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  • 7/29/2019 Copy of TA_Questionaire


    TA self diagnosis

    This questionnaire has been developed to help you understand your behaviour and

    personal patterns the hallmark for personal growth.

    Behaviour is relational and it therefore depends on each situation. When you answer the

    questionnaire there are many situational factors in place: how you feel at that moment, your

    expectations, your interest etc. You might act differently whether you are at work or in a social

    situation. Notice how the answers would be different in those cases and make a note of it.

    With the help of this questionnaire it is possible to highlight five different dimensions of behaviour:

    1. Egogram your personality profile

    2. Life positions: how you appreciate yourself and others

    3. Drama Triangle: which roles you tend to use

    4. Drivers: what motivates you

    5. Script: what are your life patterns

    Please declare which statement fits best at this present moment. It will be most helpful to you themore open and honest you can be with yourself. Please use the following numbers to describe your


    4 = this statement fits extremely well

    3 = this statement fits well

    2 = this statement fits sometimes

    1 = this statement fits hardly ever

    0 = this statement doesnt fit at all

    When you are ready select the questionaire tab below

    Once you have completed the questionaire, your egogram, life position, drama triangle and drivers

    and life scripts will be displayed in their corresponding tabs.

  • 7/29/2019 Copy of TA_Questionaire


    I find it easy to assert myself.

    Im very sympathetic when people come to me with their problems

    My course of action when solving problems is more logical than intuitive

    I see myself as an impulsive human being

    I feel inhibited more often than I would like to

    I think it is important to respect traditionsIt gives me a huge satisfaction to consider other peoples needs.

    I usually keep my cool and stay businesslike when confronted with atypical situations

    I tend to fulfil my desires as quickly as possible

    I rather agree with somebody else then to get into an endless discussionIm inclined to get steamed up about people who challenge recognised and accepted ways of thinking and behaviour.

    Im a forgiving person and let people of the hook quickly.

    In all I do I try to do it as perfectly as possible

    Im a fun-loving person

    I often tell myself: it doesnt pay to get involvedI take leadership in critical situations because I know from experience what will work in such circumstances

    I strongly believe that all human beings are basically OK.

    I analyse facts before I make a decision

    I have more interests and hobbies then the average person

    I believe that at the end of the day its best to yield to authority

    I believe that society would benefit from a harsher punishment of contraventions

    I find it very satisfying to help others to develop their potential and growth.It seems that I developed the ability to think and act independently rather than to conform to other peoples views.

    Im imaginative and I have lots of good ideas.

    It seems that I pity myself more than others.

    I have fairly clear ideas about what is right and what is wrong.

    I often find myself in the role of consoling others.I tend to keep cool when others would either feel agitated or would switch off.

    Im rather spontaneous and I dont dither.

    I try not to show feelings even when Im very hurt inside.

    I often catch myself that my first reaction is that somebody else must have made a mistake

    I often get asked for advice.

    My aim is to be objective.

    Im a curious person and I like to try out new things.My parents (or other attachment figures) tend to infuse anxiety in me of my environment and the people. They rarely picture the world as a place of joy.

    I believe that minorities get more attention than they deserve.

    When I see that somebody has trouble with their tasks then Im happy to ease their workload.

    People say of me that Im rather more realistic than fanciful.

    Im frank with people. I say what I think and feel.

    I feel that I cant cope on my one in many situations.

    I often am gobsmacked to see how stupid people are.

    I enjoy helping others to get out of difficult situations.

    I have a very good ability to explain things to people in a clear and accurate manner.

    I find it hard to understand why so many people take life so seriously.

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    I continuously try to comply with what other people expect of me.

    I tend to do my day-to-day work in a routine rather than to try out new and inventive ways.

    I often have had the experience that gratitude has a short half-life.

    When having discussions my point of views rank amongst the best.When I do day-to-day work I try to find new and inventive ways rather than sticking with a proven routine which is generally accepted

    If somebody is angry with me I try to conciliate with him/her.Once Ive made up my mind I dont like to change it.

