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VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012




VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

1. Tragic event in Parla, Madrid.

2. A Robbery in Arinaga Beach.

3. Bullying, a terrible violence.

4. Tragedy in Hillsborough.

5. Dead Man Found in Las Palmas

6. Rape and Robbery in New York.

7. Tragedy on the Streets of London.

8. Accident in Tenerife.

9. Dreadful Passional Crime.

10.A murder for stealing a car in Barajas Airport.

11.Without Air in Halloween

12.Collapsed Twin Towers.

13.The most Famous Theft in Spain.

14.Robbery and murder of a Young By.

15.Dead Girl in Cruce de Arinaga.

16.The Karate Case

17.The Criminal of the Building.

18.Murder in Gran Canaria

19.Drug Haul in Gran Canaria.

20.Serial Murderer in Gran Canaria.

21.Thriller Music Party in Madrid Arena.

22.Suicide in Barakaldo.




VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

Tragic Event in Parla, Madrid

A woman with 35 years old has died

from multiple stab wounds in an

apartment located at the 14th Stars Avenue

in Parla, on Monday, the 2nd of April 2012,

as a spokesman of Emergency Madrid


As her family say, they

suspect that the alleged

culprit is her husband of 40

years old, with whom she

had a 9 year relationship and that day, he

supposedly wore a green shirt and a short

cowboy brown shoes.

The 112 has received a wake up call

at 6 o'clock in the morning on Sunday and

when the SUMA physicians came to the

apartment, they found the

woman in a white coat, blue

sandals and a tight ponytail, lying in bed,

surrounded but a lot of blood and several

serious injuries over the body and several

stabbings. “The victim was already dead

and the medical team could only confirm

the death”, the report stated, adding that

there were more people in the house. The

National Police has taken over the


By Sheila Cristina Méndez Lorenzo.

A Robbery in Arinaga Beach

On September 10, 1904 a very

important robbery at a shop in Arinaga

beach was commited. Eight hundred euros

were stolen, and the suspects were armed

with two knives. One of the victims said

that the suspects were a man with a white

cap and a blonde and very tall woman who

escaped in a pink car.

People called the police and they ran

immediately after the thieves. After a very

dangerous pursuit, the robbers crashed

against a tree and the car was totally

wreck. The robbers were trapped inside

the car and the police called the firemen



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

to rescue them. After two hours, they took

the woman out, wounded in her head, and

the corpse of the man. They took the

woman, named Diane, quickly to the

hospital, and after a few months of

recovery, there was a judgment where the

woman was sentenced to ten years of

prison and to give back the money.

Finally, the police officers informed to

mass media that the robber was at prison,

so that Arinaga’s inhabitants weren’t

worried for the safety of their town.

By Acaymo Rodríguez Cabrera

Bullying, a terrible Violence.

One girl under 16 has died in the

Royal City General hospital on Friday after

remaining in critical condition. The father

of the teenager who was studying at IES

Maestro Juan de Avila had complaint the

day before about the “climate of violence”

that her daughter lived in the school.


Ministry of Education has opened an

investigation to find out if she committed

suicide because of bullying she was


According to the Headmaster of the above

mentioned high school, the first and only

time he had received a complaint had

been on Wednesday 7th November, when

this girls's father went to the school to

expose the climate of violence that,

according to the young girl, suffered. The

young girl had a high number of absences,

six so far this November.



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

She committed suicide because of

peers' harassment and because she never

denounced this harassment.

By Alberto Fleitas Ramos

Tragedy in Hillsborough

On 15th April of 1996, the fans of

Liverpool FC lived a horrible incident at the

Hillsborough Stadium (England). In the

event 96 people died crushed against the

fences of the stadium.

It was in a match between Liverpool

FC and Nottingham Forest in the semifinals

of the England Cup. The 96 dead people

were Liverpool fans. Today, all the football

teams still remember that fans they also

want that this even doesn't happen again.

From this day onwards, the English

Team couldn’t play in European

competitions for six years and the UEFA

opened a record as punishment. It was the

first time a punishment like this was given.

The football player Steven Gerrad’s

cousin died in Hillsborough when the boy

was ten years. This boy has became an idol

for Liverpool followers.

