Page 1: Connecting fragments of Arna


Connecting fragmentsResearching and thinking about future

development in Arna

Page 2: Connecting fragments of Arna

FORWORD“Since the middle ages, Bergen’s population has tripled up for every hundred years.Continuing this trend, we will in 2108 be good and well a million inhabitants in Bergen.How do we build a community that can read just them zselves and meet such an increase? “ Development of Bergen for the past 50 years has largely been provincial. An extremely transport-demanding structure has grown. An infrastructure has been built that provides a regional way of life where work is scattered throughout a large area. The constant attempts to deal with transport in this decentralized structure testify that it requires large public effort to maintain it; it is not a development that has taken place by itself, it is a structure that has been actively cultivated. The only thing one can say with reasonable certainty about the future is that energy questions are going to dominate the shaping of our societies. In about a hundred years the world’s oil production is reduced to a tenth of what it is today. Norway’s oil production will probably end a long time before that. The immediate concern will be; What should we in live from in Bergen in the future? But harder than to readjust the business world will be the transformation of settlement patterns. In Bergen, it is necessary with a dramatic change in relation to the

provincial development that we have had, and still actively continue to pursue.

It must, with the background of a need for new and higher level of density in the urbanization, be worked out concrete plans as to how densifying of central areas should take place. 0U�[OPZ�JVU[L_[��[OL�ULLK�[V�YLKLÄUL�[OL�WSHUUPUN�YVSL�ZOV\SK�IL�LTWOHZPaLK� To ensure that future plan processes can deal with environmental challenges and frequent changes in societal structures, new alliances and tools must be taken into use. A dynamic planning that goes across professional distinctions and different spheres of interest, and which to a OPNOLY�KLNYLL�ZLLRZ�[V�KLÄUL�SVJHS�JOHSSLUNLZ�HUK�ZVS\[PVU�TVKLSZ��JHU�LUZ\YL�[OL�KP]LYZP[`�^P[OPU�[OL�WSHUUPUN�subject that is needed in order to reach the socially responsible solutions.0[�TH`�[\YU�V\[�JVUÅPJ[PUN�[V�IL�HJ[PUN�^P[OPU�HU�VWLU�SHUKZJHWL�^OLYL�[OL�MYHTL^VYR�MVY�[OL�WYVMLZZPVU�Z[PSS�PZ�undergoing changes. But this is a landscape that we need to start to get accustomed to.


FactsBergen is emerging today as an extremely transport-demanding structureand is the subject of a huge daily regional commuting of people. ������VM�^VYRWSHJLZ�PU�)LYNLU�T\UPJPWHSP[`�PZ�SVJH[LK�PU�[OL�*LU[YL��VUS`����of the residences are located here. ��+HPS`��������JHYZ�JVTT\[L�IL[^LLU�)LYNLU�HUK�gZHUL�A typical family living in the suburb spends about 100 working days per year in the car to get toand from work and leisure activities.The area needed for a family with two cars is 100 m2 parking space at homeand at work. This is about as large as an average residence. And then the area demanded from the infrastructure is not taken into consideration. ��0U�HIV\[�H�O\UKYLK�`LHYZ�^L�^PSS�UV�SVUNLY�OH]L�HJJLZZ�[V�NHZVSPUL!�[OL�^VYSK�^PSSUL]LY�HNHPU�L_WLYPLUJL�H�ZV�JOLHW�HUK�LULYN`�LMÄJPLU[�ZV\YJL�VM�LULYN`�HZ�VPS� ��;OLYL�PZ�H�JSLHYS`�Z[H[LK�NVHS�PU�[OL�4\UPJPWHSP[`GZ�7SHU�[V�YLK\JL�[OL�WLYZVUHS�[YHUZWVY[�[OYV\NOdensifying. But currently, one has no opinion about how this could happen. ��;OLYL�PZ�H�IPN�KPMMLYLUJL�IL[^LLU�[OL�WYV]PUJPHS�KL]LSVWTLU[�VM�[OL�JP[`that have taken place over the past 50 years and the density that is now needed.With this as the backdrop, BAS wants to emphasize density in Bergen on the agenda for our master course. >L�NH[OLY�HSS�Z[\KLU[Z�PU�[OL��[O�`LHY�[V�H�QVPU[�LMMVY[�HYV\UK�[OPZ�PZZ\L��HUK�^PSS�VMMLY��)LYNLU�municipality and the city a valuable study around the city’s most important and yet unexplored problem.

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INTRODUCTION(YUH�OHZ�ILLU�H�WHY[�VM�)LYNLU�T\UPJPWHSP[`�ZPUJL�� ���HUK�[OLZL�SHZ[����`LHYZ�P[�OHZ�ILLU�[OL�KPZ[YPJ[�^P[O�[OL�SV^LZ[�PUJYLHZL�PU�WVW\SH[PVU��VUS`����JVTWHYLK�[V�[OL�V[OLYZ�^OV�OH]L�OHK�HU�PUJYLHZL�\W�[V�������7YVNUVZPZ�ZOV^�[OH[�[OL�T\UPJPWHSP[`�^PSS�OH]L�HU�PUJYLHZL�PU�WVW\SH[PVU�PU������VM�HIV\[���������PUOHIP[HU[Z��(Z�[OL�SHUKZJHWL�UVY[O��ZV\[O�HUK�^LZ[�VM�[OL�)LYNLU�PZ�OPNOS`�KL]LSVWLK�HUK�\UKLY�KLUZPÄJH[PVU�WYVJLZZLZ��^L�[\YU�V\Y�L`LZ�[V^HYKZ�[OL�TVYL�KPZWLYZP]L�SHUK-scape of Arna who have a widespread settlement in a valley by the size of the Bergen valley. Being [OL�KPZ[YPJ[�[OH[�PU�MHJ[�PZ�ILZ[�JVUULJ[LK�[V�PUULY�JP[`�)LYNLU��^L�HYL�J\YPV\Z�[V�ÄUK�[OH[�[OPZ�HYLH�is the least populated. As a suburb to Bergen, Arna has been through a wide arrange of develop-ment the last 100 years, from a rural farm base landscape, to a more suburban, yet rural, with more urban elements like a nation wide train line, a shopping mall and various industrial containers, all of it mainly connected by car roads. So Arna lingers in ambiguity, not being quite sure what it is and what to become. The development policy the last 50 years has been more or less open, and single home residents with large gardens like the american suburb, is dominating the overall impression of Arnas built structures. In addition both the european road and the railway towards Oslo is penetrating the valley across.

