
Johnson Avenue church of Christ

iglesia de Cristo “Where God’s family builds eternal homes”

523 South Johnson Ave | El Cajon, CA 92020 | 619-444-6106 |

To Our Guests, Thanks for coming today! Stay a while after services, let us get to know you!

Chris Quinn, Evangelist Andrew Lemus, Evangelist Oscar Velazquez, Evangelista

JACOC Prayer List Be sure to include them in your daily prayers

Roland Reed (Carol Reed’s husband, serious health issues) Bev MacDowney (friend of Carol Baruffaldi, has been diagnosed with breast cancer) Liz Smothers (recovering from stroke) Samael De La Rosa (battling leukemia) Jack Sutton (loss of brother) Maria Del Rosario Rodriguez (family of Julie Simpson, cancer, now at Sharp Chula Vista) Sylvia Waldon (cancer/chemotherapy treatments) Tony Clark, (brother of Natalie Price) fighting drugs Chris Delgado (recovering from surgery) Haydee Garza (friend of Jennifer Edwards, brain tumor) Debbie Stinson (continues her chemotherapy) Melissa Beaver (recovering from back surgery) Rose Mosler (cancer, friend of Chris & Betsy Quinn) Carol Crawford (heart problems) Archie Morris (Carol Crawford's brother, leukemia) Betty Jourdan (Carol Crawford’s sister, heart surgery) Barry Smith (cancer) Joe Baruffaldi (suffered mini-stroke) Lucca Baruffaldi (developmental challenges) Diana Small (Warren Burton’s sister, stroke recovery) Ralph & Mabel Pray (Father and Stepmother of Betsy Quinn, both are in declining health) Lauren Mulligan (pray for strength) Mark Walsh (being treated for ongoing health issues) Latrice Nadeau (health issues, now in long-term care) Carla Farrell (complications from Multiple Sclerosis) Tisi Weins (Richard Renteria’s daughter, ongoing illness)

Make the Prayer List a part of your everyday Prayer life!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all

circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

Do you have someone who needs prayers for strength, comfort, support, or healing? We can help!

1. You may submit your request to one of our elders, deacons, or evangelists.

2. Email your request to [email protected] Also remember in your prayers the men we support who are working to spread God’s Word around the world: Surender Yerra | Mumbai, India Derrick Victor | Oxnard, California Dan DeGarmo | Chillicothe, Ohio Ariel Villa | Tijuana, Mexico Chris Quinn | El Cajon, California Andrew Lemus | El Cajon, California Oscar Velazquez | El Cajon, California

Current and Upcoming Events TONIGHT! December 4, 2016 – FAITH IN ACTION Meeting: On Nov 6th we had a meeting regarding putting our FAITH IN ACTION. Some great ideas and thoughts came out in that meeting. There will be another meeting on December 4th, after a short service in the evening to further discuss these ideas and others and what we can do with them. We’ll all be working together to further put our FAITH IN ACTION. February 25, 2017 – San Diego Bible Bowl: Ready to get together and have fun with other congregations of the Lord's church in San Diego? That's right, it’s time to mark your calendar for the 2017 Bible Bowl! This year’s Bible Bowl will be held at the Canyon View Church of Christ. The text will be the book of Acts chapters 1-14. March 25-26, 2017 - City of Children trip: The purpose of our visit is to be a friend and an example of Jesus to the children. Your hugs and attention may be the love that helps heal a broken heart. When you reach out to children, God will overflow your heart with blessings. See Stan Stout, James Tapper or Billy Perkins for more info! You will need a passport.


The object of QuoteFalls is to construct a quotation by selecting from available letters in the vertical columns. The letters in each column of the puzzle will go into the squares immediately below them, but not necessarily in the order they appear. A word broken at the end of a line will continue on the next line. A black square indicates the end of the word. When all letters are in their correct squares, you will be able to read a quotation across the grid from left to right. NOTE: If you need a hint, check the bottom of the BIRTHDAYS section.

