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Speakers include: Co-Sponsor:

Th 3d Aual Cpat Scial Mdia Summit

The No 1 Social Media ocussed corporate event –

your One-Stop-Shop or everything you need know

Fully integrate social media

throughout your company to engage

consumers, enhance your brand

and boost your bottom line

Tw day busiss cc, Ju 13–14, 2012The New Yorker, New York City

  Impv engagement, customersatisaction and sales via a turbo-chargedexternal social media policy and make yourbrand riends or lie

  Cat a cohesive internal structurethat’s embedded throughout to boostcommunication whilst reducing business risk

Masu your social media impact to showbusiness worth, inorm uture strategy andmeet your business priorities

Lay th udatis or uture success byully understanding the changing marketissues to gain competitive advantage

A practical and interactive business conerence built or a corporate audience:

LOOK INSIDE to check out our top level corporate speakers and business-ocused agenda

…o speakers are corporatepractitioners

…o sessions are designed to enhanceand improve your social media strategy

…o topics have been requested by your peers and deal with themajor issues aecting your company today – and tomorrow


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Da Cllagu

Hw s?

Simpl. W ly hav busisss talkig t busisss.

The Corporate Social Media Summit is back. Fast becoming

THE meeting place or the corporate social media practitioner,

this is your One-Stop-Shop or all things social.

What’s changed or 2012?

FIrST AnD ForeMoST, the urious pace

o advancements have transormed the social

landscape as we knew it even twelve months

ago. Facebook has surpassed 800 million

users. Twitter 100 million. And the number o

platorms are increasing also, especially with

Google+ and Pinterest joining the party. It all

means that you, the social media practitioner,have an even tougher job ahead o you. And in a

world o uncertainty, you can be sure only that it

will get harder still.

SeConD, companies understand even more

than beore that social media is becoming more

businesses-critical. 64% o companies report

their social media budgets are going to increase

throughout 2012. 92% o the Fortune100

companies now have a Twitter account. Even

70% o local businesses have a Facebook

page. It all goes to say that US corporations are

not only becoming more aware, they are also

growing more active through social.

THIrD, it is now acknowledged that social

media is not merely something or marketing

teams. Social is permeating through ALL

business unctions. 2012 represents the Year

o Change or social media as we know it.

58% o companies will use social or customer

service, 65% or reputation management,

41% or employee engagement and 27% or

commerce. Companies that are not running a

ully integrated, grown-up social media program

are being let behind in the social arms race.

Scial is lg xpimtal.It is udamtal.

Your social media strategy needs to be part o

your long-term business plan and integrated

across the whole company.

And there is only one place to learn how to

achieve this: The Corporate Social Media Summit.

 Just like last year, you will hear only rom corporate

speakers – the Summit Agenda has once again

evolved rom three months o primary research

– and networking with your corporate peers is

given an even higher priority.

THere’S More.

Because this year, we have grown even better.

With more interactive and productive session

ormats, bigger brand speakers and a networking

space no-one in the USA can beat – this is the

One & Only social media event to attend in 2012.

I your company wants to take its social media

strategy to the next level this is defnitely the

only conerence you need to attend

Don’t miss the opportunity to get to the

oreront o corporate social media. Reserve

your place at Th Cpat Scial MdiaSummit today.


Hay rllas

Useul Social Media

Designed or you,the corporate:Three months osolid research toensure every sessiongets to the hearto this year’s socialissues and keepsyou those vital stepsahead in an ever-

changing landscape.

Best practice romyour corporatepeers: All speakersare rom bigcorporations andhave been taskedwith deliveringpractical solutionsand inormedopinions, rather than

empty classroomtheory.

A proven trackrecord: 98% o lastyear’s delegates con-frmed they learneduseul strategiesand best practice atthe Corporate SocialMedia Summit(and we have takenthe eedback rom

the other 2% frmlyon board!)

