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Culture Fair Research ProjectMrs. Kelly BrownCountry/Culture Research ReportYour paper will be on a country/culture of your choice however; I suggest that you pick a country/culture that is easy to research. Only one person per class may do a specific country. Requirements:Your paper will be 3 pages typed double-spaced in Times New Roman font size 12.

Your research paper will include a Title Page with your title, a picture, proper heading, and a works cited page with your references listed. MLA instructions are in your lit book pages: 635 & 647 and there are notes on MLA format in your assignment calendar as well.

You will have a minimum of three different resources. At least one of your resources will be from the Internet; you will cite the web page and the date retrieved. All three resources will be on your works cited page.Your paper will have six LABELED sections: (All sections must be at least page)

1.Location and Demographics (describing the geography/weather/population)

2.History and Government

3. Food

4. Religions and Family Values

5. Traditions and Holidays

6.Comparing Your Life as an American to the life of a child from the country you are researching.

This last section will take a lot of time and thought as you compare your own freedoms and privileges that you have experienced as an American citizen. Some countries will be quite similar and some will have a world of differences for you to explore.BEFORE you begin writing, you need to create outlines for each one of these sections. You will turn in your typed outline with your paper. You also need to include a graph in your paper; you may choose the content to include in your graph.You will cite the author of any direct quotes in this manner: (Authors Last Name page number) and any web page in this manner (web page address).

YOU MUST HAVE CITATIONS IN YOUR PAPER.You will give a five-minute presentation about your country/culture. Please time yourself at home because I will be timing you and you will be marked down if it is under five minutes.

I will allow extra time for the extra credit you choose to do. All extra credit must be approved in advance. If you choose to make a food, you must have the recipe approved in advance. You must bring enough for the entire class to sample the food from your country. You are allowed to make up to two dishes for extra credit.During your presentation you will present a poster (or a PowerPoint) about your country. The poster needs to be at least 16X20. If you choose to do a PowerPoint it needs to be a minimum of 10 slides with 10 pictures.

You will be graded on your essay, your presentation, your poster, and your outlines.Research Report RubricPaper Outline_______ 30 ptsThree pages, double spaced, and font_______ 30 ptsTitle page (with picture)_______ 20 ptsWorks Cited(correct MLA format)_______ 20 ptsContent (6 labeled sections)_______ 90 ptsCitations (Direct quotes-MLA)_______ 10 ptsPresentation (5 minutes/no reading)_______ 50 ptsPoster (or PP 10 slides/10 photos)_______ 50 ptsGraph or Chart of information_______ 25 pts

Total points out of 325 points_______ points

EXTRA CREDIT:Dress Up_______ 15 pts1 minute Video_______ 15 pts20 words in native language_______ 20 ptsNative Food ______ 40 pts(whole class-no desserts)Native Song (At least 1 min)_______ 50 ptsNative Dance (At least 1 min)_______ 75 ptsTotal points with extra credit_______ points

Lets look at some examples of graphs and chartsHere is the description of the table. You may change or delete this text as you wish.

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Table Page LayoutA second line of text can go here.Geographic RegionQ1Q2Q3Q4United States1254125412541254Europe and Asia324324324324Australia32323232South America2222Canada1111Mexico1111TOTALS1614161416141614

Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish.

This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 to 2007.

Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.Line Graph Page LayoutPowerPoint 97 through 2007 CompatibleStar Burst!

Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish.

This chart utilizes features only available with 2007.

Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.Bar Graph Page Layout PowerPoint 2007 Enhanced VersionA callout, this can be edited or deleted

Here is the description of the chart. You may change or delete this text as you wish.

This chart utilizes features only available with 2007.

Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.Pie Graph Page Layout PowerPoint 2007 Enhanced VersionChart14.32.422.54.423.51.834.52.85

Series 1Series 2Series 3

Sheet1Series 1Series 2Series 3Category 14.32.42Category 22.54.42Category 33.51.83Category 44.52.85To resize chart data range, drag lower right corner of range.


Series 1Series 2Series 3

Sheet1Series 1Series 2Series 3Category 14.32.42Category 22.54.42Category 33.51.83Category 44.52.85To resize chart data range, drag lower right corner of range.



Sheet1Sales1st Qtr8.22nd Qtr3.23rd Qtr1.44th Qtr1.2To resize chart data range, drag lower right corner of range.