On 12th September of 2012

acommission of inquiry published decided

who was the responsible of the fatal

tragedy. The culprits were the security of

the stadium because they weren't

prepared for something as such.

In my opinion they could preview

that tragedy because they didn’t use to

check the security measures and maybe

the people in the stadium were more than

the the people allowed. Maybe the

stadium was overcrowded. Nowadays,

unfortunately, similar tragedies can be

seen because of the same reasons. A

recent example is what happened Madrid

Arena. With these events we can only

finish say that “man is the only animal

capable of stambling twice”

By Alejandro Pérez Alcántara



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

Dead Man found in Las Palmas

The victim is called P.M. He is from a

family of Telde. He had four children.

He was found with two stabs in his

chest in a park of a residential area in Las

Remudas. He was seen by an old woman

that was taking the dog for a walk. The dog

started barking when they were very close

to the body. It was about 7.30a.m, she

discovered that he had no blood.

Yesterday, some witness saw a band

from Jinamar in the area. The victim

worked in Las Palmas bakery and it is

thought that he was murdered due to

debts of black money because he couldn´t

go on paying the debts and the bills of his

bakery. The victim had 1 euro coin in his


By Aythami Ramírez Caballero

Rape and Robbery in New York

An evening of last month in New

York a woman was rapped and robbed.

The woman was nineteen years old. She

worked in a cloth shop and lived alone

with her dog in an apartment. She was a

beautiful woman and she was long black

haired. The suspect was a tall man dressed

in blue.

Everything happened when she was

coming from the work back home. She

was very tired, she opened the door of her

house and her dog went out as if he were

crazy and escaped.

She went out running behind her

dog while the suspect ran to the house. He

stole all the woman's jewels. When she

returned back home with her dog, the

house was completely disordered. She was

very scared. She decided to phone the

police and the suspect surprised her and



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

he didn’t let her take the telephone. The

suspect forced the victim to undress and

to do things against her will.

The woman's dog didn’t use to

bark, but this evening the dog didn't stop

barking. Thanks to the barks of the dog,

the neighbors realized that something

strange was happening and they went

towards the woman's house to see if she

was well. When the neighbors approached

the door, they listened to the woman

shouting. The neighbours called the police

While the police was coming, the

suspect rapped the woman and ran away

rapidly through the window. The victim

was crying in a corner of the house when

the police came and entered the house.

The first thing that the police did, was to

investigate and to interrogate the victim to

catch the suspect. The very scared victim

explained the whole tragedy that had

happened to her during this evening. The

neighbors had been witnesses of that


The police searched evidences and found

several clues. The suspect forgot his

mobile in the house

of the victim and

the police found it

and they found

fingerprints of the

suspect for the


Finally the police found the suspect.

it was not difficult to look for him having

his mobile in evidence.

By Carolina González Ojeda.

Tragedy On the Streets Of London

Last winter in December, a girl Erasmus

student of about twenty years old from

Madrid came to a party for her birthday

with some friends. Her friends gave a

necklace as a present. When she went

back home, she was assaulted by a black

man with a dinner jacket. He stole her the

new necklace and she was rapped.



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

The police investigated the

evidences and they found some clues: a

pink lipstick, some fingerprints in a glove

that he dropped and two footprints that

were in the damp earth of the road.

When the police discovered that

the girl was rapped, her family flew to


When the girl was assaulted and

rapped the thief fled. While the

neighbours were calling the police,the girl

was in tears very terrified. After several

months of research they found a video

recording where the suspect appeared.

When the police found the video,

they began a research. While the girl was

recovering the police found the thief, he

was imprisoned for many years. The

necklace never appeared.

The girl’s family thanked the British

police enthusiasm. When the girl

improved, She went back to Madrid, Spain.

Today the girl went for an interview while

the family was protecting her because she

and her family is still scared.

by Claudia Díaz Milán

Accident in Tenerife

A woman driver appeared dead in

Tenerife the 22th October, 2012. It is

suspected that a man dressed in blue

came with woman on the back of car

together with a 15-year-old boy. People

say that the suspect is a salsa music

singer. The suspect forgot a cell phone,

keys and a flat black boots in the victim's

car. The accident happened at 06:45 pm.

This is the testimony of witness. This

witness said that the man got into the car

and forced the woman and the boy to give



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

him all the money they had. She also said

that the man came was drunk and without

a seat belt and that he was pointing a gun.