Fabulousnetworking:With 200+ delegates,this is the eventor successulpractitioners whowant to get onwith their socialstrategy in 2012.

High enddiscussion:Go back to the ofcearmed with theknowledge to driveyour social mediastrategies orward– immediately. Learnhow to stay aheado the curve.



There is plenty o choice when it comes to social media summits. But the

Corporate Social Media Summit is dierent – and better than all the rest.

A bold claim. But one we make rom a position o strength.

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Improve your consumer engagement

by way o a more advanced social

media strategy to inspire even better

brand interaction

As social media evolves, the number of fans engagingwith your brand online is rocketing. It’s now common forbrands to have large numbers of Fans and Followers –but to what extent do they truly engage with your brand?

90% of Facebook users don’t return to the brand pageafter the ‘Like’. The reality is that brands now not onlyface the problem creating new fans – but keepingexisting fans engaged.

In this session our distinguished panel of corporateexperts will spell out on how to make true Friendsthrough REAL relationships:

• Humanizeyourbrand:Transformyourcorporateimage into something approachable and engaging,and boost consumer interaction

• Retentionisthenewacquisition:Buildrobustandlasting relationships to future-proof your businessfor the new economic situation

• Capitalizeoneveryconversation:Movefromacontent strategy to a conversation strategy andmaximizeinteractionsforenhancedloyaltyand  brand appreciation

Part One

Amica expss  Laura Fink Vice-PresidentSocialMedia

Gap  Rachel Tipograph Director, Global DigitalandSocialMedia

H&r Blck  Scott Gulbransen DirectorofSocialMedia

Part Two

AVG  Jill Hunley VicePresidentofGlobalSocialMedia

Diag/Smi  Michelle Klein Smirnoff Vice


Big  Todd BlecherCommunications/SocialMediaDirector

Global versus Local: Manage multiple

identities whilst maintaining brand

identity on a universal scale

It’s essential to maintain a clear brand identity for socialmediasuccess.Butthat’seasiersaidthandone,especially when your brand’s presence makes itself felt in different geographical markets through multipleplatforms. Today’s average company has six differentTwitter accounts, so it’s clear segmentation is happening.Butshouldit?Howdoyousendoutaunitedmessagewhen the communication landscape is so disjointed?

• Localizationofcontent:Howtocreateon-messagecontent that also meets local demands

• Keepingupappearances:Ensuringyourbrandvoiceremains consistent – rather than confused - evenwhen it’s spread across many different social medialocations

•  Training,equippingandsynergizingmultipleteamsindifferent regions to truly create a ‘glocal’ social mediafunction

BAe Systms  Steve FieldDirectorofDigitalMedia

Gal elctic  Andy Markowitz Director,Global Digital Strategy

Incorporate commerce into your

broader social media strategy to

directly impact your bottom line

Gone are the days where social media was just‘experimental’. It must now deliver genuine worth to

pushthosebudgetaryoodgatesopen.Asyouronlinefans increase, your ability to move from followers todollarsimproves–dramatically.Buthowdoyoumakesocial media part of the sales process?

 Adding commerce to the social mix remains tough. Talking in the right voice and making the right soundshas never been more crucial. Get it wrong and youruntheriskofjeopardizingallyourprevioushardwork,as followers become alienated through a bullish salestechnique.

BothKLIMandWholeFoodshavebeenmodelsofexcellence as social commerce early adopters. In thissession they will demonstrate how to develop realrelationships that work for you.

• Socialcommerce:Learnthebestwaystoincorporateloyaltyprograms,customerbenets,andrewardsprograms into your existing websites and campaigns

• Movingfromfollowerstocustomers:Avoidthepitfallsof overselling to your brand loyalists by deployingsoftly-softlysalestechniquesthatwillnotalienateanyone

• Protfromstayingintouch:Discoverhowtocreatean environment where your customers are actuallyeager to help sell your products for you

Whl Fds  Bill Tolany HeadofIntegratedMedia

Ai Fac KLM  Viktor Van-der-Wijk DirectorE-Acquisition

Reputation preservation and

enhancement: Use social media to

maximize the impact o your brandSocial media has changed the way brands communicateonce and for all. Traditional barriers between brands andstakeholders are now almost non-existent – which bringsboth opportunities and dangers.

Use social correctly and you can manage your onlinereputation far more effectively than before. Look atSouthwest Airlines, who told the world about theiremergencywithFlight1919toChicagoviasocialratherthan traditional media and emerged from a crisis withits reputation enhanced, rather than damaged. Thissession shows you the do’s and don’ts of reputationmanagement via social media from three of the US’sbiggestbrands,McDonalds,CitiandSouthwestAirlines.

• Riskmanagementandcrisisresponse:Howtoidentify escalating situations on social networks anddeal with them appropriately

• Buildtrustandpassion:Usesocialmediatosharegood news stories, build brand advocates andspread positive impact

• Informationatthespeedoflight:Dealingwiththesheer speed and spread of social news to keepseveral steps ahead

McDald’s  Heather Oldani Director, U.S.Communications

Citi, Jonathan Young, Assistant Vice PresidentSocialMediaandCorporateCommunications

Suthwst Ailis  Brandy King SeniorCommunicationsManager

Create a more robust and responsi

customer service unction: Turn yo

customers – and your critics – into

brand ambassadors

Good customer service leads to positive sentiment, the advance of social media has changed customerservice beyond recognition. Already, 42% of companuse social media as a customer service tool, and thispredicted to increase to 59% by the end of the year.

Good customer service has the power to create bettbrand reputation, increase retention rates and boostcompetitive advantage. Social customer service isbecoming the norm for any company that wants tocommunicate proactively with their customers, so timto get with the program.

In this session Frank Eliason, who is wrote to book on scustomerservicefromhimtimeas@ComcastCares,wbejoinedbyleadingairlineJetBlue.BothJetBlue,oneotheearliestadoptersofsocialcustomerservice,andCitwill demonstrate how to build a successful social mediacustomer service function at your company.

• Conversationoverload:Ensuringyourespondeffectively to the rapidly increasing number of customrequests–androutequeriestotherightpeople

• Constructingresponsemodels:Howtodealwithtromakers – and know when it’s time to cut them loo

• Movebeyondsocialmedia:Dealingwithproblemthat can’t be answered in 140 characters or less

•  Achieveseamlessintegrationbyensuringwhat’ssonsocialplatformstsinwithexistingCRMsystem

Citi  Frank EliasonSeniorVicePresidentofSocialM

 JtBlu  Morgan JohnstonHeadofCorporatCommunications

Creating marketing synergy: Boost

your external impact by developina ully-integrated marketing mix

Gone are the days when social sat at its own table.Companieshavewokenuptothefactthatsocialneeto be part of the broader marketing and communicastrategy.Justlookatthisyear’sSuperBowlhalftimadverts, the majority contained a hashtag and werepromotedviasocialchannelsbeforethereairing.Whwas the unknown 12 months ago is now becoming stream marketing practice.

Whatelsecanyoudowithsocialtomakeyourtraditmarketing work harder? Or are you still keepingmarketing and social at separate tables –and limiting your potential impact?

InthissessionAmericanEagleandMercedes-Benzwspell out precisely how social media impacts on your

traditional marketing communications – and the necesteps to create synergy across your entire marketing m

• Boostingimpact:Techniquestoenhanceandamyour storylines and brand messages through soc

• Integrateyourofinechannelswithsocial:Persuaconsumers to shift their conversations about youbrand online

• Understandthedangers:Therisksoffailingtoproperly integrate your marketing mix in 2012

Amica eagl  Jessica BerlinSocialMediaMa

Mcds-Bz USA  Melissa Newell SociaMediaSpecialist #CSMJoin the conversation! You can ollow us at:

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Lay the oundations or long-term

business success: Structuring,

embedding, operationalizing and

communicating social media inside

your organizationAs your social media develops, so too must yourstrategyandyourmodelofadoption.Comingupwithaneffective internal social media structure is hard enough– but coming up with one which is effective and meetskey business priorities is even harder. Adding additionalpressure to you, the social media manager in what isalreadypressurelledrole.

