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CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 4.ppt 1

CSCI 2210: Programming in Lisp

ANSI Common Lisp, Chapters 5-10

CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 4.ppt 2


• Progn• Creates a block of code

• Expressions in body are evaluated

• Value of last is returned(if ( < x 0) ( progn (forma t t "X is l ess than z ero ") (forma t t "and m ore than on e statemen t ") (forma t t "needs to be exec uted in th e IF") (- x) ))

• Prog1• Same as progn, except value of f irst expression is returned

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• Like a progn with• A name

• An "emergency exit"–return-from - Returns from a named block–return - Returns from a block named NIL

• Examples> (bl ock head ( f ormat t " Here we go " ) ( r eturn-fro m head 'id ea) ( f ormat t " We'll neve r see this" ) )

Here we go.IDEA

> (bl ock nil (r eturn 27))27

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Implicit use of Blocks

• Some Lisp constructs implicitly use blocks• All i teration constructs use a block named NIL (note return)

> ( dol ist (x '( a b c d e) ) ( f ormat t " ~A " x) ( i f ( eql x ' c) (retur n 'done)))


• Defun uses a block with same name as the function> ( def un foo () ( r eturn-fro m foo 27))

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• DOTIMES (Review)( doti mes (<coun t er> <uppe r -bound> <f i nal-resul t >) <b ody>)

–Example( doti mes (i 5) ( print i)) ;; prints 0 1 2 3 4

• DOLIST( doli s t (<eleme nt> <list- of-elements > <final-r esult>) <b ody>)

–Example( doli s t ( elem ' ( a b c d)) (print ele m)) ;; pri nts a b c d

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Example of DOLIST

• Given a list of ages of people, how many adults?–List of ages

> ( se t f ages '( 3 4 17 21 22 34 2 7))

–Adult defined as: >= 21 years old> ( def un adultp (age) (>= age 21))

–Using Count-if( defu n count-ad ult (ages) (count-if # 'adultp ages))

–Using dolist( defu n count-ad ult (ages &aux ( nadul t 0)) ( dolist (age ages nadu l t ) (if ( adul t p age) ( setf nadult ( + 1 nadul t )))))

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Example (cont.)

• Get the ages of the first two adults( defu n first-tw o-adults ( ages & aux ( nadult 0) ( adults ni l )) ( dolist (age ages) (if ( adul t p age) ( progn ( setf nad ult (+ nadu l t 1)) (push age adults) (if (= nadult 2) (re t urn adult s ))))))

• Notes• PROGN (and PROG1) are like C/C++ Blocks { … }

> (pr og1 ( setf a 'x) ( set f b 'y) ( se t f c 'z))X

> ( pr ogn ( setf a 'x) ( set f b 'y) ( se t f c 'z))Z

• RETURN exits the DOLIST block–Note: does not necessarily return from the procedure!–Takes an optional return value

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• DO is more general than DOLIST or DOTIMES• Example

( defu n do- expt ( m n) ;; Return M^N (d o ((result 1) ;; Bind variab l e ‘Result ’ to 1 (expone nt n)) ;; Bind variab l e ‘Expone nt’ to N (( zerop exponent) r esult) ;; t est and r eturn valu e ( setf re s ult (* m r esult)) ;; Body ( setf ex ponent (- exponent 1) ) ;; Body

• Equivalent C/C++ definitionint do_expt ( in t m, int n) { in t result, exponent; fo r (result= 1,exponent =n; (expone nt != 0); ) { result = m * result ; exponent = exponent - 1; } re t urn resul t ;}

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DO Template

• Full DO Template (There is also a DO*)(DO ( (<p1> <i1 > <u1>) (<p2> <i2 > <u2>) … (< pN> < iN > <uN>) ) ( <term-tes t > <a1> <a2> … < aN> <result> ) < body> )

• Rough equivalent in C/C++for ( <p1>=<i1> , <p2>=<i2 >,…,< pN>=<i N>; //Note : Lisp=par allel !(<term-t est>); // C/C++ has a “continua t ion-test” <p1>=<u1> , <p2>=<u2 >,…,< pN>=<uN>) { <b ody>}<a1>; <a2>; … ; < aN>;<resu l t>; // No t e: (DO…) i n Lisp eva l uates to <result>// No t e: <p1>,< p2>,…,< pN> are now re s tored to original v alues

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Do-expt, Loop

• Here is another (equivalent) definition of do-expt( defu n do- expt ( m n) (d o ((result 1 (* m re s ult)) (expone nt n (- ex ponent 1))) (( zerop exponent) r esult) ;; Note t hat there is no body ! ) )

