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JUNE 2011

Temple-Anniesland Parish Church

869 Crow Road GLASGOW G13

Tele: 0141-959 1814

Congregational Number 161054 Scottish Charity Number SCO15579

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“ What you are, is God’s gift to you, What you become is your gift to God.”

Friends, it has been great coming to join you as your new Minister, and to have

been able to spend some time getting to know you. Some of you will

remember me being here as a Probationer Minister some 15 years ago! It has

been lovely to come back, and to see so many familiar faces, as well as to

have the opportunity to get to know some new ones. As a church family I

know you are very caring of one another, and that is evident is so many ways.

One of the verses I have been pondering over recently is from Isaiah chapter

43 verse 19: “ see, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up: do you not perceive it!

I feel that we have entered into a new partnership together to seek to be God‟s

people here in this place, and to build a church relevant for all age groups here

in our parish. It is great to work towards the realisation of our Vision statement,

and to explore our faith and share it with others. We build on fine ministries of

the past, and to seek to discern God‟s way forward for us.

These are therefore exciting times – times to reflect and to ponder, and to pray

and to act. We will need everyone to work together to explore the new

possibilities for the future. We need people of prayer, people of wisdom,

people who are courageous, people who are willing to use their talents to serve

God in traditional and more radical ways. I am counting on every one of you to

work with me, as we seek to build the kingdom of God. Along the way, my

prayer is that through the questions and the ups and downs of the journey, that

we will learn more about our God, and grow in our faith.

A Thank you from the Manse family

As the manse family, we thank you for making the manse so comfortable for

us, and we thank Robert and his team for working so hard to make this

possible. Colin, Andrew and myself – as well as Jack the dog - really

appreciate your goodwill and thoughtfulness, and your generous gifts to us at

the Induction evening. Thank you especially for my beautiful stole, which I

intend to wear when celebrating the sacraments.



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( 3 ) My Dear Friends, I want to thank you all for the very generous gift you gave to me at the Induction of Fiona Gardner on 11

th May – to receive such a handsome cheque

was quite overwhelming and I was (almost!) lost for words! Later in the year when Ann is more mobile and feeling better we will have a holiday and use the money to pay for a cottage in the countryside. I have greatly enjoyed my time with you as your Locum, your deserved reputation for warmth and friendship has been amply experienced by both Ann and myself, and I will long remember these 15 months as especially happy and worthwhile. I am pleased to think that the continuity I provided helped to keep things going during what can be a difficult time for any congregation when they are seeking a new Minister. I felt really at home from the very outset and it was a pleasure and a privilege to be with you week by week. You made me welcome in your homes and I am only sorry that I was not able to visit all of you. To use the well-worn phrase, Temple-Anniesland is “in good heart” and is ready now to move forward with Fiona at the helm. The leadership in the Church is of a very high quality and commitment and I know that good things will happen in the days to come as you all develop and explore new ways of serving each other and the community of which you are such a central part. Of course the end of my Locumship does not mean the end of the friendships we have made – they will endure and I have no doubt that we will meet each other in the days to come. We wish you well and every blessing,

David and Ann Keddie.

THE GUILD By the time you are reading this article, the first of our Tuesday “Tea & Chat” afternoons, will been and gone but don‟t despair, there will be one every First Tuesday of the month throughout July, August and September, and I hope to see as many of the Guild and congregation on these days. I hope you all have a happy and sunny time over the holidays and like me are looking forward to the Guild resuming in October.

Fay Platt


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Once again I am late with my report but I have got a good excuse. I have been

involved in a lot of Presbytery Business plus I was studying the Blue Book prior

to going to the General Assembly. In fact I have been so busy that in the last

few weeks I only played one game of golf. Mind you now that I think about it

the weather wasn‟t very good anyway.

I have been an elder for 32 years now and had never been at the General

Assembly until this year. If you have never been I suggest that you go through

for one day and you can sit in the spectators seats if you are not a

commissioner. We are probably lucky being in Glasgow Presbytery because

we are used to speaking to approx. 300 Presbyters and therefore it is not too

awesome to us to speak at the General Assembly. As you know I am interested

in the Financial Side and managed on the first day to put through a counter

motion to an Assembly Council motion with regards the threshold figure for

Receipts and Payments Accounts. There were some high media profile matters

discussed at this Assembly but I do not intend to go into any details but all I

would say is do not believe everything you read or hear on the news.

Talking about expenses we have had a lot of expense recently on the manse and church buildings but fortunately we have had reserves to fully cover them. We have now received permission from Presbytery to go ahead with replacing our old heating boiler and are just waiting now for final permission from the General Trustees More important how is our income doing. Well up to the end of May our offerings are up on last year but unfortunately our general expenses are also up on last year therefore to the end of May we were slightly in deficit for the year to date in our General Fund. We have received a legacy of £5,000 from the estate of the late Alice Bissell. The retiring collection for CHAS at the March communion totalled £156.66 and the £1 for the Easter egg collection for the Lodging House Mission raised £134.06. The Christian Aid Lunch was a great success raising a total of £650.65 with Christian Aid being able to get a further £78 from gift aid. Which of course leads me on to my usual plug if you pay tax and have not yet signed a gift aid form please ask Elisabeth Robertson (Tel 959 0498) for one.



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JOHN BROWN’S COLUMN ( 5 ) I was sorry to have missed the opening chapters in the ministry of the Rev. Fiona

Gardner, my thoughts and prayers were with you all on the 11th

May. I am glad we have

moved forward and appointed the Rev. Gardner. I remember when Fiona was here a

while back being a very positive asset to our congregation. I am sure you will all join me

in wishing Fiona a long and fruitful ministry in Temple-Anniesland parish. I look forward

with optimism for the future of our Christian witness in this parish.

We are at a pivotal moment in our mission of outreach to our fellow citizens. We must

look outward to the future and present our understanding of the gospel message in a

manner relevant to the people in our parish and beyond. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes

can see something that we may have missed, a different way of connecting with the

layperson in the street. If we wish to attract teenagers and young adults to our church,

we have to find effective ways of engaging with them and find out how they relate to

God (if at all). Perhaps we should give them the freedom under some guidance to

express worship in their own way, a way that is meaningful to them. We can remain in

the background, ready to offer help, guidance, and support when asked. If we make our

church building useful to the local community, and they value it, they will protect it.

As some of you know, I was on holiday on the island of Lesvos in Greece to do a bit of writing and observe nature in action. This island is unique for its size in having such a rich biodiversity of plant and animal life. Aristotle came here for a short visit but stayed for two years noting meticulously what he observed. I went to an open-air English service adjacent to the beach on Sunday morning 22

nd May. It was a simple yet uplifting

service that reminded me of our Thursday morning service. What a wonderful opportunity for spreading the Word. I appreciated the fact that we have the freedom to worship our Lord in a different country. This is something that is denied to many people all over the world. I have always been intrigued by this passage from Aristotle, I can‟t remember the source of the quote: -

“There is life which is higher than the measure of humanity: men will live it not by virtue

of their humanity, but by virtue of something in them that is divine. We ought not to listen

to those who exhort a man to keep to man‟s thoughts, but to live according to the

highest thing that is in him, for small though it be, in power and worth it is far above the


Aristotle 384 - 322 BC

P.S. I almost forgot to mention the Rev. David Keddie our recent Locum “par

excellence”. I would like to say I have mixed feelings at this time, I am sad that David

has gone, inevitable as it was, I am glad that he has, as this means we now have a new

Minister. David‟s sermons were never dull, they were at times challenging, illuminating

and full of facts gleaned from his life experiences as a teacher and a minister and,

importantly, there was humour there as well. David was also a very welcome addition to

our choir.


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The Brownies have been very busy practicing for their “Parents & Friends” Evening on

Tuesday 14th June. All are welcome to come and join us at 6.30pm. We are having a

“Weakest Link” quiz , a short Play and a “Brownies Got Talent” competition. We are all

ready and very excited at going to Brownie Camp from 10-12 June, along with the

Thursday Brownies and a Pack from St John‟s Renfield Church. Our theme is “The Big

Top Circus” and we are having a circus skills “workshop” and lots of carnival games to

take part in over the week-end. We also have several promotions to the Guide Unit this


Lesley Murray


This year members of Temple-Anniesland Church helped raise the following sums for

the work of Christian Aid with the world‟s poor:-

House-to-House collection: £636.41

Christian Aid Lunch: £650.65

Erskine Bridge Sponsored Cross: £713.50

Tax reclaimed on House-to-house £ 74.25

Tax reclaimed on Lunch £ 78.50

Tax reclaimed on Bridge Cross £ 55.00

Total: £2208.31

A „well done‟ to all those involved, whether crossing the Erskine Bridge in a

symbolic journey between North and South, knocking on doors in an act of Christian

witness and charity or paying generously for your bread and cheese lunch. What

happens to the money raised?