After the collision, the man in

which the boy's mother and the woman

died and the suspect ran away threatening

the witness. He told her that if she said

something he would kill her. He escaped.

When the police arrived, they saw what

had really happened and they told the girl

that if she could describe the alleged

murderer of the woman. They also

promised the girl that the police woulf do

their best to catch the culprit of all this


By Diana Anangonó Colcha

Dreadful Passional Crime

Last week, Madison (Hollywood

actress) arrived of a long travel, she took a

taxi at the airport and she went her home.

When she entered it, she found with a

surprise, her husband was dead. Madison

was scared and she quickly called the


On Wednesday, a witness, who is a

Madison's neighbour, saw on the day of

murder, a man that had a black jacket and

long brown hair. In addition, in the scene

of crime several fingerprints were found.

The Police examined and identified the


Apparently the suspect was John,

Madison’s ex-boyfriend. According to him,

he killed Madison's husband because she

still loved Madison; but he didn't regret of

the murder. Madison still doesn't

understood why he did that.

By Diana Carolina Santana González

A Murder for Stealing a car in

Barajas Airpor .

A woman recently died on her way

to work. The deceased was 40 years old

and was heading her way to work at



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

Terminal 4 Iberia. She was air-hostess and

was married. It is unknown why the theft

took place, but what is known is that what

the robbers wanted was the car.

They hit the victim's car to simulate

an accident and got out of the car to fill

the accident's part. That was when there

was a struggle, there is even records that

the victim asked for help several times,

and it is said that the robbers fled with the

car stole to the victim, a "Cayen Porsche."

In front of the place where the accident

took place there were a few taxi drivers

who came to look and they found the

victim lying on the ground. The team

asked the SAMUR to go to that place. For

more than thirty minutes tried to

resuscitate the victim but they couldn't do

nothing except certifying her death. A

psychologist of the SAMUR also moved to

the area to meet her husband, several

family members and also a fellow of the

victim. The Civil Guard will take care of

everything but it is very complicated to

solve the case because there is no clue.

However, the accident happened near an

area with cameras, so they can review the

recordings and see if they can manage to

find something.

A witness tells us that the victim

tried to flee, but it was not possible

because the robbers run over her with her

own car. Now the police is looking for the

robbers but there are no clues. Relatives

are afraid they will not find the murderers.

Please if anyone knows anything, don't

hide it and help in the investigation of this


By Gabriela Alemán Santana.

Without Air in Halloween.

Everything happened in Madrid

Arena, on October 31st , 2012, the day in

which Halloween was being celebrated.

That day in Madrid they decided to

have a party in a place in which only 3,900

could enter. According to what the police

said, there were had no guards, so more

people than the allowed entered the



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012


According to Miguel Angel Flores

(organizer of the party) and the company

Seguriber, the guards had been that night

in the event, but according to the

testimony given by the police they "were

only gatekeepers of clubs, and they didn't

have the required license from the Home

Ministry and the police also explained that

they were strangers and they let

themselves be recognized because they

were wearing reflective vests.

The majority of the people who came

were under 18 and they had high

consumption of alcohol and drugs. The

latest statements by the police were that

more than 10,500 people entered. The

tragedy ended with the death of four

young girls, because of suffocation by the

amount of people and the burden that it


By Iris Arencibia Santana

Collapsed Twin Towers

In 1975 Twin Towers were built. The

area where these buildings were located,

was called “the financial world of United

States”. But in 2001, a crime happened in

Manhattan -New York (U.S.A).

All started with a terrorist attack on

Tuesday, 11th September 2001 in the

morning. The terrorists hijacked two

planes. They crashed each plane with each


While some people were suffering and

seeing this tragedy, Twin Towers burned

and half an hour later, they collapsed. All

happened exactly in three hours while the

witnesses were calling the firefighters.



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

In this crime of hijacked airplanes there

were 6.000 injured people, 2.973 dead and

24 missing people. The suspects were a

group of terrorists, of the Yiddish

organization Al Qaeda.

