


    H.1w. F. P ASOO, SEcnwrARY.



    R +JV. J.A.S. P. DEPASS, PRESIDENT. HEv. T. W. TOJ\fKIES, SEmlE'rARY. H.Ev. F. PASCO, TnEAsu1nJ1t.

    lh:l' .' 0. A. F ULWOOD, Jtm v. IT. E. PAH.TltIDGE, Ii EJv. C. E. DOW.MAN, H~w. S. E. P H lLLIPS, R El v. J. 0 . LEY, lt~:v. W. 0. JOURDAN,

    ,\h:ssns. G. W. 'f'AYLOH., W. N. Sill!lATS, T. J. BLALOCK, GEo. W. l


    t· YEARS' ACTIVE SERVICE. ~ NAME. r:i ~~ g ii 00 Ja ,,; 0 ... g 0 1J "+:I .,,g ~ ·a ·;::: ~ " " :c .§ .~ Ql ~~ 8 .!::: .5 . 0 l>:I Q UJ ~ i:l .1 ....... ,.E'lowln .... .. 18 4 5 ..... 27 17. J.P. Del' .... ........ ,.. E~: Dec. 1860 ....... Routh C1irolinn 3 6 .... 8 21 JS. C'. E. Dowmnn.. .. ....... Dec. 1873 ...... . North Georgln. ...... 7 ... ... 1 8

    ~~: }" 1!~~1~~~;1;• : ::: ::::: ::: ~: ~.~~:.~~'.~::::::: 1 1·~~~1'~'.~ :::::::::::: ·: ....... .. \::::: ·::::· . % 21. lI. R. Frn2eo........ ..... E. Dec. 1858 . ..... JooulRilma ........ 10 ll f...... 2. 0 '.!!i n ('.A. Fulwood...... ... . E. Deo.1815 ... . ... Gcorg"in....... .. n 20 2 5 :16 ~8. S. Uardncr• ............. . E. thl. Dec. 1s.;u . .. ... Florid1L ... ...... 7 5 .. . ... ..•... 12 2 1. E. F.Ga.tes•............... E.Hy. lJec.1 8'>6 ......



    Samnel D. Bhick, Ellaville; H.obert B. Bryan, Sanderson.


    T. H .. Brnnch: ·X·Q . !'-· Hiscock, E .• J: Holmes, W. F. LeGettc, E. F. Ley, ·•L. W. Moore, ·*A. S1lvem, W. H. Sternmeycr.


    TALLAHASSEE D1s•m10•t~G. W. Taylor, Theo. Turnbull, J. T. Bernard, George I. Davis. ·

    LrnJ OAK D1s·t•R1uT-S. D. Smoke, J. F. White, *G. H. Hunter, *P. T. Mickler. .

    GA1NES\'ILLE Drs'rRIC'l'-W. N. Sheats, D. C. Collins, *A. Wilson, *J. W. Bamett.

    ,fAC.KSONVl!.r,E D1sTRIC'l'-J. Wofford Tucker, *W. ;J, Tucker, ~-s . II. Ray. TAMPA D1s·rnw·r-S. Hancock, ,J.B. Crum, T. D. Mc.M:ullan, *A. C.



    The Thirty-seventh Session of the Florida Conference, M. E. Chmch, South, met in Bailey's Hall, Monticello, l?Jorida, at 0:30 A. ~1., January 18th, 1882, Bishop IL N. Mc'I'yeire in the chair.

    F. Pasco was re-elected Secretary; H. E. Partridge, J. B. Johnstone, Assistn n LH.

    U'ifty preachers and eleven lay delegates were in attendance. The following were elected Delegates to the General Conference, to meet

    in Nashville, rn May next: Chas. K Downmn, F. Pasco. Alternntes-E. L. T. Bh1ke, J. P. DePass. LAY D~:r.E


    Resolved, '!'hat we, tho members of the Florida Conference, give ex pres-sion to our grA.teful appreciation of tho generous hospit11lity with whieb we have been entertained in the ·homes of Monticello, to the pasto1·s of the severnl Churches for opening their pulpits to our ministers, aud to the rail-roads, steamboats and stnge lines for the cou rtesies they have extend ed.

    W. G. Royster wns announced as having died during' the ycnr, nnd a me-moir was re11d at the Sunday night s0 rvice, accompanied with sui h bl e remarks by brethren who had been associated with him in the mini stry.


    Question 1. Who is admitted on trial? Emory J. Holmes, Thos. A. Brnnch, Wm. H. Steinmeyer, \Vm. F. LeGctte, Olin A. Hiscock, Levi W. Moore, Bdwa,rd F. Ley, Aurelio Silvera.

    Ques. 2. \¥ho remains 011 trial? Samuel B. Black.


    Que.q. 24. What is the number of Sunday Schools? 158. Ques. 25. What is the nnrubcr of Sunday School teachers? 894. Ques. 20. vVlrnt is t.he number of Sunday School scholars? 5,627. Ques. 27. \Vlrnt amount, is necessnry for the superannuated preachers, aud

    the widows and orphans of p1·cachcrs 'l $2,000. Ques. 28. ·what bas been coll ected on the foregoing account and how h11s

    it been applied? $1,517.07 !'and distribuLed among claimants. (Sec Report of Joint Board of Finance.)

    Qne.q. 29. Wlrnt bns been contributed for Missions? Domestic, $1,07:3.00. Foreign, $1,110.ll4. •

    Qnes. 30. ·where shall the next session of Conference be held? Jacksonville. Ques. 31. Where are Lhe preache1·s stationed this year 'l Sec Appointments.


    (Figures show tho number of consecutlvc years preacher has served tho ~nmc work. Italics indicate the Eldora.)

