

Big Kids DevelopmentCreating a Robust Server Side Web App

Celebrememe Looked Like This:

Flask Server

Twitter API

What did Kanye Say?

Here are Kanye’s last 20 tweets



Flask Server

Twitter API

What did Kanye Say?

Here are Kanye’s last 20 tweets



We spent our whole time talking about this interaction.

Flask Server



But what about this whole thing?

● Flask is a web framework. It provides you with the tools, libraries and technologies that allow you to build a web application.

● Flask is a micro-framework.

We want to build a dynamic site.

Django Flask

How Do These Things Work?

1. User lands on a URL. Server, (Flask), finds which function is associated with that URL

2. Function is run3. Function passes info to template HTML file4. Template HTML file renders data and

displays the page

1) Flask finds URL associated with function

2)Function is run

3) Function passes variables to HTML file

4) Template HTML File Renders Data and displays page

Real nice. Just a little .db file that lives on your server/local machine.

We are millennials. We shouldn’t have to write SQL.

Turns RAW SQL statements into classes in your language of choice.

Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

But how does the code from our server get put

into our HTML?

It scans our HTML file, finds the template tags, for example {{ message.text }}, and inserts the variables from our server side web app.



<p>What’s happening?</p>