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Economic Impact and

Recovery Framework

(working paper)

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Table of Contents

1. CONTEXT AND APPROACH .................................................................................................................... 3

2. ECONOMIC IMPACT MODEL .................................................................................................................. 4

2.1. Magnitude of Response .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2. Industry Susceptibility ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.3. Response Scenario Timeline ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

2.4. GDP Forecast ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

3. SOCIAL CONTACT AS THE NEW SCARCE RESOURCE ........................................................................... 8

4. DETERMINING THE SOCIAL CONTACT BUDGET ................................................................................. 10

5. SPENDING SOCIAL CONTACT BUDGET ............................................................................................... 10

5.1. Maximizing GDP ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10

5.2. Additional Recovery Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

6. INCREASING SOCIAL CONTACT BUDGET ............................................................................................ 14

6.1. Increasing Social Contact Budget ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

6.2. The Importance of a Conservative Approach .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

7. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 16

8. APPENDIX: ECONOMIC IMPACT MODEL............................................................................................. 17

8.1. Approach to Economic Recovery and Industry Scarring ...................................................................................................................................... 17

8.2. GDP Forecast ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

9. APPENDIX: RECOVERY POLICY ............................................................................................................. 19

9.1. Alternative Views for R Values ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

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Rolf Harms, Greg Detwiler, David Morrell, Diana Wang, Jenny Ye

Correspondence: [email protected]

In this paper we outline an economic model that quantifies the impact of government and self-initiated

responses to COVID-19. We also created an app that shows regularly updated estimates and allows a user to

define custom scenarios and then calculates GDP impact. Policymakers are focused on shaping GDP

outcomes, not merely predicting them. Based on our work with epidemiology teams and policymakers (as

well as our own economic modeling), we outline a policy framework to help governments think through

recovery and reopening strategy.


COVID-19 requires policymakers to strike a careful balance between managing infection curves and

economic recovery. The former is informed by current data on infections as well as modelled projections

of infection and disease transmission rates. The latter is informed by estimates of the economic impact of

government mitigation measures as well as the impact of self-initiated changes in human behavior (e.g.,

fear of going to stores). Keeping the economy closed for a long time will cause significant economic

damage. Insufficient social distancing may cause a resurgence that will cause more deaths and more

economic damage. This is a unique dilemma that requires a combined perspective from epidemiology

models and economic models.

At Microsoft and GitHub, we are not

epidemiology experts, but we do

understand the power of software, the

ability of the cloud to solve complex

problems, and the value in platforms that

empower others. In an effort to help, we

have been assisting some of the leading

epidemiology teams with open sourcing

their code, running and calibrating their

models in the cloud, and building out User


This work has given us a better

appreciation of the epidemiology aspects. Separately we have been building an economic model to

estimate GDP impact by industry, using our understanding of the disease models to layer in different

scenarios. Given the unusual nature of this economic disruption, we have applied some of the same

techniques we used in assessing past technological disruptions such as our “economics of the cloud”


In talking to policymakers in the U.S. and U.K., it is clear the lines between the epidemiology and

economic impact work are blurring. Today the epidemiology models and economic models tend to live in

isolation. This has led to a debate between healthcare outcomes and economic impact. We do not take a

position in this debate. We argue that to some degree this is a false trade-off: There are many

opportunities to improve the outcome for one without compromising the other.

1 This modeling work helped create the case for Microsoft’s investment in cloud computing about a decade ago.

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In this paper, we bridge the experience gained from working with epidemiology teams as well as our own

economic modeling to outline a policy framework (and data) to support policymakers in this difficult time.

In Section 2 we provide an overview of our economic impact model. In Section 3 we introduce the notion

of social contact as a new scarce economic resource. In Section 4 we discuss the notion of a “Social

Contact Budget.” Section 5 outlines a data-driven approach on how to best spend it and achieve the

highest “Return on Social Contact.” Finally, in Section 6 we frame up how the budget can be expanded

over time and show data that quantifies the recovery.


