
Marzia Barbera



Nazionality Adress

Italian Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Università di Brescia Via S. Faustino 41 25121 Brescia

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Professor of Law at the Department of Law of the University of Brescia, where she teaches Labour Law, Antidiscrimination Law, Legal Clinic Coordinator of the Research of the Department of Law and member of the Research Quality Committe of the University of Brescia

Director of Osmer (Osservatorio sul mercato del lavoro e delle relazioni collettive - Observatory on the labour market and collective relations), University of Brescia.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Ph.D. course Business &Law Member of LOG (Laboratorio Osservatorio sugli studi di genere- Laboratory on gender studies) of the University of Brescia Member of the Scientific Commitee of the Consorzio interuniversitario “Alma laurea”

Member of the “Comparative Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group”, consisting of North American and European scholars expert in anti- discrimination law Editor of the reviews: Giornale del diritto del lavoro e relazioni industriali; Diritti, lavori, mercati; member of the Scientific Commitee of the review Rivista giuridica del lavoro e della previdenza sociale, Lavoro e diritto, Rivista critica di diritto private Member of the Steering Committee of GAJE (Global Alliance for Justice Education), international association of legal education experts and clinicians. Member of ENCLE (European Network for Clinical Legal Education)


professional experiences

In 2013, Senior Schell Fellow in the Orville Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights at the Yale Law School

Until 2013 coordinator of the University course “Donne, politica, istituzioni” (Women, Politics, Institutions), held at the University of Brescia

From 2010 to 2013 Member of FRANET, multidisciplinary research network in charge of the task of providing the Fundamental Rights Agency with socio-legal data and reports on fundamental rights issues

In 2009 co- founder of the first Legal Clinic course ever established in Italy

From 2003 to 2006 Head of the Department of Legal Sciences of Brescia and member of the University Senate and of the Equal Opportunities Committee

From 2003 to 2005 Professor of Sex Antidiscrimination Law at the Master course in Equal Opportunities of the University of Milan and Member of the Steering Committee From 2001 Full Professor of Law at the University of Brescia

From 1994 to 2001 Associate professor at the University of Udine and Brescia

In the academic year 1995-96 visiting fellow at the European University Institute of Florence

From 1986 to 1992 Researcher at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Brescia

In the Academic year 1988-89 visiting scholar at the Yale Law School, Usa.



She qualified in labour law, EU law, antidiscrimination law, international human rights, clinical education and public interest litigation.

In relation to labour law, she has been examining the transformations of the enterprise and digitalization and their effect on the employment relationship. In relation to antidiscrimination law and international human rights, she has been focusing on the European and national legal framework on discrimination and equal treatment and on the relations with the international human rights system

In relation to clinical education and transnational strategic litigation, she has been analysing the features of legal clinic education in a civil law context and the role of legal clinic in promoting access to justice and in public interest litigation


and training

1982-86 Barrister at the Bar of Milan 1979-1981 Research assistant at the Catholic University of Milan 1978 Master Degree in Law magna cum laude, Faculty of Law, University of Palermo



professional experiences

In 2014-2015 she served as a member of the Group of legal experts on employment policies in charge of assisting the Regional Minister for Employment of the Region Sicily From 1995 to 2003 she served as National Equality Adviser (national gender equality body) and Member of the Committee on Equal Treatment between women and men established by the Ministry of Labour She was Member of the Committee of experts in charges of the drafting of the Employment National Action Plans from 1998 to 2000. From 1999 to 2001 she was member of the following groups of experts: - Commissione per lo studio degli elementi caratterizzanti il mercato del lavoro (Commission on the reform of labour market), Ministry of Labour - Gruppo di Alta Consulenza sul Lavoro (High level consulting group on labour), Ministry of Labour - Coordinamento Affari internazionali (Coordination of International Affairs), Ministry of Labour - Commissione per la riforma degli ammortizzatori sociali (Commission on the reform of social welfare benefits), Ministry of Labour - Comitato tecnico-scientifico per la promozione delle politiche familiari (Scientific consulting group on family policies), Department of Social Affairs, Prime Minister Office. From 1992 to 1994, Member of the Comittee of experts on labour policies in charge of assisting the President of the Region Lombardia


- Los derechos fundamentales ante las transformaciones laborales en la nueva economía - on going - W2P2 Work, Wealth, Production, Productivity, funded by the University of Brescia – on going - Access to justice, strategic litigation and legal clinics - on going Work and practices in the post-fordist enterprise – on going - Demography and Labour Law - 2014 - Eguaglianza, diritti fondamentali e modelli di federalismo, 2013 - Il ruolo dell'eguaglianza e dei diritti di welfare nella tutela multilivello dei diritti fondamentali (The role of the of the principle of equality and social rights in the multilevel system of protection of fundamental rights), Research of National Interest, funded by the Ministry of Education - Brescia Unit Project Director - 2008-2012. - Teaching and Learning Equality, Anti-Discrimination Policies and Social Dialogue, funded by the European Commission, Directorate of Employment - 2010. - N.o.r.m.a. - New Operating Industrial Relation to Manage Antidiscrimination , funded by the European Commission, Directorate of

Employment – 2009. - Long term illnesses at work, report for the European Parliament, with IRS – 2008. - The social situation of the Roma and their improved access to the labour market in the EU, report for the European Parliament, with IRS - 2008. - Riforma dei servizi socio - assistenziali e riforma del mercato del lavoro – (Reform of social services of care and reform of the labour market), funded by Confcooperative – 2007. - Un nuovo metodo d'integrazione comunitaria alla prova: il coordinamento aperto delle politiche del lavoro e delle politiche sociali, (Testing a new method of Community integration: the OMC of social and occupational policies), Research of National Interest, funded by the Ministry of Education - Project director- 2003-2006. - Sistemi locali di long-term care e rapporti di lavoro (Local long term care services and labour relations) with Politecnico di Milano, funded by Fondazione CARIPLO- 2005. - Servizio di monitoraggio delle politiche del lavoro, della formazione, dell'orientamento e integrazione con la scuola della Regione Emilia Romagna – (Monitoring employment, training and integration policies), report for Regione Emilia-Romagna- with ISMERI Europa-IRS – 2003. - Servizi di progettazione e gestione del progetto "Centri per l’occupabilità femminile", (Project for a service for women occupability), for Provincia di Salerno - with ISMERI Europa- 2003.

Seminari e Conferenze


25 January 2018, Casa della cultura, Milano, L'età dei diritti? Dopo trent'anni di neoliberalismo (speaker) 19 January 2018, CNEL, Roma, Nuovi orizzonti del diritto del lavoro, Paradigma, attori, regolazione (speaker). 14 November 2017, Department of Law, Universiy of Brescia, Eguaglianze e differenze. Modelli di diritto antidiscriminatorio e femminismo giuridico (speaker). 13 November 2107, Scuola Superiore della magistratura, Scandicci (FI) Il rapporto di lavoro: tipologie e varietà nell’era dell’innovazione tecnologica, Seminar for the Judiciary, (speaker) 12-13 October 2017, Department of Law, University of Brescia, International Conference Impresa, lavoro e non lavoro nell'economia digitale (scientific coordination and speaker). 5-6 October 2017, ERA (Academy od European Law) - Scuola Superiore della magistratura, Scandicci (FI), EU Gender Equality Law, Seminar for the Judiciary (speaker) 12 May 2017, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotà, Colombia, Access to Justice and Public Interest Law (speaker)

20-21 March 2017, Fondazione Marco Biagi, Modena, 15° International Conference in Commemoration of Professor Marco Biagi, Digital and smart work (speaker) 17-18 November 2016, Conference on the 30th of Lavoro e diritto, Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali, Università di Bologna, Studiosi, studenti, risorse: l’insegnamento e la ricerca (speaker) 14-16 July 2016, Fordham Law School, New York City,VII International Legal Ethics Conference (speaker), 10-12 Luglio 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, The Risk& Rewards Rewards of Clinical Legal Education (speaker) 28 June -1 July 2016, 33° International Seminar of Pontignano, Modena (speaker) 26 May 2016, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, Il nuovo giuslavorista nell’accademia, nella magistratura, nella professioni, (speaker). 18 April 2016, Department of Social Sciences, University of Milan - Scuola superiore della Magistratura – Altra velocità, Milano, Eguaglianza e divieti di discriminazione nell'era del diritto del lavoro derogabile, (speaker). 26-27 November, 2015 ELLN 8th Annual Legal Seminar, Digitalisation and Labour Law, Le Hague, (speaker). 15 December 2015 - Fondazione Malagugini, L’accesso alla giustizia dei soggetti svantaggiati, Milano, Palazzo di Giustizia (speaker) 25-26 September 2015, L’idea di diritto del lavoro oggi, Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia (discussant) 25 July 2015, 8th Worldwide Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference , Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey , Keeping the Focus on Social Justice in our Clinics in an Environment of Competing Priorities, co-speaker 27 June 2015, Labour Law Research Network Conference 2015, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherland, “We are what we do”. Work, practices and ethos in the post-Fordist enterprise (speaker) 5 May 2015, Seminario internacional de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Asociacion iberoamericana de derecho del trabajo y seguridad social, La Paz, Bolivia, La seguridad social europea y los " working poors" (speaker) 30 April 2015, Universidad des Andes, Bogotà, Colombia, El derecho antidiscriminatorio y la Corte Europea de Justicia:una doctrina en construcción (speaker)

