
Creating A Community Language


Collaborative Innovation Community

Iroha Ogo

Satomi Oi

Jei-Hee Hong

Takashi Iba

Keio University

How can communities

keep their liveness?

Every community has

its own spirits, visions, habits,

attitudes, and senses

Pattern Language (Alexander 1979)- explains about the phenomena that are repeatedly observed to a certain


- these are divided into small units, named with a simple word, and used

as a language as well

Using as “the media of conversation” (Iba, 2013)- a method used in reciting is reproducing in communication

communities continuously able to reproduce their identity

with taking in new ideas

For example, how about a language?

Our Challenge

Creating a

Language for

a community

A community



their identity

Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC)

・we interviewed around 50 students, graduates, and faculty members of SFC

・We asked three questions;“What do you think characteristics of SFC is,”“In what way does characteristics exist within SFC,” “What do you think the advantage of characteristics is.”

Putting the post-its with similar

information together and group themWriting and Naming Culture Words to use them

in conversation.

Realizing what “Frequently observed phenomenon,”

“Background of the phenomenon,” and “Significance

of the phenomenon” are.

Organizing relations of each Culture Word.

27 SFC Culture Words

Prof. Jun Murai

1990 → 2016


Prof. Hiroya Tanaka

Fab Space (3D printer, laser cutter, etc. )

A New Literacy

We had an era of

“reading, writing, and arithmetic.”

What’s next?

Discover skills or technology that would

become essential for the coming future.

▲System and/or the way of thinking

that causes this

In addition to obtaining the newest knowledge, the

education and research of creation and practice skills

are also unique characteristics of SFC.


By using the new technology or skills, you

can broaden the idea of what you can do.

・In SFC, the curriculum does not limit the area of learning. Students are able to

take any classes they want to study regardless of their major of year.

・The distance between faculty and staff members and students is close in and

outside of school.

・The newest technology and theories gather at SFC. Students realize that the

conference or the meetings they attend with their professor are world-leading

groups in that field.

・With its emphasis on language communication, SFC places a great deal of

importance on foreign language education, offering courses in English, Malay-

Indonesian, Arabic, Korean, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Russian, Italian,

and Japanese.

・There are about 100 research projects at SFC and students can join more than

one research groups, leading to the formation of new ideas from the mutual

interaction of distinctive boundaries.

・SFC philosophy to solve real world problems has not changed to this day from

day one.

In SFC, there is Variation in Learning and

students are able to take any classes they want

to study regardless of their major of year.

And the distance between faculty and staff

members and students is Flat with Respect.

The newest technology and theories gather at

SFC. Students can Learning at the Frontier.

With its emphasis on language communication,

SFC places a great deal of importance on foreign

language education to get Lens of Words.

There are about 100 research projects at SFC

and students can join more than one research

groups, leading to have a Pioneer Sprit.

Our school philosophy to Solve Real-World

Problems has not changed to this day from day



The Booklet of SFC Culture Language and SFC 25th Anniversary Ceremony

・We were able to find that it is possible to write out a community’s “identity” in

a form similar to pattern language.

・However, unlike pattern languages, there is not a concrete “problem” that can

be identified. Instead, we are trying to find the identities that make a community

what it is.

So, the created vocabularies aren’t as concrete as patterns.

・When looking at just one word from a community language, it could seem like

a general characteristic that exists in other communities.

However, the words of community language together create an organic network

of vocabulary that draws out the sophisticated and unique identity of a


・Furthermore, we think that we can find similarities and differences between

communities by creating and using community languages.


Creating A Community Language


Collaborative Innovation Community

Iroha Ogo

Satomi Oi

Jei-Hee Hong

Takashi Iba

Keio University