Page 1: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager

Critical Writing/ Bellringer

Locke Hobbes Voltaire Rousseau Montesquieu

These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager. You have to choose one to campaign for, who would it be and why?

What would be your slogan/pitch? How would you run your campaign Why do you think your guy would win

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Page 3: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager

Road to RevolutionWhat caused a group of colonies to rebel against the most powerful empire of the time?

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1. How did the French and Indian War change the relationship between the colonies and Britain?

2. Which British policies in the colonies led to disagreement?

3. How did colonial protests against British policies escalate to armed conflict?

4. How did individual leaders influence the course and outcome of the revolution?

5. How did significant events of the American Revolution influence the course and outcome of the revolution?

Unit 2 Essential Questions

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Causes of American Revolution•OVERALL MAIN IDEA:

American resentment and resistance increased as the British government passed new laws to pay for, protect and control the colonies after the French and Indian War.

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1776 – Colonists declare their Independence from Britain• HOW DID WE GET TO THIS POINT???

Enlightenment Education French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763 “Acts” restricting the colonists Sons and Daughters of Liberty Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party First and Second Continental Congress Lexington and Concord Bunker Hill

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Behind the Revolution…•The Enlightenment (ca. 1600s-early 1800s)

o Cultural movement of intellectuals beginning in the 17th century

o challenged old ways of thinking

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Behind the Revolution…•The Enlightenment (ca. 1600s-early 1800s) Hobbes: People are incapable of ruling themselves and need the iron fist of a strong leader

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Behind the Revolution…•The Enlightenment (ca. 1600s-early 1800s)

o Voltaire: “Man is free at the instant he wants to be.”

oBelieved in tolerance, freedom of religion and speech

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Behind the Revolution…•The Enlightenment (ca. 1600s-early 1800s)

o Rousseau: No man has any natural authority over any other man.o Everyone is equal o Believed in social contract – an agreement by people to submit to law for the good of all

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Behind the Revolution…•The Enlightenment (ca. 1600s-early 1800s)

o Montesquieu: argued for separation of powers in government – that the government should be separated into a law-making branch, a law-enforcing branch, and a judicial branch

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Behind the Revolution…•The Enlightenment (ca. 1600s-early 1800s)

o John Locke: Government should only exist to protect the natural rights of peopleo If the government does not protect its people’s rights, then the people have a right to overthrow that government

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Page 14: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager

SEVEN YEARS’ WAR 1754ish-1763

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• French ally with Native Americans to fight the British


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Page 17: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager

Albany Plan of Union 1754• Benjamin Franklin proposed a plan for the colonies to join together under one government partly so they would be a stronger force against the French.

• Each colony would have to give up some power for the sake of unity, but several colonies did not want to surrender power

• The union failed

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• France and Britain are fighting over land in the Ohio River Valley

• Britain spent lots of $$$ on the war but eventually defeated the French

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Page 20: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager
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Page 22: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager

• The British have just spent A LOT of money to finish a way with France and Native Americans

• Proclamation Line of 1763- To avoid further conflict with Native Americans, King George III drew a line at the Appalachian Mountains and told the colonists in America that they were not allowed to settle west of that line

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o King George III declares that the colonists cannot settle west of the Appalachian Mountains

oColonists see this as an interference into their affairs

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Causes of American Revolution

•QUESTION for Discussion

Britain has just fought and won a very expensive war. How do you think they are going to try to pay for that war?

HINT: Mercantilism

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Causes of American Revolution


o The British thought of the American colonists as tenants in the mercantilist system

oThe American colonists resented the fact that they existed only to produce more wealth for Britain felt used.

oNavigation Acts- any goods bought by colonies from other countries had to go to England first

oWhy do you think???

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Causes of American Revolution

•SUGAR ACT 1764(to enforce mercantilist policies)

o “Act” = a law/decree

o Sugar Act - tax on sugar imports To make more $$$ for Britain

o Reaction: colonists resented Britain because they were not making $$$

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Causes of American Revolution

•STAMP ACT 1765 Every newspaper, pamphlet, and other public or legal document had to be printed or written on paper with an official stamp (seal) on it – the stamp had to be bought

oReaction: protests – the colonists are angry that they have no say in these taxeso “Taxation without representation”- wanted

to be part of the government o Colonists boycotted British goodsoThis leads to the repeal of the Stamp Act

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Causes of American Revolution

•STAMP ACT(continued)

o Unlike other “hidden taxes” on goods, this tax was paid at the time of purchase, which caused strong reactions

o boycotting, riots, harassment of tax collectors

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Causes of American Revolution

•STAMP ACT Congress

o “Stamp Act Congress”- delegates from 9 colonies met in N.Y. o They sent a letter to the King declaring only colonists could tax the colonists

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STAMP ACT is repealed

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Causes of American Revolution•TOWNSHEND ACTS 1767

o Britain repealed the Stamp Act, but now introduced a new set of taxes

oThese Acts imposed taxes on many goods used in the colonieso Reactions

Resentment Sons of Liberty Pamphlets, newspapers, political cartoons (propaganda)

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Causes of American Revolution

•Sons of Libertyo Spoke and acted out against the King and Parliament

•Daughters of Libertyo urged Americans to wear homemade fabrics and produce other goods that were available only from Britain beforeo believed this would help the American colonists become economically independent

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Causes of American Revolution

•Boston Massacre 1770o Presence of British soldiers in Boston angers colonists

o Group of colonists taunt British soldiers and throw snowballs

o Soldiers fire shots into crowd – killing several protestors

o Crispus Attucks – 1st casualty of American Revolution

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Page 35: Critical Writing/ Bellringer  Locke  Hobbes  Voltaire  Rousseau  Montesquieu  These “thinkers” are running for President but needs a campaign manager

Causes of American Revolution

•Tea Act 1773o passed by Parliament in 1773, this Act pushed the sale of British tea in the American colonies

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Boston Tea Party

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WARM UP:Who do you think was at fault at the Boston Massacre? Why?

•Were the colonists justified in taunting the British soldiers?

•Were the soldiers justified in shooting into the crowd?

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Causes of American Revolution

• Intolerable Acts/ Coercive Acts o banned town meetings oBoston Port – closed the Boston port until colonists paid for lost tea and damages of Boston o Quartering Act- housing of British soldiers ---> led to 3rd amendment

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Causes of American Revolution

•Colonist response to Boston MassacrePatriots used the killings as propaganda

Formed committees of correspondence – groups organized in different colonies to communicate with one another

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Causes of American Revolution

Colonists’ response to Intolerable Acts•September, 1774First Continental Congress- Each colony sent representatives to Philadelphia to discuss what should be done in response to British actions

Famous delegates: John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Jay, George Washington, Patrick Henry

Did not accomplish much… voted to boycott British goods called on colonies to prepare for possible fight
