
Connecting Meaning to Purpose: Learning and Passion

in our Profession

Jennifer A. HamiltonExecutive Director,

Cdn. Assn. of College & University Student Services

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"


#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

I used to have….


#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"


#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"


Ideas for Talk

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Presentation Overview


Context of our workValues of our work

ConnectingPassion PurposeLearning

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"


Learn about context and values of Student Affairs in CanadaExplore concepts of remembering and developing your passionLook at ways in which we learn and meet challenges in our work

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

CACUSS Identity Project

History• 1971• 1989 The Mission of Student Services• Statement of Guiding Principles• 2008—time to update/review foundational document.• 2011/12 Paper published, organizational change Goals


#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

“Leaders in Learning”

Context of Canadian Higher EducationHistorical contextPredominantly Public SystemShaped by geographyLimited Institutional DifferentiationInstitutional Autonomy

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Contemporary Issues

• Aboriginal Education• Access, Diversity & Inclusion• Globalization• Student Engagement• Accountability

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Emerging trends

• Strategic Enrolment Management• Integration• Mental Health & Well-being• Built Environment• Support for Distance Learner• Information TechnologySince 2011—Behaviour/Sexual Violence

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Purpose and Values of SA in Canada

Functions:Identify and address barriers or

impediments to participation and successFacilitate active participation in the campus

and wider communitySupport students in their pursuit of

academic and personal growth/well-beingBuild an environment that facilitates

learning, development and purpose.#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Functional Areas• Aboriginal student services• Academic advising• Accessibility for students with disabilities• Admissions• Assessment• Career development• Counselling• Diversity and equity programs• Employment services and preparation• Enrolment management• Financial aid and awards• Health care services• Health & wellness promotion• Housing & residence life

• International mobility• International student services• Judicial affairs• Leadership development• Learning support & strategies• Management & leadership• Mentorship programs• Orientation & first-year experience• Policy development & administration• Registrarial services• Retention services• Safety and security• Service learning• Student communications

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Purpose and Values of SA in Canada

Core values• Responsibility to institutional mission• Appreciation of whole student• Respect for difference• Acknowledgement of student autonomy• Focus on student success• Dedication to experiential learning• An emphasis on the common good• Commitment to democratic principles• Orientation to social justice as an outcome

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

From: Cooper et al. (2002) Learning through supervised practice in student affairs

Finding Meaning in your Work

• Purpose• Passion• Learning

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Remembering your Passion

“Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing. Something we were born with. Something that’s ours and ours alone. Something that can’t be taught to you or learned. Something that got to be remembered.” The Legend of Bagger Vance• knowing yourself, building reflection into your

practice, and learning

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Find your Passion….Bad Advice?

• Forbes, CNN, Huffington Post and other publications, self help pieces state that telling folks to “Find their Passion” is bad career advice

• Instead, the recommendation is to “Develop your Passion”

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Develop Passion in your Work

• Find new meaning= LEARNING!• Challenge yourself• Take strength from community• Be a mentor• Be mentored (Design & Technology blog)

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Sustainability in your Work

• Analyze the data of your daily life• Workplace that supports priorities outside the

office• The power of learning• Work with Inspiring People• Develop rare and valuable skills

The Huffington Post; July 22, 2013

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Discussion Questions

• Is there a time where you were able to remember your passion or your purpose and how did it become meaningful in your work?

• Is there a time that you were able to better develop your passion or your purpose? How did that change how you saw your work?

• Given the complexities of your work—schedule, pressures etc.

how can you work to create an environment that is sustainable? Supports learning, allows for reflection, balance, supportive/collaborative?

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Connecting Meaning to Purpose

LEARNINGWays in which we engage in learning? • Mentoring• New roles/functions• Job shadowing/sharing• Committee work• Volunteer work• Research and writing• Professional Associations

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Involvement in Professional Associations

• Build skills you can not get in your current position--transferable skills.

• Make connections (regional, positional, interest/practice, philosophical)

• Make a contribution to a body of knowledge• Learning, new ideas, improved performance/outcomes for

your department/unit/position• Mentoring, support• Friendship, connection, belonging, memories• Diversity of ideas• Opportunity

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"


1400 members across CanadaAnnual conferenceOngoing PD—webinars/regional workshops/roundtablesOver $25,000 in grants, bursariesCommuniqué magazine, published 3x yearSupport for new professionalsJob boardCommunities of practice/networksCollaborations and partnershipsSupport for major Canadian Student Affairs initiatives

Achieving Student SuccessNational Mental Health Working Group

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Strategic Goals of CACUSS

• Professional Development• Research and Outcomes• Knowledge Source• Inclusive Membership• Organizational Development• Advocacy and Influence

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"


• Competencies and Learning Opportunities• Our work is challenging, but we can enjoy

doing it! • Where I have benefited the most in learning– Mentoring– Professional Communities– Applied research

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"



Follow us on twitter @cacusstweets

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

#RyersonSA "Connecting Meaning to Purpose"

Future conferences: 2016: June 19-22 Winnipeg, MB!

2017: June 11-14 Ottawa, ON!

Upcoming Dates:February 15—Deadline for Award/Grant Applications

February 27—Nominations/Applications for Committee/Director PositionsFrench book club (February/March)

Webinars, Roundtables, Member Needs Assessment (February/March)
