
COVID19 and the Pediatric Heart: Myocarditis, MIS-c, Return to Play and

Post-Immunization Myocarditis

Lauren Sterrett, PA-C

Physician Assistant in Division of Pediatric Cardiology

November 4, 2021



▪ I have no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or

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▪ Discuss COVID-19’s acute effect on the cardiovascular system

▪ Review the cardiovascular complications of COVID-related peri-myocarditis

▪ Review the cardiovascular involvement in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)

▪ Review guidelines for returning to play

▪ Review the acute cardiovascular course with post-COVID immunization myocarditis

Mechanisms of Myocardial Injury


▪ Severe hypoxia/demand imbalance

▪ Right heart strain

▪ Systemic inflammation/cytokine storm

▪ Stress cardiomyopathy

▪ Coronary artery disease/pre-existing heart disease

▪ Myocarditis

Potential Cardiac Effects of COVID-19

5A Review of the Cardiac and Cardiovascular Effects of COVID-19 in Adults and Children, (1)

Pediatric Cardiac Effects of COVID-19


▪ There is limited published data on the incidence of myocardial injury in hospitalized pediatric patients with

acute COVID-19

▪ Pericarditis: Pericarditis as a primarily clinical manifestation of COVID-19 in adolescents (2)

▪ In an initial study of COVID-19 infection in 48 North American children admitted to pediatric ICUs (1)

▪ 83% had serious comorbidities;

▪ 73% presented with respiratory symptoms,

▪ 38% needed invasive ventilation, and

▪ 23% had failure of at least 2 organ systems.


Pediatric Myocardial Injury Associated with Acute COVID-19


▪ There is little data about the overall occurrence of arrhythmia in the context of acute infection

▪ Single center retrospective chart review included 36 patients with symptoms of COVID, PCR+ and who were

placed on telemetry (8)

Pediatric EKG Changes with Acute COVID-19


▪ 28 patients had at least one 12-lead EKG (8)

▪ 10 (35%) had ‘significant findings’

⎻ Low-voltage QRS (N=5)

⎻ ST-segment changes (N=1)

⎻ LV hypertrophy (N=1)

⎻ RV hypertrophy (N=1)

⎻ Left axis deviation (N=1)

⎻ Right axis deviation (N=1)

Pediatric QTc Changes with Acute COVID-19 and Treatment



▪ Presumably, this is an at-risk population, especially those with the most severe forms

▪ Low cardiopulmonary reserve

▪ Chronic hypoxia/cyanosis

▪ Physiology dependent on low pulmonary artery pressures (single ventricle physiology)

▪ Risk for arrhythmia

▪ Underlying genetic syndromes (e.g. Down's syndrome, Digeorge, Heterotaxy, etc)

▪ Associated comorbidities (lung disease, liver impairment, kidney disease, neurological sequalae, impaired


COVID-19 and Congenital Heart Disease

Riley Experience – Acute COVID Hospitalization



Age (years, avg) 8.04

Previously Healthy 67 (43%)

Needed ICU 38 (24%)

Clinically significant

arrhythmia1 (0.6%)

No Cardiac Testing 79 (51%)

Riley Experience – Acute COVID Infection


▪ T21, CHD, asthma, obesity, diabetes, Lennox Gastaut

BNP Tested (N=17, 11%)

11/17 abnormal

9/17 needed ICU

3 of 11 (27%) had

abnormal troponin

7 of 11 (63%) had a

normal troponin

Troponin Tested (N=39, 38%)

10/39 abnormal

8 of 10 abnormals needed ICU

8 of 10 abnormals had comorbidities

6 of 10 (60%) abnormals had an

abnormal EKG

4 of 10 (40%) had decreased function

Riley Experience – Acute COVID Infection


EKGs Performed (N=60)

20/60 (33%) normal

22/60 (37%) ST/T wave changes

14/60 (23%) Sinus tachycardia

5/60 (8%) Ventricular hypertrophy

2/60 (3%) Low QRS

3/60 (5%) PVCs

3/60 (5%) Prolonged QT

1/60 (2%) Junctional escape

Riley Experience – Acute COVID Infection


Echos Performed N=40

19/40 needed ICU

11/40 Abnormal

7/40 LV dysfunction

Prior Heart Disease (N=4)

2 single ventricle patients

DORV, chromosome abnormality

Recent Pericarditis

Dysfunction, no HD (N=3)

EF 50 - Hx obesity,

Hashimoto, dyslipidemia

EF 20 - asthma

EF 51 - Lennox Gastaut

Cardiac Complications in Acute COVID Infection


▪ There are cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, arrhythmia and cardiac dysfunction in

Pediatrics with acute COVID19, but they are uncommon in otherwise healthy children

▪ There is some overlap between COVID19 cardiac complications and MIS-C

▪ Predominant cardiac involvement related to COVID19 infections are exertional symptoms

post-COVID or MIS-C

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)



▪ An individual aged <21 years presenting with fever*, laboratory evidence of inflammation**, and evidence

of clinically severe illness requiring hospitalization, with multisystem (>2) organ involvement (cardiac, renal,

respiratory, hematologic, gastrointestinal, dermatologic or neurological); AND

▪ No alternative plausible diagnoses; AND

▪ Positive for current or recent SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR, serology, or antigen test; or exposure to a

suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case within the 4 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms.

MIS-C CDC Case Definition


▪ Cardiovascular dysfunction was the most frequently described physiological abnormality (9)

▪ 212/259 (82%) of cases were tachycardic and

▪ 255/420 (61%) were hypotensive.

▪ Cardiovascular support (fluid resuscitation and/or ionotropic support) was required in 531/688 (77%)

and was the predominant reason for intensive care support

Cardiac Involvement in MIS-C

From Reference 10, Circulation Review


▪Most patients have a rapid recovery in ventricular function, often

completely normalizing prior to discharge, including normalization

of troponin/BNP (10)

▪Rare cases of giant aneurysms that develop later during the

convalescent period (10)

Cardiac Involvement in MIS-C, continued


▪Treatment protocols are derived from experience with KD, septic shock,

and myocardial injury treatment (10)

▪ IVIG, steroids, immunomodulatory agents

▪ Fluid resuscitation in small boluses, inotropes, mechanical ventilation, ECMO

▪ Antiplatelet therapy, especially for those with coronary involvement or thrombus

▪ Therapeutic anticoagulation should be strongly considered in all patients with severe ventricular

dysfunction or giant aneurysms (Z score >10, absolute measurement > 8 mm)

Cardiac Involvement in MIS-C, continued


French Case Review (11)

▪ 20 children ages 2-15 presented with acute systolic dysfunction, hypotension, +inflammatory markers

and fever

⎻ Met criterion for myocarditis

⎻ No coronary artery dilation

⎻ 19/20 required inotropic support

US Study (12)

▪ 186 children in 26 states (median age 8.3 years)

▪ 70% PCR + or antibody +

▪ 50% with cardiovascular shock

▪ 80% with cardiovascular involvement and 80% in ICU

▪ Coronary artery aneurysms in 8%

▪ Mortality 2%

MIS-C Hospitalization Data

Riley MIS-C Outpatient Experience



▪Multidisciplinary MIS-C clinic with Cardiology, Infectious Disease, and Rheumatology.

Occurs twice monthly

▪Follow up scheduled in the first 1-3 weeks post discharge then 4 weeks after with

echo, EKG and labs

▪ Long term follow up and additional testing depend on age, athletic status, and

severity of cardiovascular involvement

⎻ Young, not a competitive athlete, and with normal/normalized testing: follow up at

6 months and 1 year

⎻ Older, competitive athlete, history of cardiac involvement/dysfunction: follow up at

3 month post discharge for additional testing prior to sports clearance (eg. Exercise

stress test, MRI, Holter)


▪ N=50

▪ Ages 9 months to 17 years

▪ 66% with cardiovascular involvement (52% with vasoactive support)

▪ 2 week follow-up:

▪ 47% with exertional fatigue

▪ 1 with mild LV systolic dysfunction

▪ Diastolic dysfunction in 11%

▪ 4% with aneurysms, 2% with coronary dilation, 21% lack of tapering

▪ 8 week follow-up:

▪ 12% with exertional fatigue

▪ Diastolic dysfunction in 9%

▪ Coronary abnormalities 12% total

▪ 6 month follow-up:

▪ Diastolic dysfunction in 4% (1 patient) with normal CMRI at 8 weeks

▪ 94% with normalization of cardiac abnormalities

Six Month Post-MIS-C Follow-up (24)

Return to Play




▪Largest prospective multicenter observational cohort study assessed the

prevalence, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of cardiac involvement in

collegiate athletes in the U.S. (13)

▪19,378 athletes were tested, 3,018 tested positive and underwent cardiac


▪2820 received at least one of the following tests: EKG, troponin, or


SARS-CoV2 Cardiac Involvement in Young Athletes


▪ Athletes had asymptomatic infection (33%) (13)

▪ Mild symptoms (29%) were defined as cough, fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, and/or

diarrhea), headache, anosmia, ageusia, rhinorrhea, sore throat, or nasopharyngeal congestion

▪ Moderate symptoms (23%) were defined as the presence of COVID toes/fingers, chills, fever, or myalgias.

▪ Cardiopulmonary symptoms (13%) were defined as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or exercise


▪ Outcomes included adverse cardiovascular events (new clinically significant arrhythmias, clinical heart

failure, or sudden cardiac arrest or death) or hospitalizations related to SARS-CoV-2.

SARS-CoV2 Cardiac Involvement in Young Athletes


▪ 21/2820 athletes met criteria for definite (N=11), probable (N=4), or possible (N=6) COVID cardiac involvement (13)

▪ 6 were identified as part of the 198 who underwent primary screening MRI

⎻ 3 of the 6 athletes were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms with normal triad testing

⎻ 2 small pericardial effusion on MRI, 2 abnormal T1 imaging

▪ 15 (71%) were identified by either abnormal triad screening or greater than moderate symptoms

▪ Cardiopulmonary symptoms (OR 3.1) and ANY abnormal triad test (OR 37.4) were predictive of cardiac involvement

▪ No adverse cardiac events were reported in any athletes with definite, probable, or possible cardiac involvement

▪ ***Late gadolinium enhancement on MRA/MRI noted also in some healthy athletes

SARS-CoV2 Cardiac Involvement in Young Athletes




exertional CV


▪ Mild: Loss of


headache, mild

fatigue, URI, mild GI


▪ CV symptoms: dyspnea,

exercise intolerance,

chest tightness,

dizziness, syncope,



Normal Abnormal

Restrict exercise until cardiology referral and clearance

▪ Moderate: Fever,

chills, myalgias,

lethargy, dyspnea,

chest tightness


Cards Referral



Post-Vaccination Myocarditis


Post-Vaccination Myopericarditis Occurrence




Incidence post



Age (yrs) % after

2nd dose


Israel (21) 12.4/million <30 100 2

UK (21) 5/million 3.7/million

European Med (21) 1.6/million 2/million

Canada (21) 3.9/million

CDC (21) 4.1/million 26


>75% 0 (in 484


Montgomery et al. (22) 0.8/million 0

Diaz et al. (19) 1/100K 36


80% 0

Klein et al. 1.2/million 12-39 85% 0

Post-Vaccination MyopericarditisCharacteristics


From Diez et al. (19)

American Academy of Pediatrics Insights



• Acute COVID

• Although less common than in adults, cardiovascular injury does occur in pediatric patients

with acute COVID infection and can also present as primary cardiac involvement

• Cardiac involvement is more common in pediatric patients with comorbidities

• Arrhythmia seems uncommon, although telemetry monitoring is reasonable in critically ill



• Cardiac involvement is VERY common, but usually transient

• Short and mid-term prognosis appears favorable

• Initiation of heart failure or arrythmia medication is rare

Take Away Points


• Return-to-Sports

• Cardiac involvement after COVID infection is rare, with vigilance for myocarditis or MIS-C is


• Risk stratification based on severity of illness and presence of cardiovascular symptoms is

a reasonable way to guide the need for cardiac testing,

• Cardiac findings on MRI have been described in asymptomatic patients with normal

baseline testing

• Post-Vaccination Myocarditis

• Occurs in 1-2% of vaccinated persons, predominately in <30 year olds

• Presents with chest pain

• Majority of biomarkers, symptoms, EKG/echo changes self-resolve within days

Take Away Points

Thank You


▪ Riley Cardiology Department

▪ Dr. Ryan Serrano

▪ Questions?

[email protected]



1. A Review of the Cardiac and Cardiovascular Effects of COVID-19 in Adults and Children, 8/2/2021, Bibhuti B. Das, MD; Tex Heart Inst J (2021) 48 (3): e207395.

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8. Incidence of arrhythmias and electrocardiograhic abnormalities in symptomatic pediatric patients with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 infection, including drug-induced changes in the

corrected QT interval. Samuel et al.

9. Review of Cardiac Involvement in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. Alsaied et al. Circulation. 2021.

10. Multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children & adolescents (MIS-C): A systematic review of clinical features and presentation, Pediatric Respiratory Rev. 6/2021.

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16. Unusual Presentation of Acute Perimyocarditis Following SARS-COV-2 mRNA-1237 Moderna Vaccination, Khogali F et al.

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19. Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19, Diaz G et al, August 2021

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23. Klein et al, 2021, Myocarditis Analyses in the Vaccine Safety Datalink: Rapid Cycle Analyses and “Head-to-Head” Product Comparisons

24. Capone et al., Six Month Follow-up of Patients With Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. Pediatrics Oct 2021, 148 (4) e2021050973; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-050973