This section will provide a summary of the economic model we have developed that quantifies the impact

to U.S. GDP under several scenarios. Although this paper focuses on U.S. numbers, our model covers the

15 largest economies in the world representing ~75% of global GDP, all of which will eventually be made

available in our Power BI Dashboard (U.S., Canada, U.K., Italy, Japan and Australia currently available). We

will briefly highlight our approach below with more details provided in the appendix.

The model has three key modules:

1) The magnitude of response as measured by changes in people’s mobility/social contact, whether

driven by government mitigation measures or by self-initiated behavior change

2) The degree to which industries are susceptible to disruption from government intervention and

self-initiated behavior change

3) The duration over which we expect government interventions and behavior change to last

2.1 Magnitude of Response

For our model we use a continuous scale for magnitude of response. A country’s current and historical

level of response is determined using Google’s publicly released cell phone mobility data2, which shows

the amount of foot traffic in key areas (e.g., stores, transit, work) relative to normal over time and by

geography. We initially used the Oxford Stringency Index data3 but found mobility data to be a better fit

for our use case as it captures the impact of government interventions as well as compliance and

voluntary measures taken by individuals. In general, we see five levels of response based on the variation

in interventions seen worldwide (Fig. 2).

2 Google LLC "Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports". Accessed: Jun

22, 2020. 3 Hale, Thomas, Sam Webster, Anna Petherick, Toby Phillips, and Beatriz Kira (2020). Oxford COVID-19 Government

Response Tracker, Blavatnik School of Government.

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2.2 Industry Susceptibility

We have assessed industries based on their susceptibility to social distancing and lockdown. To do this,

we have studied data from 15 countries and used it to build a data cube of over 1,000 individual

economic impact datapoints4 that cross references economic impact in 30+ industries with the magnitude

of response in place at the time. To the extent possible we rely on official economic reporting data but

have also incorporated more real-time or high-frequency data sources (e.g., consumer spending, shipping

volumes). Using this data, we determine the degree of impact for each industry under different degrees

response. Figure 3 shows a sample of industries.

We then aggregate the economic impact across industries based on each industry’s contribution to U.S.

GDP. Figure 4 shows the high-level breakdown of U.S. GDP by industry (value added) that we used for

weighting purposes in this rollup, with rough color coding to indicate the relative impact to industries

under a ‘medium’ level of response (i.e., what U.S. mobility looked like on average in May).

4 Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis; U.S. Census Bureau; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of

Education; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), Industrial Production Index [INDPRO], retrieved from

FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, May 5, 2020; Ministry of Trade,

Industry and Energy (Korea); Statistics Korea; El Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social (Spain); Instituto Nacional de

Estadística (Spain) Own compilation with data taken from the INE website:; Office for National Statistics

(U.K.) Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0; National Institute of

Statistics and Economic Studies (France); Banque de France; Statistics Canada; China Statistical Information Network; Italian National Institute of Statistics; Effects of the corona pandemic on the economy and business

activity in Germany, Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis), 2020.

Section/Corona/Economy/context-economy own calculation; Parliament of Australia; Association of American Railroads;

Associated General Contractors of America; Mortgage Bankers Association (U.S.); Trading Economics;; Ibis World; Statista;

NPD Group; STR; analyst research; etc.

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2.3 Response Scenario Timeline

The final variable is how the magnitude of response varies over time as the pandemic evolves. Our model

allows for complete flexibility to define custom scenarios around mitigation strategies down to a week-

by-week level. For historical parts of the timeline we have primarily used Google mobility data to

determine the actual level of response (supplemented by Apple mobility data5 where Google mobility

data is unavailable).

