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Consumer trends

Anna Onoyko 5401

+Consumer trends

n  Habits or behaviors currently prevalent among consumers of goods or services. Consumer trends track more than simply what people buy and how much they spend. Data collected on trends may also include information such as how consumers use a product and how they communicate about a brand with their social network.


+1. Guilt free status

•  known by all •  visibly guilt free •  storied This trend is not about Guiltwashing. Benefits for

people and planet are at t he core of GUILT-FREE STATUS SYMBOLS, not marketing speak and one-dimentional plays on people’s anxieties.



+2.Crowed Shaped



+3.Made Green By/For China




+4. Mychiatry



+5.No Data

“Brands will have to walk a fine line between offering consumers a valuable (and ideally seamless) service, and freaking them out with aggressive if not downright scary ‘services’. Yes, consumers want to feel served to, but they don’t like to be watched.”

+No Data

+6.Internet of caring things



+Global Mind 2014 will see the consumer arena become even more global, local, flatter, cosmopolitan and so on. Which means that, on a daily basis, you can expect an orgy of compelling consumer- facing innovations emerging from all corners of the globe.