
Rebecca HaywoodFirst YearBA Graphic DesignCreativity and Play2011

Monday Challenge 1Suspending JudgementThe development of Peter Hoptons idea, using pencils as a canvas.

Monday Challenge 1Suspending JudgementA tree constructed out of pencils and super glue

Monday Challenge 2LimitationsUsing only paper to create a font that demonstrates it’s qualities

My robot's misbehaving.It won't do as I say.It will not dust the furnitureor put my toys away.

My robot never helps mewith homework or my chores.It doesn't do my laundryand neglects to clean my floors.

It claims it can't cook dinner.It never makes my bed.No matter what I ask of it,it simply shakes its head.

My robot must be broken.I'll need to get another.Until that day, I have to say,I'm glad I have my mother.

Kenn Nessbit

Monday Challenge 3ChancePlaying the game consequences via e-mail with Lauren Doyle.

Monday Challenge 4 CommitmentMaking a pinhole camera out of 35mm film and a matchbox, then comparing it to a DSLR.

CommitmentRecording the process of making a pinhole camera, then creating isotypes to form instructions using information graphics.

Monday Challenge 5Challenging PreconceptionsDrawing and playing with typefaces and learning more about their history, use and properties.

Challenging PreconceptionsUsing the typeface Stencil and the letter D I created an animated Giff