    TALLAHASSEE DISTRICT-CHAS. E. DowMAN, (2) P. E. 'l.'allahasace-H. H. Kennccly ...... (1) Leon Circuit-W. S . H.ichardson,(1) Mo~1ticcl.l?-:P· ~~asco . ............... ( 3) Umon Cucmt-E. J . llolmes ...... (1 l Crawfordville Cir.cuit-J. B. Ley,(l Waukocna Ct.-R. M. J'ydings ... (1)

    Quincy-C . .LI .• Savn.ders .... ........ (2) Little H.ivor Ct.-R. H. Ilowren,(l) Gadsden Circuit-R . .illartin ...... (3) Gadstlcn Mission- W. G. Tfol>tlt .. (2) Liberty Circuit,--To be sup]Jlied. ApalacbicolaMiss.-J . .A. Uaslcl,(1)

    LlVE OAK DISTRICT-SAMUEL E. PHILLIPS, (3) P. E. Live Oak Ct.- rv. JI. F. Robwrts,(2)

    M. M. Jlfichau, Supernumerary. Mudison-W. DunL~ir ............... (2l gnaville Ct.-S. B. Black ......... (1 Madison Ci1·cuit- W. G. Co/lins .. (2) l\loHely Hull Circuit-To bo sup-

    plied by .J. S. Barnett ............ (1) Troy Circuit-To be supplied. Old Town Miss.-To he supplied.

    Lake City-E. L. 1'. Blake ........ (1) Welborn Circuit-To be supplied. Columbia Ctrcnit-T. J. PhitNp.~,(3) Ncwnansville Ct.-1'. JV.Toinkil.~,(l) Lake Buller Ct.- TV. R. Jolw.11011,('1.) Benton and St. Marys - lt. B.

    Brynn .................................. (1) Sun


    JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT-CHo\S. A. FULWOOD , (2) P. E. Jacksonville-St. Paul's - H. B.

    A~e?·y ......... ...... .. .... ..... ..... . .. (2) La V1lla-Il. B . Jilrazee .... ... .... . .. (2) Duval Mission-To be supplied. Femuudina-J. Atkins . .... ... ... ... (3) Nassau Circuit-To be supplied

    by J . Russell .......... .. ........... . (!) Mandarin Circnit-H. S. Miller .. (8) Pal11tlm and Green Cove Miss.· S.

    1Vooclber.IJ .... .. ...... .. ... ........... (!) St. Angu;tinc Miss.-L.W.Moore,(2) Frnitland Cironit-T. Bishop ..... (1) New Smyrna Mission-To be sup-

    plied. Norwalk Miss.-0. A. Hiscook ... (1) Sanford and Earnest Chapel-A.

    A. Bt.11rnett ........................... (l ) A . A. Presbery, Supernumerary.

    Lake J psmp Circuit-William A. !iiinmo11s ............................. . (I)

    Apoplrn Circnit-R. H. Barnett, (2) 0. TY. Ransorn, Superirnmerary.

    Orlando Circuit-A. Peeler ..... . ... (1) Kissimmee City Mission-E. F .

    Lcy ..............................•...... (1)


    ·'l'ampa-P". ~· Bird .................. 131 Bartow Cirou1t-O. E. Pelot ...... 1 Fort Dado Ct.-W: Will:iams .. . . .. 1 A.lafia CLrouit-W. H. Parker ..... 1 Brooksville Circuit-JV: Davies ... (2) Hernr111do Mission -~10 be sup-


    Mamitee-F. R. Bridges ... .... .. ... (2) E. S. Gates, Supernumerary.

    Fort Myers Circuit-E. H. Giles,(l) Cloar Water Ct.-M. A. Phi llips,(1) Pinc Level Ct.-G. W. 11.fitcliell, (1) Port Ognon Ct.-W. E . Collier ... ( l) OA.kHill Cirouit,.-G. W. Mitchell,(!)

    A. W. J. Best transferred to West Virginia Conference.



    C. A. Fulwood, W. F . Norton, J. A. Castel.

    FIRS'f YEAR.

    00MMIT1'EE .-C. E. Dowmau, S. L. Smith, R. M. 'fyclings. Cla,qs,-Emory .T. Holmes, Wm. H. Steinmeyer, Wm. P. LeGetto, Thos. A. lil'anch, Olin A. Hiscock, Levi W. Moore, Aurelio Silvera, Edward F. Ley.


    CmlMJ'l'TEE.-H. E. Partridge, H . B. Frazee. Class.-Samue1 B. Black, Robert B. Bryan.

    '.!.'HIRD YEAR.

    CmrnrrTEEJ.-S. Woodbery, .T. l\L Hendry, T. W. Tomkies. Cl!ls.~.Wm. Dumbar, Jas. B. Johnstone, 1\I. A. Philips.


    CoMMITTEl~.-A. A. H.obiuHon, W. 11L Watts, U. S. Bit-d. Class.-Fmnk R. B .. idgos1, II. 8ummors Mille:1 Wm. 111. Mcintosh, Wm . JI. Parker, Thos. J. Nixon, ~V. S. H.icharddon, \v m. 0 . Hampton.


    To EMORY CoLLEGE.-J. P. DePass J. Atkins H. B. Frazee. To WESLEYAN FllMALE Cor.LEGE.-F. P1~sco, C. A. Fulwood, Claude A.


  • MEMOIR-W. G. RoYS'l'ER. 7


    WALJ,ACE GARDNER RoYS'l'ER was born May 15th, 1854, and was admitted on trial into the Florida Annual Conference, .January 11th, 187!). serving Enterprise mission one year, and' Duval mission nearly two year~, he finished his course with joy ou the 5th of September 1881 at Camp :lvloony, Duval County Florida. Near the end of his first year on Duval mission he was married to Miss Louisa Gardner.