• Loop• An infinite loop, terminated only by a (return)

(loop (pr i nt '(Say uncle)) (if (equal (r ead) 'uncl e) (return) ) )

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Multiple Values

• We said each lisp expression returns a value• Actually, can return zero or more values (i.e. multiple values)

> (ro und 7.6) ; Round ret urns two va l ues8-0.4

> ( se t f a (roun d 7.6))8 ; Setf expects only one value, so it takes the first (8)

> a8

• How can you get all values?> (mu l tiple-val ue-list (r ound 7.6))

(8 -0.4)> (mu l tiple-val ue- setq ( i ntpart dif ) (round 7. 6))

8> int part

8> dif


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Generating Multiple Values

• How? Use val ues> (va l ues 1 2 3 ) ; Genera t es 3 retur n values


> ( def un uncons ( aList ) ( v alues (fir s t aList ) ( rest aLis t )))UNCONS

> ( unc ons '(A B C))A(B C)

> (fo r mat t "He l lo World" )" Hello World"NIL

> ( def un format - without-r eturn (out s tr &rest args ) ( apply #'fo r mat out s t r args ) ( v alues)) ; A funct i on with no return va l ue!

FORMAT-WITHOUT-RETURN> (fo r mat-witho ut-return t "Hello")


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Functions about functions

• FBOUNDP - Is a symbol the name of a function?> ( fb oundp '+)


• SYMBOL-FUNCTION - returns function> (sy mbol-funct i on '+)

#<Compiled-Function + 17B4E>> ( se t f (symbol - function ' sqr ) #'(la mbda (x) ( * x x)))

#<Interpreted-Function SQR>> ( def un sqr (x ) (* x x)) ; this is equivalent to above


• Defun and symbol-function define global functions• Local functions can be defined using LABELS

> ( def un add3 ( x ) ( l abels ((a dd1 (x) (+ x 1)) (a dd2 (x) (+ x 2))) (add1 (ad d2 x))))

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• Want a function that can save some values forfuture access/update• Can use global variables for this

> ( se t f *number - of-hits* 0) ; Global variable

0> ( def un increm ent-hits ( ) ( incf *nu mber-of-hi t s*))

INCREMENT-HITS> (in c rement-hi t s)

1> (in c rement-hi t s)


• But, what if someone clobbers the variable?> ( se t f *number - of-hits* " This varia ble is now a string" )

" This variable is now a string"> (in c rement-hi t s)

Error: '*number-of-hits* ' is not of the expected type: NUMBER

• Want something like "static" variables in C/C++.

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Closures (continued)

• One use of closures is to implement 'static' variables safely

• Closure -- Combination of a function and environment–Environment can include values of variables

> (le t ((number - of-hits 0 ) ) ( defun incr ement-hits () ( incf n umber-of-h i ts)))

INCREMENT-HITS–number - of-hits is a free variable– It is a lexical variable (has scope)–A function that refers to a free lexical variable is called a closure

• Multiple functions can share the same environment> (le t ((number - of-hits 0 ) ) ( defun incr ement-hits ( ) ( incf number-of-hi t s)) ( defun rese t -hit-coun t er() ( setf number-of - hits 0))

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Closures (cont)

• Example 1> ( def un make-a dder (n) ; returns fu nction to add n to x # ' (lambda ( x ) (+ x n) ) )> ( se t f add3 (m ake-adder 3)) ; retur ns functio n to add 3

#<Interpreted function C0EBF6>> ( fu ncall add3 2) ; Call function a dd3 with a r gument 2

5> ( se t f (symbol - function ' add3-b) (m ake-adder 3))> (ad d3-b 5)


• Example 2 - Returns an "opposite" function> ( def un our-co mplement ( f ) # ( lambda (& r est args ) (not (ap ply f args ) )))> ( mapcar (our- c omplement # 'oddp ) '( 1 2 3 4))


• Tip of the iceberg in terms of possibilities

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• Format(trac e <procedu r e-name>)

• Example> ( def un factor i al (x) (i f (<= x 1) 1 (factori al (- x 1) ) ))> (tr ace factor i al)

• Causes entry, exit, parameter, and return values to be printed–For EACH procedure being traced

> (fa c torial 3); 1> FACTORIAL called with arg: 3; | 2> FACTORIAL call ed with arg: | 2; | | 3> FACTORIAL called with arg: | | 1; | |3< FACTORIAL returns value: | | 1; | 2< FACTORIAL returns value: | 2; 1< FACTORIAL returns value: 66

• Untrace stops tracing a procedure: (untrace <procedure-name>)

