
2017 Senior School Maths Homework Grid

Keep a diary for the week outlining the times you do different things. E.g. when you get up, eat breakfast, play, go to school, read, go to bed etc.

What are some words you could use to

describe parts of a box to show how big it is?

Write a paragraph describing your box.

Extra challenge, draw it and see if your drawing

can match your description.

Draw a bird’s eye design of your dream house. Do a Google search of house floor plans online to give you some ideas.

Make sure you include all measurements.

Find out how much a Big Mac costs in ten different countries, ordering them from most expensive to least expensive.

As an extension and true indication of actual cost, convert each currency back to Australian dollars.

Represent 1.4 in at least 5 different ways. Show the models.

Concrete materials you might find useful could be bundled sticks, rulers, play money, centicubes. Get creative.

A friend of mine put these fractions into two groups,

but they got mixed up. What might the two

groups be?

⅖, ¾, ⁶/10, ⅓, and ⅒

Make a counting backwards pattern, starting at 105

Make up some different ways to add 9 to 23 in your head. In how many ways can you do it?

Five numbers added together make an odd number. What do you know about the numbers?

I am thinking of some decimal numbers between 1 and 2. What might they be?

Draw a floorplan of the perfect classroom. Include all measurements.

Using 12 square tiles, how many different rectangles can you make?

In this number sentence, what might the missing digit be? 2 < ❒.❒Can you provide the entire range?

My big brother has received six test results so far. On five of them he scored half marks.

What might his results have been?

Two numbers multiply to make 360. One of them has a zero on the end.

What could the two numbers be?

An easy way to add 9 is to add 10 and take away 1. Using a similar strategy what other numbers might I add or subtract in this way?

What are some answers you can make to

multiplication questions using the numbers 3, 4,

and 5 once each?

The top 5 times for the 100m sprint at our school are between 12 and 14 seconds. What might the times be?

What do you know and what can you find out about a pyramid?

How could I spend exactly $20 at the supermarket? (Use a catalogue if it helps)

How many designs can you make that are

¾ red and ¼ yellow?

Make a secure four-digit PIN number and say why it is easy to remember. No birth years allowed.

How many different ways can you represent the



How many ways can you rename 1265?

We are numbers that look like ❒.❒ and we are between 3.0 and 8.0. One of our digits is 6. What numbers might we be?

How many numbers can you write with 8 in the hundreds place?Write as many numbers as you can that have a 7 in the tenths place.

I went to get $100 out of the bank. What are the different ways I can ask

for this amount of notes?

I doubled a number and kept doubling so that the original number was doubled four times. What might the answer be?

I halved a number and kept halving for a total of fives times. The answer was a whole number. What number might I have started with?

How might you use each digit 7 2 3 6 4 once and only once to make both of these sentences true at the same time:❒ > ❒.❒ and ❒ < ❒

I bought an item at a shop and got 35c change. What did I buy and how much did it cost?

Make up a sentence with each word having the

same number of letters. How many letters are

there altogether?

When I looked at a photograph taken from an aeroplane I saw rectangular and circular shapes. What might these shapes be?

I bought something and paid for it with three coins. What might it have been and how much did it cost?

⅜ of a circle is coloured red. I cannot remember what colours the rest of the circle was. What could my circle look like?

If Australia’s population is 24 million, find five countries with a population greater than Australia’s and five countries with a population less than Australia’s..