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Page 1: Contents page analysis

Research into Contents Pages

Page 2: Contents page analysis

PHOTOGRAPH OF MAIN ARTIST: The photograph of the main artist is the same artist that is seen on the front cover of the magazine. However this time the background colour and the outfit are completely different to the shot from the front cover. This time it was also taken as a landscape. You can tell which is the main image for being the biggest image out of them

all and for being the one on top of the ones that are overlapping. This pose of the main singer, Charli XCX, seems to be posing in a weird way

and a natural way for her behaviour in front of the camera as she seems ‘free’ to do whatever she wants in front of the camera which can relate to

her audience and fans as they all refer to teenagers and being rebellious as her music has rebellious lyrics on it which all goes back of her being

seen as a role model to teenagers especially her fans that enjoy her music. This would interact with the target audience of the magazine as its

also teenagers but at a older age. However the singers fans are very identical to the magazine readers.

OTHER PHOTOGRAPHS: The other images are the ones at the back that are overlapping with which are known as ‘other images’ which can be

referred to the other feature articles. They are mainly the other images because they are the other articles that may link to the other target

audience, that are maybe older as the article of Charli XCX is for a young audience such as the early teens or mid teens age.

SUMMARIES OF EACH ARTICLE: These give the reader a brief description of what the article is going to be about. However its not included on this

contacts sheet as it is a single contact page. It doesn’t have summaries but it has big titles of the articles next to the page number. This is done

for a purpose so the audience will actually read the article and wanting to find more.

LAYOUT: In this contents page the layout on it is very simply and straight forward showing to the audience. It is ordered in rows with simple text

and simple images, with a very modern layout with all the workers job/credits right next to it in the right side of the magazine contents

page..FRONT COVER/PAST ISSUE: Usually it never shows the front cover from

the past issue into the contents page because I believe that DIY never actually thought of doing that onto their magazines. However they do put information and pictures onto their website of the current issue, previous

issue and a bit of the future issue.

NEW MEDIA: This is not shown on the contents page and not even in any other page across the whole magazine. Which it doesn’t actually matter because by this stage the magazine

wouldn’t need because the audience are used to it. However Rolling Stone do have a website for audience to go and check out what they missed from the current magazine or even the

previous one.

PAGE NUMBERS: The page numbers have been mentioned on the headings in different colour. The idea of the use of different colour is to go in with the colour scheme of the magazine which is red, white and black. As the background colour from the front page is red and the lips of the singer is also red. The idea of using red for the page numbers gives and idea of the colour scheme still carrying on throughout the magazine as it makes it easier to follow as a whole magazine and its easier to identify the age number with the heading title..

Research into Contents PagesDIY MAGAZINE

TITTLE: As a typical music magazine contents page, this page is usually recognise by the tittle of the page given as ‘contents’. This is because it makes it easier for the target audience to find the page and to find out more information about what’s going on with the next pages on the magazine. Even though this page is recognised as ‘contents’ the font is the same as the heading of the categories for the magazine articles. However the font size of the word ‘contents’ is not as big to make it stand out to the reader. In fact it seems to be the same size as the headlines, which can be a link to it. The only changes it would be that the font is on bold and its also underlined.

DATE: The date for this issue doesn’t have it showing on the contents page. This page just includes the needed information for the contents page. Therefore as the date is not taking place in the contents page, it is on the front cover as it must have been since the first place with the website for the audience to use to find out more about the magazine.

HEADINGS: These are used to give the target audience and idea of the categories the magazine has and how many it has by slipping them out. The are shown in bold black colour as the words are written in capita letters to make it easier to read. The first category is “’NEWS”, which emphasises the idea of the most important articles for the target audience or maybe even just any update on any gig or any future festival that turns out to be a big news for the magazine. The next category is “NEU” this category is expresses by all the new upcoming artist and gigs that the target audience may be interested on. The “FEATURES” category is all directly about any featured articles of any other musicians of any kind that may li k to the secondery target audience, mainly the older years (like 24 years old). The last category is “REVIEWS” which is always giving out the updated news about any brand new singles and albums from many artist from many different music genres.

Page 3: Contents page analysis

Research into Contents PagesVIBE MAGAZINE

TITTLE: As a typical music magazine contents page, this page is usually recognise by the tittle of the page given as ‘contents’. This is because it makes it easier for the target audience to find the page and to find out more information about what’s going on with the next pages on the magazine. However on this magazine it also has a capital ‘v’ on the background behind the word ‘contents’ . Even though its design as an outline it still refers back to the magazine and the front cover which can link that the artist/singer on the contents page is also the same one as the front cover.

DATE: The date is shown on this front cover. However the date is not in a big size font which makes it seem not very visible which means that its to not get most of the target audience. The date is next to the page number on the bottom right hand corner. The date of this issue is ‘October 2008’.

HEADINGS: These are used to give the target audience and idea of the categories the magazine has and how many it has by slipping them out with the page numbers next to it to make it easier to find the page of the article. They are being represented on a different font compared to the other font that the rest of the contents page uses. This font is more classic font, a front that you wouldn’t find on a contents page. This is done for a purpose so its easier to see that the categories are broken up in different parts with different articles from the magazine. The first category is ‘features’ which is the category that usually has the information from all the singers that come joint with the main singer that appears on the front cover and the contents page. The second category is ‘fashion’ which is the category that usually has all the information from the type of fashion singers has and clothes they wear as an act of inspiration to the target audience as the audience see their favourite singer as their inspiration and role model.

PAGE NUMBERS: The page numbers have been mentioned next to the headlines/tittle of the article for that specific page. The colour is black, which links to the idea of the colour scheme being using a lot of the colour black. Also the idea of the use of the colour black links to the information that is provided from the title/headline from that specific page number. This makes it easier to follow and read the information that is written on the contents page.

NEW MEDIA: This is not shown on the contents page and not even in any other page across the whole magazine. Which it doesn’t actually matter

because by this stage the magazine wouldn’t need because the audience are used to it. However at this point the audience would of known that

Vibe magazine has a website (just like any other music magazine to provided more information to the audience) this way they can find out

more about the magazine and when the next issue is released and who may be the artist/singers that are featured on the next issue.

(This is one of the pages out of the three pages that Vibe magazine provides as a contents page!)

PHOTOGRAPH OF MAIN ARTIST: The photograph of the main artist is the same artist that is seen on the front cover of the magazine. The pose that

she done in front of the camera seems to be a calm pose. However the clothes that she's wearing can be seen as ‘sexy’ as she’s wearing a body suit with a belt and heels including bracelets and necklaces. The target audience is mainly teenagers so by the pose the singer is posing on the contents page

may be o the secondary target audience as they are a few ages older from teens years. And by having the singer looking directly at the camera can get

the males attention to the singer and the information that is above her. This attention is not only captured by the pose of the singer but also by the little amount of clothes she’s wearing and the really ‘nude’ colours she’s wearing,

which can also portray ‘fashion’ as it’s a common colour that is currently very trendy and mainly society sees teenage girls wearing on a daily basis.

SUMMARIES OF EACH ARTICLE: These give the reader a brief description of what the article is going to be about. This is included in the colour black so it

matches the page number and is clear to read as the background it white. This gives a brief idea what the page has included and what type of

information. Usually the descriptions are informal as the target audience uses informal language when communicating so this would show a sign of

connection between the magazine and the audience..

LAYOUT: In this contents page the layout on it is very simply and straight forward showing to the audience. The ‘contents’ tittle is visible as a font is big and take a

big space at the top. The background only has one photography of the main artist which makes the page look even more simple. And the headlined are after

placed all on the right side of the page, which makes it seem clear and neat to the reader to follow the pages they want to read.

FRONT COVER/PAST ISSUE: Usually it never shows the front cover from the past issue into the contents page because I believe that Vibe never actually thought of doing that onto their magazines as

hey never did an I guess that audience is used to that routine of not seeing the front cover or the past issue on the contents page..