InthissessionyouwillhearfromDell,WellsFargoandAdobe who will give you a 360 view of what a successfulinternal structure looks like.

• Wheretoembedsocialatyourcompany?Createnimble infrastructures and secure the coordinationrequiredforinternalcohesion

• GettingtoYes:ThesecretsofachievinggenuinesupportfromtheC-suite

•  Achievingmaximumproductivityfromyourinternalresources:Howtopickthebestpersonforthejob

• Promoteinternalcohesion:Improveyourinternalcommunication channels to ensure your company’ssocialmediadeploymentisefcientandproductive

Dll  Richard BinhammerDirector,SocialMediaandCommunity

Wlls Fag  Nathan Bricklin Senior VicePresident-HeadofSocialBusinessStrategy

Adb  Maria PoveromoDirectorofSocialMedia

The impact o social media: Should you

look urther than ROI to assess success?


delivers remains contentious, and 74% of companiesadmittheyarenotcondentinattributingtherightROI  to their social efforts.

Howeverthedaysofsocialmediabeingallowedtorunits own course are over. At the very least, it must nowdeliverrealimpact.Butshouldthisimpactbemeasuredpurelyinnancialterms?Oraretheirothermetricsyourbusiness should measure – and take into account?

InthissessionNewYorkLifeInsurancewillwalkyouthroughavarietyofpopularROImodels–nancialandnon-nancial–thattheyareapplying.Protivitiwillshare a continuum of metrics corporate directors areseeing when management presents social media in theboardroom. And Lego will go through four very new anddistinct ways they are looking to create value throughsocial media that show returns.

•  TheHolyGrail:Firmlyestablishwhatyouwantto

achieve from your social efforts – is it more than justthe value of a shared voice?

•  ThesocialROIformula:Findaclearroutetoyoursocialimpact–andattributeitbacktospecicsocialmedia campaigns and efforts

•  Thenextgeneration:IsROIredundant,ornot?  Is it time to focus on new and different monetarymetrics that show bang for your buck?

nw Yk Li Isuac  Gregory Weiss AssistantVicePresident,SocialMedia

Lg  Lars SilberbauerSocialMediaDirector

Ptiviti  Gregory HedgesManagingDirectorSocialBusiness

Design an internal governance model

to train and create employee brand

ambassadors - not liabilities

Social media carries many associated risks. None moreso than the fear of someone doing something ‘wrong’ -

and with 73% of companies having at least three peopleactiveon‘ofcial’socialmedia,youneedtobecertainresponsibilities are clear.

Unfortunately, the nature of the beast means one smallmistakecanescalatequickly,andbeforeyouknowit,you’reobligedtoghtrewithre.FromMattel’sdeletingofFacebookposts,toHabitat’sloosehashtag,examplesofsocialmediagoingwrongarealltooeasytond.

Butyoucan’taffordnottobeonsocialmedia.Soyouneed to make sure that your employees know the rulesof engagement. In this session hear from two very bigbrandsintwoverydifferentindustries.BankofAmericaandDunkin’Brandswillsharetheirexperienceonhowto use social media effectively in tandem with broadercompany goals.

• Socializationforsuccess:Trainyourbiggestassets  to know the rules of engagement

• Createanappropriategovernancepolicy:  Develop internal rules to guide your employeesin representing your company

• Findingtherightbalance:Empowermentorconstantsupervision?Whatworksbestforyourbusiness?

