Page 1: Conventions of rolling stones magazine

Conventions of Rolling Stones MagazineRolling Stone magazine is based in the US and is produced ever fortnight, this magazine covers music news as well as politics and popular culture. Rolling Stones was founded in 1967 and although focuses on a lot of different genres of music, still has a focus of rock music, especially in the magazines genre.

This magazine has a very simple but classy house style. The masthead of the magazine is normally red with an outline and is written in quite a sophisticated font which gives the magazine a very classical look. There is always only one image on the front cover of rolling stones and it is always placed in front of the masthead, making the main image the main focal point. The artist or band in the main image of the front cover is always the focal point of the head line. The headline itself is always the largest text on the page and is always in capitol letters and a different colour to the other storylines included on the front cover, to ensure the main headline stands out. Around the sides of Rolling Stones magazines are various other features and storylines, which are written in a smaller text and again, a different colour. Rolling stones mostly use fonts that are very sophisticated and classic, which is completely different to the kind of fonts NME and Kerrang use. However all three magazine use a similar colour scheme, with red, white and black being a very popular colour scheme for a rock magazine.

Page 2: Conventions of rolling stones magazine

This is the masthead of the magazine, the font used for the masthead is very classic and in its own way elegant, compared to NME and Kerrang masthead, Rolling Stones has a very old fashioned edge to it . However Rolling Stones like to use red in their masthead just like Kerrang and NME.

This is the main image of the front cover. As you can see it is the only picture on the front cover, making it the focal point and giving emphasis on how important that person is on the cover of the magazine. The main image always over laps the masthead.

This is the main headline of the magazine, the artists name is in different colour to the subheading of the headline, making it stand out, and apart from the masthead, is also the biggest text on the front cover. Again simple but classic looking fonts are used for the text and the colour scheme remains to be black and red.

Following the consistent house style of the magazine, the other headlines and features included on the front cover are also written in the same font as the main headline and the same colour scheme is used. This could possibly take away recognition of the main headline.

Again these are headlines and features that have been included on the front cover following the same font style and colour scheme as the rest of the front cover.

Overall this magazine front cover has a very simplistic but classical house style.

Page 3: Conventions of rolling stones magazine

This is the heading of the page, it stands out because the heading is in a box out, with a red border surrounding it. The writing itself is white and yellow, which against red, standout very well. The font used looks very formal, fonts that you would not necessarily associate with rock music . The unusual part of this heading, is that it is actually promoting the online version of Rolling Stones magazine.

This is a secondary lead of a full article that is included further on in the magazine. By using secondary leads they hook the reader into wanting to read more of the article and therefore persuade the reader to look through the magazine to find the full article.

This is another secondary lead, again with a picture and a small paragraph of an article in which the full version of the article can be found further on in the magazine.

This is a feature that has been included on the contents page in order to keep the readers interested.

This is the main picture on the contents page as it is the biggest, on top of the picture is an exclusive, which tells me this is the most important article in this issue of the magazine.

This is a sidebar as it is a different colour to the rest of the page, which discriminates the actual contents to the other features on the page.

This is the contents list, as you can see, the red writing is the sub headings of the contents and then the black writing is the information and page numbers. By segmenting the contents into different sections it will make it easier for the readers to find the articles they want to read quicker.

This is another secondary lead included on the contents page.

Page 4: Conventions of rolling stones magazine

This is the main image on the double page spread, it takes up around two thirds of the spread and is therefore the main focal point of the page.

Instead of having the masthead consistent throughout the magazine, Rolling Stones decide to have sections in the top corner, however the colour scheme is still red and white.

This is the heading of the article, it is the largest text on the page, therefore stands out the most. The design and layout of the page is very simple with a simple colour scheme of a white background with red and black writing.

This is the stand first of the article, it has been made to stand out by having the writing bolder than the main text and is a different colour to the main text.

There's are subheadings in the article, which have stood out in the text because the writing is in bold. In this double page spread, the bold subheadings are questions and the normal text are the answers.

This text is the main text and is the band that is being interviewed, answers to the questions that were asked.