Page 1: Cultural Factor Analysis in Project Management

Culture Factor Analysis in Project Management

Nguyen Van Manh 2C12Ta Quang Tu 2C12

Pham Thanh Trung 1C12

Page 2: Cultural Factor Analysis in Project Management

Content1.The Problem

2.The Background Knowledge

3.The Analysis Framework

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The Problem

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The Problemo“Cultural practices lie at the heart of globalization”.oIT development projects from outsource to offshoreoNew risks emanating from geographical and cultural differences

Can the success of IT service projects be increased by culture factor?

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Background knowledge

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Background knowledgeThe Culture: approximately 160 different definitions of culture Definition (Schein, E., 1985):

“culture is the way in which a group of people solves problems and settles dilemmas”

The group of people :• Project managers• Other team members• Customers• Stakeholders.

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Background knowledge Culture aspects:o National levelo Organizational level o Professional level

Cultural Differences. o Geographic regions o Ethnic or religious groups o Language o Economic

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3. The Analysis framework

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Iceberg Model The three basic sectors

◦ bedrock◦ work systems◦ behaviors To identify cultural differences: ◦ Answer a questionnaire for each

of these sectors. ◦ The weighted average scores

plotted on the Triangle Model.

=> individualistic or corporatist, materialistic or communitarian and corresponds to an open or closed culture.

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• Individualism vs collectivism– Identifies whether a culture holds individuals or the

group responsible for each member’s welfare.

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Framework

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• Power distance– Describes degree to which a culture accepts status and power

differences among its members.

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Framework

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• Uncertainty avoidance– Identifies a culture’s

willingness to accept uncertainty and ambiguity about the future.

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Framework

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• Masculinity - femininity– Describes the degree to which the culture emphasizes

competitive and achievement-oriented behavior or displays concerns for relationships.

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Framework

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Other ModelCompass Model (2 dimension):

1. Assertiveness2. Responsiveness

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