  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Credit card and Debit card

    Working and ManagementGROUP NO:7

    Aditya Pande

    Anurag GoyalMrugesh Chikhalikar

    Suchet Pajni

    Vishal Patel

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Introduction to plasticmoney

    !olution o" plastic cards

    Plastic money # A ne$ and easier $ay o" paying "or goods

    and ser!ices

    Pro!ides con!enient usage along$ith incenti!es

    An alternati!e to hire%purchase or loan on consumer goods

    It&ho$e!er&allo$s debt to pile%up that can lead to penalties

    Major types of plastic money # Credit cards& Debit

    cards & Charge cards&co%branded cards

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    'o$ Did It All (egin) Debit cards

    Introduced around *+,,% *+,-

    .he launch highlighted the introduction o" e%

    commerce and alternati!e means o" payment

    Credit cards

    Introduced in *+-0 by Central (1I

    (anks acted as clearing houses "or transactions and

    promoted their o$n brands

    Addition o" magnetic strip introduced to enhance

    security measures

    2aunch o" A.M machines "or ready access

    Present scenario % A household name

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Credit cards

    A part o" a system o" payments a"ter the small plastic cardissued to users o" the system

    A card entitling its holder to buy goods and ser!ices based

    on the holder3s promise to pay "or these goods and ser!ices

    .he issuer o" the card grants a credit to the consumer "rom$hich the user can borro$ money "or payment to amerchant

    Most credit cards are issued by local banks or credit unions&and are the shape and si4e%-5670 8 596+- mm%IS1:IC,-*0 standard

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Credit cards

    *6 Issuing bank logo

    ;6 MV chip on

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Credit card numbering

    (ank Identi@cation ?umber

    (I?% @rst si> digits "or MasterCard and Visa cards

    ?e>t nine digits%indi!idual account number

    inal digit%!alidity check code

    Issue and e>piration dates& e>tra codes such as issuenumbers and security codes

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Credit card numbering

    An e>ample o" the re!erse side o"a typical credit cardB

    *6 Magnetic Stripe

    ;6 Signature Strip

    96 Card Security Code

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    'o$ credit cards $ork

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    .ransaction steps

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Parties in!ol!ed


    Card%issuing bank

    Merchant Acuiring bank

    Credit Card association

    .ransaction net$ork

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    elated terms

    Interest charges

    (ene@ts to customers

    Grace period (ene@ts to merchants


    Interchange "ee

    Discount "ee

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Debit Card

    Pro!ides an alternati!e payment method to cash $henmaking purchases

    unctionally& it can be called an electronic check& as the"unds are $ithdra$n directly "rom either the bank account&

    or "rom the remaining balance on the card

    It is also kno$n as bank card orcheck card

    Allo$ "or instant $ithdra$al o" cash& acting as the A.M card"or $ithdra$ing cash and as a cheue guarantee card

    Merchants can also oEer

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Debit Card ?umbering

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Debit Card ?umbering

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    'o$ Debit Cards $ork

    *6 Collecting payment data;6 Authentication96 Authorisation=6 Settlement o" "unds

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Some important tipsFDos

    Pre"er a debit card o!er a credit card

    Hno$ all o" your cards hidden "ees

    Al$ays pay more than the minimum each month

    Pay on time& all the time


    Dont use them "or cash ad!ances

    Dont use them to pay "or basicsB rent& groceries&etc6

    Dont charge more than you can pay oE in a month

    Dont let banks increase you credit limit

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    'o$ are they diEerent)

    Credit Card (orro$ing money "rom

    a bank or @nancial

    institution6 Spending

  • 8/9/2019 credit card and debit card working


    Thank You!
