Page 1: Copy of Classroom · MicroNation. Register at: 9:15 am: Client /VendorDisagreements 10:30 am: Sales Conversation 11:45 am: Facebook for Biz 12:45-1:15 pm: Lunch


George Lat imer Central Library | Nicholson Workforce and Innovat ion Center, 3rd Floor | 651-266-7081 |


M A RCH /A PRIL 2 0 1 9

Pol i cy U PD AT E


Gallery Hours: April 26, 27, 28Fri 6-10 pm - Sat 12-8 pm - Sun 12-5 pm

Works from local art ists on display. Special events all weekend, schedule at

Opening Recept ionFriday, 6-10 pm

Fest ival Origami with CarolSaturday, 1-4:30 pm

Paint ing DemosSaturday & Sunday, 2-3 pm

Crochet Circle with RichaSunday, 1:30-3 pm

Bonfire on 4th StSaturday, 5-7:30 pm

Satur days, M ar 9, Apr 20, M ay 11 - 11:30 am-2:30 pm

At CoderDojo, youth ages 7-17 can learn to code, bui ld a websi te, create an app or a gam e, and explore technology in an in form al , creat ive, and social envir onm ent. Our dojo at Central Librar y is in need of general volunteers and m entors for each session. Som e technical sk i l l prefer red, but anyone can help young people by encouraging them to discover their own way forward. Sign-up at: ht tps:/ /w w w .coder dojosai n tpau l .or g

In an effort to meet demand, as of Feb 10, 2019, a maximum of two (2) equipment reservat ions or one-on-one appointments are allowed per week/per piece of equipment. After 2 reservat ions in a week (Sun-Sat), walk-in sessions are welcomed. Ex: Member could make 2 appointments on the laser, 1 on the 3D printer, 1 on the recording studio, 1 walk-in on laser if available, etc.

For quest ions or comments please reach out to staff. We welcome feedback regarding this and other policies.

Photograph by Zamira Laurie.

Business Cram Day, Tuesday, Mar 12

Learn tools and strategies for growing your business with these 1-hour classes. Take one or all! Presented by Joule MicroNation. Register at:

9:15 am: Client /VendorDisagreements10:30 am: Sales Conversat ion11:45 am: Facebook for Biz12:45-1:15 pm: Lunch provided1:15 pm: Website Security2:30 pm: Website Photos 3:45 pm: Website Copy

Page 2: Copy of Classroom · MicroNation. Register at: 9:15 am: Client /VendorDisagreements 10:30 am: Sales Conversation 11:45 am: Facebook for Biz 12:45-1:15 pm: Lunch






Advisory BoardMonday, Mar 4; Apr 1 - 5:30-7 pm

Innovat ion Lab Orientat ion (~1hr)>Sat: Mar 9; Apr 13 - 11:30 am>Mon: Mar 11, 25; Apr 8, 22- 5:30 pm>Wed: Mar 6; Apr 3 - 10 am

Photo Lab with ZamiraTuesdays, 3:30-5 pm

Learn 3D Print ingThursdays, 2-3 pm

Laser Engraving with DennisFridays, 1-3 pm

Video Edit ing with KhunSaturdays, 2:30-4:30 pm

CoderDojo (for ages 7-17)Saturdays,11:30 am-2:30 pmMar 9; Apr 20; May 11

Adult Coloring3rd Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30 pmMar 19; Apr 16

Lab After DarkFridays, 5:30-7 pm>Mar 29: Make Sewn Books

>Apr 26: Make Bath Bombs

ART CRAWL April 26, 27, 28See full schedule at

Make Friends with the Sewing MachineMondays, 4-5 pmMar 4, 18; Apr 1, 15, 29

Pat tern ReadingMondays, 4-5 pmMar 11, 25; Apr 8, 22

Machine Sewing BasicsSaturday, Mar 23 - 2-4 pm

Cram Day: 6 classes in 1 day!Tuesday, Mar 12 - 9:15 am-4:45 pmFull schedule at

Elevate Saint Paul: Work for the City!Monday, Mar 18, 5-7 pm

Using Video in Social MediaMonday, Mar 18, 5:30-7:30 pm

DIY Photos for your BusinessTuesday, Mar 26 - 10-11:30 am

Descr i be you r sel f i n 1 sen ten ce or l ess: Librar ian, advocate, im patient m aker of pract ical i tem s.

W hat pr ojects ar e you w or k i n g on or have you r ecen t l y com pl eted? As a l ibrar ian I bel ieve in the fundam ental power of connect ing people to knowledge, oppor tun i t ies, and answers. I str ive to help others overcom e bar r ier s to r each or use the in form ation they need-- and that project wi l l never be com plete. In the Innovation Lab I was m ost often found assist ing patrons and m aintain ing equipm ent. In m y fr ee t im e I use the Lab to m end and repair clothes, m ake jewelr y, personal ize i tem s. For a whi le, I was work ing to m aster the 1-Touch Photo Edit Software with the laser for a ser ies of baby picture m agnets.

W hat has the In n ovat i on Lab en abl ed you to do? I have learned that the Twin Cit ies have an incredible weal th of talent and com m unity at the in ter sect ion of ar ts and technology. I have had the oppor tun i ty to assist ar t ists, r esidents, and the cur ious-m inded with their personal and professional creat ive endeavors. Also, I got to ask m y boss quest ions l ike "Is i t okay i f som eone uses a laser in the l ibrar y to cut pieces of paper he grew fr om bacter ia?" http:/ /

Advi ce for other m em ber s: This is your l ibrar y! Attend advisory board m eetings and Lab After Dark to get connected and be heard. I f you don 't know how, ask . Also, clean up after yoursel f! Xenia and Andrea are not your m om s. W here can people connect or f ind out m ore about you? You can visi t m e in m y new role as the m anager of the W escott Librar y in Eagan (hom e of Dakota County's or iginal iLab, https:/ / t inyur l .com /yyzf88jc) or on Twit ter @Am andaRoseFeist. [N ote from our staff: Thank you Amanda for all your great work!]

Market ing via Social MediaTuesday, Apr 9 - 10-11:30 am

Create a Free or Low-Cost WebsiteMonday, Apr 15 - 5:30-7:30 pm

Int ro to Google DriveTuesday, Apr 16 - 3-5 pm

MicroBusiness Networking LunchThursday, Apr 18 - 11:30 am-1 pm

Int ro to Finding GrantsMonday, Apr 29 - 5:30-7 pm

Learn Lynda.comTuesday, Apr 30 - 3-5 pm

Library CLOSED April 21 for Easter

To register call 651-266-7081 or email [email protected]

George Lat imer Cent ral Library90 W 4th St , Saint Paul, MN, 55102651-266-7000

Edited by Xenia Hernández


