
Easy to FindDon’t hide links to your contact us page in drop-down menus that can’t be seen without actively clicking around your navigation.

Hours oF opEration If your business hours are limited or you only answer the phone during specific times, specify this information on your contact us page.

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ContaCt Us Page


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When visitors go to your contact us page, they show a clear intent

to get in touch with you at some point, if not right away. A lack of

contact options may cause these potential customers to believe

that your company is inaccessible. By ensuring that your contact

us page has the following elements, you not only make it more

effective, you also provide visitors with trust signals that make them

feel more comfortable about doing business with you.

MultiplE ContaCt options Don’t limit contact options to your preference. Giving your visitors multiple options makes them feel confident that they can reach you in whatever way they need. Options should include:

MultiplE points oF ContaCt Companies with multiple departments that have their own numbers or extensions should provide the direct number/extension for each department.

strEEt Map If you are open for local business, provide a map to your physical location.

rEquirE only EssEntial inFo Particularly on web forms, ask only for information that is essential to reach them.

Final Call to aCtion Encourage your visitors to contact you today.

Telephone Number(s) Provide your visitors with both local and toll-free phone numbers (if applicable) on your contact us page.

Fax Number If you don’t include your fax number on your contact us page, you may have to field phone calls just to provide that information.

Email Address Display your company email address rather than only providing a contact form. Make sure the email address is hyperlinked, automatically opening the visitor’s email client when clicked.

Web Forms Provide a contact form that allows visitors to send a message to your team directly from your contact us page.

Instant Chat By giving visitor real-time access to your team, you make contacting you more convenient while reducing the number of calls or emails your company receives.