The cleaning and recovery to the city

lasted eight months. In the same place,

Michael Arad designed “The Ground

Zero”., that is now a “must” for tourists.

by Josune Bolaños Ramírez

T he Most Famous Theft In Spain

On July 28th, the most famous theft in

Spain made by Dionisio Rodriguez Martin,

best known as Dioni, was made. He had

the custody of a van which contained 298

million pesetas (1.791.016,07€). At 19:20

and with the absence of his two

companions he got behind the wheel and

took it to his car, where he placed the bags

of money.

Dioni disappeared. He traveled to

Brazil. There, he changed his appearance

makeover, putting on a wig and lived in

luxurious style. On September 19th, 1989

he was arrested by the Brazilian police,

spending ten months in jail until his

extradition to Spain was made. In Spain he

would fulfill what remained of his

sentence. He was released from prison in

May 1995, on parole, after completing

three-quarters of his sentence of three

years and four months imposed on him.

Last year, Dioni returned to

television with “Acorralados”, where he

was arrested by the Civil Guard but he

later returned to the contest temporarily,

until leaving it for health reasons. He also

made an appearance on the Spanish film

Torrente 4.

By Kevin González Alvarado

Robbery and Murder of a Young


Last Sunday, there was a robbery in a

youth hostel. It ended with one young of

20 years old dead, in a park near the

hostel. The police are investigating the

robbery and they are suspecting that dead



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

boy had to do with a robbery.

Up to now, there are a woman and

two men as suspects and one witness that

crossed the street while the crime was


In the crime scene a backpack with €

200.000 and a mobile phone with a

message saying: “You don’t know the

problem that you are in”received at

09:30PM, hours before of his dead, has

been discovered. The researchers think

that the robbery was programmed but the

not the death. It could have been an

argument and the death could have been

caused by a stone, but the alleged stone

hasn’t been found in the crime scene.

Maybe the murder removed the stone and

took the body in a car to the park that was

near the hostel.

About the suspects, we only know

that they robbed a hostel but nothing

about the death. The only possibility of

finding the murder is investigating the

young’s life. The witness saw the body on

the floor without blood but when he came

back the boy had a big bloody open

wound in his head.

By Marisol Fuster Amat

Dead Girl in Cruce de Arinaga.

Today, the police found a girl in a

park of Cruce de Arinaga. The girl is Eva

Santana Herrera. She disappeared three

days ago. Eva Santana`s body present

different hits and a shoot in her heart.

The police found different fingerprints in

the crime scene. These fingerprints are a

good evidence. They belong to Juan Perez

Cabo and Constantin Carolin Ferran.



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

The police arrested the suspects

but they were free in three hours because

the police didn’t have enough evidences

to imprison them and the police resumed

the case and continue investigating the

crime. The police found one witness who

saw two men identical to the suspects and

they arrested the suspect again. The

suspects were interrogated again but this

time they weren't free because the

witness presented in commissary to

confirm that criminal was in fact the police

suspect. Juan Perez Cabo and Constantin

Carolin Ferran were sentenced to prison

by the murder of Eva Santana Herrera and

they will spend 40 years in a prison but

with this punishment, they will never pay

for the lost life.

By Melani Ramírez Moreno

The Karate Case

Last January, SOME students of

karate school 'Gran Canaria' declared

repeatedly sexually abused, when a

teenager decided to tell a teacher at

school where he was studying, and then

the police. She spoke to protect another

child, the younger brother of a friend of

hers who were being taken to the Vargas

beach house, where the accused were

consummating most of the abuses.

More than 50 alleged victims

between 9 and 35 years, have described a

panorama of abuse at school over 20 years

in a cult environment in which they were

taught that sex was an essential part of

the training, and that only being very

active would become great athletes.

Apart from training in the gym,

Fernando organized concentrations at the

weekend and in summer in his house in

Playa de Vargas, a village near the airport

of Las Palmas, and half an hour far from

the capital city. The director of this karate

school has two houses connected by the

backyard in El Eden, near the sea and palm

trees. They lived and trained students

there. That was the place where,

according to the alleged victims, that



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

lifestyle focused on sex and karate was


Victims have reported to the judge

that in the school sex between minors and

between minors and adults was

encouraged. The only witnesses are the

victims of the case, that there were few,

and all remained in silence.

