
Course Content This unit requires students to study the nature of Islam and its effects on the lives of Muslim believers in the UK. There are four sections covering:

beliefs and values, community and tradition, worship and celebration, Living the Muslim life.

1 Section 1: Beliefs and values

The nature and importance of belief in tawhid. The sin of shirk and why it is a major sin in Islam. The meaning and importance of belief in the creativity of Allah. The meaning and importance of belief in the mercy and compassion of Allah. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the nature of

humans as khalifah, as shown in the Qur’anic teachings about Adam. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on al-Qadar and human


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The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on angels. Key words    

The meaning and importance of belief in risalah (how Allah communicates with humans).

The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on holy books other than the Qur’an (tawrat, zabur, injil).

The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammad.

How belief in akhirah affects the lives of Muslims.

Al-Qadar -Allah’s control of future events Creativity- the action of creating the universe by Allah Din -way of life (the belief and practice of Islam) Ibadah -all acts of worship/any permissible action performed to obey Allah Iman -faith in Allah Islam -peace gained through submission to Allah Khalifah -custodian or steward of the world for Allah Muslim -one who has submitted to Allah by accepting Islam Qur’an -that which is read or recited/the holy book of Islam Risalah -Muslim beliefs about the prophets of Allah Shirk -the sin of regarding anything as an equal or partner of Allah Tawhid -the oneness of Allah




“There is ONE God, ALLAH and no other.” (TAWHID)

“In the name of ALLAH, the Merciful, the Compassionate.” (BISMILLAH)

ALLAH is.._    







1. _____________

2. _____________ 

3. _____________ 

4. _____________ 

5. _____________ 

6. _____________ 

7. _____________ 

8. _____________ 

9. _____________ 


ALLAH is.._  

Tawhid is.._  






Shirk is.._  

Shirk is …._  

Muslims NEVER draw pictures of what ALLAH looks like.

Instead they use picture language to describe ALLAH.

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There are 7 basic beliefs in Islam. These beliefs have been stated precisely in Al-Imanul Mufassal.

This means: ‘I believe in Allah, in His Angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the Last Day and in the fact that everything good or bad is decided by Allah, the Almighty, and in the Life after Death’






3. Angels

4. Books of Allah

5. Messengers of Allah



1. Allah

2. Predestination (Al-Qadr)


What effect does Tawhid have on Human Life? 









6. Day of Judgment

7. Life after death


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Choose four surahs about God, explain carefully in your own words what each one teaches about God


















Surah 2:255 tells me … 

Surah 2:255 tells me … 

Muslims could never accept that the universe came into being by chance because________________________________________________________ 


Muslisms could never accept that there is no evidence for the existence of God because ___________________________________________________ 


Surah 2:255 tells me …

Surah 2:255 tells me …

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Muslims believe that God is merciful and compassionate. He has not just left humans alone in the world to get on with things. He has sent prophets with holy books to show them how to live their lives and his justice means that they will only be judged on how far they have followed the teachings of the prophets and holy books. Muslims also believe that God’s mercy means that God will forgive people if they do not live up to everything in the holy books. If Muslims feel they have done something wrong, they will pray to God for forgiveness and either fast (sawm) or give money to the poor (sadaqah). Before they die all Muslims try to confess their sins and ask God to forgive them, so that they will not be sent to hell on the Day of Judgement. The Qur’an and Muhammad say that Muslims will be forgiven by God if they are truly sorry for what they have done and are determined to do better in future. They will not be forgiven if they are only confessing in order to avoid hellfire.  

Explain why belief in the mercy and compassion of Allah is important for Muslims. (8)  







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The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the nature of humans as khalifah, as shown in the Qur’anic teachings

about Adam.

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  In what ways are Muslims expected to take responsibility for the use, and not misuse, of the planet in everyday life?

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Belief in Angels

Muslims believe in Angels as l_____________ beings. They are not to be w_________ as they themselves are the worshippers and servants of Allah. The leader of the Angels is G__________, who revealed the Q______ to Muhammad (PBUH) G__________ is also known as the H______ S______, because He is a M__________ being sent from A________. It is thought that two Angels visit the grave after burial, to ask the s______ questions about its p______ life and to p______ for the Day of J__________.








‘Behold two guardians appointed to learn His doings, one sitting on his right and One on the left. Not a word does he utter But there is a sentinel by him, ready to Note it.’ Surah 50:17-18 Rewrite this Ayat in your own words  

 1. What are Angels

2. Do you think believing in Angels make life hard or easy for Muslims?

3. How might a Muslim be helped in life by the belief in guardian Angels?


5. Make a list of some of your thoughts and actions that might have gone into your book of deeds










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(a) What is Khalifah? (2) (b) Do you think Muslims are right to believe in angels? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4) (c) Explain why being responsible for the world (Khalifah) is important for Muslims. (8)












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Risalah: How Allah Communicates with humans  

Risalah Prophecy. The channel of communication between God and humanity



Why is Risalah an important part of the Islamic faith? 





What is the difference e between a Nabi and a Rasul? 















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Scrolls given to Abraham- 



The revelation to Musa-  


The Psalms of Dawud-  



The teachings of Isa-  


What do Muslims believe about these Holy Books? 

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The Islamic teachings on the revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammad.  

Lailat-ul-Qadr- the Night of Power


• Explain why Muslims should show respect for the Qu’ran. (8 marks)


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Duniyah Akhirah

Explain why belief in life after death (Akhirah) is important for Muslims (8 marks)


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Explain what Al-Qadr means:

Copy out either surah 32:2 or 10:107

Explain the difference between a cause and an effect.

Give two examples that show the ‘fine detail’ of God’s knowledge.

What is nafs?

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a)What is Shirk? (2)

b) Give two teachings about Tawhid (4)

c) explain why Al-Qadr is important for Muslims (8)

d) ‘mercy and Compassion are the most important qualities of Allah’

Give two reasons why someone would agree with this statement (3)

Give two reasons why someone would disagree with this statement (3)

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