For the U.S. we have evaluated four scenarios that capture variation across three dimensions: 1) when do

we expect widespread availability of a vaccine, 2) will a second wave occur and when, and 3) how

aggressive will the recovery be. Figure 5 summarizes our four scenarios and the associated response


• Optimistic Case: We have modeled out the current U.S. response based solely on announced

measures as of June 26 with most states in various phases of reopening, after having ended their

statewide shelter-in-place/stay-at-home orders in May-June. In the optimistic case, we assume

economic recovery will be relatively fast, with consumer confidence and expenditure rebounding

quickly. We also assume lighter mitigation measures remain in place (together with contact

5 Apple Mobility Trends Reports.

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tracing and widespread testing) as we will still have infections we need to manage until a vaccine

is broadly available. We assume broad vaccine availability in early 2021 at which point magnitude

of response returns to normal. This is generally viewed as optimistic, but this scenario provides

the upper bound of our estimates.

• No Second Wave: We have also modeled out the same scenario with a moderate economic

recovery and a later vaccine timing of mid-2021. This is more consistent with the consensus on

when a vaccine will be widely available.

• Fall Second Wave: Most epidemiology models predict the virus will see a second wave. This

scenario takes the prior case but adds a second wave in the fall due to a combination of poor

ongoing mitigation, lack of herd immunity, and/or viral mutations. We also assume that economic

recovery will be slower driven by increased bankruptcy and unemployment risk from the second


• Winter Second Wave: This represents a more bearish second wave scenario by combining a

second wave (beginning in early 2021 as opposed to fall of 2020) with slower recovery as well as

delayed vaccine timing to 2022. This provides a lower bound to our estimates from a two-year

growth perspective (2019-21 CAGR).

2.4 GDP Forecast

The above produces our forecast of U.S. Real GDP growth (Fig. 6). In our “Optimistic” scenario, we see a

2020 decline of 4.6% and 2021 growth of 8.9%. Given the early vaccine timing and fast recovery this

represents our most optimistic scenario.

For the “No second wave” scenario

we assume a more consensus-

based broad vaccine availability of

mid-2021. This scenario therefore

pushes out the recovery due to

longer mitigation and slower

return to “business as usual,” which

results in an estimated GDP impact

of -4.9% for 2020.

Both second wave scenarios result

in a “W-shaped” or “double-dip” recession, with an initial downturn followed by false signs of recovery

and eventually a second downturn. These second wave scenarios are our most bearish in terms of GDP

impact and result in a -4.9% to -6.3% impact to 2020 GDP. Because the “Winter Second Wave” scenario’s

impact extends deeper into next year and involves a later vaccine timing, we see a much slower return to

growth in 2021 for this case (0.4% growth in 2021 versus 5.3% growth in 2021 for the earlier “Fall Second

Wave” scenario).

Over time we continue to track how our model performs against actual economic data as well as analyst

forecasts, and at the moment our scenarios are in line with the analyst consensus. We have also

benchmarked our model output against the released Q1 GDP Second Estimate6 resulting in < 0.4%


6 Bureau of Economic Analysis

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Although we present U.S. data in this paper, we have expanded this work to a global model that covers

about 75% of global GDP. This has also enabled us to further calibrate the model across countries. We

have also been getting feedback from policymakers and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s). We

plan to refine this work in several ways:

• Regional views: For the U.S. we plan to add a view by state; for the U.K. we plan to add regions.

• Industry-specific reopening: Given much of the conversation has shifted toward opening the

economy, we are adding the capability to specify a reopening timeline specific to each industry.

• Indirect / spillover effects: We plan to add the impact of spillover effects across industries to

account for the fact that the output of some industries provides the input for others. This will

ensure we are properly modeling supply-side effects (e.g., supply chain disruptions).

• Covering low- and middle-income countries: We are discussing a LMIC view with NGO’s (which

may require additional model changes given their structural differences).

• Long-term scarring: Although we have modeled variable recovery driven by factors such as

bankruptcy risk and long-term unemployment by industry, our current model does not

incorporate structural “scarring” or the long-term shifts in growth trajectory for certain industries,

which we plan to incorporate in the future.