    Brother RoYS'L'FJI\ sprang from Methodist ancestry; his fatber7 grandfather and two uncles were members of the Florida Conference. He was bom in a Methodist home and reared by_parents whose daily lives were beautified by ardC'nt and consistent piety. Ilis spirit was gentle and tende1·, his attach-ments strong and lasting, his manners modest and genial. While the softer virtues seemed to rredominate in his character he did not lack strength of will and te1111city o pnrpose. He was fully committed to the work of the ministry, but while he was completely consecrated to the Master's service, he was keenly sensible of the need of mental preparation for tlJO.t difficult and rc~pousible work. He began his itiner11nt life by fervently resolving to im-prove to the utmost nil his opportunities for acquiriul? knowledge. By us close npplicntion to study as circurnst!mces would pern11t, nnd by a. judicious selection of books, his mind W!IR rapidly enlarged o.ud enriched. His profit wns appilreni to al l, his improvement was especially manifested in his sc1·-mons which were marked by knowledge of doctrine1 thoroughness of treat· rnrut, orderly arrangement, vigor of thought, simplicity and clearness of style and great rropricty in the use of language. HlR manner in the pulpit was seriouK am on.mest, impressin~ his hea1·ers with bis honesty and sincerity. The truths he p1·oclaimed in the pulpit were the principles ih11t reguln.ted his daily deportment. Ile e1\joyed the religion he recommended to others.

    Brnthcr Hovs1·En had the misfortune to lose his horse while he was serving Duval .Mission, 1\11d having no money to buy another, he had either lo 11b1w-don the field or trav l the mission on foot. His frame was not strong nor his health vigorous, but actuated by a high sense of duty, and urged by a strong desire to Have souls, our noble young brother resolved to remain and do his best without a horse.

    With aching limbs nnd wenry feet he toiled on, under the burning sun and in the face of the wintry blast, on the sandy road and through t.he swnmp, wet by the rain from heaven 1md by the deep waters he was forced to wadu. Inspired by a sublime heroism, he went from 11pf ointment to appoiut-ment proclaiming the glorious gospel of the grace o ' God. "I have often seen him," writes brother Moore in his obituary, "wet up to his knees from wading, and sometimes when the water was deep, he would strip himself for the better wading of creclrn or swamps."

    Th1Lnk God for such au instance of heroic self-sacrifice, lofty courage and grand endurance.

    Brother H.oyster'e body was unequal to the demands of the ardent spirit. 'rhe tabernacle was shaken and shatrercd. Disease fastened upon him, and he was laid aside to suffer and to die. His submission to the Divine will was as meek as his obodiPnce ht1d been inHto.nt and hearty. The gr11ce that had inspired and sustained him under his labors and exposure was mugnificd during the weary days and nights of 1irotracted sufforing, for he was enabled to rejoice in tribulation also. As his bodily strength decayed und he drew nearer the heavenly land, the spirit asserted the mastery, and the fine tmits that composed his character grew more and more lovely. When he coo.sod lo suffer be passed through the gates into the City of the Great Kin,e;.


  • I




    D.R.. Ott.

    To amounts from several charges for Bishops ........... .... .. $269 62 By amount paid Bishop McTyeirc at Confereuce. .. . . . $269 52

    Balanced ..... .... ...... ....................................... $259 52 $269 52


    ft'oR Co NPERENcE 0LMMAN'l'S:

    To amounts from several charges ... . ...... ................ . . ..... . .. . .... $1,517 07


    By amounts to claimants as follows : Mrs. J. W. B.hodes ... .... ............... .... ... ....................... $ 50 00 Mrs. D . L. Kennedy.. ............ .... .. ... ........................ . 50 00 Mrs. J . J. ltichards.. .. ... ...... ...... ..... .. ...... ....... ...... ... .. 50 00 .!Hrs. G. Bright.. ............. .. ........... ................ . .. ... .. . .... 50 00 Mrs. T. Taylor . ... ...... .. .......... ..... ......... .. .... ... .. . . . .. . ... 50 00 Mrs. T. \'V. Cooper .... .. .......... ..... . .. . . ... . .... .. ... . . . .. .. .... 50 00 Mrs. T. H. Oiipcrs .. .......... ... . . .. ......... .. ... ... ........... .... 75 00 Mrs. E. B. Duncan ....................................... .. .... . ..... 100 00 Mrs. G. C. T,eavel... ... .......................... . ...... . .... . ....... 75 00 Mrs. S. A. McCook ..... . ............................................ 75 00 Mrs J . ~I. Stokes ..................................................... 100 00 Mr8. 1. Munden .. .... ... .. ............. ..... .......... . ............ ... 150 00 Mrs. 0. Et1


    of Sllmter coun ty, luwe been selected as beneficiari Ps for 1882, and will re-pair at once to Emory College and begin their studies.

    The fi nances of the Board st1tnd as follows: ·

    • FUND A, (D~JOEASBD M INISTEltS' CHILDREN-) On hand from 1880 . ... . ... .......... ..... .............. ... ....... -$ 64 34 Half coll ections 1881 .......... .... ......... _ .. _,,, ... .. .. ........ 188 82


    Half collections of 1881.. .. _ ........................ .. -.... ..... -$188 82

    The Board asks fo r $500 00 from the Confe rence. divided equally among t.he Districts; and recommends that the Presiding Elders be req1rnsted to take the collection s early in the year.

    NoM I NATJONS AS MEMDEltS O~' THE BoA1m: Rev. S. L. Smith, Vice Pres· dent, vice T. W. Moore, resigned; J. Wofford Tucker and J. T. Berna1·d, vice J. D. Wade and J. B. Black.



    F. Pasco, Treasurer, in .Account with Mission BoOll"d of the Florida Oonfer-ence, for the year 1881.

    Dn. To amount on hand .Tanuary 18th , 1881 . .......... ........... $ 185 03

    " received from 'l'iLl111hasseo District.............. 247 25 " received from Live Oak District................. 174 85 " rccei v,crl fro1n Gainesville District............... 1 US 80 " received fron1 Jacksonvi lle District.. . ......... 177 81 " received frorn Tampa District.................... 1G6 22 1• received from Anniversary Collection......... 108 67-$1,208 03

    Cu. By nmount pnid Lo Tnll :iha.ssee District-Draft of fit·st

    qunrter ...... .... . . ................... .. ......... ... ........... $ By amount paid to Live Oak District-Draft of first

    quarter ................ ... .................................... . By o.mount to G1uuesville District-Draft of first

    qnurtcr ............................ . ...... ............. . .. .. .. .. By amount. paid to Jacksonville District-Draft of firdt

    qu11rter .. _ .................. _ ......... ................. .... .... . By amount paid to Tampa District-Draft of first quarter By amount ofnncurront bill .... ....... .. .. _ ..................... . By amount of Express charges on money forwarded to

    Nashville .................................................... .. B.ilunce in Treasury, J anuary 23d, 1882 ................... ..


