
Cultivation ofJatropha

in the Philippines



1. What is jatropha?

Jatropha, commonly known as physic nut or purging nut,is a non-edible oil-yielding perennial shrub that has greenleaves with a length and width of 6 centimeters (cm) to15cm, and can reach a height of up to 5 meters (m). Itoriginated in tropical America and West Asia.

Jatropha can grow in various areas in thePhilippines. It is known locally as tuba-tuba.Others call it tagumbao, tawa-tawa, kalunay,

kasla and tangan-tangan.

Botanist Carl Von Linne first classified the plant in 1753and named it Jatropha curcas.

Jatropha comes from the Greek words: jatros (doctor)and trophe (nutrition). It belongs to the familyEuphorbiaceae.

Jatropha curcas


2. Are there different types of jatropha?

The genus jatropha has 176 species distributedthroughout the world. Twelve species, alone, can befound in India.

An annual rainfallof 2,000 millimetersdistributed over a

period of ninemonths provides adistinct advantage

for producingagro-based

feedstock forbiofuel specifically


3. What type of weather isideal for jatropha?

Jatropha grows in tropicaland subtropical regions.

It is drought-resistant.

4. What type of soil is idealfor jatropha?

Jatropha can be planted onany kind of soil. It can groweven in marginal areas.However, low yields have been recorded in lowrainfall areas while it can be grown with higher yieldsin high rainfall/irrigated areas.

5. What are the uses of jatropha?

Jatropha is used in traditional medicine. It is likewiseused as pesticide, soap and fuel oil for lighting andcooking.

Because of its strong root system, jatropha cangrow almost everywhere. It can hold water andsurvive the driest season. It is, thus, useful inreforestation, soil rehabilitation and soil erosionprojects.


In the Philippines, jatropha is mainly used as alive fence for protection of agricultural fields

from damage by livestock. As a non-edibleplant, it is an effective barrier between

livestock and crop fields; thus, the local nametubang bakod.

Uses of Jatropha

Source: G.M. Galvez, et. al. (1998). Exploitation of the Tropical Oil Seed Plant Jatropha Curcas L.

Jatropha curcas• Erosion control• Hedge plant• Fire wood• Plant protectant


• Development ofEri Silkworm

• Medicinal uses• Anti-inflammatory substance

Fruits Latex

• Wound-healingprotease(curcain)

• Medicinal uses


• Insecticide• Food/fodder


Fruit Hulls

• Combustibles• Green manure• Biogas


Seed Oil

• Soapproduction

• Fuel• Insecticide• Medicinaluses

Seed Cake

• Fertilizer• Biogas

production• Fodder


Seed Shells

• Combustibles


Jatropha flowers

6. What is the productive life of jatropha?

Jatropha has a productive life that can span from 35 yearsup to 50 years.

It starts flowering a year after planting.

Economic yield is obtained from the fourth yearonwards in the Indian experience.

7. What are the advantages of jatropha over otherbiodiesel feedstocks?

• Economics

The advantages of jatropha are mainly itseconomic seed yield and oil recovery.

Cultivation of jatropha is not capital-intensive.

- It can be planted on any kind of soil and growswell under tropical and subtropical climate.


Other uses of jatropha

Palm, the “chosenone” in Indonesia

and Malaysia, takeseight years beforethe first harvest

while the coconuttakes four years.

Harvest in jatropha is14 months.

- It can easily bepropagated by seed/cutting, has lessergestation period andcan generate highyield per hectare.

- Lastly, jatropha hasa lower price sincethere is no otherapplication, exceptfor biodiesel

feedstock. Other feedstocks are largely foodcommodities.

• Variety of uses

As mentioned earlier, jatropha can be used astraditional medicine, pesticide, soap and fuel oil forlighting and cooking. It can also be used as a plant forlive fence, anti-soil erosion, fertilizer and biofuel. It,thus, increases rural and agricultural income andcreates livelihood to the poor and marginalizedsectors.


• Effects on the environment

The use of jatropha biodiesel reduces air pollution.

It has zero sulfur emission.

Tests by the United States Environment ProtectionAgency (USEPA) have shown that the use of biodieselalmost completely eliminates lifecycle carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions. It is less neutral in its net additionto global warming because whatever CO2 releasedin combustion is already sequestered when growing

• There are arguments that biofuels cannot beproduced enough to replace petroleum-baseddiesel fuels since producing biofuels in greatquantities could drive up food prices.

• A study by Professors C. Ford Runge andBenjamin Senauer of the University ofMinnesota in the United States argues that theboom in ethanol threatens to divert massiveamounts of corn and other food crops intobiofuels.

• The Renewable Fuels Association of the UnitedStates further points out that the demand fromthe growing ethanol industry, which reachedrecord production levels worldwide andtraditional markets such as livestock feed andexport customers, has helped drive corn tomore than $4 a bushel in 2007.

• This “food-versus-fuel conflict,” however,failed to account for other non-food andbiomass-based sources of fuel such asjatropha.

Food-vs.-Fuel Conflict


• The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement madeunder the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC,which was adopted at the Earth Summit inRio de Janeiro in 1992).

• Based on the agreement, industrializedcountries commit themselves to reducingtheir collective emissions of six keygreenhouse gases by at least 5%. These sixgreenhouse gases are carbon dioxide,methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride,hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) andperfluorocarbons (PFCs). Each country’semissions target must be achieved by theperiod 2008-2012.

• Carbon credit sales as a way of limitingclimate-changing gases like carbon dioxideis being implemented following the signingof the Kyoto Protocol and under a programadministered by the Bonn-based UnitedNations Clean Development Mechanism.

• The Kyoto Protocol was adopted at the thirdsession of the Conference of Parties (COP)to the UNFCCC in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan.

The Kyoto Protocol

the crop. Indeed, jatropha plantations sequesteringCO2 would acquire an additional attraction as sourcesof “CO2 emission credits” that could be purchasedby countries that are unable to reduce their CO2emission reduction targets. This is in line with theKyoto Protocol.


8. Is the Philippines ideal for the cultivation ofjatropha?


In 2006, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)studied the potential of jatropha as biodiesel feedstock inthe Philippines. Its findings showed that the country hassufficient arable areas and favorable climatic conditionswith adequate rainfall. These account for large feedstockproduction every year.

9. Apart from climatic conditions and soil quality, whatcan affect the yield of jatropha?

Farming techniques.

These include fertlizer applications, weeding, and pestand disease management, among others.

10. What lands are suited or have the potential forjatropha plantation?

• Captive Plantation

Commercial biodiesel production warrantscontinuous supply of feedstock. This requires blockplantation of jatropha in large areas.

The country has a potential of about 4 million hectaresof land for captive plantation of jatropha.

• Hedge Plantation in Farm Land

There are about 10 million hectares of agriculturalland under farming of various crops. Farmers maybe motivated to grow jatropha as a hedge crop toserve as field protection from cattle. As a boundaryplantation, jatropha can also provide additional incomefor the farmers.


• Temporary Crop

The reported area under temporary crop is 5.3million hectares occupying 54% of the farmlandsplanted with different annual crops. It is estimatedthat 10% of the area under temporary agriculturalannual crops, equivalent to 0.5 million hectares,can be used for jatropha.

• Intercropping is thepractice ofcultivating anadditional crop inthe spaces availablebetween the maincrop.

• It is a practice oftenassociated withsustainableagriculture andorganic farming.

• Examples ofintercroppingstrategies areplanting a deep-rooted crop with ashallow-rooted crop,or planting a tallcrop with a shortercrop that requirespartial shade.

• Idle Land

Idle lands,estimated at 0.1million hectares,can be convertedinto jatrophaplantations.

• Permanent Crops

Of the 4.2 millionhectares under thiscategory, theavailable land forhedge plantation isestimated at 0.2million hectares.Hedge plantation orintercropping withwe l l -ma in ta inedpermanent cropswill give good yieldto farmers.



Expected Diesel Demand andCorresponding Jatropha Plantation Area

• Meadows, Pastures and Other Lands

It is estimated that about 0.2 million hectares of landunder this category can be earmarked and convertedinto productive land for jatropha plantation.

With proper planning, availability of planting materials,technical know-how and funding, development ofnurseries and plantations of jatropha is possible in aphased manner during the next five years.

11. Do we have sufficient areas for jatropha cultivationvis-à-vis the total area required for jatrophaplantation to meet the various biodiesel blends?


Based on 2006 FAO estimates, we have sufficient areasfor jatropha cultivation vis-a-vis the total area required forjatropha plantation to meet the various biodiesel blends(1%, 2%, 5%, 10% and 20%).

A summary of area requirement for jatropha cultivationat various biodiesel blends at 5,000 kilograms (kg) yieldper hectare for one harvest is presented below.


President Gloria MacapagalArroyo visits a jatrophanursery cum plantation in FortMagsaysay, Nueva Ecija.


12. What office is primarily tasked by the governmentto carry on the business of jatropha?

The Philippine National Oil Company-AlternativeFuels Corporation (PNOC-AFC).