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Print, Read

• Print• Example

> (pr i nt '(A B) )

• Evaluates a single argument–Can be a constant (ex. 100), a variable (x), or any single expression

• Prints its value on a new line

• Returns the value printed

• Read - reads a single expression• Example:

> (re ad)20 23 ( A B) C20 ; ; Note: On l y the 20 i s read; re s t is igno r ed> ( pr ogn (print 'Enter-te mperature) ( read))Enter - temperatu r e 2020

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• Format• Allows more elegant printing

> ( pr ogn (print "Enter te mperature: " ) (read))"Ente r temperat ure: " 3232

> ( pr ogn (forma t t "~%Ent er temperat ure: ") (r ead))Enter temperatu r e: 3232

–The second parameter (t) is the output buffer (T=stdout)–The character “~” signifies that a control character follows–The character “%” signifies a newline (Lisp: “~%” C: “ \n”)–The characters “~a” tells Lisp to substitute the next value

print f ("The va l ue is ( % d, %d )", x , y); /* A C stmt */> (fo r mat t "Th e value is ( ~a, ~a ) " x y) ;; Lisp way> (fo r mat t "Th e value is ( ~10a, ~a )" x y) ; Can get f ancy

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• Write output to a file (e.g. knowledge base)• Prototype of with-open-file

(with - open-file (<stream name> <file sp ecification > :directi on <:input or :output >) …)

• Example> ( se t f fact-da t abase ' ((It is r aining) (It is p ouring) (The old man is sn oring)))> (wi t h-open-fi l e (my-fil e ” myfile . l s p” :direc t ion :outp ut) (print fa c t-databas e my-file))

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• Redefine the built-in Lisp “Load” function• Example of Built In function

> (lo ad "a. lsp " )

• Additional requirements–Want to print each expression that is read in.–Want to print the value returned by the expression

• Definition( defu n my-trace - load (fil ename & aux next- expr next-resul t ) ( with-open - file (f f i lename :di r ection :i nput) (do ((ne x t- expr (r ead f nil) ( read f ni l ))) ((no t next- exp r )) (form at t "~%~% Evaluating ' ~a'" next - expr ) ( setf next-resu l t ( eval ne x t- expr )) (form at t "~% Returned: '~a'" nex t -result)) ) )

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Read-Line, Read-Char

• Read-Line• Reads an individual li ne (terminated by a carriage return)

• Returns it as a character string> (re ad-line)He l lo World

“ Hello World”

• Read-Char• Reads an individual character

• Returns it as a character> (re ad-char)x

#\x ;; This is Lisp notation for the character ‘ x’

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• We've used symbols as names for things• A symbol is much more than just a name

• Includes: name, package, value, function, plist (Property List)

• A symbol is a "substantial object"

• Some functions for manipulating symbols• symbol- name, symbol- pl i st , intern,…

• Details are in Chapter 8 of textbook

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Symbol Names

• By default Lisp symbol names are upper case> (sy mbol-name ' abc )

" ABC"

• Can use "|" to delimit symbol names> (li s t '| abc |) ; n o conversio n

" abc"> (li s t '|Lisp 1.5| '|| ' | abc | '|ABC | )

(|Lisp 1.5| || |abc| ABC) ; Note that only ABC doesn't have delimiter (default)

• Intern creates new symbols> (se t (intern ' |5.1/5)|) 999)

999> |5. 1/5)|


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• Package• A name space for symbols

• Large programs use multiple packages> ( def package " MY-APPLICA TION" ;; Creates n ew package ( : use "COMMON-LISP" " MY-UTILITIE S") ;; Oth er package s ( : nicknames "APP") ( : export "W I N" "LOSE" "DRAW")) ; ; Symbols exported

#<The MY-APPLICATION package>> (in - package m y -applicat i on) ;; Set s this to be default

• New symbols are (by default) created in defaultpackage• The default package, when Lisp is started is COMMON-LISP-


• The COMMON-LISP packages is automatically used

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• Number crunching is one of Lisp's strengths• Many data types, automatically converted from one to another

• Many numeric functions

• Example: Factorial program was easier in Lisp (no overflow!)