    62 50

    100 00

    G2 60

    12 50 12 50 1 00

    8 85-$ 254 35 953 118

  • I


    .F. Pasco, Treasurer of Mi.~sion Board Florida Conf ere11ce, i1I Account with Pwre11t Board of Missions.

    DR. '.l'o amount received from Tallnl111ssee District ........ ...... $ 318 90

    " received from Live Oak Di~trict................. 166 96 " received from GninesvilJe District.............. 207 00 " received from JacksonviUe Dis~rict......... ... 153 11 " received from '.1'11mpa District.................... 155 10 " received from Anniversary Collection......... 108 57-$1, 11\J fi4

    CR. Ry amount paid J. W. Manier .................................. . $1,lHJ 64



    Crnwfordville 1ifission .. .... ........... .... ...... .. ........ . ......... $ 50 00 Gadsden Mission................................... .................. 150 00 Liberty Mission....................................................... 50 00-$ 250 00


    Old Town Mission .......................... .... .... .. ..... : ......... $ 50 00 Lake Citr Mission ............. ........ ...... . ...... ..... .... ........ 250 00 St. Marys and Benton Mission.... ........ .... .................. 100 00 Lake Butler Mission................................................. 75 00 Troy Mis~ion ............ ............. _.................................. 75 00-$ 550 00


    Starke 11nd Waldo Mission ......................................... $ Levy Mission . ........... .. ................................ ..... ..... .. . Withlncoochee Mission ............................................ . Mose Bluff Mission ................. ................. .. ....... .... ... .


    50 00 50 00 75 00 7 5 00-$ 21i0 00

    New Smyrna Mission ................................................ $ 60 00 Kissimmee City Mission*.......................................... 60 00


    Hernando Mission ................................................... $ 60 ()()--$ 50 00

    RECAPITULATION. Tallahassee District .... : ................................... '. ........ $ 260 00 Live Oak District...................................................... 650 00 Gainesville District.................................................. 250 00 Jacksonville District................................................ 100 00 Tampa District........................................................ 60 00-$1200 00







    Presidin~ Elder .............................. . ......................... $ 125 00 Apalaclucola. ......................................................... 150 00-$ 276 00


    Presiding Elder ..... ...... ............. . .............................. $ 250 00--$ 250 00


    Prosid\~g Elder ....................................................... $ 250 00 Gainesville.............................................................. 200 00-$ 450 00


    Presiding E 'der . ...................................................... $ 300 00 La Villa................................................................. 150 00 l


    .,; MEMBERS I 6 ~ I s BAPTISMS. SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. I ·5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ·; j ,1J § [/] ·~ ~ .g -- \ "'f':< ::;;: • --- .'"O ..:i 0 ~ · ;:: -;; -------,--------,---;-P.- -

    PASTORAL CHARGES. I ~ ~'o \'O] 'O.,; ~ ~ I.~~ t> ~ a5 I § a3 Cl) • ..g~ ~ .;: ~ ;.a ~ s ll) ~ ; a --a .: ... ¢1 ·a ~ ~ -~ ~ s --o 6 ~ ~ E E ~ o - 0 ""'""' o ..c ro "" ::s w :i:;""" ::s ,, ..c ·- ..c ::s «l _,. o1 I oi oi °'

    ----------,~~~:::_~~ ~ ~~I P-< P-

  • GAINB.qvn.I .E DISTRICT . I \ : I \ I I \ i Gainesvill. . . ............... ... .... l i 8G * 7; 31 3i ······ 1 11 65 ...... $ 27 50 6 1 $ 600 00 ... ........ ... . . .. 8 200 00 Starke aud Wuldo ... ..... .....• I 4 · 851.'.. 5! 11•• • •• • • 1 i ; 5 60 3. , 9 05 4 2 800 00• . . ...... ...... .....•.•.• . . . .. ... . . H~wthorue 9irc_uit ......•. .•... 1 I ! l~~ i ··· l~ i ~ · 61 11 ; ~ · ~4 8~ 6 ······:····· i ! 4 1,~uu 00 11 150 00 . .. ... . .. .. ... . Micanopy C1rcmt .. ... .. .•...... I 1 Jo2,... J2 · u, 3I 4. 3 20 u..1 8\ D 00 rn1 4 4,oOO 00 1 1,000 00~ ...... . ....... . Bronson 1u1d Cedar Key ..... .. ' ...... i a : ... j 12 41· 6 , HJ 1 13 12, 2 ············! 8, 1 450 oo ··· ················.··············· .Archer Circuit. ............... ... I i 110 .... 8 '


    . 3 2 4 2 8 45


    1 2 .......... .. 61 2 700 00 ... ! ••••••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••••••• Ocala ••.•.•......•..••.••....... . .. 1 •••••• 1 781 1'. 8 1 3 6 J (i 58 5 [ . 24 00

    1 6 1 2,500 oo 1 2,000 00 . .... ........ . .

    ;Marion Circuit .........•........ ! 2i 13!11 ... \ 2 ...... , . .... . ! 5 4 15 l 12 ...... ..... . ......... ... 1 4 1,000 \,O .. .• ! ........ , ...... ! ...... ........ . Ocklawaha Ci.cuit... ........... , 1 11:10: ... , 8 21· · ·· · ·1 111 3 25 135\ 4 15 95, 12 lj :wo 001•••• ••••••• •• ••• • •• 100 00 Moss Blutf , nd Lake \\' eir. .. 1 fj .j l . .. 8 2 . .. . .. .. .. .. 2 7 45 ..... . . .. ... .. . ... 2! 1 100 00 ................................ . Fort .Ma-0·1 Circ-uit .. .... .. .... 2 1001••• 20 2 10 1;.. ..... .... .. .. . ... ..... . .... ..... . .. 4 \ 2 900 001•••• •• •••• • •••••••• 300 00 Leeslmrg ond Ya:alu ......... .. . . . .. 103 ... .... .. . .... . ...... 1 2 12 % 1•• •• •• • •• •••••••• • 12 ... . .. .•... .... .. ... . 1 11 500 00 750 00 Sumt r t.:ircui1 •.•........ ....... j li 3G8 ...