It has been officially registered with the Securitiesand Exchange Commission on July 13, 2006, andofficially mandated by President Gloria MacapagalArroyo, during the Development Authority-NationalAnti-Poverty Commission August 8, 2006 CabinetMeeting to “have the primary responsibility over thebiofuels project and to coordinate with the concernedagencies.”

The Office of the Government Corporate Counsel,in its Opinion No. 285, dated December 29, 2006,affirms the PNOC-AFC’s primordial role as a directinvestor with a purpose to invest its capital and carryon the business of alternative fuels.

Given jatropha’s advantages over other feedstocks,as discussed earlier, the PNOC-AFC has consideredit as the Corporation’s feedstock for biodieselproduction.

13. Is there a market for jatropha?


With the enactment of the Biofuels Act of 2006, thecurrent local demand for biodiesel, estimated at980,000 liters per annum, is expected to increaseon the average of about 78 million liters in 2007, witha minimum of 1% blend; and 167 million liters by2009 at 2% blend.


14. How will PNOC-AFC address this estimateddemand?

The PNOC-AFC came up with an integrated projecton the establishment of jatropha mega-nurseries,plantations and biodiesel refineries.

This project aims to secure continuous feedstocksupply of jatropha to the biodiesel refineries at the sametime control the price of feedstock to ensurecompetitiveness of locally-produced biodiesel.

It is, therefore, important that the feedstock for theproduction of biodiesel will be continuously availableand the source should be within a reasonable distanceto the refineries.

Thus, by 2012, the PNOC-AFC shall have establishedthe following:

• 1,500-hectare jatropha mega-nurseries cumpilot plantations

• 700,000-hectare biofuel crop plantations

• 1-million metric tons (MT) biodieselrefineries

Projected Biodiesel Demand, Philippines

Source: Department of Energy projections

Below is the projected biodiesel demand in the Philippinesat varying blends.


Jatropha nursery

16. How does one start to propagate jatropha?

Jatropha is normally propagated through mainpropagation (seeds/vegetative cuttings) and micro-propagation/tissue culture.

One farmer will beneeded in a two-hectare jatrophaplantation. Thus,350,000 farmers

will be needed ina 700,000-hectare


15. Is there an area in thePhilippines where anintegrated meganursery-plantat ion-biodieselrefinery is possible?


This is in Mindanao.

It has been identified due tothe availability of vast arable

lands suitable for mega-nurseries and plantations. Inaddition, the island is a strategic location for refineries.


• Seeds

Healthy seeds areselected for raisingseedlings.

Before sowing, seedsare soaked in water for12 hours and seeds aresubsequently sown in10cm x 20cm sizedpolyethylene bags filledwith soil, sand andorganic fertilizer in theratio of 1:1:1,respectively.

The raising of jatropha seedlings in polyethylene bagscan accelerate the initial growth of plantation by atleast four months. Four-month-old seedlings can beplanted in fields.

Jatropha seeds and kernels

Inside the jatropha fruit


!One-week-oldjatropha cut-tings and athree-month-oldjatropha cuttingwith flowers

Newly-plantedjatropha cut-

tings in Tagum,Davao del



• Vegetative Cuttings

Jatropha can also be propagated through cuttings.

Proper care is required in selecting the cuttings, whichshould be at least one-year-old and about 60cm long.

For seedling propagation, cuttings can also be sownin polyethylene bags for raising seedlings.


• Tissue Culture

Mass multiplication of high-yielding varieties ispossible only through tissue culture.

Once high-yielding varieties are identified, millionsof propagules can be multiplied only through tissueculture. Such plants possess certain advantagessuch as uniformity in yield and oil content andhomogeneity in all respects. The research workon the development of suitable protocol for massmultiplication of elite jatropha has been initiated inIndia about two years ago. The standardization ofprotocol is in progress.

Two initiatives on the developmentof tissue culture of jatropha have

been identified locally. The MendezOrganic Farms in Mendez, Cavite,studied jatropha tissue culture for

more than a year now and itsestablished protocol is awaitingapproval from the Intellectual

Property Office. The FreshwindBiotech Corporation is

also engaged in tissue culturedevelopment but is still in the

development stage.


Jatropha tissue culture


17. Are nurseries necessary?


Maintaining a nursery is important in developing ajatropha plantation. This increases the rate of survivalof the planting material.

The nursery should be accessible to the planting site,preferably on a non-sloping area close to a watersource.

Nurseries established near the site of the plantationwill facilitate the distribution of seedlings to the farmers/beneficiaries.

Jatropha nursery


18. What is the ideal size of land for plantingjatropha?

The planting density of 2,500 plants per hectare at2m x 2m spacing has been found to be optimal underrain-fed conditions.