Policymakers are not merely in the business of predicting GDP, but also help to shape it. In the rest of this

paper we outline an overall framework and a data-driven approach on how to think through the recovery

decisions that minimize GDP impact.


Our modeling of the impact to GDP from various intervention scenarios shows that preventing a second

wave of infections has benefits for both public health and the economy. As such, there will be a continued

need to manage the spread of COVID-19 until a vaccine has become broadly available or herd immunity

has been built. Until then, policymakers face the difficult task of determining how and when portions of

the economy can be opened in such a way that reduces the risk of a second wave of infections.

As this pandemic has highlighted, containing the spread of the infectious disease required trade-offs in

the form of reduced economic activity. However, economic activity and the disease transmission rate “R”

are not directly linked. They are both driven by a third factor that we never consider under “normal”

circumstances: social contact.

Without the threat of a pandemic, social contact has essentially no cost (in fact, it is usually seen as a

positive), and therefore we have had little reason to limit it. However, the emergence of COVID-19 has

suddenly put a high cost on social contact in the form of higher rates of disease transmission. Because

social contact does not have a “price” that would allow the market to find an efficient equilibrium between

economic activity and disease transmission, reducing social contact relies on government intervention

and/or self-initiated behavior changes. In economics this is referred to as a negative externality, a

(negative) byproduct of economic activity not accounted for in its cost.7

To control the spread of infections and limit the negative impact of social contact, governments have

enacted a variety of restrictions on businesses and individuals. In the upper part of Figure 7, we chart the

impact of these restrictions and self-imposed behavior change on social contact (as measured by Google

7 This is very similar to pollution, which also has no inherent price. To reduce pollution, some governments have imposed

artificial prices that attempt to reflect the cost of its negative externalities.

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mobility data as a proxy) and transmission (as

measured by R)8 over the initial containment

period of the crisis (early March to the trough

of U.S. mobility in mid-April). As the data show,

transmission rate has declined as social contact

has been reduced. This relationship remains

directionally consistent regardless of which

estimates of R used and we have provided

alternative estimates of R in the appendix.9

Because social contact is also a critical

component of the economy, these restrictions

have also led to a reduction in economic

activity (as measured by Consumer Spending10

in the lower part of Fig. 7). As we will discuss

later, the relationship between social contact

and economic activity varies by

activity/industry. For example, closing bars

leads to greater social contact reduction

compared with its economic contribution than

closing manufacturing.

As the focus of policy discussions shifts to

recovery, managing social contact is the key

lever that governments can use to maintain a

balance between transmission rates and

economic activity. Therefore, the goal of

recovery policy is threefold:

1. Determining a “Social Contact Budget” based on assessment of current level of containment and


2. Determining the most efficient way to spend that Social Contact Budget by prioritizing areas of

the economy to reopen that yield the highest value or “Return on Social Contact”

3. Identifying opportunities to increase our budget by weakening the link between social contact

and disease transmission (i.e., reducing the cost of social contact).

8 Report 23: State-level tracking of COVID-19 in the United States, Samir Bhatt, et al 9 R-values are both difficult to accurately estimate (especially in real time) and can vary significantly even within a

country or state (e.g., urban versus rural areas). Because of this, estimates of R-values for a given area can vary

significantly which makes it challenging to confidently define a Social Contact Budget that ensures R will remain below

1. This requires policymakers to take a conservative approach toward reopening (discussed further in section 6.2). We

have provided alternative views of U.S. R-value in the Recovery Policy Appendix (Fig. 19-21). 10 Opportunity Insights Economic Tracker

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With infections growing exponentially in the earlier

stages of the pandemic, governments initially focused

exclusively on reducing the rate of disease

transmission by implementing a variety of restrictions

that reduced social contact. The goal of these

interventions was to reduce the transmission rate (R)

below 1, so that the number of new cases would drop.