    37 2 4 8 4 ::!4 Hi2 8 4 00 121

    5, 3,200 001

    1 350 00 800 00 Bn,oksville Circuit .. .. ... ........... 5.'f. .. 7 1 5 '. .... . 2 10 .50 ...... 1 ••• ••••• •••• •••• ••••• •• 1............... .. .. ............ ... 150 00

    He11;~:; .. ~'.~~-i~~-·::::: : ::::::: i~ ~:~!~ ~ ~,~,~1~!~;~'.f~~ ~·~ ~~hl~~do~ JA~KSO.~\"ILL1': DISTRICT. I 9 1 .. ~- ' . ' I ~ I

    Jnck.som1lle ....... ...... .. ...... ~ ma ... ! 6 4 11 16 1 HJ 10 2::; 62 03 111 1 $ 1 .500 001 1 $ 2,500 00 $ ............ . . LaV11la •. ...•.•..•.... . ..• ......•..


    ...... 1 64 ··· j 2 2 ...... 2 2 11 74 .. .... 9 45 5 11 2,700 00 ... ....... . ....... 110 00 Duval Circuit.................... 31 15~ · ... 10 2 1 20 8 37 mo 3 ....... ·..... · 3 3 500 00

    1 . .. ... . ......................... .

    Fernandina ............................ ' 100' ···1 5 1 2 81 2 l;) 100' 11· ............ 10 1 3,000 00


    . . . ' ...... . ..... . . . ...... .. ..... . . • • I t I

    Nassau Circuit .................. ....... ····•· .···• ... .... ............. ..... ........... ' ...•.. 1 ..........•......•


    ...... , ... ... . ..... .. ... . ....... ' . . ................... .. ... . .. .

    Mandarin Circuit .............. .' ..... 51 .. . 111 3 ...... 80 1 G 28 . .. . .. . .. . . ...... . ..... . 2 32!) 00 ... 1 ••••••••••••••• Pala1ka and Green Cove ..... ! 2 8\J ...• 12 1 i 6 21 121 80 4 5 iO 4 21 2,300 00 .................. , ................. . St.Aug11stine.i\Iiss1on ............... 34 .... 6 ...... 1. 4 11! 4 12j 84: 3 ............ 11 1 60000


    1 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

    Frui•land Ci·cuit ............... , 2 182 .... 20 2. 5 H 3 11 57 3 .......... .. 15. 4 1,150 OU 11· 300 00 150 00

    E111er11rise Mission .. . .. .. ..... 1 8G .... Hi 21 3 1 i 1 5 30 i ......... .... 2. 1 300 00 ........... ... . ... 1 50 00 :Yellom·ille and Lake Jessup 1; 218 l 11 4 ....... \ 10 5 3;,1 l!l i . . . ............. .. ...... 1 4 5,ooo 001 11 200 ooi' 300 oo Orlan•lo Miss1on .. ....... .. .. .. . I 3 142 3 3 1 3 5 l 11 15' .. .... ............. 5:...... .... . .......... ... ............... 150 00 A.popb Circuit. .... ............ . 3 152 1 rn .... . . 1 8 5 3 21 128: 5 3 36 25 j 3 3,500 00 .... ... .. . .. ....... 50 00 Indian Riv .. r ~Iission .......... 1

    1 35 .... 2 1,...... 6 4 20

    1 100 5 ..... .. . . ... a ······1···············1 ... 1. .................................... .

    ·- ,- .- !- .- 1- 1------- --. 1- l----·----Total.. ......................... 1 18H75 5 ll!l 23 33 J.!5 37 2081158! 27$ 8054 84 23$20,87500' 35 3,000005 81000

    *One Indian Member.

  • STATISTICAL REPORT 1881-Continued.

    • MEMBERS o-5 ! a BAPTISMS. SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. £ u: §~ I CHURCH PROPERTY. ~ -- ~ -~ i~ --- ~ CIJ -~ ..$ ----- ----------,---

    PASTORAL CHARGES. 11 ~~ 1~] '8 .;l"g ~ 1 11~ ~1 §~ 1 · ~1 ~ ~ .,.. .-o ~ § '-A . ~ C : ~ -2:~ ~ ~ r-. 8 ~ ~ 0 ~>a

    :: a) ~ ~·:i3 ~ C1J ~ 2 ~] ;... ~, ~ ~:...... o.~ ~ >j r-5 a> § iii o~ ~ ~ .~ o ;.a a a @. --a § s tJ ~,..Ci> ·a ·~ !l) ·oo ";! e ~ ~ ~ rp I 0 ~ = il) ~ ~ 18 1~'- ,z'° ~ ~ zw ~t--< I ~- i-E :@.E lz I e ~ ~ ~-- ~c3 T•mp!'..~.'.~.~.'.'.~~:.'.'.: ........ 1 21 120' ......... 1 'l······I •I l ,' s/ ..... S 21 6Q ll 1S 1,500 J.1.· -·-····..l•·········-

    Key \\:es~-i~~~~i~=fo~·:: . ::::~: ! .. ~~~ :::. ···~-~ 1 : ::::~ 1 :::::: - -~ ~-~ ·····~ ' ···~·~ ' .. ~~-~! ::::~ ::: ::~~::~:~ ' :::::~ ..... ~ 1 .... ~'.~.~~-- ?.~ ' --~ !~ ... ~.'.~~~--~ ! ::::::::::::: Bartow Circmt.................. 3

    1 306 . .. 2,, 3 14 2-! 4! :.W 100 .... .. ......... .. . ...... 1 200 00 ... , ..... ..... ........ , ....•..•.....