Recent experiences in India showed that spacing of2m x 3m accommodating 1,667 plants per hectare ismore suitable as it provides sufficient area toundertake inter-cropping and also allows easyharvesting and collection of seeds.

It was also observed that a 3m x 3m spacing can befollowed if there is a sufficient irrigation facility and awell-distributed rainfall.

The spacing of 2m x 3m and 3m x 3m will facilitateintercropping during the initial three years of plantationoperations.

If jatropha is to be planted as a hedge crop, the spacingof 1m x 1m may be adopted.

19. How much is the cost of plantation?

Based on the Indian experience of a 2m x 3m spacingwith about 1,667 seeds per hectare, the estimatedcost of nursery raising and plantation is likely to beP50,000 per hectare.

20. How many seeds are required in plantingjatropha?

The seed requirement has been calculated based ona 1,667 seedlings per hectare for a 2m x 3m spacingand 2,500 seedlings per hectare for a 2m x 2mspacing.


Jatropha plantations


21. How much is the cost of seeds per kilo?

The price of jatropha seeds per kilo varies amonglocalities in the country.

Quality seeds fromsuperior sources have tobe collected for raising


Seeds from freshcollection are preferredas the viability of seed is

only for three to fourmonths

and beyond that periodthe germination

percentage decreasesdrastically.

The use of fresh andhealthy seeds will result

in better growth anddevelopment yielding

higher seed rate.

22. How does one goabout in plantingseedlings?

T w o - m o n t h - o l dseedlings should beplanted in pits (45cmx 45cm x 45cm) atspecified spacings.

Each pit is filled withorganic fertilizer andsoil mixture at 3:1ratio (3 parts soil and1 part organicfertilizer).

The basal applicationof fertilizer at the rateof 20 gram (g) urea,120g single superphosphate and 16gmurate of potash ismixed with soil and filled into the pits.

Then the fertilizer is covered with topsoil in a hill-up mannerto avoid erosion and the watering of the plants is done upto two weeks after transplanting.

For cuttings, the same procedure can be adoptedprovided that the stalk is transferred within five days aftercutting.


Normally, fiveroots are formedfrom a jatropha

seed, one central(tap root) and four

peripheral.Cuttings, whenplanted, do notform a tap root.

Jatropha seedlings

23. How much is the costper seedling and percutting?

With very limitedsources of jatropha soldlocally, per seedlingcosts P10 to P15; percutting P5 to P10.


24. There are different varieties of jatropha. Is theresuch specific variety that could well reproduceenough seeds for the country?

Jatropha is grown everywhere in the country andplanting materials/seeds may be sourced nationwide.

Varieties from other countries likewise need to beassessed to determine, among others, their impact tolocal biodiversity.

Thus, the PNOC-AFC has conducted severalassessments on the suitable/best variety of jatrophathrough studies and researches.

• The PNOC-AFC has reviewed severalstudies and reports claiming the high-yielding varieties exist in Madagascar,Ghana, Mexico and Mali.

• The PNOC-AFC’s approach is to initiallyuse local varieties which also producethe same seed yield of 2kg to 3kg perplant (Romblon, Masbate, GeneralSantos, Isabela and General Tinio) and1,300 seeds per kg (Fort Magsaysay).

• Assessment on local and importedvarieties is ongoing to determine theirimpact to local biodiversity, amongothers.




• Provenance Testing is being done todetermine the best local variety in terms ofseed yield per hectare and oil yield per unitmeasure. It also helps in determining thesuitable spacing and plantation design.

• Germplasm is a term used to describe thegenetic resources, or more precisely theDNA of an organism or collections of thatmaterial.

• Germplasm Management includes theconservation of the genetic diversity ofjatropha through collecting,characterization, conservation anddocumentation of local germplasms.

• Pest and Disease Management refers to an‘integrated’ approach, tackling themanagement of pests and diseasesthrough cultural, biological and chemicalmeans.

Before venturing into plantation, for instance, the PNOC-AFC has embarked on a nursery project which alsoserves as its research and development center withactivities, such as different farming systems, germplasmmanagement, provenance testing, and pest and diseasemanagement, among others.

25. Who are PNOC-AFC’s partners in jatrophaplantation?

Recognizing the importance of research anddevelopment, the PNOC-AFC maintains strongpartnership with the following institutions:



• University of the Philippines at Los Baños• Department of Science and Technology – Philippine

Council for Agriculture, Forestry and NaturalResources Research and Development

• Jatropha Research and Development Center, Ministryof Agriculture, Indonesia

• Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia• Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

The total productionof jatropha per

hectare on the firstyear is 1, 250

kilograms (kg);2,750kg on the

second year; and10,000kg on the

succeeding years.

only to achieve desired yield but also to give shape, properaeration and light required by the plant.