Most goes to project work undertaken with partner organisations in 45 countries. Christian Aid works with people of different faiths and none. It aims to provide aid where the need is greatest. The focus is mostly on long-term solutions aimed at helping people become self-sufficient, create healthier environments and live in peace with each other.

When disasters occur available funds will go towards emergency relief.

Campaign funds enable Christian Aid to speak out about such things as the unfair rules of global trade and the burden of third world debt.

Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts. (Zechariah 7: 9-10)

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THANK YOU “Mrs Jean Taggart” I would like to thank the Congregation for the flowers we received following the death of my mum Jean. I would also like to thank those who attended her funeral and thanks also to the Revd David Keddie for his visits and comforting Service. Janette Hislop and Family

A very sincere thanks to the church family who have showered so much love on me with their good wishes and cards wishing me well in my move to Largs. Although I‟ve moved to the seaside, I‟ve not, as yet, moved my church - just relinquished certain duties. I have so much for which to thank God and want to continue to serve Him in whatever way I can. Already he has me working as a volunteer in the Rainbow Cafe and Bookshop (a unique little Christian outreach) so, I hope to see many of you in Largs – in my home or in “my” shop!

Hylda McNair






Ms M Attrill Miss K Bisset Mrs I Stobie Ms Y Robertson Mr H Moore Mr G Browning Mrs M Grieve Mrs J Taggart Mr N McRitchie Miss C Renville

Bristol (Memorial Service) Gt Western Road Rotherwood Avenue Crow Road Fern Cottages Glencoe Street Sutcliffe Road Tweed Drive Ripon Drive Churchill Drive




Sir Matthew Goodwin Kelvin Court

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I can do all things through prayer and a coffee

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Miss M Milliken,Mrs H Slater, Mrs A Crawford, Mrs C Robertson, Mr D Cumming Mrs L Murray, Mrs H Provan, Mrs J Smyrl, Mr L Smyrl Miss J Greenlees, Mrs E MacDonald.. Mrs M Stewart, Mrs M McCormack, Ms A Gray, Mrs M Hutchison, Mr W Hutchison. Mrs J Stewart, Mrs J McGregor, Mrs J Edgar, Mrs A Cowan, Mrs P Dawson, Mr J Muldrew. Miss F McIntyre, Mrs M Blackley, Mrs H McLean, Mrs I Brown, Mrs G McMillan, Mr M Macleod. Mrs M Stewart, Miss K Creelman, Mrs R Donnelly, Mrs M Reith, Miss A Weir. Mrs G Cullen, Miss J Maughan, Mrs C Lintott, Mrs S Kerr Mrs E Todd, Mrs M Campbell. Mrs M Begg, Mrs M Cowan, Mrs A Paterson, Mrs D McKinnon, Mrs J Murray, Mr I Murray Mrs N Sinclair, Mrs M Paton, Ms S Campbell, Mr J Brown, Mrs J Steele, Ms C Sinclair, Miss M Milliken, Mrs H Slater, Mrs A Crawford, Mrs C Robertson, Mr D Cumming.

Mrs L Murray, Mrs H Provan, Mrs J Smyrl, Mr L Smyrl Miss J Greenlees, Mrs E MacDonald, Mrs M Stewart, Mrs M McCormack, Ms A Gray, Mrs M Hutchison, Mr W Hutchison. Mrs J Stewart, Mrs J McGregor, Mrs J Edgar, Mrs P Dawson, Mrs A Cowan, Mr J Muldrew

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Seasons change, God never does

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Mrs L Blackie In Memory of the Brackenridge Family Ms E Gordon Mrs M Begg Miss N Clark Mrs J McGregor Mr R MacDonald Miss K Creelman Mrs R Tosh Mrs A Murray Mrs M Stewart Mr & Mrs P Brien Mrs C Munn Mrs M Carson Mrs J Laird Mrs I Brown In Memory of Margaret Scott Mrs M Wilkie Mrs A Sweeney