Connecting fragments of Arna, is a collection of work investigating on a broader scale some essential features of Arna. Landscape qualities, housing clustering and typologies, investigations in history and PKLU[P[ �̀�/V^�KVLZ�VUL�ILNPU�[V�L_WSHPU�^OH[�JVUZ[P[\[LZ�H�WSHJL&�;OL�ÄYZ[�JOHW[LY�PZ�HU�H[[LTW[�[V�make visual the mountain contours constituting arnian space. How this body emerges as the behold-er of the arnaian drama. It is between these walls, the running water, the forests the ongoing play of Arna is acting out. What characterizes this play AD 2012? Arna has changed. And will change again. (YJOP[LJ[\YL�Z�Å\_�[YHUZJLUKLU[HSPaL�[OL�PTTHULU[�IVK`�VM�(YUH��4VKLYU�PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLZ�KLWYP]LZ�[OL�human opportunity to experience landscape fundamentals. Traveling fast and through Arna, leaves no reason to stop here. Why should one stop in Arna? Not very many things make it worth spending [PTL��>OH[�(YUH�OHZ�NV[��PZ�UH[\YL"�MQVYK��TV\U[HPU��YP]LY��ÄZOPUN��OPRPUN��SHRL�Z^PTTPUN��JHTWPUN��What Arna needs is an architectural reason to stop, an invitation to the stranger, pleasing him to stay, to see and experience some of the beautiful aspects of this place.

These qualities quickly vanishes when structures notoriously is placed on the landscape body. Archi-tecture can enhance or degrade a landscape. The notion of a fragmented architecture in Arna today, and the lack of consideration for a potentially beautiful landscape, gives Arna an atopia, a sense of non-place. Where Bergen has clearly managed to preserve a more clear sense of place, the develop-ment in Arna the last 120 years, shows a transformation from a place with a very clear architecture

PU[V�ZVTL[OPUN�[OH[�PZ��H[�ÄYZ[�NSHUJL��[LJOUPJHS�HUK�PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL�KVTPUH[LK��;OL�PTTLKPH[L�SHJR�VM�orientation, where is the center? Where to meet? The best answer is the tarmac paved beach clad with a shopping mall.

;OL�OV\ZPUN�ZLLTZ�YHUKVTS`�WSHJLK�I`�[OL�Y\SL"�OLYL�Z�TVYL�ZWHJL��OLYL�0�SS�I\PSK��0�ULLK�[OL�WH]LK�car road to front door. The gardens are reservoirs for private self-indulgence, closing architecture, establishing a harsh built environment saying this is mine, only mine. The mineness is harsh because it hinders free movement, especially across the landscape, where bonds of properties close access from the valley bottom to the mountain sides.

Today Arna depends on Bergen, but, historically Arna has had an identity different that of the bergen-sis. The arnaian identity is more linked to that of the inner fjords. To bergensis they were strils, that is, not a member of the urban community of the city. To this day this notion continues to work. Arna is UV[�)LYNLU��0[�Z�ZVTL[OPUN�KPMMLYLU[��;OLU�^L�T\Z[�[Y`�[V�\UKLYZ[HUK�^OH[�[OH[�TLHUZ��

Densifying Arna should then be done with consideration of these aspects. Learning from history could not be more valid than in this situation. Where did Arna go wrong? How can we work with Arna, making it attractive again, as a place one would wish to see, visit, move to, whether or not population WYVNUVZPZ�OH]L�YPNO[�PU�[OL�LUK��(YUH�ULLKZ�HYJOP[LJ[\YHS�JSHYPÄJH[PVU��;OPZ�^VYR�HZWPYLZ�[V�YLJVUZ[Y\J[�a notion of Arna, in which Arna again is begun to be seen as the beautiful place it has the potential to be.

This student work has been a part of the master course “Think Tank Bergen” at Bergen School of (YJOP[LJ[\YL�)(:���PUP[PH[LK�I`�)LYNLU�IHZLK��9>�HYJOP[LJ[�Z�HUK�)(:�Z�WYV�YLJ[VY�:P_[LU�9HOSMM��4HPU�[LHJOPUNZ�PZ�JVUK\J[LK�I`�3VUKVU�IHZLK�1VUH[OHU�>VVKYVMML�HUK�1LYVTL�7PJX\HYK�MYVT�S333 architects. Additional teachers has been Thomas Wiesner (DAV - “The Other World”), Harald 5��9¥Z[]PR��7YVMLZZVY�PU�:\Z[HPUHIPSP[`���:]LPU�/H[S¥`�HUK�,ZWLU�9HOSMM��=PZ\HS�:[Y\J[\YL���;OL�V\[SPUL�of the course is as stated above in the introductory note by Sixten Rahlff. This collection of research HUK�WV[LU[PHS�Z[\KPLZ�HYL�L_LJ\[LK�I`��[O�`LHY�THZ[LY�Z[\KLU[Z�5PRSHZ�:LIHZ[PHU�(S]LILYN��(SL_HUKLY�Helle and Henning Wenaas Ribe.

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Chapter 1

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(YUH!�:WLJPÄJ�SHUKZJHWLA mapping of Arnas landscape features

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The contour of Arna4HWWPUN�[OL�[`WVNYHWOPJ�SHUKZJHWLThis is a collection of 300 sections, stretching from the northern sea front of Arna, through the cen-trum and all the way back to the souther side of the Arna valley. The idea is to map the high diversity of the shape of the valley.

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Arna: Generic landscapeA mapping of Arnas light pattern.

Arna Centrum

Arna Centrum





Arna Centrum

Arna Centrum


Indre Arna



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Winter noon

Indre Arna

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Summer noon

Indre Arna

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Arna: A light yearA mapping of Arnas light pattern.

72 73

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Indre Arna74 75

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Stor elva76 77

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Indre Arna78 79


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1.The southwest corridor leads down to Nestun.2. The northeast corridor leads to Trengereid.3. The northwest corridor leads to Borgo.���;OL�UVY[O�JVYYPKVY�SLHKZ�[V�0UKYL�(YUH�

These valley corridors and the topography have created a wide variety of landscape characters.