• Howtoprosperinaregulatedindustry:Learnhow the thrive in even the toughest social mediaenvironment

Bak Amica  Chris Smith Senior VicePresidentofSocialMedia

Bak Amica  Emily Berg Senior VicePresidentofEnterpriseSocialMediaMarketing

Duki’ Bads  Jessica Gioglio Public RelationsandSocialMediaManager

Techniques to stop, look and listen to

what is being said about your brand

on social media channels

Social media monitoring delivers a deluge of data – somerelevant and some not. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

 The real challenge is not to track and measureeverything, but to single out the business-criticalinformation to your brand.

Butwith65%ofcompaniesconfessingtheircurrentmeasurement of social media impact is ineffective,howdoyoundthestuffthatreallymatters?

PepsiCoisarealleaderinthisveryarea.HavingjustopenedaMissionControlHub,theywilldemonstratehow to monitor the right things and track your social

media success:• Determineyourpriorities:Identifywhatyourcompany

should be looking to achieve through the wealth of social media data

• Findingcriticaldata:Howtoshintherightpools  to deliver the information you need

• SignalversusNoise:Addingarelevantcorporatelenstocutthroughthechatterandndthemostpertinentinformation

PpsiC  David WeinerDigitalMediaManager

The social mobile customer: Boost

your impact by combining the pow

o mobile with the strength o soci

– the way

•  AcasestudyonhowCars.comhaveutilisedmobsuccessfully for their company  Sharon KnitterSeniorDirectorofMo

Using the social media data you

gather to inorm uture strategic

brand strategies

 Turning social media data into actionable insights thainform strategy is imperative to future business succButwiththewealthofsocialmediadataoutthere,hodo you sort the wheat from the chaff?

Social media should hold sway over brand decisions.instance, Gap, through social media, felt the backlasto their change of brand logo in 2010 and reverted t

the traditional version. Just one case of where listenito and reading social media discussions correctly isimperative to inform business decisions. In this sessi

•  Turndataintoaction:Howtoanalyzedatatounderstand what your consumers want from you

• Crowdsourcingandinternalinnovation:Usingwhatyouheartodirectlyinuenceyourproductdevelopment teams

•  Actionableinsights:Createfree-owingandeasilyunderstood information across business departm

How gamication can boost custom

interactions, train sta and improv

stakeholder engagement

Gamicationisfastmovingfromaperceivedashinpanintomarketingmainstreamthinking.ConsultancyrmGartnerpredictsthatby2015,morethan50%oorganizationsthatmanageinnovationprocesseswillgamify those processes, and predict that by 2014, agamiedserviceforconsumergoodsmarketingandcustomer retention will become as importantasFacebook,eBayandAmazon.

Butwhy?Ifyoubringgamicationintoyourownmarketing strategy, what are the potential positive- and negative - effects?

In this session two leading corporations, Siemens anRecycleBankwillintroduceyoutogamicationandexplain how it can impact on your bottom line:

• Gamifyingfortherightreasons:Identifythecircumstances when adding a ‘game layer’ to yobusiness adds value

•  Tacticsforengagement:Howtoharnessthe‘stickyness’ of game dynamics

•  Thebestwaystoincorporateloyaltyprogramsancustomerbenets…withoutgivingtoomuchawa

rcyclbak  Samantha Skey ChiefRevenuOfcer

Sims  Oliver Fleischhut Director, OnlineCommunications


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What your peers have said:

Lori DeFurioSocialMediaStrategist,Adobe

Great content,great speakers.I will be ableto use what Ihave learnt hereimmediately backin the ofce

Jennifer WendtSocialMediaDirector,

Schneider Electric

Perectlytargeted at thesocial marketerwith corporations-Great exampleso thoughtleadership

Michael BrennerMarketingSeniorDirector,SAP

This eventhad the threeelements o agreat conerence– Great content,interesting peo-ple and great ood

Lauren AlbaManager,SocialMarketingand


Express Publishing

Smart, engaging

and thoughtprovoking speakers roma cross sectiono industriesdelivering useulbest practice

Sheerah SingerDirector-Marketing&


The summit waslled with won-derully useulinormation andhas given me

so much to bringback to mycompany

Tom HoehnInteractiveMarketingDirector,


The blockbusterline up wasimpressive –well done!

 Amber Banks


Really greatcontent. Qualityo presentationsvery high

Is scial mdia is imptat t yu cmpay?I so, the Corporate Social Media Summit is important, too


The response to last year’s Corporate

Social Media Summit was excellent



new that

they couldtake back

to the ofce

with them





to someone

in their


of last years




working in

big brands

With our high caliber corporate speakers, you hear only rom

those that are walking the walk instead o just talking the talk.

You’re assured o unbiased inormation – well-balanced and

innovative – so you can make better-inormed decisions the

moment you get back to the ofce.

This is the meeting place or corporate practitioners – and a

great way to meet your peers.

You’ll acquire premium market intelligence. As the sessions

knit together you’ll be able to benchmark rom social media

leaders learning how to recognize- and avoid – the mistakes

they have already made.

An even more interactive ormat carves out extra time or you

to ask important questions that will shape your uture strategy

Get the tools you need to defne and measure the

eectiveness o your social media policy – and make the

C-suite smile.


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Last ya’s Cpat ScialMdia Summit had th blwcmpais i attdac:


79% Cpat

18% SvicPvids

3% Jualistsad nws

The demographicso 2011’s audience

32% Dict

14% VP /Si VP

/ SiDict

10% SiMaags

7% Ceo’s37% Maag

The seniority o2011’s audience

A w acts abutu pvius summits:

63% utattds w

Si Maag/Dict lvlxcutivs

m si

W’v had sidicts spakm Cca-Cla,

Pfz, Bst Buy,UPS, Cisc ad

may m

W hav had v

600 dlgats

m v250 dit

cmpaisthughut thUS ad eup

79% pastattdsa m bigcpat’s

98% pviusattds saidthy latsmthig w

at th summit


Air France


Best Buy






DTE Energy


Exact Target




Mercedes Benz





Social MediaToday 



Weber Shandwick

and many more…

I 2011 w had th blw

cmpais i attdac:Cisco


Sunny Delight

Dunkin’ Brands













 American Licorice


U.S Bank

Radian 6

Dollar General

World WrestlingEntertainment




New York LifeInsurance


Southwest Airlines

 American Express






Whole Foods


Paddy Power


20th Century FoxCapital One

Save the Children

to name but a few...


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W pmisyu will


Tw day busiss cc, Ju 13–14, 2012The New Yorker, New York City

TERMS & CONDITIONS Placesaretransferablewithoutanycharge.Cancellationsafter13thApril2012incu




of VAT unless otherwise stated, but VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice



Choose Your Pass


+1 800 814 34 59




[email protected]


Register your place


•  Accesstoallsuper-panels,workshops and case studies

• Networkinglunchandcoeebreaks

• Evening drinks reception

+   Access to presentation slides post-conference

Book by April 5th 

$1400  SAVe $400

Book by May 4th 

$1650  SAVe $150

Full price 


Book by April 5th 

$1600  SAVe $400

Book by May 4th 

$1850  SAVe $150

Full price 



•  Accesstoallsuper-panels,workshopsandcasestudies

• Networkinglunchandcoeebreaks

• Evening drinks reception

+   Access to presentation slides post-conference

+  MP3s of every session at the conference

Book by April 5th 

$2495  SAVe $400

Book by May 4th 

$2745  SAVe $150

Full price 



•  Accesstoallsuper-panels,workshopsandcasestudies

• Networkinglunchandcoeebreaks

• Evening drinks reception

+   Access to presentation slides post-conference

+  MP3s of every session at the conference

Isight rom the

very best in the social

media arena

A corporate event with

a corporate audience,

sals pitch or‘blue sky’ thinking

expic ad

laig that you can

take back to the ofce

and apply instantly

The ky laigs 

your social mediastrategy needs to take

it to the next level

To mt th vy

bst in the business

world, saving you

weeks o meetings

and countless days

The Corporate Social

Media Summit represents

a worthwhile and

necessary investment

in the uture o your

social media strategy.

