) xk yk zk

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesWhat happens when we consider small changes

    in the cylindrical coordinates r, q, and z?We no longer get a cube, and (similarly to the 2D case with polar coordinates) this affects integration.r, and z

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesWhat happens when we consider small changes

    in the cylindrical coordinates r, q, and z?Start with our previous picture of cylindrical coordinates: r, and z

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesWhat happens when we consider small changes

    in the cylindrical coordinates r, q, and z?Start with our previous picture of cylindrical coordinates: Expand the radius by a small amount: rr+Drrr, and z

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical Coordinatesr+DrrThis leaves us with a thin cylindrical shell of inner radius r and outer radius r+D r.rr+Dr

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesNow we consider the angle q.

    We want to increase it by a small amount Dq.

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesThis give us a wedge.

    Combining this with the cylindrical shell created by the change in r, we get

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesThis give us a wedge.

    Intersecting this wedge with the cylindrical shell created by the change in r, we get

  • Integration Elements: Cylindrical CoordinatesFinally, we look at a small vertical change z .

  • Integration in Cylindrical Coordinates.We need to find the volume of this little solid.As in polar coordinates, we have the area of a horizontal cross section is. . .

  • Integration in Cylindrical Coordinates.We need to find the volume of this little solid.Since the volume is just the base times the height. . .

  • Spherical Coordinates

  • Spherical CoordinatesAnother useful coordinate system in 3D is the spherical coordinate system.

    It simplifies the evaluation of triple integrals over regions bounded by spheres or cones

  • Spherical CoordinatesThe spherical coordinates (, , ) of a point P in space are shown.

    = |OP| is the distance from the origin to P

    is the angle between the positive z-axis and the line segment OP

    is the same angle as in cylindrical coordinates

    Spherical coordinate system

  • Spherical CoordinatesNote that 00 0 2

  • Spherical CoordinatesThe spherical coordinate system is especially useful in problems where there is symmetry about a point and the origin is placed at this point.

  • *SPHERE = c sphere with center at the origin and radius c

    This is the reason for the name spherical coordinates


    = cvertical half-plane

  • *HALF-CONE = c Half-cone with the z-axis as its axis = c = /4 = c = 3/4

  • *The relationship between rectangular and spherical coordinates can be seen from this figure.SPHERICAL & RECTANGULAR COORDINATES

  • *From triangles OPQ and OPP, we have: z = cos r = sin

    However, x = r cos y = r sin SPHERICAL & RECTANGULAR COORDINATES

  • *Spherical to Rectangularx = sin cos y = sin sin z = cos

    Rectangular to Spherical

    = x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 + z2Conversion between Spherical & Rectangular Coordinates

  • *Example 1: The point (2, /4, /3) is given in spherical coordinates. Plot the point and find its rectangular coordinates. x = sin cos y = sin sin z = cos

    Conversion between Spherical & Rectangular Coordinates

  • (2, /4, /3) -> Conversion between Spherical & Rectangular Coordinates

  • *Example 2:

    The point (0, 23, -2) is given in rectangular coordinates. Find the spherical coordinates of the pointConversion between Spherical & Rectangular Coordinates

  • *

    Note that 3/2 because y = 23 > 0!

    Therefore, spherical coordinates of the given point are: (4, /2 , 2/3)

    Conversion between Spherical & Rectangular Coordinates

  • *Triple Integrals in Spherical CoordinatesIn the spherical coordinate system, the counterpart of a rectangular box is a spherical wedge where:a 0, 2, d c

  • *Although we defined triple integrals by dividing solids into small boxes, it can be shown that dividing a solid into small spherical wedges always gives the same result.

    Divide region D in space into smaller spherical wedges by means of equally spaced spheres = i, half-planes = j, and half-cones = k.Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates

  • Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates

  • *Each spherical wedge is approximately a rectangular box with dimensions:k k k (arc of a circle with radius k, angle k)k sin k k (arc of a circle with radius k sin k, angle k)

  • *So, an approximation to the volume of a small spherical wedge is given by:

    Vk = (k)(k k)(k sin k k) = k2 sin k k k k

  • *Thus, we convert a triple integral from rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates By writing: x = sin cos y = sin sin z = cos Using the appropriate limits of integrationReplacing f(x, y, z) -> f(, , )dV -> 2 sin d d d.

  • *Example 1: Evaluate where B is the unit ball:

  • *As the boundary of B is a sphere, we use spherical coordinates:

    In addition, spherical coordinates are appropriate because: x2 + y2 + z2 = 2

  • *So, we have

  • *It would have been extremely tedious to evaluate the integral without spherical coordinates.In rectangular coordinates, the iterated integral would have been:Note

  • *Example 2:Use spherical coordinates to find the volume of the solid that lies Above the cone

    Below the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = zFig. 16.8.9, p. 1045

  • *Notice that the sphere passes through the origin and has center (0, 0, ) and radius .

    We write its equation in spherical coordinates as: 2 = cos or = cos Fig. 16.8.9, p. 1045

  • *The equation of the cone can be written as:

    This gives: sin = cos or = /4Thus, the given region D is given by D = {(, , ) : 0 2, 0 /4, 0 cos }

  • *The figure shows how E is swept out if we integrate first with respect to , then , and then .Fig. 16.8.11, p. 1045

  • *The volume of E is:

