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COPII-mediated vesicleformation at a glanceDevon Jensen and RandySchekman*Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, andHoward Hughes Medical Institute, University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA*Author for correspondence([email protected])

Journal of Cell Science 124, 1-4 © 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltddoi:10.1242/jcs.069773

IntroductionEukaryotic cells contain a number of differentmembrane compartments that have specializedroles. Each compartment depends on a specificmixture of proteins for its identity and function.For many compartments, proteins arrive by wayof small membrane vesicles that travel through

the cell from an originating compartment(Bonifacino and Glick, 2004; Gürkan et al.,2007). Small membrane vesicles are created bythe action of coat proteins that deformmembranes into the shape of vesicles andsimultaneously select ‘cargo’ proteins forinclusion into these vesicles (Kirchhausen,2000; Bonifacino and Lippincott-Schwartz,2003). Coat protein complex II (COPII) is a setof highly conserved proteins that is responsiblefor creating small membrane vesicles thatoriginate from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)(Lee et al., 2004; Barlowe et al., 1994). Theformation and movement of these COPII-derived vesicles is a crucial first step in thecellular secretion pathway, through whichmembrane and lumenal cargo proteins aretransported from their site of synthesis at the ERon to other membrane compartments in the cell.

In this Cell Science at a Glance article, wefirst consider the five proteins that constitute theconserved core of the COPII vesicle creation

machinery and take a look at how they are ableto shape membranes, select cargo proteins thatneed to be transported, and form a polymericcoat that results in a vesicle. Then, we examinemore recent discoveries that show howdeficiencies in COPII can lead to disease.Finally, we briefly explore how additionalfactors can work with the COPII proteins toenhance transport efficiency in particular cases.Together with the accompanying poster, wehope that this brief overview will be useful andencourage readers to consider how efficient ordeficient forward transport can affect theactivity of the proteins they study.

The five core COPII proteins andvesicle formationThe COPII coat machinery consists of fivecytosolic proteins: Sar1, Sec23, Sec24, Sec13and Sec31. In cells, Sec23 and Sec24 are foundin tight heterodimers, which form the innerCOPII coat, whereas Sec13 and Sec31 are found

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in stable heterotetramers of two subunits ofeach, which form the outer COPII coat (Barloweet al., 1994). Sar1 and these two types of stablecomplexes are sequentially recruited to the ERmembrane and work together to create acomplete COPII vesicle. In most eukaryoticorganisms, this recruitment to the membranedoes not occur spontaneously across the entiresurface of the ER. Instead, COPII proteins fromthe cytosol and cargo proteins on the membraneare recruited to discrete regions of the ERmembrane, called ER exit sites or transitionalER (tER) (Budnik and Stephens, 2009; Bannykhet al., 1996). These exit sites are microdomainsof high COPII activity and they label stronglywith antibodies against COPII proteins whenvisualized by immunofluorescence microscopy(Fig. 1). Localization of COPII activity intothese microdomains probably helps to maintaina crucial concentration of COPII proteins andenables the efficient recycling of these coatproteins as they are recruited back to themembrane for use in subsequent rounds ofCOPII budding (Orci et al., 1991).

Sar1 is the first COPII component recruited tothe ER membrane, and it begins the process ofvesicle formation. Sar1 is a small GTPase,whose activity, similarly to that of other small Gproteins, is controlled by the state of thenucleotide to which it is bound (Pucadyil andSchmid, 2009). In its GDP-bound state, Sar1 iscytosolic and dormant, but when bound to GTP,Sar1 activates by exposing an amphipathic N-terminal -helix, which embeds into the ERmembrane (Lee and Miller, 2007; Bielli et al.,2005). This activity is restricted to the ERmembrane, because Sec12, the guaninenucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activatesSar1, is only found at the ER (Weissman et al.,2001). By embedding this -helix, Sar1 anchorsthe forming coat complex on the membrane, but

it also initiates membrane budding. In fact,activated Sar1 can, by itself, stimulatetubulation and membrane fission on syntheticliposomes (Lee et al., 2005; Bielli et al., 2005).Acting as a membrane-bound anchor for theother COPII components, activated Sar1directly binds and recruits the next COPII sub-complex, the Sec23–Sec24 heterodimer.

The Sec23–Sec24 sub-complex arrives at thescene by virtue of the direct interaction betweenSar1 and Sec23 (Bi et al., 2002). This interactionserves not only a structural role in assemblingthe inner coat complex on the membrane, butalso a catalytic role. Sec23 is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Sar1, acceleratingthe meager intrinsic GTPase activity of Sar1;full GTPase activity, however, is not realizeduntil the complete COPII coat is assembledfollowing the arrival of the Sec13–Sec31 outercoat (Yoshihisa et al., 1993; Antonny et al.,2001). This additive GTPase catalytic activity isthought to provide a built-in timing mechanismfor the ordered assembly of the coatcomponents, the cycle of vesicle formation andthe eventual disassembly of the coat from themembrane of a completed COPII vesicle (Leeand Miller, 2007).

Sec24 is considered to be the primary subunitresponsible for binding to membrane cargoproteins at the ER and concentrating them intothe forming vesicle (Miller et al., 2002). Manycargo proteins have specific export-signalsequences in their cytoplasmic domains to markthem for COPII transport. Types of COPII signalsequences include di-hydrophobic, di-acidic, C-terminal hydrophobic and aromatic motifs(Wendeler et al., 2007; Barlowe, 2003). Anumber of cargo-binding pockets and thecorresponding signal sequences they bind havebeen identified on the surface of Sec24 andhave been termed the A-, B- and C-sites (Miller

et al., 2003). Not all proteins that need to leavethe ER contain a signal for direct binding toSec24. Some proteins might interact with atransport adaptor, and thus be included in theCOPII vesicle through an indirect interaction(Baines and Zhang, 2007). Still other proteinsmight passively enter COPII vesicles by simplediffusion – a process called bulk flow (Thoret al., 2009). Of those cargo proteins tested,several are found in COPII vesicles atconcentrations higher than a bulk-flow modelwould suggest, indicating that concentrativesorting by Sec24 might be the rule (Malkuset al., 2002). Sec24 is brought to sites of COPIIvesicle formation through its interaction withSec23. Altogether, the set of proteins consistingof a membrane-bound Sar1 along with a cargo-loaded Sec23–Sec24 dimer has been termed a‘pre-budding complex’ – a complex that is readyfor the activity of Sec13–Sec31 to complete theformation of the vesicle.

The Sec13–Sec31 heterotetramer completesthe process of membrane cargo sorting andvesicle fission. This outer layer of the coatcollects pre-budding complexes and shapes themembrane to form a bud enriched in cargomolecules. To accomplish this task, theSec13–Sec31 complexes polymerize, whereasSec31 directly interacts with Sec23 and Sar1 (Biet al., 2007). Under certain in vitro conditions,the elongated Sec13–Sec31 molecules canpolymerize at vertices to form the edges ofround ‘empty cages’, illustrating their potentialto provide a structural framework for the shapeof the vesicle as it buds off the donor ERmembrane (Stagg et al., 2006; Fath et al., 2007).With the full complement of COPII proteinsassembled into a polymerized coat, the extrudedmembrane is separated from the donor ERmembrane by fission to form an intact vesicle.Unlike some other vesicle coats, COPII does notrequire a specialized GTPase, such as dynamin,to constrict the neck of the forming vesicle andrelease it from the membrane. Purified COPIIcomponents alone are able to form smallvesicles from synthetic liposome membrane(Matsuoka et al., 1998). The end result of thisprocess is a spherical membrane vesicle roughly60–70 nm in size that carries cargo proteins tothe ER–Golgi intermediate compartment or, inyeast, possibly directly to the cis-Golgimembrane. This process works well for the widevariety of cargo proteins trafficked from the ER,but what would happen if one of these five coreCOPII proteins was missing or mutated?

COPII proteins linked to diseaseCOPII transport in the mammalian system hasdiversified, because gene-duplication eventshave created multiple paralogs for four out of thefive COPII proteins. The mammalian repertoire

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Fig. 1. ER exit sites. Members of both the inner (Sec24B) and outer (Sec31A) COPII coat are found concentrated atpunctae on the ER membrane called ER exit sites. Image of Sec31A kindly provided by Soomin Shim (University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA).


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consists of: two Sar1 paralogs, Sar1Aand Sar1B; two Sec23 paralogs, Sec23A andSec23B; four Sec24 paralogs, Sec24A, Sec24B,Sec24C and Sec24D; a single Sec13; and twoSec31 paralogs, Sec31A and Sec31B. In recentyears, one of the challenges for the field hasbeen to elucidate the reason that these multipleparalogs have been conserved among higherorganisms. Are the COPII paralogs functionallyredundant but expressed in different tissues? Orhave some of the paralogs become specializedto transport different cargo? Examples ofdevelopmental disorders and human diseasescaused by mutations in Sar1B, Sec23A, Sec23Band Sec24B have begun to shed light on thesequestions.

Several different mutations in Sar1B havebeen associated with two related fat-malabsorption diseases: chylomicron retentiondisease and Anderson disease (Jones et al.,2003). Affected individuals are deficient in fat-soluble vitamins, have low blood cholesterollevels and show a lack of chylomicrons in theirblood. Chylomicrons, one of the major types ofcirculating lipoprotein, are produced in the ERof intestinal epithelial cells and are secreted bythose cells into the bloodstream. Interestingly,chylomicrons range in size from 75 to 450 nm indiameter (Hussain, 2000). So how can COPIIvesicles, which are typically only 60–70 nm,accommodate such a large cargo molecule? IsSar1B specialized to enable the transport ofchylomicrons and perhaps other large cargomolecules such as pro-collagen? These issuesremain unresolved (Fromme and Schekman,2005).

A single missense mutation in Sec23A(F382L) has been found to lead to an autosomal-recessive disease called cranio-lenticulo-suturaldysplasia (CLSD) (Boyadjiev et al., 2006). Thedisease is marked by skeletal defects, cataractsand facial dysmorphisms. The molecular natureof this amino acid change has been studied indetail, and it was found that the mutation isnear the part of Sec23A that binds and recruitsSec31 (Bi et al., 2007). Failure to recruit Sec31leads to a large reduction in the packaging ofcargo proteins in vitro, and is accompaniedby swelling of the ER with untransported cargoin vivo (Fromme et al., 2007). Additionally,the tissues that are most affected by thedisease appear to express low levels ofthe paralog Sec23B, suggesting that thesetissues do not have enough fully functionalSec23 overall.

Many separate mutations in Sec23B werefound in patients with a disease calledcongenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II(CDAII) (Schwarz et al., 2009; Bianchi et al.,2009). The symptoms of this disease appear tobe largely due to defective erythropoiesis, in

which red-blood-cell progenitors are oftenmultinucleate and circulating red blood cells aremorphologically abnormal. Various proteins inthese red blood cells show immatureglycosylation, indicating transport defects, buthow this might be related to the cytokinesisdefect in the multinucleate progenitor cells isunclear. Analysis of gene expression duringwild-type erythroid differentiation detected anincrease in RNA expression for Sec23B that was5–7-fold greater than that for Sec23A (Schwarzet al., 2009). As with the Sec23A mutation, itseems that the Sec23B mutations only affect aspecific tissue. It might be that Sec23A andSec23B are functionally redundant, and able tolargely compensate for one another inunaffected tissues where they are normally bothexpressed.

Recent reports demonstrate that two distinctpremature stop codons in Sec24B lead to majorneural tube defects in mice (Merte et al., 2010;Wansleeben et al., 2010). Homozygous mutantmice developed craniorachischisis and severalother phenotypes indicative of defects within thetissue-organizing planar cell polarity pathway.A candidate-based approach looking at cargoproteins involved in establishing planar cellpolarity revealed that the membrane proteinVangl2 appears to be specifically packaged bySec24B. The entry of Vangl2 into COPIIvesicles in vitro showed that the packaging wasspecifically enhanced in the presence ofrecombinant Sec24B and not the other Sec24paralogs (Merte et al., 2010). In vivo analysis ofmutant primary fibroblasts also showed aselective defect in the transport of Vangl2(Wansleeben et al., 2010). Sec24 is a versatileprotein but, in this case, Sec24B appears to havespecific binding activity for at least oneimportant cargo protein that cannot becompensated for by the presence of other Sec24paralogs.

PerspectivesRecent developments have made this anopportune time to review the study of COPII-mediated vesicle transport. The past couple ofyears have seen a transition in the field, from theoriginal understanding of the basic mechanismsof COPII in simpler organisms, to establishingthe roles of the multiple COPII paralogs thatdrive COPII transport in the more complexmammalian system. This new knowledge comeswith examples of deficiencies in COPII thatcause developmental disorders and humandisease.

Apart from the core components of the COPIImachinery discussed here, there are severalother exciting areas of study in the ER exit field.One such area is the way in which additionaladaptors work together with the COPII proteins.

These adaptors can have cargo-selective roles tofurther broaden the repertoire of proteinsincluded in forming COPII vesicles. Forinstance, TANGO1 is found at ER exit sites andhelps to load collagen VII, and perhaps otherbulky cargo, into COPII vesicles (Saito et al.,2009). Additional recent examples of cargo-selective adaptors include GRASP65, andErv26p/Svp26 (D’Angelo et al., 2009; Bue etal., 2006; Noda and Yoda, 2010). Anotherprotein, ALG-2, stabilizes Sec31 at ER exit sitesand might regulate the timing of COPII vesiclehomotypic fusion (Bentley et al., 2010). OtherCOPII-interacting proteins, such as the signal-transducing adaptor molecules STAM1 andSTAM2, and Sec23IP, affect ER-to-Golgitransport, but their mechanism of action is notclear (Rismanchi et al., 2009; McGary et al.,2010). The core COPII proteins accommodatemany different cargos but, given the thousandsof cargo molecules that must be accommodatedin mammalian cells and tissues, it is notsurprising that other factors are involved inspecific cases.

Another topic of emerging interest is theprotein and lipid components that comprisethe structure and organization of the ER exitsites. Sec16 has been identified as a peripheralmembrane protein found at these sites. AlthoughSec16 is apparently not directly required forvesicle formation (Matsuoka et al., 1998), it hasbeen shown to interact with the COPIIcomponents Sec23 (Espenshade et al., 1995)and Sec13 (Hughes et al., 2009). In addition,kinase and phospholipase D activity near ERexit sites suggest that specific lipids mark exitsites and contribute to their identity and function(Aridor and Balch, 2000; Pathre et al., 2003).

In the future, we expect to learn more detailsabout how an ER exit site is structurallyorganized. We think that knockout studies inmice and other model organisms will supplyinformation about the specific roles of otherCOPII paralogs. Additionally, insight into themechanism for packaging of large cargos andadditional factors that enable efficient COPIItransport will hopefully be found.

We apologize to those authors whose work could notbe cited due to space limitations. Thanks to SoominShim for the immunofluorescence image of Sec31A.R.S. is an investigator of the HHMI.

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