80 81

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(95(����),9.,5In the south the Arna valley connects to the larger Bergen valley, in north to Sørfjord




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Lindås 72%Meland






Sund88% Os




100% Nynorsk

The smal map shows the official first langue in Norwegian municipalities.

In the county of Hordaland 30 municipali-ties uses nynorsk as their first langue while 3 are nauteral (the use of nynorsk and bokmål is optional).

The larger map shows the county of Hordaland and the use of nynorsk as the teaching language in primary schools. As the map shows Arna differs drastically from the other districts in the Bergen municipality, almost half of the children in Arna are educated in nynorsk



Arnabuaren eg også svært interresert i kva som skjer i Sørf-jordsregionen. Lokalavisa Bygdanytt, som har Arna og Osterøy som sitt dekningsområde vert halde av ein fjerdedel av innbyg-garane. Dette er eit svært høgt tal samenlikna med dei andre lokalavisene i Bergen kommune.

(YUH�PZUG[�)LYNLUNewspaper status: regionalInhabitants in the covered area: 600000. Subscribers: 82000

Newspaper status: regional Inhabitants in the covered area: 20000. Subscribers: 9300

Newspaper status: local Inhabitants in the covered area: 4500 Subscribers: 2300

Newspaper status: localInhabitants in the covered area: 20000 Subscribers: 4600

Newspaper status: localInhabitants in the covered area: 40000Subscribers: 2300

Newspaper status: localInhabitants in the covered area: 32800 Subscribers: 6000

Newspaper status: localInhabitants in the covered area: 68000 Subscribers: 1800

Newspaper status: localInhabitants in the covered area: 60000 Subscribers: 4600

Newspaper status: regionalInhabitants in the covered area: 263000Subscribers: 22452











Bergens Tidende is the biggest newspaper in western Norway, and covers the countys of Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane. Hordaland county have over 19 local papers, which is printed in small numbers, but also have a great number of subscribers. Compared to the other districts in the municipality of Bergen, a lot of people in Arna read their local paper, and on this basis one could claim that the inhabitants have a strong local identity.



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Island, ShetlandFærøyene

Sogn og FjordaneNord Noreg






HISTORISK 0+,5;0;,;

Arna ligg langs sørfjorden. Denne fjorden er ein del av eit fjordnett som knyt-tar handelsstaden Bergen til dei omkringliggande bygdene, frå øyene i vest [PS�PUUSHUKZI`NKH�=VZZ�P�H\Z[��3HUNZ�MQVYKLU�ÄUU�LPU�KLU�OPZ[VYPZRL�PKLU[P[L[L[�til Arnabuaren. Fjorden var hovedkommuni kasjonsåre heilt frå dei fyrste folka busette seg langs den, og langs fjorden møtte arnabuaren sine naboar i kyrkja og på tingstaden, dreiv handel og fann seg ein ektemake.

Haus var ting- og kyrkjestad for Sørfjordgrendene, seinare kom det også kyrkje i Bruvik

86 87

Sørfjord regionen

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1872 Vaksdal mølle

1879 Dale Fabrikker




Ytre Arna1846 Arne Fabrikker

1859 Salhus Tricotagefabrik

1895 Trengereid fabrikker



1895 Espelandfos Spinderi & Tricotagefabrik


1864 Steamboat Bergen - Arna - Bolstad1872 Steamboat Bergen - New York

New York


1883 Bergen - Voss railroad




På 1800-talet kom det store endringar i liva til folka langs Sørfjorden. Ein eksplosiv vekst i folketalet føra til stor utvandring til USA. Men utlandske lykkejegarar kom også til Noreg, lokka av store fossar som kunne temmast til energi. På 50 år vart hovudnæringa for Sørfjordingen endra frå jordbruk til industri, og kommu-nikasjonen gjekk frå robåt til dampbåt og tog.

Dei nye industristadane endra samfunnet på mange vis. I Arna vaks det fram eit nytt sentrum i Ytre Arna, og snart overtok det mange av dei gamle samfunnfunksjo-nane ein tidlegare fann i Haus. Haus herad opphøyra i 1964.

Haus, Osterøy. Politisk og religiøst sentrum i Sørfjorden frå mellomalderen til 1964.

Peter Jebsen. Flytta til Noreg frå Slesvig (Denmark/Tyskland) i 1843

Ytre Arna.fabrikker (1846 -1956) (P. Jebsen).

1879 Dale fabrikker (P. Jebsen).

1895 Trengereid fabrikker (J. Jebsen)

1895 Espelandfos Spinderi & Tricotagefabrik

1872 Vaksdal mølle

1864 D/S Arne. Fyrste dampskip til Arna. (P. Jebsen).

1870 “Den Norske Amerikalinjen” (P. Jebsen mf).

1883 Vossebanen opnar (Bergen - Voss)

1859 Salhus Tricotagefabrik.

Cotton (USA)




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Chapter 2Arnas built structuresThe past, the present


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Where is Arna?The destinct and varied landscape of the Arna valley has played an important part of spatial layout that we see in Arna today. Housing, central commercial hub(shopping mall), industry, farming and infrastructure(collectiv or none collective transport) are also some of the important spatial indicators or definers in the landscape. Telling what is central and what is peripheral.

Today what is considered as “the Centrum” in Arna is “Indre Arna”, because of its geographical position, it has a railway station connecting arna to the region and the continent, a sea line making Arna physical member of a larger and older infrastucture, and it has a commercial alternativ(Shopping mall) for the local inhabitants.

Indre Arna

Ytre ArnaIf Arna is seen as a consistent body, does it consist of two places?

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Arna består faktisk av 19 ulike og distinkte stader, kor nokon av dei er tilknytta sentrumskjerna innerst i fjorden. Andre ligg i dalsidene, langs dalbotnen, ved innsjøar, eller oppe i sidedalar. Nokre av dei har også allereie etablerte små sentrumsstrukturar, i tydinga ein lokal butikk,

bensinstasjon, skule, barnehage osv.

