
Xinxinli Blue Curves

Continuous IntegrationAs A ServiceFrontier Lunch and LearnFebruary 22, 2017Alex Meadows

Principal Consultant (Data and Analytics), CSpring

Business Analytics Adjunct Professor, Wake Tech

MS in Business Intelligence

Loves working in open source code

Passion in developing BI solutions that provide end users easy access to necessary data to find the answers they demand (even the ones they dont know yet!)

Twitter: @OpenDataAlexLinkedIn: alexmeadows

GitHub: OpenDataAlexEmail: [email protected] AlexSo heres a bit about me. There are three things Im going to ask of you, the first being please feel free to reach out! I love talking and learning about what folks are using out in the wild and sharing. If you want to know more or chat more about any topic within data science/business intelligence just message me via one of the above methods.

AgendaWhat Is Continuous Integration?

Continuous Integration for Smaller Development Teams/Individuals


Please feel free to ask questions throughout the presentation!

By the end of this presentation, you will know where traditional data warehousing is failing and have a basic understanding of what technologies and methodologies are helping to address the needs of more data savvy customer bases.

CI Life-cycle

CI is a lot like other development methodologies and comes from the agile world where the project starts with planning, goes through to coding and building/testing, and then on into release and deployment and into production. Production then allows for feedback to be gathered which feeds back into the planning phase and so on.

Image Source:

Typical CI Stack

Typical CI Stack

Typical CI Stack

Typical CI Stack

Typical CI Stack

Typical CI Stack

Typical CI Stack

Deployed Software

Pros and Cons

Fully configurable

Customized to fit your environmentVirtual Machines

Data store integration

On-site build help (see build master)

Maintenance of customized environment


Potential single points of failure (see build stack, build master)

Typical CI Stack

Build Master

Solution Architect




Typically very, very under-appreciated

What About Solo Devs/Small Teams?

Build Master role is either ignored or as-needed

Builds are when the group can find time

Documentation missing/out of date/rushed

Testing may/may not exist

Services To The Rescue!

Deployed Software

Some Caveats

Most services listed are free for open source

Closed source ups the cost significantly for some of these services

New services are coming up regularly apologies if I missed your favorite!

Pros and Cons

No hardware to maintain

Simple configuration and management

Anyone can manage scripts

Very accessible

Distributed build help (yourself, team, or services)

Reliant on services

Anyone can manage scripts

Security more of a concern

Service CI Stack


These tools are designed to play well with each other.

Badges are your friend :)

GitHub/Travis Integration

From Travis To Coveralls

Twitter: @OpenDataAlexLinkedIn: alexmeadows

GitHub: OpenDataAlexEmail: [email protected] Source:
