Page 1: Confessions of a teenage drama queen poster analysis

Poster AnalysisHaving Lindsay Lohans name at the top of the poster will

attract a larger audience as she is a very popular actress for chick flick films.

The release date stands out against the

surrounding billing box. It is in pink writing so it can

match and go with the rest of the poster.

The tag line suggests the kind of person that the main

character will be and also it gives you an idea that this film

wont just be a normal chick flick.

It isn’t stereotypical to have a poster like this as it

only shows the main character and none of the

other characters in the film. This leads you see

how vain and self obsessed the main

character will be. The changing colours in the background also takes

away any elements of the film being serious.

Again they have put the billing box in faint writing

to not distract from the rest of the poster.

Here they have the symbol of the

production company which is disney so just from seeing that you

can already assume it will be a fairly child

friendly film.

The colours of the title suggest the kind of personality the main

character will have. Also how some words are larger then others in accordance to how

relevant it is.