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9796Indre Arna Seim




19 placesArna consist of 19 different places with and ArnaDisse 19 stadene har ein distinkt karakter når det gjeld korleis ein har plassert husa i landskapet, kva slags mønster dei er satt saman i, og ulike husty-pologier. g�YLPZH�TLSSVT�KPZZL�Z[HKLUL�[`KLY�IY\RH�IPSLU��g�MS`[[H�ZLN�Wr�[]LYZ�P�KL[[L�IPSSHUKZRHWL[�LY�PRRQL�mogleg, da det er bilens veier som definerer bev-egelses mogligheitane.




Espeland Borgo

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Building patternsInvestigating how they build and live, in and around Arna

Havråtunet, Osterøy

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Borgo, Langedalen, Arna

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Seimsmark, Arna

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500 houses in Arna4HWWPUN�[OL�;̀ WVNYHWOPJ�3HUKZJHWLThis is a collection of 300 sections, stretching from the northern sea front of Arna, through the cen-trum and all the way back to the souther side of the Arna valley. The idea is to map the high diversity of the shape of the valley.

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106 106 106


107 107

107 107

106 106


106 106 107

107 107

106 106 106 107 107 107 107


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in the cities, some of the community qualities where maintained and continuated on a different but same time likely way. urban communities grew larger and far more dense than the rural communities, but preserving some of the initial rural expression. one house per family, and at the ground floor there were shops giving life to the urban fabric.


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111110 111


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single housingseim is a west facing convex formed small hill, not very steep and quite rich in terms of amount of direct sunlight. in the hillside, terrased in the landscape lies rows of houses, divided by the public communication, the car-road

towards the sea there is a plateau on which several industrial sheds has managed to find space for their activity.

seafront lies several boathouses squished towards the relatively steep landscape there.

on the hilltop of seim is a protected forest.



112 terrain


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115114 115

4P_LK�[`WVSVNPLZseafront boathouse, industry and dwelling

Today the industry is occupying the sea side, creating a physical barrier between the residential area and the harbour.

the living houses lies terraced with large gardens around them. most of the dwellings consist only of one singular unit; the house, but some have also added more buildings to their home, such as parking garage, tool sheds and so on.

the houses are scattered in the landscape, and the only element seemingly connecting them to a form of community is the paved car roads regarding housing typology, we see approximately three different sorts; the single house, the paired houses and minor block apartment houses. they all share the sloping roofs, apart from the industrial sheds differing from this typological pattern.


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as the roads go on natural terraces in the hillside, houses are forced either towards edges, like the housing group in the center of the picture, or like in the back; the sloping hill.

houses in this area are rarely placed on flat surfaces, some even utilizing stilts to support their overhanging structures, while others rely on feeting themselves to the slope placing a solid rock wall following the curvature of the landscape.

Building edgeslandscape relation


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as seim on a bigger scale seems to lack the sense of building with common qualities apart from the road, there are some building projects adding this into their gestalt.

here is on particular project who by placing itself on the landscape edge creates a bigger space on the backside towards the road. here the entrance of the house is clearly placed towards the public side of the community, while the frontal, west facing side, has a more private character with view, sunlight and garden

Trying to be friendspairs of houses forming smaller communities


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ÄLSK natural plateau


the topography of Borgo is Shaped like a Bowl, making the flat plateau here

productiv for agriculture pur zpouses. The singel housing dwells close to the foot of

the mountain, and the barn is placed on the flat plateau close to the agricultural field.


single housing

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borgo is a valleyfloor approximately 100 meters above sea level. the soil here is rich on minerals, thick and good for agri-culture. the farm buildings are placed towards the edges of the land, on demarcating innfield and outfields.

amongst this farm settlement, here and there, lies a living house or two, not connected directly to the farming activity. but they have the quality of openness around them, and nature merging into their frontdoor.

breaking the pattern mixed typologies


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the modern farm overall consist of two large buildings, the living house and the barn. also more functional buildings like a plant house, parking garage and big barrel for storing animal urine comes into play with the landscape.

like this example from borgo, the placing of the living house and the barn creates a space in between that seems to be the social outdoor space, a place to see and be seen.

neighbouring is a single house dwelling with a parking garage and playhouse for children. this area has even lower density than seim in indre arna.

Farm and neighboursome people prefer the farmscape without being farmers


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Family farming new generation need new house

when the farming family elders retire, its normal to give the main house to the children overtaking the farm. often the elders build a new house close to the farm houses.

this allows them to remain in contact with the farm and their family. three or even four generations of people can live together in a small community

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Typical housesaddle roof and utspringthe typical farm house in borgo(and in a wider sense arna), is the saddle-roofed double-windowed house. covered with laying wooden panels, and umbrellaed with shingles or flat stones.

often added multiple times, and with a cellar. normally you enter the main floor directly from the landscape, like in the back of this house, and many also have basement access from the front.

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Segregating communitiesFrom living in a community to living individually to gathering again

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134 135

Common ground how they lived and build before national politics dictated changehavråtunet in its constitution shows us a way of building a smaller community that takes into consid-eration the landscape and tis qualities.

the center of the village is public domain, while the private properties are the growable fields outside. in one perspective it shows the importance of having common social ground and access to nature outside.

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Common grounddividing and sharing natural resourcesIn this period of time everybody relied heavily on the natural resources outside their door. There-fore there was an incentiv to live in a smaller community where on could benefit from eachothers resources and help one another.

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Split and rulewhere did the common ground go? socially pointilized. due to the industrialization of the agriculture and national tax politics of the 19th century, the traditional farming communities where split up, and farm housing scattered around the landscape centralizing the farm house in the center of their properties

what got lost in the process was the communal living. the new common grond was the roads at the property boundaries. then the pickup points for milk became important social meeting points

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Contemporary arnaian building culture, forgot how to make community

Alone together or together alone?MYVT�ZVJPHS�JVTTVU�ÅVVY�[V�ZVJPHS�WVPU[PÄJH[PVU

Governmental ruled planning, taking into consideration national interests

TunSingle farms

Single housing

Non-governmental way of organizing community

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Chapter 3Sustainability essay


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(95(�:<:;(05()030;0:4/6>� ;6� 4(2,� (� :<:;(05()3,� 36*(3� � *644<50;@� 05� (9,(:� 6-�.9,(;� 796:7,90;@� (5+� *65:<47;0650:4�� >/,5� >693+� 767<3(-;065� 0:� 05*9,(:05.� (5+� 5(;<9(3� 9,:6<9*,:� � (9,� +,*9,(:05.&���

2,@>69+:�!�Landscape, food, solarconditions, transport, work.

ABSTRACT : This sustainability essay is about how do densfiy in a more sustainable way. Our main focus has been how to place settlements according sun and light conditions. Secondary we have looked into the issue of transport. The challenge with transport is about going to school and work. As a concequence of this, our third issue has been about the relationship between work and home. Transport is also about what we consume, so transport is also about food-production. In this project we are seeking a way to deal with these questions with an eco-logical approach.

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INTRODUCTIONWhat makes a sustainable community?

As far back in time as we know, humans have lived in societies; larger or smaller communities with certain rules or regulating natural, political and social conditions. The question has always been about the qualities of the community that we at present time inhabit. How do we build and live with or against the environment.

Architecturally seen, community inevitably discloses itself on landscape, that is, our current culture unfolds its values on the landscape with buildings, roads, treatment of private and common buildings, positioning in the landscape, hierarchies, monumental forming, sharing or robbing of natural resources. The ever recurring question is how these values are managed and concreticized in the landscape. Since these values are con-stantly changing, what are the present conditions, and what is sustainable today?

These are complex questions, and not necessarily ment to be answered directly by architects, but bearing this in mind, how do we prepare our architecture for future conditions, for a time when oil runs out, when cars and personal transportation might become history? When food once again need be grown locally. When wa-ter and electrical energy need be shared globally? We must prepare our communities for poorer economical conditions.

What matters then?

Havråtunet was a sustainable, self-reliant community, a holistic ecological constitution where the landscape surrounding them supported their way of living. Travel was difficult, so food had to be grown or catched lo-cally. Knowledge of local climate made them arranging the housing in a certain practical way; by clustering the buildings they sheltered the living core against cooling winds and rough climate, saving heating expenses. Knowing that 20th century mobility is the main source of climate change, how can we introduce modern sus-tainable communities, but with high mobility?

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,(;food and agriculture4H[WYVK\RZQVU�VN�I¤YLRYHM[�LY�L[�komlekst regnestykke. Fisk fanget i Norske- og Barentshavet fryses på feltet for så å bli transportert rundt halve kloden til Kina. Her tines fisken, fileteres og fryses igjen til panerte, frosne fiskepinner med svært lave ar-beidslønninger. Så bærer det til sjøs igjen og ny lang seilas før produk-tene finner veien til frysediskene i den vestlige verdens supermarkeder ($� � PK$����� HPK$�� ����Slik gjør man at miljøregnskapet til et i utgangspunktet bærekraftig produkt RVTTLY�\[�P�TPU\Z��,U�HN\YR�K`YRL[�P�gassdrevet drivhus i danmark , er de-rimot mindre bærekraftig en en agurk frilandsdyrket i Spania og transpor-tert til Norge (faktaark om klimagas-sutslipp fra forbruk side 3, http://^^ �̂MYHT[PKLU�UV��������������faktaark/klima/klimagassutslipp-fra-forbruk.html).

Grønnsaker som Isbergssalat, kål, kålrot og purre dyrket i sessongen

bor- local agriculture use organic waste from the new planned community

,5,9.@�/,(;05.�LIGHT ;676.9(-7/@Building according to local climatical condi-tions

har derimot mindre utslipp knyttet til sin produksjon enn importerte varer. (faktaark om klimagassutslipp fra for-bruk side 3, http://www.framtiden.UV��������������MHR[HHYR�RSPTH�klimagassutslipp-fra-forbruk.html).

Oppsummert kan vi påstå at matvare-produksjon i norge er bærekraftig om det dyrkes i sessong, og om produk-[L[�MVYLKSLZ�VN�MVYIY\RLZ�SVRHS[��1VYK-bruksland i nærmiljøet er dermed en miljømessig verdi.

The earth does not have much pro-

Solar radiation is the basis for all heat-ing on the planet. Since Arna is a rela-tively narrow and steep valley, the lo-cal sun qualities are very varied based on local topography. As the climate of the Bergen region has more than 300 days a year with rain or mostly clouded, the qualities of the sun; the warmth, the light, is highly appreci-ated. As the valley in wintertime has a natu-ral cold wind draft from the mountains, the cold air on wind still days tend to produce very cold areas in the center of the valley, building higher up on the mountain sides, where the tempera-tures typically would be some degrees higher, could reduce the energy con-sumption needed to heat buildings.

Strategy: - Reduce residential building in ar-eas of the site that has not got good morning or evening sun qualities.��4HPU[HPU�SV^�I\PSKPUN�]VS\TLZ�[V�spread sun on ground- Industry and other low sun demand-ing functions can build on shadower grounds, like river floor- Building on Storenuvarden, reduces the energy need for heating on cold winter days.

K\J[P]L�SHUK�HUK�ZLH��0U�5VY^H`������of the land considered productive land. This land is precious, and should be saved for further generations. The norwegian consumption is high. If every person on earth would consume the same amount of stuff as norwe-NPHUZ�^L�^V\SK�ULLK�����LHY[OZ��(J-cording to a WWF report, Cuba is the only country in the world that can be called sustainable and at the same time achieve a high level of well-being. On the Human development index (HDI) Cubascores 0,81, and it has a ecologi-JHS�MVV[WYPU[�VM�����NSVIHS�OLJ[HYZ�WLY�person. Havana, Cuba, is a world leader in urban agriculture. In 1995 [OLYL�^OLYL��������WVW\SHY�NHYKLU�parcels throughout the Havanna urban districts.

