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Page 1: Contents page analysis

Here is the content page of a kerrang magazine in this contents page there are many pictures with a lot of information on them, the sizes of the writing is medium its not large or small but mainly on this side there are pictures which are very good because they have been taken well and they take up a lot of space on the contents page.

On this side of the page it is mostly information about the magazine and what it features. The information given is about bands and solo artists, news and other upcoming events and activities that may or may not be going on in the music world.

Page 2: Contents page analysis

In this contents page there are a few well taken pictures they are well lit and really accurate so they are easy to see. As well as these pictures there is information on what is going on with the pictures such as what they are off who is in them and why they were taken like they were. The pictures are taken of famous people sop it has been done professionally and in a specific way. The font and size are good it’s a basic font and a large size so that people can read it with ease

Page 3: Contents page analysis

All over this contents page there are pictures all of them are well taken, they are well lit and mostly the models are facing the camera which is good. The pictures are all different widths and heights which is confusing and the contents page could be better so it needs some more work. The page could use some more detail on the pictures and maybe some columns with writing in and say something about what the magazine is about and what is going on inside it.