Page 4: Contents page analysis

Research into Contents PagesBILLBOARD MAGAZINE

TITTLE: The billboard recognises the contents page by giving the tittle of ‘contents’. This is placed on the top right side of the page as the tittle is going downwards as you read it. Also the colour is black which refers back to the connotation that the headlines, page numbers and even the outfit the artist is wearing, it all links back to the ‘contents’ tittle. Its easy to know this is the contents page as the words ‘contents’ is actually in a bigger font compared to the rest of the information that is provided on this exact page.DATE: This contents page doesn’t include the date of the issue. However ‘on the cover’ small section it does include the date that this picture was taken, which was on the ‘July 29th’. It doesn’t include the year but by the day and the month, the audience can already tell when this issue was released. HEADINGS: These are used to give the target audience and idea of the categories the magazine has and how many it has by slipping them out with the page numbers next to it to make it easier to find the page of the article and easier to understand the layout of the magazine. The headlines are joint in six different categories. The first category is ‘features’ which is where you find all the information about the other artists that have articles for the target audience o read and find out more about it. The other category is ‘the billboard hot 100’, which his where the magazine usually gives out the best 100 songs that are currently most popular and mostly heard in the country or worldwide. The third headline is ‘topline’ which is where the albums, singles and music videos are reviewed. The forth category is ‘the beat’ which is mainly information about awards and concerts that the audience would be interested to find information about it. The fifth one is called ‘music’ which is where the audience can find articles or information about the type of genre they listen o as Billboard magazine does any type of music genre. The last category is called ‘charts’ which is simply where the magazine gives out the music charts to the audience as along music suggestion to listen to next.

PAGE NUMBERS: The page numbers have been mentioned next to the headlines/tittle of the article for that specific page in the colour black as it

connects to the rest of the information to the headlines and to the summaries of the articled along with the tittle of the page ‘contents’. This portrays the

idea that also black is a very common colour that us seen on Billboard issues.

PHOTOGRAPH OF MAIN ARTIST: The photograph of the main artist is usually the same artist that is seen on the front cover of the magazine. This shot seems to be taken in a studio as the background is just a solid simple colour as it connects well with the black in the writing. Also the

shot is a mid-shot of the singer, Ariana Grande. The pose she’s portraying is with her back to the camera as she moves her face towards the side to

looks at the camera. This shot is taken at a ye level, which means the singers eyes is looking directly at the audience eyes as it’s the focal point

that catches the audience when they look at this page, right at the beginning. He make up sees to bee the type of make up teenagers would wear and as her fans are mainly teenagers it connects to the fact that the primary target audience is also teenagers. The fact that the artist has pink

lipstick on portrays the idea that she’s very girly as she looks very innocent towards the camera which would grab more of the primary

target audience (younger audience) compared to the secondary target audience (older audience).

SUMMARIES OF EACH ARTICLE: These give the reader a brief description of what the article is going to be about as also the colour of it is black. This give a brief small idea of what the articles or the information they're providing to

the audience is going to be about. This also helps to give a small understanding of the article before reading it. As the language writing should be informal so the target audience (teenagers) can create an connection with

the magazine and themselves, especially depending the artist in the front cover (especially if it’s a teenager favourite singer which can be seen as their

role model, so the writing/ language would definitely be informal as they already know the artist).

LAYOUT: In this contents page the layout on it is very simple as the photography of the mail artist is taking most of the space as it graves more

the target audience attention. The contents tittle on the right side of the page and the rest of the information and the headlines along with the summaries

of the articles and the page number on the other side of the page. On the bottom left side also a small square o information about ‘on the cover’. This

layout is simple and it makes it clear for the audience to follow the magazine easily.

NEW MEDIA: This is not shown on the contents page and not even in any other page across the whole magazine. Which it doesn’t actually matter because by this stage the magazine wouldn’t need because the audience are used to it and as it is a teenage as a target audience they would of be able to search more about the magazine and the social media they have for the audience to find out more information about the magazine. This gives out an idea the magazine doesn’t have to promote their website along with social media on the contents page..

FRONT COVER/PAST ISSUE: Usually it never shows the front

cover from the past issue into the contents page because I believe

that Billboard never actually thought of doing.