December 4, 2016

Church Schedule Programa Español es en Azul

SUNDAY CLASSES 9:00 AM Discovering Messages of New

Testament Books-Part 2 Taught by Derrick Ramsey

Sala 13 - Arriba CLASE DE BIBLIA

Impartido por Oscar Velazquez

SUNDAY 10:00 AM SERVICES The Sin of Inaction

Derrick Victor

10:00 AM - SERVICIO ESPAÑOL Oscar Velazquez

SUNDAY 5:00 PM SERVICES Fitting the Mold Andrew Lemus

WEDNESDAY 7PM Bible Study The Attributes of God:

Understanding who God is so we can better live like Him

Taught by Chris Quinn

Sala 13 - Arriba CLASE DE BIBLIA

Impartido por Oscar Velazquez

Next Week SUNDAY 10:00 AM SERVICES None is Righteous, no not one

Romans 3 Chris Quinn

SUNDAY 5:00 PM SERVICES Christian Attitudes:

Sin & Sinner! Chris Quinn

The Johnson Avenue Church of Christ Vision Statement “We are growing together as a close, loving, spiritual family; edifying and equipping ourselves

for discipleship, spreading God’s word as faithful soldiers of Christ, while doing everything to the Glory of God”

Morning Messenger

Romans 12:15 says “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” We join with Dave Jordan and his wife Jean in mourning the loss of their son, Ken Jordan, who died on Sunday, November 27, 2016, in Coarsegold, CA. He was 60 years old, the father of three children and the husband of Charlotte Wild Jordan. Ken spent 40 years as a firefighter including service as the Superintendent of the Sierra Hot Shots in the Sierra National Forest. Please pray for this family in their loss and for Dave as he travels to Fresno for the funeral planned for December 11. Cards and notes are greatly appreciated. New Members! Paul and Michelle Pritchard and their sons Hayden and Halston have also chosen to join the JA family. Please welcome and embrace them as they strive to work with us in spreading God’s Word Joe and Carol Baruffaldi have relocated to San Diego, and have placed membership with us at JACOC. Be sure to welcome them! Prayers Needed Liz Smothers continues to improve as she works diligently in her physical therapy. Please continue to keep Liz in your prayers and also the family that is caring for her during this busy time of the year. Carol Baruffaldi asks for prayers for the minister's wife from the Cove Springs church of Christ where her sister-in-law attends. The wife’s name is Bev MacDowney and she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Julie Simpson: requests prayers for: 1. Family friend Laura Riddle-Nelson of Utah whose 15-year-old son recently committed suicide, 2. Her grandson Jason (who visits JA occasionally) who is currently not interested in Christianity, 3. Maria del Rosario, her daughter's mother-in-law who is battling cancer at Sharp Chula Vista Hospital. Samael de la Rosa: The family appreciates our prayers and our support as they go through these trials with his leukemia. Please continue to pray for the family. Crisis House Food Pantry Our next collection is Sunday, December 25, 2016. You may place donations in the containers located in the foyer. In this time of thankfulness for our abundance, it’s a good time to think of those who are in need.



WEEK 46 Dec 2-8 MON: Ezekiel 46-48; John 16 TUE: Daniel 1-3; Psalm 88;

John 17 WED: Dan 4-6; John 18 THU: Dan 7-9; Psalm 91;

John 19 FRI: Dan 10-12; John 20

Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with

great eagerness and examined the Scriptures

every day to see if what Paul said was true.

MEMBER INFORMATION The JACOC financial statements are always available to our members upon request. Please ask one of the elders and we will make sure to get a copy to you.


JACOC Assignments for December DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS

12/1 Cody Romans 12/1 Lili Tapper 12/4 Alma Galeana 12/4 Julieta Xum 12/6 Stephany Velazquez 12/9 Victor Zavala Jr. 12/10 Rodney Edwards 12/11 Aaron Burruss 12/11 Stacey Gonzales 12/12 Sean McConnaughy 12/14 Alejandro Alvarado 12/16 Dottie Swaim 12/18 Andrew Lemus Sr. 12/20 Donnetta Roberts 12/24 Marcela Ralac 12/25 Janelly Castillo 12/26 Jayden Hisert (Johnson) 12/28 Samael de la Rosa 12/29 Elnora Botts 12/31 Joe Haynes DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 12/1 Josh & Kendra Jarrell 12/3 Scott & Carrol Anglin 12/8 Reinaldo & Teresa Mendez 12/16 Lorna & Wayne Nichols 12/17 Chris & Cherry King 12/19 Chris & Paula Delgado

Quotefalls Hint: Psalm 17 (NIV)

Neglecting God | Consequences of Neglect by Mike Riley

Be sure to check out the JACOC duty list for December. With all of the activities that go on during this month, contact Randy or John in advance if you are unable to fulfill any assignments you have. Thank You!

In this article we want to look at some consequences of being neglectful not only in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm as well. Let us first look at the definition of the word neglect: “To fail to carry out an expected or required action through carelessness or by intention. The state of being lax, inattentive, or indifferent.” It is normally expected that an individual who assumes a responsibility is able to fulfill it. In today’s world, this is not the case. Every day we hear of cases of neglect that prove this isn’t true. Numerous social problems occur as a result of incompetence and negligence; i.e., (1) medical doctors being sued for malpractice; (2) nursing homes being sued for not taking proper care of the elderly; (3) parents not taking care of their children (mental or physical abuse); (4) auto mechanics charging for parts that have not been replaced or using old parts and charging the customer the same price for a new part; (5) spiritual neglect (Jeremiah 48:10; cf. 1 Samuel 15:3,9; 1 Kings 20:42). God’s Word Forbids Negligence Whatever we attempt to do, we must do it with all of our being (Ecclesiastes 9:10). When we accept a responsibility (especially in the Lord’s Kingdom), we must see it to completion and “not look back” as Christ stated in Luke 9:62. Our neglectful attitude will cause us to be “cast out” (Matthew 25:14-30). The Bible forbids slothfulness (Hebrews 6:12) and negligence (2 Chronicles 29:11). In Matthew 18:16-17, we read if your brother will not hear you (due to neglect) after explaining to him what his trespass is, you are to tell the matter before the church and “if he neglects to hear the church, let him be as a heathen man and a publican.” There Are Consequences Of Neglect 1) Because of neglect, man soon forgets God. The Lord through Jeremiah said, “Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number.” The Lord tells Israel because of their disobedience, “Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness” (Jeremiah 13:24). In verse 25 he continues, “This is thy lot, the portion of thy measures from me, saith the Lord, because thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.” Again in Jeremiah 18:15, God declares, “Because my people hath forgotten me, they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up.” 2) When we neglect Bible study, we neglecting God’s command to “study” His Word (2 Timothy 2:15) and as a result we will forget what we have learned; i.e., “use it or lose it”. Christ states the same principle in Matthew 25:29. In verse 30 we see the results of violating this principle, “Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” God warns us in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed (cut off) for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” It is God’s desire that all men are saved and will come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4). 3) Neglect prevents spiritual growth (Hebrews 5:12-13; 1 Peter 2:2). Paul told the Corinthians, “I have fed you with milk and not meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able” (1 Corinthians 3:2). The Corinthians were still spiritual babies as far as Bible knowledge was concerned due to neglect of God’s Word. Forgetting God and Bible study will cause regret. Neglecting to study God’s Word will cause one to eventually disobey or outright reject God, be lost eternally, and in the end will produce anguish that will last for eternity (Matthew 22:13; Matthew 24:51; Matthew 25:13; 2 Peter 2:17; Jude 13). Our neglect in studying and applying God’s Word influences others to do likewise (i.e., our children, spouse, members of the Lord’s church) and also contributes to others outside the body of Christ to remain lost. 4) Neglect will cause us to lose our soul. In Hebrews 2:2-3, this point is emphasized, “For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast; and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation….” The point is that we will not escape God’s wrath and punishment (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). 5) The poor and needy go without when we neglect our responsibility in doing the Lord’s work (James 1:27; Gal. 6:10). Some Reasons For Negligence Individuals become negligent because: (1) They no longer are interested in the task at hand (their zeal is gone); (2) They become “doubleminded” (James 1:8; James 4:8) – Their heart is on something else more important (Matthew 6:21); (3) Laziness and indifference: “I will do the Lord’s work tomorrow”; (4) They may not have enough training for completing the required task; (5) They may have a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7); (6) Failure to do what you know you should do (James 4:17); (7) They may not be aware of the importance of the task; (8) A lack of self-discipline; (9) A failure to pray for God’s wisdom (Proverbs 2:1-6; James 1:2-5). Ways To Overcome Negligence We can overcome negligence by: (1) Performing a personal examination of our heart in all areas of our life (Psalm 26:2; 1 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 13:5); (2) Writing down a specific plan of action for overcoming neglect; (3) Praying to the Father for strength and wisdom to overcome the problem of neglect; (4) Making ourselves do it! Action is the key to victory!; (5) Renewing our minds and rededicating our lives every day (Ephesians 4:23-24); (6) Spending time daily meditating in God’s Word (Psalm 1:2; Psalm 119:15,23,48); (7) Associating with “doers of the word” (Psalm 119:63; James 1:22; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-9; Hebrews 13:7) in order to receive encouragement from faithful brethren. Conclusion - Let’s ask ourselves the following questions: 1) Have we been negligent as a parent by not being proper role models and Christian examples before our children? 2) Have we been negligent as a Christian by having opportunities to teach God’s word to others but failed to take advantage of those opportunities? 3) Have we been negligent in attending Bible classes and worship services? 4) Have we been negligent in obeying the Lord in any way? If we have, let’s humbly and prayerfully ask our heavenly Father to forgive us (1 John 1:9) and help us to “press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14 – ASV).