    Fort Dade Circuit.............. 4


    275 ... 33 41 141 12 2 14 50 12 .•. . . ....... 8


    11' 250 00 ···· .................... 250 00 Alafia Circui\.................... 7 335 ···1 3:.! I 51 15 10 41 li 120 .... .. ············i 9 1 200 001 1 500 00


    ........ ...... . Manatee Circ?-i~· · :· · .. ··· ...... 4 10~ ... 2



    . ... . . 21 1 ~ 521 2 10 80 181 1 l,?OO 00 .. ....... ................. .......... . . Fort Myers C1rcmt ............. J I 001 1 . ... . . ...... . ..... ...... 11 / 60 .... .. 10 10 . . .... 1 l, oUO 00 1 400 00 .............. . Clear Water Circuit............ 2 250 .. . ...... 31 3 3 4 • l G 80 •..... .......... . . 7 2 450 00 · ·· ...........................•....... Pine Le,·el Ci~c-ui~··· ········· I 5 14~ ···I 6 11 6 ..... . 4 10 110 61....... . .... 4 ···· ·· ··············r · ····················1····· .. ········ Fort Ogden C1rcmt ............ :..:.= ~ '..:.: ,~i:..:= __ 4

    1 __ 1 __ 31 __ 7 ~ -~ 1===--81 ... ... ···············i.:.: ::.:=:= :.:=.:.:.:~·_:.:.:

    Total. ........................ ! 28 2224 1 111! 24 5~· 189 26 176 1232 25 $ 64 25 _ 64 10 $15,60u _oo 4 $ 2,300 oo S 250 OQ =-=--c~-~~~------~----,,.,...----..,,.~IC.- ~CA..PI'I'-UI...A.'I'_I_~N-T_•~~-T~IJab11ssee.Di~trict. ............ 1~ ;. ~949 61 '.~ ,. 36 !. 28 j 921°25.U~ , 8~~ 1 22$ 4~2 761 631 32,$2!,~~o 001 8$ 7,~50 00$ ~6 00 L1veOakD1strict .... ........... 313110 .. .. 260 38 68 84


    40 . 19013- u 30 ul 66 130 49 11,600 00 7 3,oOO 00 3,395 00 Gainesville District............ 21 ;rn:is: 1. l i9 28 '. 781· 81 30. 170 lOfJi 38 85 50' 99 28 16,150 00

    1 5 4,000 00. 2,500 00

    Jackson~lle .District............ 1 81~!5, 6 11~ , ~3 , 3~ 1451 ~'. ! 2~~ 1~5~ , 2? 80 ~4 ~ I 23 2~,875 001 3 ~,000 00 8~0 00 TampaDlStr1ct .................. 282-24 1 171

    1 24

    1 50 1891 26 l 16.L32· 2o 64 - 5 64J 10: lo,600 oo. 4 2,300 00 2o0 00

    --,- .- ·-. --.- .- .- ,- , .--1 ----1---Total, 1881.. ....•.••.•...... 1110.10686113· 1 149 263 5!!1


    158 894,5627 j 142 $ 704 70 440 142


    $98, :!25 oo 27~20,150 00.$ 7,011 oo Increase ........................... ! 6! ........ .... ""812

    1 27 ...•.. ! ............ ' 15 ······!··· ··· ' 127 191 4-5 3 $ 1,046 00/ ... 1$ 925~001$ 3,149 00

    Dccnnse •.•••...••..••••••••.. ..... 1 ....... 503 .. ..1 I!lf1 · •••••• 1231 21 1 5 .. .. . .' 12 58 . .. .. ....... . .. . ..... .. . • ........... .. . 1 2



    COXF. CLA.'ll!TS. l.oo!ll. MI.8SIONS. EDt'CATION. ~ i • .s a~ . . I . I --- . ------- . -- -,-- r--- . µ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w .9!: ~~ ~ wci w re ~ rr;:; ~ r0 ~ -d a -ti ~ .i;; re ~d g8 ,,, d 5l - ,,, d ., - g; -- T. \ - - ., - = ;; ,,. T. - .... < ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ if -< ~ < P! .< ~ aJ ~ ~o

    TALLAHASSEE DISTRICT. --- !'.--------_-.--1-ion .••••..... _ 200 OO: _ :S 00 12 00:- 21 001~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ -~i~1~·~ _:6 85

    1.:::=::_ _4 55

    Total...... 4775 00, 3797 12


    800 00' &17 96 ' 60 00 61 65 500 00 300 78 300 00' 297 25 33! 00 317 90 100 00 85 00 1-1-1 85 . 105 90 3-15 80

    I I I I I I I I I I I I I LI'1o OAX DISTRICT. , , : . Live Oak Circuit................ .. :J.'\O oo.: 242 ooj 59 oo 41 25 6 oo,. 6 22 50 oo ' 50 90 ' 25 oo: 27 ;;.; 2q oo 2!l 66 15 oo 15 ool 43 lllJ 100 oo 4 66 ?lra~n SJ?-d ~Ila \'Ille ......•.. ~ 00 ~5 00 ~~ 001 40 001 ? oo ~ 50 !!-5 oo 36 00 10 00 16 00 10 00 2~ 001 2. 001

    2 ~ 10 OOj ~~ 00 40 89 Madi! on Circutt .. .•.. .••.••... ~50 00 4;JO ooi m 001 • 61 00. D 00 D 00 50 ool 40 ooi 40 00 18 00 31 00 6 90 .....•... 5 35 ... .. ..... I _m ()() . Moseley Hall Circuit.-........ 225 oo. 3~ 75 2.5 00 2 10 '. 4 00 2 00 15 00 5 00 10 00 2 15 7 00

