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Crystal Skull Theory

Another 2012 theory states that the ancient Maya encoded information into 12 crystal skulls which will be reunited on December 21, 2012, creating a matrix that will result in the sacred

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information being returned to humanity as consciousness evolves. In other words you will remember that you are a ight being here to experience the physical in time and then return to light as physical reality ends.

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Crystal skulls are a metaphor that reality is a consciousness hologram through which we experience virtually. Many of

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the s=crystal skulls are tools that awaken human consciousness, referenced by the human brain design of the crystal and the metaphoric eyes.

A crystal skull is a model of a human skull generally made out of quartz crystal, but not always, as in the case of Chinese jade skulls. Crystal skulls vary in size from a few

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inches to the size of a human head, or bigger. The age of a skull can be equated not so much to the year it was carved, or the place of origin, but to the age of the crystal from which it was created, some crystals being thousands of years old, while others are more contemporary. Crystal skulls are most often associated with ancient

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Mesoamerican cultures, especially the Maya which takes us to the Mayan Long Calendar and related prophecies.

Humanity has always been on an esoteric journey to solve the mysteries of its creation linked to people and objects that allegedly contain higher powers, or can enhance those of the questor. Technology and

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the Internet help move consciousness to that place, with great precession, as if it was all part of a cosmic plan. We can sense the truth, soon to be revealed, about who we are and why we are here.

The enigmatic crystal skulls have become another tool of divination to that end, crystals sometimes been thought of as having magical

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powers, as well as transmitters and receivers of energy.

If you are reading this file, your soul is searching, in these prophetic times, for answers to the great mysteries of life ... death ... and rebirth.

Many crystal skulls are designed at specific angles representing a union of sacred geometry and the nature of the quartz crystal used.

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In metaphysics, crystal skulls are used for ceremonial work, healing, energy work, and enhancing one's psychic abilities. Used for healing, we go to themes of self awareness and creating balance to opening psychic abilities to be able to understand the nature of human creation and evolution.

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Holding an object to exchange energies and/or receive messages with it, is called psychometry. To find messages while look at the inclusions within a quartz crystal, or crystal skull, is a form of divination called Scrying.

There are countless hypotheses that the crystal skulls are the legacy of some

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higher intelligence or ancient astronauts who seeded the human race.

Principle of 12 Around 1

There are many theories linked to the Principle of 12 around 1 or 13 = 4 (time, closure):

Crystal skull grid matrix

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Jesus and his disciples

Tribes of Israel

King Arthur and 12 knights of the round table

Core group of 12 creator gods or aliens from who everything in this reality stems

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13 takes us to the closure of our biogenetic experiment at this level of reality, created in linear time to understand emotions. December 21, 2012 is allegedly the time for the evolution of consciousness foretold in all prophecies, when humanity awakens and souls return to 'source' as this program closes.

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In third dimension, there will always be 12 or 3. Taken further we have the Fibonacci Sequence, published in 1202, and further on to the patterns of sacred geometry that explain the movement of human consciousness through time.

There are allegedly 12 pyramids or 12 portals, or 12 major power points on the

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Earth grid that are strategically placed and will activate when consciousness reaches Zero Point - reversed Fibonacci to zero. Some also see 12 UFO's buried in the beginning, that will rise at the end of time.

13 Crystal Skulls

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There are many theories about 13 crystals skulls that will come together soon, as human consciousness remembers its soul's purpose and all evolves in the alchemy of time.

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13 crystal skulls were left behind by a sophisticated Hollow Earth society who left thirteen "master skulls" which contain around the planet the history of these people, their relationship to our creation, and the future of humanity.

13 crystal skulls were left behind thousands of years

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ago, by ancient Mayan elders, to be found by future generations. These skulls are containers of great knowledge and wisdom holding information about the history of the planet, the evolution of mankind, and above all, our purpose on this Earth and our future destiny. The legend says that one day, at a time of

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great crises, all of the 13 crystal skulls will be discovered and reunited. When that time comes the information will be divulged to humanity, who will be ready to understand it.

13 life-size crystal skulls scattered throughout the planet that will one day be brought together, forming a grid matrix that will allow

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human consciousness to evolve and return to its natural state of light. Some of the skulls are allegedly in the hands of indigenous people, shaman perhaps, who are custodians of the artifacts, while other crystal skulls remain in the hands of those who are not yet aware of their importance.

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12 people, along with their crystal skulls, will be guided to a specific place, when the time is right, most likely the Yucatan. No one seems to know exactly when or where that will, though the time feels soon. The location of the 13th skull is most likely unknown at this time. Theories abound from a link to extraterrestrials, to

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buried beneath the ground, to it will manifest when time is resequenced, to being hidden by ancient Mayan elders. When placed together, the crystal skulls will form a grid matrix (reality is a consciousness holographic matrix) aligned with the 13th skull, allowing human consciousness to

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ascend (return) to its natural state of being, light.