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rchbishop Johannes Maria Trilaksyanta Pujasumarta of Semarang, Central Java, has asked the newly installed members of the committee for the archdiocese’s Second Eucharistic Congress to have the spirit of sacrifice.

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The spirit of sacrifice, which is shown in a carved picture of a pelican sacrificing itself for its children on this pastoral stick, is the spirit of the bishops and all Catholics in this archdiocese,” Archbishop Pujasumarta told about 200 members of the congress’ committee during the installation ceremony held on June 26 in the Chapel of Eucharistic Adoration in Bantul, Yogyakarta.

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“With the spirit, I hope the Second Eucharistic Congress of our archdiocese which will be organized next year can run smoothly and according to its theme Living in Christ and Being Fruitful,” the prelate said.

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He said the theme was in line with that of the of the previous congress, Sharing Five Loaves and Two Fish.

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“It is like a beautiful harmony. Both themes illustrate that Jesus Christ changed himself into the nourishing bread and drink for his people,” he continued.

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A Eucharistic Congress aims to deepen the understanding and respect to the Holy Eucharist and to improve the quality and love of people in the Eucharistic celebrations. The second congress will be held on June 22-24, 2012.

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Prior to the installation ceremony, Archbishop Pujasumarta blessed the Eucharistic adoration chapel located next to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Ganjuran.

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“The presence of this chapel has a very special meaning. Here we can have fun with Jesus Christ without any time limit,” Father Emanuel Martasudjita, coordinator of the committee, said in his homily during the Holy Mass.