These interventions were largely successful with

significant reduction in R-values through April and

May, with many geographies seeing R-values <1.

This focus on reducing transmission rates has had a

devasting effect on economic activity as discussed in

Section 2. As countries and U.S. states see R-values

below 1, it creates an opportunity to relax some of the

restrictions on social contact to limit economic


Relaxing these restrictions must be done in a way that

maintains the transmission rate below 1 to prevent

the risk of a second wave of the pandemic (which,

besides the big health implications, would also be

more damaging economically). For these areas, the

amount of social contact can be increased from

current levels up to the point where the transmission

rate approaches 1, thus forming our Social Contact

Budget as seen in the upper part of Figure 8. This

budget in turn can be used to reopen portions of the economy and recover some economic activity as

seen in the lower part of Figure 8.

In the next section we will discuss how to best spend this Social Contact Budget.


The Social Contact Budget provides an opportunity to increase economic activity while limiting the risk of

a resurgence in COVID-19 infections. The challenge, however, is to spend this budget in a way that yields

the highest benefit to society. In other words, identifying the portions of the economy to reopen that

provide the best trade-off between increased social contact and increased economic activity. Several

proxies for economic activity can be taken such as GDP, employment, and bankruptcy risk, depending on

policy objectives. We will first use GDP as the objective function.

5.1 Maximizing GDP

To determine the best actions to take to maximize GDP, we first need to identify the industries most

dependent on in-person interactions to conduct business. Although some industries (e.g., retail,

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accommodation & food services)11 rely heavily on social contact to conduct business, others (e.g.,

professional services, information tech) can largely operate remotely. Figure 9 maps both classes of

industries. The vertical axis shows the projected reduction in GDP for each industry given the peak of U.S.

mobility reduction, based on our economic impact model described in Section 2.

The horizontal axis shows the estimated reduction in social contact for each industry under this same level

of lockdown. Because the Google Mobility data we used previously does not provide sufficient industry

granularity, we have estimated this by first reducing social contact by the proportion of employees that

can work remotely12 (e.g., if 20% of the workforce in an industry can work remotely we reduced social

contact by 20 percentage points from “normal”) and then further reducing social contact proportional to

the amount GDP has declined (e.g., if GDP declined 5 percentage points from “normal,” we reduced social

contact by an additional 5 percentage points).13 The industries in the yellow portion of the chart represent

what you would generally expect: Reduction in social contact leads to reduction in GDP. The industries in

the green portion represent industries that have been able to reduce social contact with far less impact on

GDP due to better ability to rely on remote work.

To further illustrate this point, it is helpful to zoom in on a representative industry from each category in

Figure 9: Green — professional services and Yellow — retail in nonspecialized stores (e.g., department

stores). Figure 10 shows that by going virtual, professional services has been able to maintain a large

portion of its economic value (12% reduction from normal) while reducing social contact significantly

(88% reduction from normal). Retail in nonspecialized stores on the other hand has seen a similar drop in

11 Mentions of ‘Food Services’ refer to restaurants, bars, and other eating establishments but not grocery 12 “How many jobs can be done from home,” Jonathan I. Dingel and Brent Neiman 13 This approach implicitly relies on the following assumptions: 1) that 100% of those who can work remotely are doing

so, 2) that the transition to remote work has no direct impact on GDP contribution of the industry, and 3) that reductions

in GDP occur proportionally with additional reductions in social contact beyond remote work

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GDP compared with professional services (11% reduction from normal), but a much more moderate drop

in social contact (18% reduction from normal) as brick and mortar retail requires a relatively high level of

social interactions to be maintained.14

As a result, recovery policies should primarily target industries for which in-person interactions are critical,

because increasing social contact in these industries will most directly lead to greater GDP (i.e., the

relationship between GDP and Social Contact has a

steeper slope in Fig. 10). However, within this group

of industries we can further prioritize by looking at

which industries yield the highest GDP per unit of

social contact (i.e., a high ‘return on social contact’).

