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Page 1: Costume Design

Costume Design


To help create the costume of our band, we decided to look at other bands in the same genre. This is so we can develop a

similar style to them as possible. This is important because genre covers not only the sound of the music but also how the musicians tend to look and act.

We chose to look at Neck Deep, Lower Than Atlantis and Basement. This is because they are all popular bands in the same genre of music. By studying their style we can create a costume for our band to wear. These three photos show what each of these bands typically wears.

From these photos, and some other found on the Internet, we have gathered that the band members tend to wear long sleeved shirts (usually flannel), unbuttoned; over a dark/grey shirt or they will wear a large t-shirt. They also tend to either wear dark skinny jeans or light

coloured shorts with converse or vans of any colour. This is what our band will be wearing in the performance shoots.

Page 2: Costume Design


The costume of the protagonist will be created by looking at clothing worn by fans of the bands we used for the band style. It is important to get the right look for our protagonist,

as he is meant to be dressed the same as we expect our target audience to be.

To get the right look for this, we looked at several sources. Our first source was our protagonist, as he is an avid fan of all three bands. In the photo he is shown wearing dark jeans and a band shirt, a similar style of that of the bands.

Our second source was through pictures on popular social network site, Tumblr. Using this site, we picked out images of people who had tagged the bands in photos of themselves. We gathered that the majority of fans would wear band merchandise to show support of the bands. Many photos showed that the fans would wear any type of bottom half clothing. Many of them often wore caps, usually from the same brand.

We have gathered, from the research on tumblr and other sites, that our protagonist shall wear a band shirt with an unbuttoned long sleeve shirt over the top. He will wear skinny jeans of any colour and dark vans.

Page 3: Costume Design


For the look of the grandma, we decided to go with the typical old lady look of a knitted cardigan and a dress. The clothes will be of a lighter colour as this contrasts with the darker colours of the bands clothes, as well as being a popular shade for older people.

As for the make up of the grandma, we have watched several instructional make up video tutorials on how to make someone look much older. After watching these videos, we have concluded that we will need latex, wax and several shades of make up.

While watching the videos, we came to the thought of using either dry shampoo; baby powder or white/grey hair spray to achieve the white locks of a pensioner.