    I find it important that other people accept me.

    I believe that there is no excuse for stupid mistakes.

    I often drum with my fingers when Im feeling bored.

    I find it hard to ask for something I need.

    I dont like to show my weaknesses to others.

    I feel exploited by others.

    Whenever I work Id like to do it thoroughly.

    Patience is not my biggest strength.

    I often try to find out what other people expect of me so that I can comply accordingly.

    I see myself as being confident.

    Im able to solve problems/tasks as well as other people would do.

    Id like to describe myself as being a fairly optimistic human being.

    I know that I have many good qualities and skills

    I feel comfortable with myself

    I have little self confidence.

    I havent achieved much in my life that I feel really proud of

    At times I think that Im not good enough

    At times I feel useless

    In many situations I feel inferior to other people

    I really get on with everybodyI especially feel comfortable with people who have other views than mineWhen I compare myself to people I know I notice to a greater extent that I seek ideas, opinions and attitudes that are different from my own

    I consider it to be especially important what other people feel and think.

    I believe it to be worthwhile to be open and honest towards othersI believe devoutly that human beings are well able to lead and control themselves so that they can develop further.

    I noticed that in conflict situations I tend to be right after all

    If Im honest to myself I can see that I do criticize others more than that I praise them.

    I quickly discover other peoples weak points.

    My experience is that when I give someone an inch they will take a mile

    I believe that human beings need a strong and leading hand, really.

    I believe from experience that most people are rather stubborn

    Most people see themselves too positively.There are many things in life that Im rather interested in undertaking but I never get around to do them

    I often doubt that I will achieve in life what I want to do most.

    I internally use phrases like: I cannot deal with this or I will never suss this out

    Its always the same things that I get worked up about.

    Too often, I find myself in difficult situations that I cant break out of.

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    I often ask myself: Why does that have to happen to me again?

    I feel that only the success achieved by hard work does count.

    I can only relax and enjoy myself when I know that all my work is done.

    I have to understand a subject fully before I can have an opinion on it

    I feel that every time I feel a high in life there is a much worse low to follow

    I often notice that when life is OK I start worrying about unpleasant things that might be around the corner.I noticed that often when I say something positive I continue with a but that conveys something negative.

    I find it difficult to enjoy the here-and-nowI often found myself in life that I was just about to get somewhere but it didnt work out in the very last moment.

    I often sabotage success or achievement of objectives through awkward or clumsy behaviour just in the nick of time.

    I have almost insatiable ambitionsI notice that I start thinking about new challenges as soon as I have achieved something rather than to actually enjoy my success for a moment.

    I dont dare to do what I would like best.

    Over and over again I find myself in similar problems

    I often feel that I get out of the frying pan into the fire.

    I have to attend to all my commitments first before I can do what I enjoy

    I am aware that Im preoccupied in my thoughts about the future rather than the present

    I believe that today, I could do whatever I fancy however, tomorrow Id have to pay for it.

    On reflection I can say that I tend to speak about the same negative experiences

    More than once I was close to get a promotion but it didnt work out in the end.

    When I feel alright I often worry about difficulties that might be around the corner

    Again and again I exert myself to achieve something but I never get it fully accomplished.

    Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

    I will never get what I desire the mostIt often feels to me that time and time again Im rolling a huge stone up the hill. Just before I reach the top the stone rolls all the way back to the valley and I have to start all over again

    In disappointing situations I still hope that something good will come from it

    Only if I have achieved something I give myself permission to have some leisure timeI often abandon my own needs so that other people feel happy and comfortable

    I struggle to accept people who arent accurate.

    I often dont trust others to execute tasks well enough

    I try to exceed all expectations on me

    Stamina is one of my best qualities

    In my experience its best to keep my feelings to myself

    I find it unpleasant to be dependent on others to get problems solved.

    I get worked up when people dilly-dally

    I always walk fast even when there is no need for it.

    Im always on the move and I find it hard just to be.

    I walk, eat and talk fast

    I need to become stronger in order to cope better when other people hurt me.