This is shown with real data in Figure 11. The vertical

axis shows total GDP contribution15 for each

industry. The horizontal axis shows Total Social

Contact for each industry, which represents the level

of physical proximity driven by a given industry. We

calculated Total Social Contact based on survey

data that indicates the level of physical proximity

required of workers to perform work tasks by job,

which then we mapped to our industry taxonomy

and weighted by employment.16 Industries in the

top left/green zone represent better Return on

Social Contact than industries in the bottom right.

For example, reopening industries such as

manufacturing will produce significantly more GDP

14 We have used estimates of social contact reduction based on University of Chicago data rather than Google Mobility

data here due to the lack of industry granularity. We assume employees who can work from home will do so. 15 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis 16 O*Net Survey Data, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Bureau of Labor


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for our contact budget than would reopening accommodation & food services (healthcare while

“inefficient” on this metric is obviously critical for public health).

It is also important to note that the relationship between social contact and GDP may evolve over time.

Many industries are already adapting to increase the portion of their business processes that can be done

from home (more on this in section 6.2). Furthermore, reopening does not necessarily have to be a binary

decision and we may find optimal outcomes that involve partial reopening (e.g., opening restaurants at

reduced capacity) that strike a good balance between minimizing social contact while enabling economic


5.2 Additional Recovery Objectives

So far, we have looked at this from a “maximizing GDP” perspective. As we highlighted, this approach can

also be taken for other economic objectives such as maximizing employment or preventing widespread

bankruptcies. Both are also typically associated with more long-term economic “scarring.” Here we will

present a data-driven view on unemployment.

Although this objective would still mean prioritizing industries heavily dependent on in-person

interactions, it would emphasize relaxing interventions for sectors hardest hit from an unemployment

perspective instead of those with the greatest GDP contribution. Because many businesses in these

sectors were closed entirely, allowing them to reopen even in a limited capacity allows many employees

to return to work.

Figure 12 represents a data-driven view on this form of

Return on Social Contact. This chart is similar to Figure

11, except that this shows a “maximizing employment”

lens. The vertical axis represents change in

unemployment between May 2019 and May 202017,

and the horizontal axis represents average social

contact per worker (i.e., not weighted by employment).

We see some key differences relative to the GDP view

in Figure 11, with industries like accommodation &

food services as well as retail moving toward the

“green.” Although the level of social contact remains

high for these industries, the value of reopening has

increased significantly when viewed from an

employment lens given the high number of jobs lost in

those industries. We also see that Manufacturing

scores high from an employment view as well as a GDP


Although the steps above provide a way of prioritizing

which portions of the economy to reopen first to

maximize economic benefit, it may also be important

to spend a portion of the Social Contact Budget on noneconomic activities that improve quality of life.

Activities such as exercise and participating in social gatherings may not have a clear economic benefit

but can contribute significantly to people’s well-being. Although these could be thought of as an

17 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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“indulgence” better spent on reopening more of the economy, allowing some leisure activities will in turn

make adherence to the other/future restrictions more bearable and ultimately more sustainable. Just as

with economic activities, these leisure activities should be prioritized based on the degree to which they

increase quality of life relative to increasing social contact.


In addition to spending the existing Social Contact Budget in the most effective way, there are also

opportunities to increase this budget over time.

6.1 Increasing Social Contact Budget

Although most of the interventions thus far have focused on reducing the transmission rate via reductions

in social contact (i.e., moving along the curve), we can also reduce transmission rates for any given level of

contact by weakening the relationship between social contact and the Transmission Rate (R) and thus

shifting the curve down.

