
Corporate Profile

Essae-Teraoka Pvt. Ltd.

Joint Venture with Teraoka Seiko of Japan since 1986

1987 - First production plant in Bengaluru

1994 - ISO-9001 Quality certification by BVQI, UK

2001 - 1,00,000+ Installations

2006 - DIGI Hall of Fame

2013 - In-house R&D facility approved by

DSIR, Govt. of India

2015 - Essae Group celebrates Golden Jubilee


Innovation, Improvement and Institutionalization shall be the pillars of our business.

We will provide World-class products and solutions to meet the needs of

local and global markets.

Innovative Products & Solutions designed

in our R&D Centre in Bengaluru, India

Indian Manufacturer

Indian Manufacturer

Indian Manufacturer

Indian Manufacturer

Indian Manufacturer

World Class Manufacturing Facilities in Bengaluru & Goa

Our Focus on Quality

Made in India, for the Global Market

Enabling Global Partnerships to deliver the Best

of Technology to the Indian Customer

A few of our Delighted Customers in Manufacturing

A few of our Delighted Customers in Services

A few of our Delighted Customers in Retail & Hospitality

Essae family on call, Anywhere Anytime


Share the wisdom and wealth for the welfare of external and internal

Customers, Business associates and Society at large.

Coming together is a Beginning;

Keeping together is Progress;

Working together is Success.

-Henry Ford