Strategy:-The farmland in Arna should be used for producing food for the local marked.-The fjord should be used for local fishing.-Imported food shuld be importet by boat. Arna has excellent conditions for theestablishment of an international har-

.6����:;(@transportation, com-munication, car, rail, bike, walkThe private car gives the individual personal freedom to go almost wher-ever it want’s. This freedom has it’s price. The infrastructure needed often destroyes the natural landscape, separates animals and plants from their natural habitat, and have a nega-tive effect on ground water flow. Cars pollutes the envirorment. In Norway, about 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, 85 percent of noise pol-S\[PVUZ�HUK�HIV\[����WLYJLU[�VM�[OL�NOx emissions comes from transport. (transportøkonomisk instetutt: https://^^ �̂[VP�UV�HY[PJSL��� �������O[TS���

Arna was planned for private cars. On H�KHPS`�IHZPZ�IL[^LLU�������������use their car to go to Bergen, only 9000 use the train. Global oil produc-tion has reached its peak. In the future oil will therefore be more expensive,

ARNA FARMING COOPERATIVEFarm 1 Farm 2 Farm 3 Farm 4 Farm 5






EventsMarket dayDugnad

Fishing Hydroponics

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which will increase the costs of trans-portation.Cars could in the future run on green energy such as hydrogen or eletric power fromsustainable sources, but we still have the challenge of building roads and parking space,wich has a big impact on the local PU]PYVYTLU[��,ULYN`�^PSS�HSZV�HS^H`Z�have its economiccosts.Should we in the future plan for every family to own 1-2 private cars, or

should we simplyplan for a community that is less de-pending on cars?

Strategy:- Connect Storenuvarden to existing workspaces and shops- Re-opening the local railroad.��4HRL�H�NVVK�JVUULJ[PVU�MYVT�Storenuvarden to the railroad- Connect Storenuvarden to munici-pality bike roads��7SHU�H�JHY�ZOHYPUN�WVVS��I\ZZ[VW�HUK�taxi rank for Storenuvarden.- driving into the area should be re-duced to the absolute minimum

WORKwork, industries, econ-omyIncome and consumption are inter-twined. The higher the income the higher the consumption. Norwegians are globaly on top in both areas, and as a consequence we are very active in a collective over-consumption of ,HY[O»Z�YLZV\YJLZ��>L�TH`�[OLYLMVYL�claim that If people worked less, they would earn less and consume less.

This could have a positive impact on the global environment. Reduced working hours could also give people more leisure time to spend with fam-ily and friends in the community, or to cultivate hobbies and interests.So when we work, where should we work? Transportation is a huge source of pol-lution. Why not work where you live? If people did their work in a walking dis-tance from their home, there would be less use of energy and less pollution. 7LVWSL�^V\SK�HSZV�\ZL�SLZZ�VM�[OLPY�time travelling. A home office con-Z\TLZ�����SLZZ�LULYN`�[OHU�^VYRPUN�in a conventional glass tower, mainly becouse the worker does not need to travel to work. In planing, rather than worrying abaout the creation of

Work Sleep






Indre Arna






Ytre Arna





- Bergen














- Ytre Arna

- Votlo

- Haus

- Valestrands-


- Breivik

The old railroadline is connected to the new line at

Takvam in the east. If it also was connected at Arna

station we would have a flexible network of lines

through the Arna Valley. Some of the old stations may

be retained, while new ones should be located in

densely populated areas. The circle around the

proposed station areas show a radius of 500 meters

distance. Eight stations could cover a large part of the

settlement areas, and also cover new development.

Ytre Arna, Haus, Votlo, Breistein and Valestrandsfossen

could be connected to the railroad by highspeed

passanger ferry


low energy commercial buildings, we should be cocerned about the pat-tern of work and where we do it. In Arna production is placed by the fjord and river, and could easily be con-nected to where people live by foot and bike. When this is not possible there should be exellent collectiv con-nections between homes and work-spaces. The industri in Arna should in the future focus on products that could be consumed locally, and prod-ucts that have environmental benefits of being produced in Arna.

Strategi:-Further development in arna should be connected to workspaces by foot and bike-Land should be saved for further industrial production in the future.

Norway has committed itself trough international agreements to change its communityplanning to a more sustainable soci-ety. Sustainability is the foundation for future urban planning.In Arna we have found that Storenu-varden is the best spot for a future development of asustainable urban growth.

-The site Storenuvarden have a low biological diversity, and connsist main-ly of rockground and marsh.

-It’s is easily connectable to the local rail network, witch have a potentional for further development.

-It borders the agricultural area Langedalen, where food could be grown

-It also borders the industrial sites down in the Arna valley. There are space here for furtherdevelopment of workspaces

-Storenuvarden is placed in a land-scape with a lot of high natural quality. The location ofthe plot makes it a natural link be-tween different recreation areas, like the mountains, thefjord, river, lakes, cultivated land and outfields.


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*OHW[LY��What makes a community?Side study of neighbouring town, Dale.


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What makes a community?Dale, Hordaland; frå gardstun til industritettstad

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Gato, samanbindaneDales gate har ein samlande funksjon som handels og møteplass.

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MacroMacroMesoMacro MesoMeso

Kva er eit samfunn samansett av?4HRYV�VN�TLaaV�Z[Y\R[\YHY

Our conclution is that the basic for a rich local urban community is the connection between different scales. The lines connecting macro scale buildings is an invitation for others to add programs. This line with it’s programs have a great potential for high quality public spaces and meeting points.

158 159

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The traditional city and townis there something to be learnt from history?

Léon Krier (born 1946) is an architect, architectural theorist and urban planner from Luxembourg. Krier has been highly critical of modernist urban planning, and its division of the city into various zones for resi-dential, commercial, industrial and leisure programs. Krier has been a strong motivator for the New urban-ism movement that emerged towards the end of the 1980s, and they ar both negative to the suburb and its commuting.

Krier suggest as an alternative a continuation of the traditional European city, based on a human scale, where neighborhoods are limited by the walkable distance between them (10 min), and he argues that the neighborhoods should have a mixed program for everyday needs.


The public buildings The private buildings The urban city


The public buildings The private buildings The suburb of the pedestrian


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Chapter 57V[LU[PHSZ�!�:[VYLU\]HYKLUThe desire to plan a suburban paradise in Arna


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The Arna railroad 2012penetrating and dividing the valley, connecting Arna to Bergen and Oslo

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Proposed connections

StorenuvardenArnas 20th place?

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Arnas new hillside communityThe south view from stornuvarden


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The area around the hill Storenuvarden have very good sun conditions. and are not far from the railway station. We have investigated the possibility of a major development in this area, which potentially could house several thousand people. Such a large development should include different housing typologies and housing for different social groups.