The most effective means for achieving this is by identifying and quarantining infected individuals so that

social contact only happens between healthy people. This will require the continued expansion of testing

and the introduction of more contact tracing


Of course, it is unlikely, at least in the U.S. and

Western Europe, that testing and tracing will be

accurate and ubiquitous enough to identify every

infected person immediately. This is especially true

for COVID-19, given the high proportion of

asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases.

Accounting for this will require the widespread use

of physical barriers (e.g., plexiglass between

cashiers) as well as behavior change as an

additional line of defense to ensure that even if

infected individuals are not properly identified, the

spread of infection is still reduced.

Looking at some of the early recovery data coming

out of the US, we can see the relationship between

mobility and R values has already begun to evolve.

The top part of Fig. 13 shows a similar view as Fig.

8, but adds additional data in orange for an

additional 6 weeks to show what has happened as

mobility has gradually recovered.

In this data we can see that for a given level of

mobility, the transmission rate is significantly

lower during recovery (orange dots) relative to the

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initial drop in mobility (blue dots). This shift suggests that some of the behavioral changes (e.g., 6 feet

rule) and additional preventative measures businesses are taking (e.g., wiping down shopping carts) have

already started to have an effect. The end result is an increase in our social contact budget out to the

yellow dot outlined in red which in turn allows us to reopen a greater portion of the economy.

As an additional benefit, weakening the link between social contact and transmission rate can also help

reduce the fear and anxiety that the pandemic has created. This is critically important, because reopening

portions of the economy is only possible and effective if people feel safe enough to actually return to

work (increase supply) and engage in in-person purchases (increase demand).

Similar to what we see with Transmission Rate, we’re also seeing the relationship between social contact

and consumer spending evolve in recovery as represented in the bottom half of Fig 13. Data from the end

of May / mid-June (orange dots) show a shallower slope than in the initial lockdown period (blue dots).

This implies that as more of the economy opens up, consumer spending is recovering more slowly than it

declined, driven by factors like increased saving and lower spend per trip.

6.2 The Importance of a Conservative Approach

Although this recovery policy framework provides a systematic way of prioritizing areas of the economy to

reopen, it is important to emphasize the need for a conservative approach toward recovery. There are

several reasons for this. First, because R-values are inherently difficult to measure in real time and the

relationship between social contact and R-values can vary over time (e.g., weather may affect disease

transmission rates), it is challenging to define a precise amount that social contact can be increased

without R becoming >1. Second, the amount that social contact that will be increased by loosening

certain restrictions will depend on people’s level of fear about the virus, which will likely decrease over

time. Third, adherence to existing restrictions may decrease over time (e.g., people are more likely to leave

their houses as the weather improves), which will increase social contact even with no change in official


We can already see several of these forces at play in Figure 13, which suggests the U.S. was near or has

already breached the R-value threshold of 1 towards the end of May. This implies that we may have

already exhausted the social contact budget freed up with our initial efforts from early March to the

mobility trough in mid-April. It is important to note that this is an early trend and there is significant

variance and uncertainty in R value estimates. As such we will continue to track the latest studies to see

whether this pattern holds. For now, this signal only reinforces the importance of taking a conservative

approach to ensure a clear, consistent progression of reopening (and utilizing the feedback from early

steps to inform additional actions).

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The path of the pandemic will

influence both the government

strategies and people’s

behavioral changes, which in turn

will determine macroeconomic

impact. We built a model that

calculates GDP impact for 2020

and 2021. We configured four

scenarios which indicate a 2020

GDP impact from -4.6% to -6.3%,

depending on the presence of a

second wave, steady state social

distancing, and speed of

recovery. We also built a Power BI

Dashboard (which can be found

at: that enables users to configure any custom scenario and see

resulting GDP impact (Fig. 14)18.