• Four distinct types–Types: Integer, Floating Point Number, Ratio, and Complex Number–Examples: 100, 123.45, 3/2, #c(a b) ; #c(a b) = a+bi–Predicates: integerp, floatp, ratiop, complexp

• Basic rules for automatic conversion–If function receives floating point #'s, generally returns floating point #'s– If a ratio divides evenly (for example, 4/2), it will be converted to integer– If complex # has an imaginary part of zero, converted to a real

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Subset of Type HierarchyS u b s et o f Typ e H ierarc h y

C om p lex

B it

F ixnu m B ig n u m

In teg er R atio

R at ion al

L on g -flo atD ou b le- flo atS in g le -floatS h or t-floa t

F loa t

R ea l

N u m b e r


Lisp Expression Return Value( set f a 1 2) ; 12( t ype a ' bi t ) ; NI L( t ype a ' f i xnum) ; T( t ype a ' i nt eger ) ; T( i nt eger p a) ; T( r at i onal p a) ; T( r eal p a) ; T( number p a) ; T

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More on Numbers

• Conversion–(float) (truncate) (floor) (ceili ng) (round) …

> ( mapcar #'flo at '(1 2/3 .5))(1.0 0.6667 0.5)

• Comparison–Use = to compare for equality (also, <,<=, >, >=, /=)

> (= 4 4.0)T

• Other Misc. functions–Max–Min–(expt x n) = X^n–(exp x) = E^x–(log x n) = logn X; N is optional (default = natural log)–sqrt, sin, cos, tan

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• Eval - Evaluates an expression and returns its value> ( ev al '(+ 1 2 3))


• Top-level is also called the read-eval-print loop• Reads expression, evaluates it, prints value, loops back

> ( def un our- to plevel () (loop (form at t "%~> " ) (prin t ( eval (r ead))))

• Eval• Inefficient - slower than running compiled code

• Expression is evaluated without a lexical context

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• Macros• A common way to write programs that write programs• Defmacr o is used to define macros

• Example: A macro to set its argument to NIL> ( def macro nil ! (x) ( l ist 'setf x nil))> (ni l ! A) ;; Expands to ( setf A NI L), is the n evaluate d


• macro-e xpand-1 Generates macro expansion (not eval'ed)> ( mac roexpand - 1 '(nil! A ) )


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• Typical procedure call (defun)• Evaluate arguments

• Call procedure

• Bind arguments to variables inside the procedure

• Macro procedure (defmacro)• Macros do not evaluate their arguments

• When a macro is evaluated, an intermediate form is produced

• The intermediate form is evaluated, producing a value

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Example: Manually Define Pop

• Review of the built in operation “Pop”:• Implements Stack data structure “Pop” operation

> ( se t f a '(1 2 3 4 5))> (po p a)

1> a

(2 3 4 5)

• How would you emulate this using other functions?–Attempt 1: Remove the element “1” from A

> ( se t f a (rest a))(2 3 4 5) ;; A is set correctly to (2 3 4 5), but we want “1” to be returned

–Attempt 2: Remove first element AND return it> (pr og1 (first a) ( setf a (rest a)) )

–Attempt 3: Write a Lisp expression that generates above expression> (li s t 'prog1 ( list 'fir s t a) ( list 'set f a (list ' rest a)))

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Our-Pop, using Macro

• Convert Lisp expression into a macro (Our-Pop)> ( def macro our - pop (stac k ) ( list 'pro g1 (lis t 'first s t ack) (lis t 'setf st ack (list ' r est stack ) )))

–Note similarity to Defun

• Example Call> (OU R-POP a)

• Notes–The parameter “A” is NOT evaluated–“A” is substituted for stack wherever the variable stack appears

(list 'prog1 ( list 'fir s t a) ( list 'set f a (list ' rest a)))

–Intermediate form is generated(prog 1 (first a ) ( setf a ( rest a)))

–Intermediate form is evaluatedA is set to (rest A); the first element is returned

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Our-Pop using Defun

• Why doesn’t this (defun) work the same way?> ( def un our-po p (stack) ( prog1 (fi r st stack) ( setf stac k (rest st ack))))> ( se t f a '(1 2 3 4 5))> (ou r -pop a)

1> a

(1 2 3 4 5)

• Reason: Lisp passes parameters “by-value”–The value of A is COPIED into the variable “stack”–Any changes to the variable “stack” are done to the COPY, and NOT the

original variable A–When the function returns, the original value of A is unchanged

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Significance of Eval Steps

• Macro evaluation has several steps (as noted)–The parameter “A” is NOT evaluated–“A” is substituted for stack wherever the variable stack appears– Intermediate form is generated– Intermediate form is evaluated

• Note that A is evaluated at step 4 above (not step 1)• Why does this matter?