Scial is lg


It is udamtal





InCLUDeS neW 66-PAGe BUSIneSS rePorT

Register for a Diamond Pass and receive a copy of our brand new report.

The report will enable you to truly understand how to measure the ROI

of your social media initiatives and make better business decisions.

• DeeprootedinsightsfrombrandsfromFMCG,retail,entertainment,


• Detailedb2bandb2ccasestudies

• Bestpracticebenchmarkingonmeasurement

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Measur ing your  Social Media Impact and ROI

OP EN NOW  for your select ed findings f rom t his new ground br eaking repor t w w w .usef impact 

PLUS sophisticated analysis of cross-indust rymeasur ement st rategies, must-have scor ecardmet r ics and mist akes to avoid

An invaluable guidetofinding andoptimising your elusiv esocialmedia ROI

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Join the conversation! You can ollow us at:

Ha m 20+ cpat scial mdia lads:

Why yu shuld attd:

Hear rom the very besleading social media

corporate experts

From American Express throug

to Dell, our speakersv have go

the knowledge to help you anyour company.

Big brands talkingabout the big issues

that aect you

 Theory is never as good as

practice. The biggest global

brands in the world attend ou

conferences to share and lear


Social media is nolonger experimental,

it undamental


catch up. 2012 is the year to g

your social media strategy righ


Th 3d Aual Cpat Scial Mdia Summit

The No 1 Social Media ocussed corporate event –

your One-Stop-Shop or everything you need know

Fully integrate social media

throughout your company to engage

consumers, enhance your brand

and boost your bottom line

Tw day busiss cc, Ju 13–14, 2012The New Yorker, New York City #CSMNY

Whl FdsBill Tolany HeadofIntegratedMedia

Amica expss oPenLaura FinkVice-President SocialMedia

DllRichard BinhammerDirector,SocialMediaandCommunity

CitiFrank EliasonSenior Vice President


Diag/SmiMichelle KleinSmirnoff Vice President,


AVG TchlgisJill Hunley Vice President of Global


BAe SystmsSteve FieldDirectorofDigitalMedia

Wlls FagNathan BricklinSenior Vice President -HeadofSocialBusiness


Ai Fac KLM Viktor Van-der-WijkDirectorE-Acquisition

GapRachel TipographDirector, Global Digital


McDald’sHeather OldaniDirector, U.S.


Cas.cmSharon KnitterSeniorDirectorofMobile

Duki’ Bads, Ic.Jessica E. GioglioPublic Relations and


nw Yk LiIsuacGregory Weiss

 Assistant Vice President,


Amica eaglJessica BerlinSocialMediaManager

SimsOliver FleischhutDirector, OnlineCommunications

Bak AmicaChris SmithSenior Vice President,SocialMedia

Bak AmicaEmily BergSenior Vice President of EnterpriseSocialMedia

Mcds-BzMelissa NewellSocialMediaSpecialist

AdbMaria PoveromoDirectorofSocialMedia

H&r BlckScott GulbransenDirectorofSocialMedia

 JtBlu AiwaysMorgan JohnstonCorporate


Suthwst Ailis

Brandy KingSeniorManagerof


PpsiCDavid WeinerDigitalMediaManager

CitiJonathan Young Assistant Vice

President SocialMediaandCorporate


rcyclbakSamantha Skey ChiefRevenueOfcer

Hilt Wldwid Vanessa Sain-DieguezDirector,SocialMedia


LgLars Silberbauer


Ge, CpatCmmcial adCmmuicatis

 Andy MarkowitzDirector, Global Digital


