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1. Physical(mechanical)- use of mechanical devices or physical forces.

2. Chemical- use of rodenticides, insecticides, and larvicides.

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3. Biological- consideration of limiting factors that affect their

growth and reproduction. 4. Environmental- cleanliness of the immediate premises and proper building construction and maintenance so as to prevent access of these pests into human dwellings

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5. Educational- health education and information such that the population will understand and appreciate the importance of control measures and therefore motivate them to change their habits, practices, and attitudes, which promote the survival and multiplication of pests.

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Murine Typhus

Ricketssia Typhi Infected rat fleas

Plague Blood

Pasteurella pestis

Rigurgation of infected into

bite wound by flea

Rat bite fever

Streptobacillus Moniliformis

Rat bites




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Salmonella species

Rodent urine and/or feces

Weil’s disease

Leptospira icterohaemorr


Rodent urine and/or feces


Rickettsia akari

House mouse night bite

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Murine Typhus also called endemic typhusis a form of typhus transmitted by fleas,

usually on ratsis an under-recognized entity, as it is

often confused with viral illnessesmost people who are infected do not

realize that they have been bitten by fleas.

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Rat bite fever

is an acute, febrile human illnesscaused by bacteria transmitted

by rodents, rats or mice in most cases, which is passed from rodent to human via the rodent's urine or mucous secretions

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is an infection with Salmonella bacteriamost people infected

with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection

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Weil’s diseaseis the acute human form of a bacterial

infection with a raft of different names: mud fever, swamp fever, haemorrhagic jaundice, swineherd's disease, sewerman's flu.

The infection is caught through contact with infected animal urine (mainly from rodents, cattle or pigs), generally in contaminated water, and typically enters the body through cuts or scrapes, or the lining of the nose, mouth, throat or eyes.

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Rickettsialpoxis an illness caused by bacteria of

the Rickettsia genusthe first symptom is a bump formed by the bite,

eventually resulting in a black, crusty scabis treated with doxycycline.Doxycycline is a member of the tetracycline antibiotics group, and is commonly used to treat a variety of infections.

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1. Preventive (environmental

control)a.Elimination of food by

proper garbage disposal and food storage.

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b. Elimination of breeding placesa (harborage) by proper refuse storage, satisfactory house-keeping and proper design and construction of buildings.

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c. Rat-proofing of buildings-Special construction to prevent rats from going under, through, and over the building.

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d. Health education and information

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2. Suppressive Measures

a.Physical- use of traps(spring trap, cage trap, etc.), shooting with bullets, darts, catching, clubbing

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b. Chemical- use of poisons which maybe generally classified into:

b.1. contact poisonsb.2. stomach poisonsb.3. fumigantsb.4. sterilants

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c. Biological- use of living rat predator and disease agents

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Mosquitoes are slender delicate insects having scales on their wings and long antennae. The mouth parts are adapted for piercing and sucking, but the males do not suck blood, the boring apparatus not being strong enough to penetrate the human or animal skin. The female mosquitoes feed only on the blood of man and animal, while the male mosquitoes feed on the nectar from flowers

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MALARIAAnopheles Minimus Flavirostris is by far the

most dangerous malaria transmitter in the Philippines. Anopheles mangyanus seems an effective vector among the primitive Mangyans in Mindoro island.

The control of this mosquitoes is being undertaken by the Malaria Eradication Program under the Department of Health so as to achieve the eradication of malaria in the Philippines and to prevent it’s re-introduction.

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The vectors of these diseases are found in the Philippines are Aedes poecilus and Culex quinquefasciatus

The control of these mosquitoes is now being undertajen by the Filariasis Program under the Department of Health.

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Aedes Aegypti is the carrier of dengue and yellow fever. The adult mosquito is medium-sized and gives the impression of being gray, but when closely examined, the gray color is found to be due to silvery working on the legs, abdomen and thorax.

To control mosquitoes for disease prevention, mention has been made of the Malaria Eradication Program and the Filariasis