    If I work hard time and time again, I will achieve my goal

    I always contemplate about things long and hard before I make a decision

    I execute every task as perfectly as possible.

    I apply myself to achieve my goals in the best possible way

    My motto is to keep a stiff upper lip

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    Im rather diplomatic

    I tend to turn my back when things go wrong rather than to face up to them

    Messiness annoys me

    I am able to ignore bodily discomforts for a long period of time

    I feel that I struggle with things that other people have no problem at all.

    I tend to procrastinate for a long time until I finally start doing thingsMy relationships take the same negative course time and time again.

    I need to fully understand myself before I can really change

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    Egogram your personality profile

    Critical Parent Nurturing Parent Adult Natural Child Adapted Child

    1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0

    6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0

    11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 016 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0

    21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0

    26 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0

    31 0 32 0 33 0 34 0 35 0

    36 0 37 0 38 0 39 0 40 0

    41 0 42 0 43 0 44 0 45 0

    46 0 47 0 48 0 49 0 50 0

    51 0 52 0 53 0 54 0 55 0

    56 0 57 0 58 0 59 0 60 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    Critical Parent Nurturing Parent Adult Natural Child Adapted Child

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    Life positions: how you appreciate yourself and others

    I am OK:

    24 0 34 0 61 0 62 0 63 0 64 0 65 0 = 0

    Im not OK:

    10 0 40 0 66 0 67 0 68 0 69 0 70 0 = 0

    Youre OK:

    17 0 71 0 72 0 73 0 74 0 75 0 76 0 = 0

    Youre not OK:

    77 0 78 0 79 0 80 0 81 0 82 0 83 0 = 0









    I'm OK

    You're OK

    I'm notOK

    You're not OK

    Getting in, movingforward, cooperatingI feel that Im OKand that you are OK, too(constructive position)

    Moving away, avoiding,preventingI feel that Im not OKand that you are OK(accommodating position)

    Shaking off, pushingawayI feel that Im OK,and I feel that youre notOK(authoritarian position)

    Getting nowhere, gettingstuck, giving upI feel that Im not OK, and that your arent OKeither(depressive position)

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    Drama Triangle: which roles you tend to use


    11 0 26 0 31 0 36 0 77 0 78 0 79 0 81 0 117 0 = 0


    2 0 7 0 22 0 27 0 37 0 42 0 47 0 116 0 118 0 = 0


    15 0 25 0 40 0 66 0 67 0 85 0 86 0 102 0 112 0 = 0

    0 0



    Persecuting, telling peopleoff, reproaching, belittling,laughing at people:

    I am better than you are!


    Assisting without being askedto help, standing in for others

    Comforting by giving advice,things wont work without me


    Helplessness, dependence,compliance, guilt feelings,

    "I am dependent", I cant do it

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    Drivers: what motivates you

    Please people!

    7 0 12 0 37 0 52 0 60 0 116 0 133 0 134 0 = 0

    Be perfect!

    13 0 53 0 58 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 130 0 135 0 = 0

    Be strong!

    28 0 30 0 56 0 120 0 121 0 122 0 132 0 136 0 = 0

    Hurry up!

    9 0 19 0 54 0 59 0 123 0 124 0 125 0 126 0 = 0

    Try hard!

    90 0 98 0 127 0 128 0 129 0 131 0 137 0 138 0 = 0

    Please people!

    Be perfect!

    Be strong!

    Hurry up!

    Try hard!

    The average value for drivers is 16. If drivers are missing (value less than 8) conflicts in our

    performance society may occur.






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    Script: what are your life patterns

    Until 90 0 91 0 92 0 104 0 105 0 115 0 140 = ###

    After 93 0 94 0 95 0 96 0 106 0 109 0 111 0 = 0

    Never 84 0 85 0 86 0 87 0 101 0 107 0 112 0 = 0

    Always 51 0 88 0 89 0 102 0 103 0 114 0 139 0 = 0

    Open-ended 97 0 98 0 99 0 100 0 108 0 110 0 113 0 = 0










