

The Village of Cosma, Peru and the 2017 Torrential Rains

~ Kimberly Munro

Cosma is a small agro-pastoral community located on the western slope of the Cordillera Negra Mountains of Ancash. It sits at the headwaters of one of the tributaries of the Nepeña River. Cosma is one of the oldest communities in the Caceres District of Ancash, founded in 1714 as a Spanish settlement, though native inhabitants had lived in the basin prior to its historical founding. The people who inhabit the basin today speak Spanish as well as Quechua. Their major economy is based on their agricultural products such as potatoes, quinoa, avocados, and wheat. They’re also known down valley for their delicious fresh bread, and queso-fresco. But because of its relative isolation, the younger generations have been leaving the community for the comforts of coastal city living. Currently, the majority of people living in the community are older, between 50-90 years in age. There are only 40 school aged children in town.

There are only two mountain passes into Cosma. A dirt road leads from the capital town of Jimbe lower down the valley, and a narrow cattle trail connects to the neighboring town of Pamparomas. Even in good times there is no public vehicle transportation to the community, so the town can only be accessed by private cars, or the truck which delivers supplies into the community twice a week. But the torrential rains have caused mudslides which have severely damaged both access roads. Many houses have been damaged (adobe walls are crumbling and roofs have been destroyed). The higher altitude in the mountains also means the temperatures drop significantly at night, well into the low 40s (5 degrees Celsius.) There is currently no dry place to sleep in the community. The people in Cosma urgently need tents, tarps, and sleeping bags or blankets to keep warm and dry. Food and clean water are in sort supply; fuel, cooking supplies, and tools are also needed.

Oblique view into Cosma basin taken from western ridge-top.

The road to Cosma with arrow indicating Cosma’s location

View of the Cosma basin from the eastern mountain ridge facing west.

The orange arrow shows the town’s location in the basin, green arrow shows the road into town.





The plaza in Cosma, taken from different angles.