1. smaller houses, one to two storeys high 2. Larger blocks, one to four storeys high

Collage showing the main street to the trainstation

Smaller paths between the houses provides closeness to nature

Nature of great beauty are preserved as landscape parks

A network of trails connecs Storenu-varden to the surrounding areas

StorenuvardenArna river

A network of walk and bikeing paths links the area together, and connecs it to the surroundings. Key intersections have a potential to develop into meeting places for the residents, with various public and commercial programs.

Collage showing the hillside residential area and indre Arna in the low horizon

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Wait a minute?;PTL�[V�W\[�[OL�ÄUNLY�PU�[OL�NYV\UK


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,_JS\KPUN�(YUHWe must make Arna more inclusive, not more fragmented

Diagram by L. Krier

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Fragmented suburbGeneral programs of arna todayArna is not a urban city. In arna all the public buildings and programs are scattered [OYV\NOV\[�[OL�^OVSL�]HSSL �̀�`V\�JHU�UV[�M\SÄSS�`V\Y�KHPS`�SPML�PU�VUL�WSHJL��I\[�IV\UK�to travel, by car.

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*OHW[LY��7V[LU[PHSZ�!�:\I\YI�VM�[OL�WLKLZ[YPHUConnecting fragments of Arna


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The Arna railroad 1951Travelling along the landscapeThe rail line is dancing with the landscape. Following its motion and turns, ups and downs. In this manner, the line is humble to the landscape it rests in.

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(�)3(:;�-964�;/,�7(:;Running the old railwayAs a part of investigating the old railroad, we walked 10km along it, from Haukeland south in the valley, to Garnes at the tip of Arna.

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185184184 185

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The public buildings The private buildings The suburb of the car

The public buildings The private buildings The suburb of the pedestrianThe ligthrail The common ground



The private cars

Railing arnahigh speed rail, slow speed walk

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Fast along // slow acrossintegrating two new suburban layers in arnaConnecting future infrastructure with placemaking

New demographic estimates predict that the population in the Bergen region will increase. This also demands for more energy, infrastructure and trans-portation. The need for a sustainable strategy defining a more efficient and less energy demanding infrastructure that supports commuting between home and work, according to UN Cli-TH[L�7HULS��PZ�WYLZZPUN��

Suburban development of Arna was built on the freedom of personal trans-portation, and was highly interesting until knowledge showing the impact of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere. 7YLZLY]PUN�M\[\YL�JSPTH[PJHS�JVUKP[PVUZ��means thinking and planning the city more efficiently in terms of personal transportation. The age of the suburb is coming to an end, and one haveto glean backwards in time to find how they built communities when possibili-ties of transportation where lower than now.

New movement, old connection

A high speed connection has a more closed line. it needs to follow the land-scape. therefore this railline lies along the valley.

the slow connection, walking, can walk more easily across, up and down, and is far more flexible. the hu-man can climb the valley across.

The Railway

Re-opening the old railway between Tunes and Nesttun creates a vital pos-sibility of connecting the valley of Arna to the economies of Bergen South, Flesland area, and symmetrically the industries of Arna is connected to po-tential labour inhabiting Bergen South. The most sustainable way of thinking transportation in future perspectives, is phasing out transport built on oil to renewable energy sources such as hydropower, reduces the impact of cli-matical gases on the environment, and builds a more sustainable way of living and commuting between home and work. New stops along this line gives the advantage of densifying within walking distance from these, creating new interesting points for commerce, social and cultural activities.

The Water Connection

The Arna river is a regional attraction, having the staus as the only salmone river in Bergen, makes the river an important asset for Arna since it can be used by other intusiasts from the region, and not only by the locals(it is a a kind of macro social meeting point). 7O`ZPJHSS`�[OL�YP]LY�JHU�HSZV�IL�SVVRLK�as a barrier, dividing the west side and the east side of the valley.The river stretches from the Haukeland lake in the south and all the way down to Arna Øyrane torg in the north. It is also an important biotop corridor for animal migration(birds, deer, insects.etc).By the locals some acsessible parts of the river in the north end is used for recrational purpouses, but it is difficult

The Suburb Of The pedestrian

a 5-10 min walk to your local stop makes the bigger arna and bergen accessible with a fast moving connec-tion along the valley floor.

future densification should happen around these spots in arna

4HRPUN�[OL�YP]LY�TVYL�HJJZLZPISL�MYVT�the haukelands water and all the way along the train track to

The Intention

Using the water(the river and fjord) and the re-opened train track as an element for future planning in Arna: a strategy for exsisting and future development of the arna valley: the rail roade as a new infrastructural alternativ for cars and as a pointified developer around the tram

stops all way through valley....and the water as avital and recreational elemenet that can be connected to exsist-ing and new potential activities (commerce,industry, housing.

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Connecting fragments of ArnaLinear suburbArna is not a urban city. In arna all the public buildings and programs are scattered throughout the whole valley. you can not fulfill your daily life in one place, but bound to travel, by car. Introducing a rail, stopping at these places re-connects Arna in a new, more sustainable way, bringing activity to the more remote locations of the val-ley, but also connecting to Bergen south.

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Seimsmark er ein av dei mest fortetta grendene i Arna i dag. Her er det gode solforhold og kort avstand til fjord og fjell. Kommunikasjonen i dag er bilbasert, med forbindingar på langs av dalsida. Kva om kontakten PHOORP�IMRUG�RJ�IMHOO�YDUW�IRUVWHUND�PHG�ÀHLUH�DOOPHQQL-gar for gåande? Nye møtestadar ville oppstå, og tilgan-gen til bybanen ville blitt forenkla. Langs allmennibgane ville det vera potensiale for fortetting. Storaneset in-dustriområde langs fjorden kunne blitt eit nytt urbant sentrum for området, med større bygningsmasse i ein kvadraturstruktur. Langs dalsidene kan tomtene utnyt-tast betre og ein kunne få plass til mange eienebustad-er og rekkjehus.

Seimsmark i dag. Bustader i dalsida, industri langs fjorden.

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Referanse: HavråtunetSkråfoto av dagens situasjon

Bustadsområdet ved den foreslåtte seimsmark stasjon i dag, prega av spredd busettnad i form av einebustader og rekkjehus. Markert på biletet ser ein bustader for 29 familiar.