–Answer: For the same reason that it matters in C/C++ macros–You may not want arguments evaluated at all–Or, you may want them evaluated multiple times–Macros give this f lexibilit y

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• Significance of Evaluation Steps (cont)• Consider

> ( def macro our - if-macro ( conditiona l then-par t else-par t ) ( l ist 'if c onditional then-part else-part) )> ( def un our-if - fun (cond i tional the n-part els e-part) ( i f conditi onal then- part else-p art))> (if (= 1 2) ( print "Equ al") (print "Not Equa l "))

–Lisp evaluates all parameters of OUR-IF-FUN before function is called

• Backquote Mechanism• Forward quotes: Entire next expression is not evaluated

> ( def un temp ( ) ( setf a ' (a b c d e ) ))

• Backquote: Next expression is not evaluated (with exceptions)> ( def un temp ( ) ( setf a ` (a b c d e ) ))> ( def un temp ( x ) ( setf a `(a b c d e ,x))

–The “ ,x” expression is evaluated; the value of X is used.

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Backquotes (cont.)

• Exceptions - Backquote evaluates the following• ,variable - Evaluates the value of the variable

> ( se t f x '(h i j))> ( se t f a `(a b c ,x e f) )

(A B C (H I J) E F)

• ,@variable - Splices the elements of a l ist> ( se t f a `(a b c ,@x e f ) )

(A B C H I J E F)

• Backquotes simplify macro development> ( def macro our - if-macro ( conditiona l then-par t else-par t ) ( l ist 'if c onditional then-part else-part) ) ;; old w ay> ( def macro our - if-macro ( conditiona l then-par t else-par t ) ` ( if ,condi t ional ,th en-part ,el s e-part))

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Backquotes simplify macros

• Original version of our-pop> ( def macro our - pop (stac k ) ( list 'pro g1 (lis t 'first s t ack) (lis t 'setf st ack (list ' r est stack ) )))

• Our-pop redefined using backquotes> ( def macro our - pop (stac k ) ` (prog1 (f i rst ,stac k ) ( setf ,s t ack (rest ,stack))) )

–Syntax is much closer to the intermediate form

• Macros can be defined with following parameters• Optional (&optional)

• Rest (& rest)

• Key (&key)

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Macro Design

• Macro: take a number n, evaluate its body n times• Example call

> ( nt i mes 10 ( pr inc "."))……….NIL

• First attempt (incorrect)> ( def macro nti mes (n &re s t body) ` ( do ((x 0 ( + x 1))) ((>= x ,n)) ,@body))

• For example call , within body of macro–n bound to 10–body bound to ((princ "."))

(do ( ( x 0 (+ x 1))) ( ( >= x 10)) ( princ ".") )

–Macro works for example. Why is it incorrect?

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Inadvertent Variable Capture

• Consider• Initialize x to 10, increment it 5 times

> (le t ((x 10)) ( ntimes 5 ( s etf x (+ x 1))) x )


• Expected value: 15

• Why? Look at expansion> (le t ((x 10)) ( do ((x 0 ( + x 1))) ((>= x 5)) ( setf x (+ x 1))) x )

• X is used in let and in the iteration–setf increments iteration variable!

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Gensym Gives New Symbol

• Gensym• Generates a new (uninterned) symbol

> ( def macro nti mes (n &re s t body) ; Still inco r rect thou gh ( l et ((g ( gensym))) `(do ((,g 0 (+ ,g 1 ) )) ((>= ,g ,n)) ,@body ) ))

• The value of symbol G is a newly generated symbol–How does this avoid the problem?–What if the call has a variable G?

• Look at the expansion of(let ( (x 10)) ( ntimes 5 ( s etf x (+ x 1))) x )

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Expansion of ntimes (2)

• Substitute for N and BODY> (le t ((x 10)) ( let ((g ( gensym))) `(do ((,g 0 (+ ,g 1 ) )) ((>= ,g ,5)) ,@(( se t f x (+ x 1))))) x )

• Generate intermediate form> (le t ((x 10)) ( do ((#:G34 0 (+ #:G3 4 1))) ((>= #:G34 5)) ( setf x (+ x 1)) ) x )

• Evaluate15

• This works for our example … but ...

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Multiple Evaluation• What happens when we want to debug…

> (le t ((x 10) ( niteratio n 3)) ( ntimes nit eration ( setf x (+ x 1))) x )


• To debug, insert a print expression> (le t ((x 10) ( niteratio n 3)) ( ntimes (pr i nt nitera t ion ) ( setf x (+ x 1) ) ) x )


• The argument is evaluated multiple times–Apparent when argument causes side-effects–What if the argument was a (setf …)

• Non-intuitive: Expect argument to be evaluated only once.