    1 1 60 ......... ........ 85 00 200 00 40 00

    LaFayette lfi.-.sion ···-······ .. ··! 2.'iO tlOI 118 18 25 00 . 12 00 2 00 1 00 ......... .. .......... ! 5 00 2 00 ....... ... . ........... . ........ 2 00 ................ .............. . . Ja,per Circuit ...••. _ .... _......... 200 00 203 10 40 oo 40 ;,o 3 00 ' 3 oo 2.'i oo 2.5 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 25 6 00 6 00

    1 16 10 H5 00


    '. .. ..... .. Welborn Circuit ... ................ ., 500 OOi 237 3-1: 75 oo, 35 m fl 001 2 50 1 10 40 JO 30 20 00 \ 6 no 15 oo 4 07


    10 00 10 oo ...... .. ..... !.. ........ 2 40 Lake City ...... .... , . ....... ••••••... ~ 00/ 2!9 50, 50 001 41 35 4 001 5 00 2.5 2.5 29 251 15 25 , 1? 251 2Q 00 *~ 11 .... ... , 3 S.?I' 15 00 35 00 75 00 C.olnmbus Circmt... ............. ;,..:1 00 410 40• 100 00 89 oo. 6 00 6 00 60 00 60 00 40 00 2,'l 00 3ii 00 i>1 00 .. ....... 4 05 ......... .. . 100 00 ... ....... . Newnansville Circuit.. ........ 400 00 176 00 50 00 19 62 5 00 5 00 23 00/ 15 00 W 001 lf> 00 10 001 5 OOI 6 00 6 00.. ............. 10 00, .......... . pke Bu~ler ~li;>"ion ............ 32.'i oo 19~ :J 52 oo 29 ~ 2 00 2 00 20 00 20 oo 7 on :) :i5 9 oo 9 00 3 00 3 ooJ 9 52 24 85 1 25 , t. ¥ary s . .MlSSIOn ··:·•••••••••• 100 00 ,,41 IQ 11 001 ? 2h 1 00 1 00 10 00 10 001 ~ ool ~ 00, ~ 00

    1 ~ 00


    ...... 1 ......... 1 3 94 ......... • . . ..... . WhileSpnngs CircruL. ....... 300 00, - 63 40j~~3 90 3 00 1~~'-00 00 ~ lo 00 1~ 001 12 50 ~,~ ::::::=:::.: 980 00/:.::::::::: 4275 00 2889 13 67-J 00 465 47 48 00 4.4 22 400 00 331 .15• 225 00 164 80 200 00 168 09 100 00 63 50 138 36 1659 85, 164 20


  • FINANCI AL EXHIBIT , 1881-Continued. I I ai d ' .·



    ---1 il ~;0 ' g·~ I .,,; I '° I .-0 '° '° '° ..,; I al ~i; ~!>< Q) Q) Q;l Q) ~ 0 C) >. ........ -tr} w ::a rn rn :r. ui d ...... = -~ rr. • a:i • !n • u. . ~ . I.fl • ~ • -c ro.-. e>o

    g I :s g µ_-s \;? I s g? I '.;! ~ s :t I s I :;; '.;l i::l :;.::- I iii; < P! < ~ ~ ~ < ~ -< ~ ~ P!. < I ;S! a5 ~ I ~o GAIN~LLE DISTRICT. ) • ,- -- --.-- ' ~--,-~ - 1-

    9-_-1:-:-. --, --,--c--------------·-,-

    ~ainesville ... _. ..... .................. S ~'.!O oo ,s ~9 QO S 52 00 s 5Q ~ ~ 6 ro ~ 6 oo S ""' oo ~ "'[" oo ~ 20 oo,s 20 oo __ ~ 13 oo $ 13 ooj ......•.. s 6 :!Q S ~ QO .S ~ 00 $182 oo .tarke and \\ nldo ............. .. -50 001 119 50 31 00 2 10 00 16 (1(), 2 00 _ 00 JO 00! ......... 1

    5 OOI o 00 o o 00:......... 50 .. ........... ··· ········ '-·· ······· J'ruW&ndCircuit......... ...... fOO 00' 3i8 631 50 00 50 OO· 5 00. 5 00 30 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 501 10 00


    10 00 6 00 150 00 .... •.....• Enwrpri.-.e Mission ........ ..•... 300 OOi 90 75 10 oo Fi oo_ 2 oo 2 oo 3 oo: 5 00 5 oo 1 2.5· 5 00 1 50. .. . ... . . .... .. , s oo 300 oo .......... . :Mellonvilleand Lake Jessup. • 500 00 31

  • I~i~~'.~~:::::: ~--~--~I,~---~-~~---~--~~---~ oo1~--~--~ i ~ ~:~---~- -~t~ t! ~11~---~--~l~- -~- ~:~--~~-~:~ .. ~ .. ~\~:::::::. 1 ~~~--~1~ .... ~~ - ~1~::::::::.: ~-~-·-·. ·:::.: ~~=~·:: ..... ~ .. ~ ..... ~=~--~ .... ~ .. ~ ····~·-00 ·--~-~ ••• ~ •• ~1 ..... ~- -00 1 · · ··~- -'.~ ... . ~--~ l --·~-~l ... ~.8 -~ 1.--~--~-~ 1. ::::::::: :::::::·· .... ~~~--~~ :::::::::: .::~--~~

    llanow Clrenlt ...••• -······-· 360 001 S89 90 50 oo 50 oo 4 oo 4 oo. 30 00 3"2 30 20 001

    21 00, 16 00 22 50 .......... 6 45 ...•.....•..• . .......... ···· ·····-Fort Dade CircuiL·-·········· 265 oo; 225 oo 30 00

    1 36 40 2 00

    1· 2 001 21 oo! 21 oo u oo H oo. 15 oo 15 001 4 oo 4 oo 25 oo 350 oo l oo oo

    AJafi& Circuit.. •..•.••••••••• ·-······ 400 oo, m 21 40 oo 27 oo 4 oo 4 oo 30 oo' u oo 20 ool 20 ool 16 ool 16 00