Policymakers will be focused on shaping GDP. At this stage we will have to keep managing the curve until

a vaccine has been developed or herd immunity has been built. Until then, we have to carefully manage

social contact so that we maximize economic recovery while mitigating risks of additional waves. This will

involve three key steps:

1. Assessing how much room or Social Contact Budget we have

2. Determining the most efficient way to spend that Social Contact Budget by prioritizing areas of

the economy to reopen that yield the highest value or return on Social Contact

3. Increasing our Social Contact Budget through measures such as contact tracing and massive

testing, thus reducing the likelihood that social contact leads to an increase in R

Our model is highly flexible, and we are ingesting new economic data, R-values, and mobility data

continuously as it is released. We are also expanding the work in several directions based on feedback

(e.g., state-level views, low- to middle-income countries).

18 Data in dashboard screenshot is illustrative

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The economic damage inflicted by the combined supply-and-demand-side shocks hitting the economy

will depend significantly on the duration and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this appendix we

provide additional detail on the economic model.

8.1 Approach to Economic Recovery and Industry Scarring

The combination of 1) magnitude of response informed by mobility data, 2) industry susceptibility, and 3)

the response timeline scenarios are the key inputs to forecasting the initial drop in GDP. In the model we

assume that the drop in GDP from these factors occurs immediately as mobility data declines due to

government lockdown and changes in people’s behavior.

However, as measures are lifted it is unreasonable to assume that people’s behavior and thus contribution

to economic activity (e.g., working, spending), will snap back immediately. This is driven by a variety of

supply and demand-side factors including self-enforced social distancing (demand side) and business

closures / industry scarring (supply side). To properly model recovery we use mobility data to dictate the

recovery curve for periods where we have historical data. Thus, as mobility slowly recovers (representing

on the ground behavior) so does the economy. For forward looking periods, we use our scenarios to

project how we believe mobility will recover based on factors like last known mobility level, announced re-

opening timelines and levels, expected vaccine timing, and an expected ‘steady state’ mobility level while

we wait for widespread vaccine availability.

But as mentioned earlier in the doc, the relationship between mobility and economic activity has likely

evolved between the initial economic shocks and more recent recovery. In the U.S. consumer spending

has trended to be lower in recovery, even adjusting for the same level of mobility. Given this, our model

also allows us to specify a faster or slower recovery speed that is specific to a given industry to account for

the fact that not all industries will recover at the same speed. As inputs, we primarily use industry-level

high-frequency data (e.g.,

consumer spending data) to

understand any early trends in

recovery as most countries have

been recovering their mobility

levels since mid-April. Figure 15

shows a good example of this.

While retail’s recovery looking

very similar to its initial decline

given a similar change in mobility,

transportation’s recovery in

spending has been much slower

indicating it may need a

correspondingly slow recovery

speed in the model.

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It is also important to note that here we do not yet model any structural changes to the economy after

COVID-19. It is already becoming clear that there will be a structural acceleration toward virtualizing many

parts of the economy (e.g., meetings, doctors’ appointments, parties, shopping). We have separate work

underway on this topic but do not model it here.

8.2 GDP Forecast

Multiplying the GDP value added by industry and the economic impact under varying levels of response

over time produces our forecast of U.S. Real GDP growth quarter-over-quarter (Fig. 16).

The second wave scenarios are real possibilities if we look back at history: the Spanish Flu, which had its

main spike in cases in 1918 followed by a deadly second wave in 1919. Figure 17 shows real GDP growth

in the U.K. over this period, and we can see the impact of the initial onset of the virus, a brief period of

recovery, followed by another period of more aggressive GDP contraction (“W-shaped recession”).

Finally, to translate these changes in GDP growth into a cumulative impact, we also looked at how U.S.

GDP by quarter is affected in each scenario relative to a pre-crisis baseline (Fig. 18). This shows a large

peak-to-trough drop of ~10% with a return to pre-COVID baseline between Q1’21 to beyond Q4’21,

depending on the scenario.

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9.1 Alternative Views for R Values19

19 EpiForecasts License, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PolicyLab. Available at:

[Accessed: May 20, 2020], Rt. Live, Google LLC "Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports"