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Avoiding Multiple Evaluation

• Solution is to copy value when you get into macro• Use copy when needed within macro

> ( def macro nti mes (n &re s t body) ( l et ((g ( gensym)) (h ( gensym))) `(let ((, h ,n)) (do (( , g 0 (+ ,g 1))) (( >= ,g ,h)) ,@b ody))))

• This is correct> (le t ((x 10) ( niteratio n 3)) ( ntimes (pr i nt nitera t ion ) ( setf x (+ x 1) ) ) x )


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Expansion of Ntimes (Final)

• Pprint is a useful function for Pretty PRINTingexpressions

> ( ppr int ( macr oexpand -1 ' ( ntimes ( print nite r ation ) ( se t f x (+ x 1)))))

(LET ((#:G93 (PRINT NITERATION))) (DO ((#:G92 0 (+ #:G92 1))) ((>= #:G92 #:G93)) (SETF X (+ X 1))))

• Problems of Multiple Evaluation and InadvertentVariable Capture• Examples of errors that can occur when working with macros

• Errors are common in Lisp as well as languages like C/C++

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Multiple Evaluation in Pop

• Looking back at our Pop macro• It suffers from multiple evaluation

• We can't use same technique, though–Need to get the first AND do a setf to change the value

> ( def macro our - pop (stac k ) ` (prog1 (f i rst ,stac k ) ( setf ,s t ack (rest ,stack))) )

• Textbook solution avoids multiple evaluation• Page 301• Uses a function get- setf -expansion to get to inner

details of setf

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Case Study: Expert Systems

• Overview of using Lisp for• Symbolic Pattern Matching

• Rule Based Expert Systems and Forward Chaining

• Backward Chaining and PROLOG

• Motivational example• Given:

–A set of Facts–A set of Rules

• Desired result–Answer complex questions and queries

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Smart Animal Guessing• Facts about an animal named “Joey”

–F1. (Joey’ s mother has feathers)–F2. (Joey does not f ly)–F3. (Joey swims)–F4. (Joey is black and white)–F5. (Joey lives in Antarctica)

• Rules about animals in general–R1. If (animal X has feathers) THEN (animal X is a bird)–R2. If (animal X is a bird) and (animal X swims) and (animal X does not

fly) and (animal X is black and white) THEN (animal is a penguin)–R3. If (animal X’s mother Z) THEN (animal X Z)

Exampl e: if (an i mal X’s m other has f eathers) then ( animal X h as feathers )

–R4. If (animal X Z) THEN (animal’ s mother Z)

• Notes–By combining the facts and rules, we can deduce that Joey is a penguin,

and that the Joey’ s mother is a penguin.

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Symbolic Pattern Matching

• Symbolic pattern matching example• Match F1 with the IF part of R1

–F1. (Joey’ s mother has feathers)–R1. If (animal X has feathers) THEN (animal X is a bird)

• The expression (Joey’s mother has feathers)matches the pattern (animal X has feathers).

• The association (animal X = Joey’s mother) is implied

• In general• Symbolic pattern matching

–matching an ordinary expression (e.g. fact) to a pattern expression

• Unification: more advanced version of pattern matching–match two pattern expressions to see if they can be made identical–Find all substitutions that lead to this

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Rule Based Expert System

• Rule Based Expert Systems• Once the pattern matching step is done, then we know that Rule

R1 can be combined with fact F1–F1. (Joey’ s mother has feathers)–R1. If (animal X has feathers) THEN (animal X is a bird)

• The association (animal X = Joey’s mother), along with thesecond part of the rule (animal X is a bird) leads to a derivedfact:–(Joey’ s mother is a bird)

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Forward Chaining

• Basic philosophy:• Given a set of rules R and a set of facts F, what new facts (DF)

can be derived?–DF1: Joey has feathers (R3,F1)–DF2: Joey’s mother is a bird (R1, F1)–DF3: Joey is a bird (R1,DF1) [or, (R3,DF2)]–DF4: Joey’s mother does not f ly (R4, F2)–DF5: Joey’s mother swims (R4, F3)–DF6: Joey’s mother is black and white (R4, F4)–DF7: Joey’s mother lives in Antarctica (R4, F5)–DF8: Joey is a penguin (R2, DF3, F2, F3, F4)–DF9: Joey’s mother is a penguin (R4, DF8) or (R2, DF2, DF5, DF4, DF6)

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Backward Chaining

• Basic philosophy• Can a statement (e.g. Joey is a penguin) be proven given the

current set of facts and rules?