29 April 2015, Universidad des Andes, Bogotà, Colombia, Derechos sociales y económicos en perspectiva comparada (speaker)

8-9 December 2014, ERA (Academy of European Law) Trier , Germany, Applying EU Antidiscrimination Law - Seminar for the Judiciary (speaker) 3 December 2014, Faculty of Law, Catholic University, Milan, L’impresa, ieri, oggi , domani (speaker) 15-18 July 2014, Faculty of Law, Palacký University of Olomouc; Faculty of Law, University of Prague , Czech Republic, Clinic Without Borders, 12th International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference (speaker) 19 giugno 2014, Corte suprema di Cassazione, Rome, Italy, Il lavoro nell’impresa (speaker) 5-6 May 2014, Institute for European Studies and Perelman Center for Legal Philosophy, Université libre de Bruxelles – Bruxelles, Belgium, Global Challenges and New Perspectives on Equality law, Third Annual International Conference of the Berkeley Comparative Antidiscrimination Law Study Group (speaker) 23 October 2014, The Fundamental Rights in Europe WG, IUE, Florence, Italy, An autumn of social rights (speaker) 5-6 June 2013, Yale Law School and SELA, Cartagena, Colombia, Transnational Resources, Transnational Choices in Public Interest Litigation (speaker) 3-6 April, 2013, School of Law, University of California - Berkeley, USA, Berkeley Comparative Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group - Second Annual Conference (discussant) 23-24 September 2013, ERA (Academy of European Law) Trier , Germany, Applying EU Antidiscrimination Law Seminar for the Judiciary (speaker)

Selected Publications and Reports

Barbera M., The emergence of Italian Clinical Legal Education movement, in Alemanno A., Khadar L.B.R., Reinventing Legal Education in Europe: How Clinical Education is Reforming the Teaching and Practice of Law, Cambridge, CUP, 2018. Barbera M., Protopapa V., Access to Justice and Legal Clinics: Developing a Reflective Lawyering Space. Some Insights from the Italian Experience , WP CSDLE Massimo D’Antona,- INT. 141/2017 Barbera M, Insegnare il diritto del lavoro. Cosa si insegna e come si insegna, cosa si impara e come si impara, in LD, 2016, n. 4 Barbera M., L’idea di impresa. Un dialogo con la giovane dottrina giuslavoristica, in Perulli A. (a cura di), L'Idea di diritto del lavoro. Oggi. In ricordo di Giorgio Ghezzi, CEDAM. Padova, 2016. Barbera M., Cambiamenti demografici, mercato del lavoro e regolazione giuridica, RGL, 2015. Barbera M. Protopapa V., The Fiat case: reframing an industrial dispute in antidiscrimination language, European Journal of Human Rights , 2015. Barbera M., Perulli, A. (a cura di), Consenso, dissenso e rappresentanza: le nuove relazioni sindacali, Padova, Cedam, 2014. Barbera M., “Noi siamo quel che facciamo”. Prassi ed etica dell’impresa post-fordista, DLRI, 2014. Barbera M., Discriminazione e pari opportunità (diritto del lavoro), Enciclopedia del diritto, Annali VII, 2014 Barbera M., Protopapa V., Il caso Fiat: come la tutela antidiscriminatoria riformula il conflitto sindacale, RGL, 2014. Barbera M., Il licenziamento alla luce del diritto antidiscriminatorio, RGL, 2013. Barbera M., Diritti sociali e crisi del costituzionalismo europeo, in Borelli S., Guazzarotti A., Lorenzon S. (eds.). Diritti dei lavoratori nelle Carte europee dei diritti fondamentali, Napoli, Jovene Editore, 2012. Barbera M., The making of a civil law clinic, in Nogler L.,Corazza L. (eds.), Risistemare il diritto del lavoro. Liber amicorum Marcello Pedrazzoli, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012. Barbera M., I rom e i paradossi del diritto antidiscriminatorio, in Bonetti P., Simoni A.,Vitale T. (eds.), La condizione giuridica di rom e sinti in Italia, Milano, Giuffreè, 2011. Barbera M., Il principio di eguaglianza nel sistema europeo “multilivello”, in Paciotti E.(ed.), I diritti fondamentali in Europa, Roma, Viella, 2011