Gillian McMillan Liz Gordon Molly Begg June Stewart Arlene Brown Stella MacDonald Andrea Murray Marion Stewart Alison Brien Reena Tosh Cathy Robertson Isobel Brown Elisabeth Robertson

There are several free dates if anyone would like to put flowers in Church in memory of a loved one or to commemorate a Special occasion. Please contact Elisabeth Robertson on 0141-959 0498. Dates available are:-

2nd October 2011; 16th October 2011; 22nd January 2012;

6th May 2012; 13th May 2012; 10th June 2012

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Joe Houston, Audrey Spence, Iain Smith, Elisabeth Robertson, Fay Platt, Margaret Campbell Robert Dallas, Rae Donnelly, Nancy Sinclair, Betty Spence, Stella MacDonald, Pamela Dallas Communion John Brown, Maureen Milliken, Annette Wright, Cathie Lintott, Isobel Brown, Jean Steele Murdoch MacLeod, Molly Begg, Christine MacLeod, David Murray, Isobel Haddow, Andrea Murray Les Smyrl, Jessica Smyrl, Marilyn Primrose, Fred Tosh, Danny Cumming, Evelyn MacDonald, Mariana Palinkash Fiona McIntyre, Clare Sinclair, Andy Robertson, Catherine Robertson, Ian Murray, June Murray Anne Weir, Kathleen Creelman, Tom Griffiths, Marion Stewart, Maureen Mee, Isabel Barrie Margaret Maclean, June Stewart, Alison Gray, Fergus Stevenson, Bill Hutchison, John Edgar Joe Houston, Audrey Spence, Iain Smith, Elisabeth Robertson, Fay Platt, Margaret Campbell Robert Dallas, Rae Donnelly, Nancy Sinclair, Betty Spence, Stella MacDonald, Pamela Dallas John Brown, Maureen Milliken, Annette Wright, Cathie Lintott, Isobel Brown, Jean Steele Murdoch MacLeod, Molly Begg, Christine MacLeod, David Murray, Isobel Haddow, Andrea Murray Les Smyrl, Jessica Smyrl, Marilyn Primrose, Fred Tosh, Danny Cumming, Audrey Embleton, Mariana Palinkash Anne Weir, Kathleen Creelman, Tom Griffiths, Marion Stewart, Maureen Mee, Isabel Barrie Margaret Maclean, June Stewart, Alison Gray, Fergus Stevenson. Bill Hutchison, John Edgar Communion Fiona McIntyre, Clare Sinclair, Andy Robertson, Catherine Robertson, Ian Murray, June Murray

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Session Clerk


Clerk to Board

Church Officer

Roll Keeper

Fabric convener

FWO/Planned Giving

Hall Lets

Flower Convener


Crosstalk Editor


Welcome To Church (Team Leader)

Church Link

Church Web Site

Fiona Gardner [email protected] 869 Crow Rd Glasgow G13

James Stewart

Fergus Platt

Clare Sinclair

Evelyn Greechan

John Edgar

Robert Dallas

Elisabeth Robertson

Evelyn Greechan

Elisabeth Robertson

Stewart Henderson

Fay Platt

[email protected]

Jean Findlater

Elisabeth Robertson (Tom Griffiths)

959 5647

959 1814

959 5814

952 2626

950 2679

579 9958

339 1707

944 1551

959 0498

579 9958

959 0498

954 9226

952 2626

952 2626

959 3219

530 9745 954 9098

For God so loved the world

that He didn’t send a Committee

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Public Worship 11.00am & 6.30pm Crèche during morning worship, Sunday Club: Beginners Primary, Juniors & Seniors 11.00am till 12.15pm Rainbows 6.00pm Mothers & Toddlers 9.30am The Guild 2.00pm Brownies & Guides 6.30pm & 7.30pm Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 10.30am (Weeks 2 & 4 All are welcome to either or both) ALL Sections of Boys’ Brigade 6.30pm Mothers & Toddlers Group 9.30am Coffee 10.30am Service 11.00am Brownies 7.00pm Choir Practice 8.00pm