• Work backwards, to determine what facts, if true, can prove thatJoey is a penguin (or prove that Joey is not a penguin).–B1. R2: (Joey is a penguin) IF (a) Joey is a bird; (b) Joey swims; (c) Joey

does not fly; and (d) Joey is black and white–B2. R1: (Joey is a bird) IF (Joey has feathers)–B4. R3: (Joey has feathers) IF (Joey’s mother has feathers)–DF1. (Joey has feathers), since we know (Joey’s mother has feathers (F1)–DF2. (Joey is a bird), since we know (Joey has feathers) (DF1)–DF3. (Joey is a penguin), since (a), (b), (c), and (d) are known to be true

(DF2, F3, F2, F4 respectively)

• The fact (Joey is a penguin) can be derived

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Does this apply in the real world?• Given a clinical specimen, need to know what tests to perform?

–Example facts about a specific patient specimen (to test whether a personhas Syphili s):F1. A utomated Reagin Test result is Reactive, Titer=8F2. Mi croheme Agglutinati on Test is Non-Reacti v eF3. S pecimen is from a pr egnant woma nF4. P r ior histo r y indicat es a result of Reacti v e, Titer= 2F5. P r ior test was perfor med 12 mont hs ago

–Example rulesR1. I F (Autom ated Reagi n Test is R eactive, T i ter >= 4) A ND ( Micro heme Agglu t ination Te s t is Non- Reactive) T HEN (Rapid Plasma Reagin test m ust be per f ormed)R2. I F (Speci men is fro m a pregnan t woman) T HEN ( Micro heme Agglu t ination Te s t must be performed )R3. I F (Speci men is fro m a pregnan t woman) T HEN (Autom ated Reagi n Test must be perfor med twice)

–Sample questions:What t ests need to be per f ormed? (Fo r ward chai ning)Shoul d we do th e RPR test ? (Backward chaining)Is th e specimen considere d abnormal? (Backward chaining)

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• Lisp is a good language for implementing expertsystems.• Concise programs

• Flexible processing of l ists

• Basic implementations are shown in chapters 24-27

• Other applications of expert systems• Mathematics: Calculus, geometry

• Computer configuration, electronic circuits

• Evaluate geological formations, planned investments

• Diagnosis of infections

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Building an Expert System

• Knowledge representation• how to represent facts, patterns, rules

• how to represent sets of these

• Build a pattern matcher

• Build the inference engine• Forward Chaining

• and/or Backward Chaining

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Implementing Pattern Matching

• Want a procedure to match patterns• Input

–Animal X has feathers (pattern)((? X ) has feat hers) ; U s es (? Var ) for patte r n variabl e

–Joey’s mother has feathers (regular expression or Fact)((mot her Joey) has feathe r s)

• Returns–Mapping between pattern variables

( (X ( mother Jo ey)) )

• Example call> (ma t ch '((? X ) has feat hers) '((mot her Joey) has feather s ) )

((X (mother Joey)))> (ma t ch '((? X ) has (? Z ) ) '(Joey has feath ers)))

((X Joey) (Z feathers))

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Return values of Match

• Return value is a set of variable bindings–Example

((X Joey) (Z feathers))–General Form

( (var1 value1) (var2 value2) … (varN valueN) )

• What if the two patterns don’ t match?–First attempt: On failure, return NIL

> (ma t ch '((? X ) has feat hers)) '(Jo ey does no t fly))NIL

• But consider...> (ma t ch '(Joey has feath ers) '(Joey has feath ers)))

–This matches, but there is no need to bind any variables.–So, need to return SUCCESS with a list of zero variable bindings: ( )

NIL <-- NIL = ( )

• Need to differentiate between failed match and match with novariable bindings

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Return values of Match (cont.)

• Approach taken by Winston/Horn• Note: This is NOT the only way to do it

–NIL = Success, empty list of pattern variables–FAIL = Symbol returned when the pattern and datum don’t match

• Examples> (ma t ch '((? X ) has feat hers) '((mo t her Joey) has feath ers))

((X (mother Joey)))> (ma t ch '((? X ) has (? Z ) ) '(Joey h as feather s )))

((X Joey) (Z feathers))> (ma t ch '((? X ) has feat hers)) '(Jo ey does no t fly))

FAIL> (ma t ch '(Joey has feath ers) '(Joey has feath ers)))

NIL ; Treated as an empty list

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Match Function Definition

• Function definition for MATCH: 4 basic branches;; Ca l culates a nd returns bindings ( i f success f ul);; Or , returns ' FAIL( defu n match (p d &option al bindings ) ;; 1. If P a nd D are b oth atoms, ;; If the y ’re equal , it’s a ma t ch, other wise FAIL ;; e. g. (match ' FEATHERS ' FEATHERS) ;; 2. If P i s a patter n variable ;; Assign the value of D to th e pattern v ariable i n P ;; e. g. (match ' (? X) 'JOE Y) ;; sh ould assig n the value JOEY to t he variabl e X ;; 3. If P a nd D are b oth Lists ;; Recurs i vely solv e for match es ;; e. g. (match ' (A B (? X) (D E)) '( A B C (D E ) )) ;; sh ould recur s ively call match on ( A vs . A) ;; (B vs . B) (( ? X) vs . C) ((D E) vs . (D E)) ;; 4. Any ot her case ( e.g. atom vs . list, e t c.) ;; FA I L)