1. Nye stiar og allmenningar 2. Ny stasjon og bustader 3. Nye vegar å gå 4. Nye møtestader

Seimsmark i framtida? Grunneigarane kan tjena gode pengar på å byggja ut for neste generasjon i dei store hagane sine. Sam-stundes kan ein skapa nye klimaskjerma uteplassar for privatliv og fellesskap. Nye stiar og allmenningar mellom husa gjev stor fridom til å bevega seg i terrenget slik ein sjølv ynskjer. Illustrasjonen synar bustader for omkring 100 familiar samt nye næring-lokaler.

Page 100: Connecting fragments of Arna

Arnatveit StationSeimsmark er ein av dei mest fortetta grendene i Arna i dag. Her er det gode solforhold og kort avstand til fjord og fjell. Kommunikasjonen i dag er bilba-sert, med forbindingar på langs av dalsida. Kva om kontakten mellom fjord VN�MQLSS�]HY[�MVYZ[LYRH�TLK�ÅLPYL�HSSTLUUPNHY�MVY�NrHUKL&�5`L�T¥[LZ[HKHY�]PSSL�oppstå, og tilgangen til bybanen ville blitt forenkla. Langs allmennibgane

198 199

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(YUH[]LP[�OHZ�H�WVW\SH[PVU�VM������[OLYL�OHZ�ILLU�OLYL�H�SHYNLY�YLZPKLU[PHS�KLUZPMPJH[PVU�ZPUJL�[OL�TPK�� ��Z��ZVTL[OPUN�`V\�JHU�ZLL�PU�P[Z�TP_LK�I\PSKPUN�typology. Today Arnatveit has a small centrum consisting of a few convenience store and the toro factory on the otherside of the Arnariver. Local institutions consist of one kindergarden and a primary School. Arnatveit is also on the treshold to the local rrecreational trails and the Arnariver as a nature experience and salmon fishing. Intention: The stop will connect the industry(toro)and the small centrum and bring a new collectiv alternative to the dominated car driven condition, and to make the nature qualities(The Arnariver) more accessible with new pathways from the stop.

The site seen from the south

,SLTLU[Z�[V�JVUULJ[�^P[O�residential area, industry and small centrum) Qualities to incorporate(local riverjunction and recreational area)

The plan shows a train platform and different pathways stretching out and connecting local program and nature qualities. The river junction were the Arnatveitriver meets the Arnariver is now more accsesible and gives the opportunity to explore the local river channel and watch the seasonal spec-[HJSL�VM�[OL�ZHSTVU�ÄZOPUN�

Walking distances from stop(circle: 2,5min and 5min)

Site seen from the north

Sketch connection/direction diagram


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Espeland StationSeimsmark er ein av dei mest fortetta grendene i Arna i dag. Her er det gode solforhold og kort avstand til fjord og fjell. Kommunikasjonen i dag er bilbasert, med forbindingar på langs av dalsida. Kva om kontakten PHOORP�IMRUG�RJ�IMHOO�YDUW�IRUVWHUND�PHG�ÀHLUH�DOOPHQQL-gar for gåande? Nye møtestadar ville oppstå, og tilgan-gen til bybanen ville blitt forenkla. Langs allmennibgane

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,ZWLSHUK�PZ�H�MSH[�WSHUL�VU�[OL�TVZ[�UHYYV^�WVPU[�VM�[OL�(YYUH�]HSSL`�JVYYPKVY��0[Z�THPUS`�HNYPJ\S[\YHS�SHUK�HUK�]HZ[�YLZPKLU[PHS�WH[[LYUZ�[V^HYKZ�[OL�MLL[�VM�[OL�OPSSZ��-YVT�[OL�LHZ[LYU�ZPKL�Y\UZ�)Q¥YUKHSZLS]P�HUK�TLL[Z�^P[O�:[VYLS]H�H[�[OL�WVPU[�^OLYL�1HU\Z�^VVS�MHJ[VY`�PZ�ZP[\H[LK�[VKH �̀�The high speed road and railway is running along the valley floor, intersecting close to the factory. Residential areas is more or less connected to the factory HYLH��HUK�[OPZ�THRLZ�[OL�MHJ[VY`�[OL�TVZ[�JLU[YHS�WVPU[�VU�,ZWLSHUK��;V�KLUZPM`�HYV\UK�[OL�JVTPUN�Z[VW�HUK�[OL�JSVZL�HYLHZ�HYV\UK�ZOV\SK�IL�ZLLU�HZ�[OL�TVZ[�plausible and sustainable alternative, considering future increase in population and transition to renewable energy transportation, e.g. the train. As the factory already introduced an urban structure, the possibility for developing this into a place with higher activity is possible. Conditionally, what is needed is more of that urban fabric, it is bigger higher volumes allowing for mixed programming, meaning living and working.



6=,9(33�05;,5;065�- Strengthening local centers troughout Arna valley. - Intensifying activity around new stops/stations. - New effective pedestrian connections connecting local community to new stops. ��7YLZLY]PUN�HUK�KL]LSVWPUN�around local landscape qualities.

,:7,3(5+�05;,5;065:��- Connecting residential areas to new stops with pedestrian paths- Developing mixed programming volumetrics- Accentuating river and landscape qualities, strengthening ,ZWLSHUKZ�PKLU[P[`�HZ�YP]LY�WSHJL

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Chapter 8Lessons learned about Arna7LYJPL]PUN�H�ZP[\H[PVU

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0�� ���VWWOÞ`YKL�YHZQVULYPUNH�H]�WYP]H[IPSHY�P�UVYLN��VN�RVTIPULY[�TLK�OÞNHYL�SL]LZ[HUKHYK�VWUH�KL[[L�MVY�H[�KLP�ÅLZ[L�R\UUL�[H�ZLN�YËK�[PS�IPS��)PSLU�NH�MYPKVT�[PS�LP[�U`[[�VN�TLPY�PUKP]PK\LSS[�I\ZL[[UPNZTÞUZ[LY�MVY�HYILPKHYHY��inspirert av forstadsutviklinga i USA. I byens omland, som til d¯mes Arna, kunne folk kj¯pa seg billig tomteland til oppf¯ring av private einebustader, og med bilen sin kunne dei k¯yra omkring nesten kvar dei ville. Staten st¯tta og subsidierte utviklinga med Husbanken og Statens vegvesen som dei viktigaste akt¯rane.








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Indre Arna