The teacher and former karate

Spain champion, accused of abusing

students for decades and to form a kind of

cult with teenagers who were sexually

initiated at an early age, has maintained

his innocence since his arrest in February

2010, but prosecutors accused him of

being a "sexual predator" and using

psychological manipulation techniques

designed to elicit compliance at all levels

of those under 18. The prosecution asked

Fernando Torres to be condemned to 303

years in prison for 50 offenses of sexual

assault, corruption of minors and

possession of weapons in a procedure that

could become the largest pedophilia case

occurred in Spain. The prosecutor also

asked 154 years in prison for a couple of

Torres Baena since 1999 for crimes of

sexual abuse and corruption of minors.

This female teacher accused of

participating in the abuses might have

been a victim of Torres turn Baena as a

teenager. Currently police are still

investigating the case.

by Moneyba Hernández Sánchez

The Criminal of the Building

On 7th November 2010 in London, a

man found in a building the body of a

young student who was 18 years old

stabbed. A neighbour informed the police

that he saw a man dressed in black leaving

the building after the assassination. The

police investigated the scene and found a



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

bloody knife beside the corpse that had


The police took

the knife to the lab

to examine the

fingerprints. They

discovered that it

belonged to a

famous criminal with several murders.

Then, researching, they discovered it in a

hotel on the outskirts of the city. Police

surrounded the building but the murderer

grabbed a man who worked at the hotel.

Finally, the police hostage had a sniper

on the roof of a building, who shot in the

culprit's arm causing the criminal free the

hostage and the police arrested the

criminal. At the end, the criminal was in

the prison for 10 years.

By Mónica Suárez Díaz

Murder in Gran Canaria.

History repeats itself. Tuesday,

October 9th , 2012, several weeks after a

girl was found dead in an abandoned

building and port of Las Palmas de Gran

Canarias, police and emergency services

received a call warning of the case It

seems to be that it was the suspect, but

when the police and ambulance arrived to

the place, the victim was dead and the

suspect had ran away. The victim's name is

Karina Gonzalez aged 20 years. She had

blond hair and she was tall. She wore a red


Apparently the victim used to take his

dog for a walk every afternoon around

here. The autopsy indicates that the victim

died around 7 pm, she has the same cuts

in the breasts, and in the buttocks, as

previous victims, who were also sexually

assaulted. According to data presented by

the national police of Las Palmas de Gran

Canarias, all features are coherent with

previous victims and it seems that the

suspect is a man aged between 30 and 40,

tall and with black hair. Neighbours of that

place reported seeing a man, with the

characteristics above mentioned,

wandering around the area days before,



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

and there is even a neighbour who

claimed to have seen red dress today. They

found traces of sneakers fingerprints and

traces in the crime scene. Fingerprints

belong to Jesus Cabrera. The police have a

search warrant, we will know if they find

something soon.

This is all we know up to now, so please

all the people who have seen something

or have some important information, call

658336623. We hope the police catch the

murdered soon because he has the whole

island in terrified, and so the families of

the victims can finally rest.

By Rosana Reyes Brito

Drug Haul in Gran Canaria

The 2nd of June of the last summer, in

Las Palmas, a big drug haul was found.

Thanks to cooperation of Joe Cole and

the police, this stash has been dismantled,

but Rashid Joeman Khalifa, the suspect,

continues released. The police investigates

this crime and with the help of Joe Cole

they hope the suspect to be caught

because Joe Cole saw Rashid filling in a

car with drugs.

Rashid ran away when the witness

Joe Cole called the police but he pointed

his tuition. In the house of the suspect the

police found a lot of drugs . In this house

the police saw images of the suspect, and

they also found weapons and masks. This

suspect worked with large amounts of

drugs to deliver across the island. He is

considered the biggest drug dealer in the


Following with the investigation the

police caught Rashid two months after the

denounce. The suspect shall be twelve

years in jail and pay a fine of two hundred

fifty thousand pounds

By Samuel Rodríguez Tejera.



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

Serial Murderer in G.C

In these months evidences of a series

of murders at Cruce de Arinaga have been

found. The victims were all drownwd in

rum and they were all rapped but there

were no clues found.

Three girls are dead but the most

terryfying aspect is that there is one girl

missing and it is believed that the

murdered has killed the girl named

Isabella Sanchez. Her family is very

worried. They offered a reward if a

reliable clue is provided.