• Pruning is a method of cutting offleaves or branches within limits inorder to remove dead leaves orbranches.

• This is likewise used to control ordirect growth, increase quality oryield of flowers or fruit and to ensuregrowth position of main branches toenhance structural strength.

26. How does one maintain ajatropha plantation?

In order to harness the fullpotential yield of jatropha,plantations should bemaintained by providing therequired nutrients andneed-based irrigation.

After reaching full growth,pruning should be done not


with the Department of Scienceand Technology, represented byUndersecretary Graciano P.Yumul

PNOC-AFC, represented byPresident Peter Anthony A. Abaya

partners with Samsung,represented by Vice President

Yoon Kwang Choi

with theUniversity of the Philippines atLos Baños, represented by Chancellor

Rey Velasco


27. How many seeds areproduced perhectare?

The seed yield ofjatropha will varyunder different agro-climatic conditionsand planting density.Seed yield variesfrom 5 MT to 7 MT perhectare underdifferent agro-climaticconditions.

The farmers are likelyto get the additional

Jatropha producesseeds within the

first year of planting.

Seeds for replantingcan be gathered whenthe fruits are alreadyyellow to dark brown.

Seeds that are blackand dry can already be

used for oilextraction.

The average annual income of farmers perhectare per year from jatropha is estimated

at around P50,000.00.

income from intercrops following the spacing of 2m x3m and 3m x 3m under irrigated/well-distributedrainfall.

Under Indian climatic conditions, fruiting takes placeonce a year. It is likely to be twice a year underPhilippine conditions thus resulting to higher yields.

Jatropha is expected to harvest an average of 5 MTper hectare of seeds under favorable conditions. Thesuitable intercrop may be undertaken during the initialyears of plantation as this does not affect the yield ofthe jatropha.


Jatropha oil extracts

The jatropha seed contains 18% protein,8% moisture, 35% fat, 17% carbohydrates,

16% fiber and 6% ash.

28. How much oil can be extracted from a jatrophaseed?

The oil content in jatropha varies from 30% up to 40%in seed and 40% up to 58% in kernel with good qualityseed plantation.

With irrigation, fertile soil, favorable climatic conditionsand the right choice of seeds, jatropha can achieve 6-8 oil tons per annum.

29. What are the issues in the cultivation of jatropha?

• Plant Stocks

Superior plant stocks mean excellent fruiting habits,prolific branching habits, and resistance to pest anddiseases.

• Plantation Management

Efficient plantation management requiresstandardized agro-techniques in harvesting,storage and the like, plus land type (plain rolling land),land size identification, good drainage, sufficientwater supply and strategic location, i.e., close to themarket or accessible to ports or roads.




Chairman Renato S. VelascoExecutive Editor

Yoko Ramos-VingnoProject Director

Theresa T. GapazKahlil Ibrahim D. Macan

Editorial Assistants

Dennis Bryann M. TingWriter/Researcher

Riza J. Baldoria (P.I.A.)Account Manager

Daniel G. Santos (P.I.A.)Creative Consultant

Arnel F. Orea (P.I.A.)Layout Artist

Dennis Bryann M. TingCover Designer

PNOC Alternative Fuels Corporation

The PNOC Alternative Fuels Corporation (PNOC-AFC), formerly knownas the PNOC Petrochemical Development Corporation (PPDC), wasofficially incorporated in July 2006. Its mandate is to explore, developand accelerate the utilization and commercialization of alternative fuelsin the country. It has the primary responsibility over the biofuels projectand to coordinate with the concerned agencies as directed by PresidentGloria Macapagal Arroyo during the joint National EconomicDevelopment Authority-National Anti-Poverty Commission CabinetMeeting on August 8, 2006.

The PNOC-AFC also pursues the development, operation andmanagement of the PNOC-AFC Industrial Park, an industrial estatewith an area of more than 530 hectares located in the province of Bataan.


Renato S. Velasco, Ph.D.Chairman

Peter Anthony A. AbayaPresident and Chief Executive


Augusto B. CatindigDirector

Victor N. CorpuzDirector


Peter Anthony A. AbayaPresident and Chief Executive


Ma. Resancleire V. LimjocoSpecial Assistant to the President

Clovis T. TupasOperations Manager

Elizabeth G. NavaltaCorporate Planning and Finance


Manuel L. OcampoCorporate Services Manager

Asuncion C. DaquerInternal Audit Manager

Jessehan P. PiaLegal Counsel

Stefani C. SanoPark Manager


Joycelyn S. ManuelCorporate Secretary

Joselito D. GonzalesTreasurer