Barbera M., L’eguaglianza e il diritto del lavoro, in Scritti in onore di Tiziano Treu, Torino, Giappichelli, 2011 Barbera M., L’OMC: una scelta pragmatica in cerca di una teoria, in Ales E., Barbera M., Guarriello (eds.), Lavoro, welfare e democrazia deliberativa, Milano, Giuffrè, 2010 Barbera M. (2010), Trasformazioni della figura del datore di lavoro e flessibilizzazione delle regole del diritto, in DLRI, 2010 Barbera M., The ECJ Judgments on the Anti-Discrimination Directives: Already a Doctrine? ERA Seminar on Current Reflections on EU Antidiscrimination Law, 13-14 September 2010 Barbera M., La tutela antidiscriminatoria al tempo dello Statuto e ai tempi nostri, DLM, 2010. Barbera M. Parità di trattamento per uomini e donne in materia di lavoro. Profili sostanziali, in Enciclopedia giuridica Treccani, vol XVII, 2009. Barbera M. I lavoratori subordinati e le organizzazioni collettive, in Nivarra L. (ed.), Gli anni Settanta del diritto privato, Milano, Giuffrè, 2008 Barbera M., L’effetto trasversale del principio di non discriminazione, Introduction to Regole del mercato del lavoro e tutela antidiscriminatoria, RGL, 2008. Barbera M. (ed.), Regole del mercato del lavoro e tutela antidiscriminatoria, RGL, 2008. Barbera M., Alessi C., I rapporti di lavoro nel settore dei servizi socio- assistenziali: il caso della Lombardia, in Montuschi L. (a cura di), Studi in onore di Yasuo Suwa, Milano, Giuffrè, 2008 Barbera M., Caruso B.(2007), In search of a new language. Italian labour law scholarship in the face of European integration, Jean Monnet Working Papers 11/07 Barbera M., Il ruolo del principio d’eguaglianza nei sistemi multilevel: riflettendo su alcune recenti sentenze della Corte di Giustizia,, 2007. Barbera M. (ed.), Il nuovo diritto antidiscriminatorio. Il quadro comunitario e nazionale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2007 Barbera M., Il nuovo diritto antidiscriminatorio: innovazione e continuità, in Barbera M. (ed.), Il nuovo diritto antidiscriminatorio. Il quadro comunitario e nazionale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2007

Barbera M., Le discriminazioni basate sulla disabilità, in Barbera M. (ed.), Il nuovo diritto antidiscriminatorio. Il quadro comunitario e nazionale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2007 Barbera M. (ed.), Nuove forme di regolazione giuridica: il metodo aperto di coordinamento nel processo di integrazione europea, Milano, Giuffrè 2006 Barbera M., I problemi teorici e pratici posti dal metodo di coordinamento aperto delle politiche sociali, in Barbera M. (ed), Nuove forme di regolazione giuridica: il metodo aperto di coordinamento nel processo di integrazione europea, Milano, Giuffrè, 2006 Barbera M., Nuovi processi deliberativi e principio di legalità nell’ordinamento europeo, LD, 2005 Barbera M. , La Carta di Nizza e le politiche sociali europee, in M. Napoli (ed.), La Carta di Nizza. I diritti fondamentali dell’Europa, Ed. Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2004 Barbera M., Eguaglianza e differenza nella nuova stagione del diritto antidiscriminatorio comunitario, DLRI, 2003 Barbera M., The Unsolved Conflict: Reshaping Family Work and Market Work in the EU Legal Order, in Hervey T., Kenner J. (eds.), Economic and Social Rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Hart, Oxford-Portland, 2003 Barbera M., Not the Same? The Judicial Role in the New Community Anti-Discrimination Law Context, ILJ, 2002 Barbera M., A che punto è l’integrazione delle politiche per l’occupazione nell’Unione Europea?, DRI, 2000 Barbera M. , Dopo Amsterdam: i nuovi confini del diritto sociale comunitario, Brescia, Promodis, 2000 Barbera M., Discriminazioni ed eguaglianza nel rapporto di lavoro, Milano, Giuffrè, 1991 Reports: Barbera M., FRANET Report, Children with disabilities: targeted violence and hostility – 2013 Barbera M., FRANET Report - Victim Support Services in the EU: An overview and assessment of victims’ rights in practice – Phase 3, 2013

Barbera M.. et alii, FRANET Annual Report 2012, Italian National Report, 2012 Barbera M., FRANET Report - Victim Support Services in the EU: An overview and assessment of victims’ rights in practice – Phase 2, 2012 Barbera M.. et alii, FRANET Annual Report 2011, Italian National Report, 2011 Barbera M. et alii, Secondo Rapporto Tematico Un'analisi degli strumenti di inserimento occupazionale dei giovani: l'esperienza di apprendistato e tirocinio in regione Lombardia, in collaborazione con IRS, 2011. Barbera M., Boccagni P., Naaf S., The social situation of the Roma and their improved access to the labour market in the EU, Study for the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), 2008.