The suspect is believed to be about

thirty, tall, dark, strong-bodied. They

already have caught a clear suspect who is

being monitored and interrogated but the

police can't do anything else because

there are no real evidences to culprit the

suspect. In my humble opinion the police

are working hard but not enough.

By Selene Cabrera Ortega

Thriller Music Party in Madrid Arena

Nowadays, teenagers go to

macroparties organized by promoters of

events which do not comply with all

security systems. The lack of security , the

non control and the lack of staff made this

party become a tragedy .

The tragedy occurred around 4am

as party goers tried to leave the crowded

Madrid Arena through an exit after

someone apparently threw a firework into



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

the crowd. One corridor became crammed

with people. According to witnesses,

people became crushed in a bottle neck

with more people pushing from behind.

The victims were aged between 18

and 20 years old, authorities said. The

three dead were named as Katia Esteban

Casielles , Rocio Ona Pineda, Cristina Arce

de la Fuente, all reportedly 18 years old.

There are two girls in hospital fighting for

their lives whose names are Maria Teresa

Alonso Vinateo and Belen Langdon Real.

Police have started an investigation

to determine whether correct security

measures were taken in this place and

whether the venue- which has a maximum

capacity of 12,000 - was overcrowded.

Witnesses described the scene of

horror during the special themed

Halloween party called Thriller Music Park

featuring well-known DJ Steve Aoki. The

party, where tickets were sold for 22€, had

promised a “theatrical atmosphere” and a

costume contest based on Michael

Jackson’s “Thriller” video.

“There was a human blockage at the only

exit because the others were sealed off,” a

party goer called Sandra told Spain’s

Cadena Ser Radio. “There were people

screaming, crushed, as security guards

tried to pull out those who were trapped,”

she said.

“I was trapped in a plug -we

couldn’t move forward because people

were lying on the floor and couldn’t move

backwards because people kept pushing,”

Ernesto Moreno Hernandez told Spanish

newspaper El Pais. “We were stuck there

for half an hour trying to get out.”

Cristina Cardenas, 18, described the

scene: “People were stuck inside, some

were vomiting, some fainted, it was



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

chaos.” ”There were some stairs,” another

witness told public television. “There was

an avalanche of people and people fell

over each other and amassed there and

there was a crush.”

One witness described seeing a

waiter trying to save the life of one of the

girls. “There was no-one to help that girl:

the waiter got up on to the bar and tried

to resuscitate her,” the witness said.

Others said the stampede towards

the exit happened when someone set off a

firework in the crowd. “It seems to have

been provoked by a flare that someone

threw into the stadium,” a police

spokesman confirmed.

Miguel Angel Villaneuva, Madrid’s

deputy mayor said an investigation was

underway but there was nothing to

initially suggest organisers were to blame.

Emergency services said two of the victims

had died at the scene and a third shortly

after arriving at hospital. The two other

girls were said to be in a “critical

condition”. A month after this party, two

more girls died, making the tragedy even


By Silvia Toleda Macias

Suicide in Baracaldo . A woman commits suicide before eviction.

Last 9th November 2012, a 53 years

old woman has passed away in Barakaldo,

Vizcaya when people in charge of her

eviction arrived to her house.

It seems that a woman got in a

chair and threw from a fourth floor to the

garden. This scene happened at 9:20 a.m

this Friday in a building. An ambulance

came to assist the woman who died in this


Amaia Egaña, the dead woman, was

Jose Manuel Ascensio’s wife a socialist ex

member of the Town Hall and she had a 21

years old daughter. Amaia was Ramon

Egaña’s daughter.

A neighbor has said that the

community didn’t know how bad was the

situation and he said “We are very

distressed with this situation. They were



VOLUME 1 4th ESO CDigital edition December, 2012

very polite people who apparently didn’t

have problems”.

The general secretary of her

political party has said that is “very bad”

because Amaia Egaña was her friend.

Egaña exposed her situation to Evictions

Platform but they didn’t know that this

Friday she was to receive the

communication from the court.

Her remains have been carried to

the forensics after the judge ordered the

body to be lifted. The social problem of

evictions is now present especially on the

political agenda and the government is

intensifying its contacts with political

parties to take urgent measures.

The emergency government has

approved a plan this Thursday to halt the

evictions to the most vulnerable families.

By Viviana Posse Guzman