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Match: Case 1, Case 4

• Part 1:• Build up Cond infrastructure

• Implement case 1 (P and D are both atoms)

• Implement case 4 (Everything Else)( defu n match (p d &option al bindings ) ( cond ((and ( atom p) ( atom d)) ;; Ca s e 1: Both p and d ar e atoms ;; If P and D a r e equal: M atch. Retu r n binding s ;; Ot herwise, r eturn FAIL (if ( eql p d) b i ndings 'FA I L)) (…Case 2…) (…Case 3…) (t ;; Ca s e 4: Any other case. Return F AIL 'FAIL ) ))

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Match: Case 3

• Case 3 (P and D are lists and need to be solved recursively)–Algorithm

;; A) Match the first pai r , to get n ew binding s;; B) If first pair faile d,;; C) return fail;; D) Otherw i se, using the bindin gs returne d;; by step (A), match rema i ning pair s

–Code( defu n match (p d &option al bindings ) ( cond (…Case 1…) (…Case 2…) ((and ( listp p) ( listp d)) ; P and D are both L i sts ;; Re c ursively s olve for m atches (let ( (result (match (f i rst p) (fi r st d) bin dings))) ; ( A) (if ( eq 'fail r esult) ; ( B) ' FAIL ; ( C) ( match (re s t p) (rest d) result ) ))) ; ( D) (…Case 4…) ) )

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Match, Case 2

• Case 2: P is a variable, D is a piece of data• Example: P=(? X); D=Joey

• Make the binding (X Joey)

• Add it to the bindings already defined–Old Bindings: ( (A apple) (B banana) )–After adding: ( (X Joey) (A apple) (B banana) )

• Code for adding a new binding to a list of bindings( defu n add-bind i ng (p d b i ndings) (c ons (list ( second p) d) binding s ))

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Match, Case 2 (continued)

• Note:–Before adding a binding, need to check if the binding already exists– If binding exists, it should match previous binding

• Example 1> (ma t ch '((? X ) (? Y) im plies (? X) (? Z)) (Joey smokes im plies Joey ( will get c ancer)))

( (X Joey) (Y smokes) (Z (will get cancer)))NOT((X Joey) (Y smokes) (X Joey) (Z (will get cancer)))

–When the algorithm finds (X Joey), no new binding should be created

• Example 2> (ma t ch '((? X ) (? Y) im plies (? X) (? Z)) (Joey smokes im plies Mary ( will get c ancer)))

FAIL–This should fail because X cannot be bound to both Joey and Mary–When the algorithm finds (X Joey) while trying to bind (X Mary), the

routine should return FAIL

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Match, Case 2 (continued)

–Example 1(matc h '(? X) ' J oey '((X Joe y ) (Y smok es) (Z (wil l get canc er)))

–Example 2(matc h '(? X) ' Mary '((X Joe y ) (Y smok es) (Z (wil l get canc er)))

–Example 3(matc h '(? X) ' J oey '((Y smo k es) (Z (w i ll get can c er)))

–Algorithm;; 1. Check if v ariable i s already b ound;; 2. If bound, try to ma t ch the val ue of the v ariable;; to the da t um;; 3. If bou nd and the binding ma t ches, ret urn bindin g;; (nothi ng new nee ds to be do ne). (Exa mple 1);; 4. If bou nd and the binding do esn’t matc h, return FAIL;; (Examp l e 2);; 5. If not bo und, add a binding (E x ample 3)

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Match, Case 2 (continued)

–Find-binding: Uses Assoc> (fi nd-binding '(? X) '( ( X Joey) (Y smokes) ( Z (will ge t …)))

(X Joey)–Match

( defu n match (p d &option al bindings ) ( cond (…Case 1…) ((and ( listp p) ( eq (second p) '?)) ; Is p=~ ( ? X) (let ( binding ( f ind-bindin g p bindin gs)) ; (1 ) (if binding ; (2 ) (match (s econd bindi ng) d bind i ngs) ; (3 , 4) (add-bind i ng p d bin dings) ; (5 ) ))) (…Case 3…) (…Case 4…) ))
