Download pptx - Coral Reef

  1. 1. Why are coral reefs important? 1
  2. 2. They are called the rainforests of the sea.
  3. 3. They are home to 25% of all fish species.
  4. 4. They supply 10% of the worlds food.
  5. 5. They help control erosion by protecting coasts from storms and waves.
  6. 6. In Hawai`i, they also help create waves that are perfect for surfing
  7. 7. and they are important to the states tourist industry.
  8. 8. They are a source of medicine.
  9. 9. Sadly
  10. 10. One-fourth of Earths coral reefs have already been destroyed.
  11. 11. By far the greatest dangers to the coral reef are posed by man.
  12. 12. Corals are highly sensitive to environmental changes .
  13. 13. Coral bleaching is when coral turns white and dies. This causes entire marine ecosystems to vanish.
  14. 14. It takes coral 500,000 years to build a coral reef. It has taken humans less than 100 years to ruin reefs.
  15. 15. Healthy reefs = healthy oceans
  16. 16. Researchers fear more than 50% of our worlds coral reef will die in less than 25 years.
  17. 17. What are the causes of our reefs dying? How can we prevent further loss of our coral reefs? Scientists warn that unless things change all of the remaining reefs may die within your lifetime.
  18. 18. Learn more about coral. Our oceans and coral reefs depend on people who can make a difference.