    . ....... . 1 30 25 oo 400 oo ·· ·· ·····-Manatee Circuit-............ ...... 300 00 . 260 00 30 00 so 00 3 oo 2 oo 20 oo n 65' 18 00 8 67 16 00 10 00 5 00 1 45 . .•. .... .. .... 50 oo ..•....•... Fort M ers Circuit .... ·-·· - ···· 400 001 400 00 55 00 55 00 4 00 2 00 35 00 12 00 22 00 13 00 18 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 .... .... ... .. ...... ... .. 3 10 Clear ~ater pil'C)liL........... 1!!0 001' 11;! 20! 40 00 40 00 .... ..... 2 15 ..... .... .. 2 7~ ... ....... .. , ~ ~ .. ... .. .. I ~ 5~ ... ...... 5 00 7 QO 300 00 ...... . .... . Pine Level Circmt .•..•. ••••••••• 1.'15 oo. ll 1 10


    40 oo 40 oo 3 00 2 00 20 00 9 85 , . 18 001. "451 18 001 "4


    5 001 1 00 . .............. . , ... .. .... .. , ... ... ... _ o Fort Ogden Circuit............... 180 00 161 93 25 oo 25 00 2 oo 1 85 s 00 4 50

    1 10 00, 5 45 5 001 5 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 125 00 .... ...... .

    Total ···········-· .... .......... fil6000!29f728 4i0004i34o 4000360023400mool22500'.~ls90012498 SOOO 3i(i5 IDi!iO W,500,82192 RECA..PITULA.. TION .

    Tallahassee District........ .... .. 4775 00 lrt97 12 810 00 647 96 60 001 61 65 ' ~ 500 OO j 390 78 300 001 297 251 234 001 317 90\120 001 90 00) 144 85) 105 90 345 so Live Oa k District .. ,. •.. ·····-··· 4Zi5 00 2889 13 674 00 465 47 50 00 44 22 4.00 001 336 45 225 rf) 164 SO 209 00 16~ 001100 00 63 50 138 36 1659 85 161 20 Gainesvllie District·- ······ ······ 5120 00 4258 93 789 00 689 29 50 00 66 00 400 00 809 18 225 00 195 85 159 00 200 00 100 00 124 25 177 1813098 12 815 91 Jacksonville District... . ........ 4990 00 4125 07 525 00 523 51 50 00

    1 51 65 400 00 278 56 225 00 177 06 209 OOJ 161 26 100 00 68 S! 294 29,3668 80 776 12

    =rv=g,uootiil·~::::: : ... ~~~ .. ~ ... ~: .. ~ ... :::~ .. ~ ... ~~-~~ .. ~~ .. ~1 .. ~ .. ~1 ... ~.~I --~--~ .. ~ .. ~) i~ ~ .:.~ .. ~1 ~ ~~, --~-~! --~-~ ..... :~.~--~!~--~ -~~-.9: Total 1881... ••••••••• • ·-········ 22320 00 18017 53 3208 0012739 63 250 00


    259 52 2000 001 1514 fJ1 1200 00


    .. .-........ 1000 00 ······-··· 500 001380 64 957 58


    6757 67,2-120 95

    Increase ••••• -·-·· ··················· ······-··· ··· 850 48 55 00 212 351......... . 9 07 .•....•..... 129 ~ .. •••.•.. ... 124 41 1 70 259 77 250 00 220 64 28 18 •.•••...•.. 757 2

  • 18 FLORID.A. CONFERENCE, 1881.



    1. Monticellot-Banner School ........... (1) ................................. $116 25 2. Tallahass~et ............................... (2).................... ............ liG 15 8. Jacksonville* ................................ (3) .................... :............. 62 03 4. Lake City* .................................... (12)................................ 85 oo 5. Gainesville .................................... f not on the roll) ............... 27 50 6. Quincy* ....................................... 8).. ............................... 25 00 7. Ocalat ......................................... 6)........................ ......... 24. 00 8. S1iarks CbR.pel.t ............................. (7) ................................. 2l 85 9: Tampa~· ........................................ 13~................................ 21 50

    10. Ocklawaba Circuit* ........................ 11i ................................ 15 95 11. Madisout ....... : .............................. 10 ................................ 12 oo 12. Manatee~· ...................................... 16) ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. ... 10 80 13. Fort Myers ............ . ...................... not on the roll)............... 10 10 14. Tnstennggcet-Columbia Circuit ....... 9)................................. 10 00 15. LaVillat ...................................... 11)................................ n 45 16. Starke and Waldo Circuit . . .............. not on the roll)............... !l 05 17. Palatka and Green Cove .................. not on the roll)............... 5 70 18. Micanopy* .................................... 18) .... . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. ... . .. .. . .. 5 00 19. Live Oak_Oirc .. uit ............................ (noton the roll~............... 4 fili 20. Sumter Cn·euit .............................. (not on tho roll ............... -l OU 21. Apopka Cireuit .............................. (noton the roll ............... 3 36 22. Waukeonah* ......... ~ ....................... (19) ..................... :.......... 3 20 28. Apalachicola .................................. (not on the roll)................ 2 15

    Total, 1881 ..................................................................... $503 91 Decrease from 1880.... ............. . .. ................ ......... .................... 73 91

    Figures in ( ) show rank in 1880 ; *shows increase over 1880 ; t shows de-crease.



    I. ALL CLArns PAm-**Tallahassee-E. L. T. Blake ; t.Mo11ticello-F. l,nsco; *Quincy-C. A. Saunders; *Wacissa Mission-Ii. B. Hightower: **Jasper Ofrcuit-W. M. Mcintosh· **B1·on.~on and Cedar Ke11-S. J. Nixon; tOcala-H. E. Partridge; k Fort Mason Oircuit-W. H.. Stl'in· meyor; **Jacksonville-H. B. A.very; *Fernandina-J. AtkinR; ** .Apo11ka Circuit-R. H. Barnett; **Tampa-U. S. Bird; **Sparks Chapel -J. J. Seally; **Bartow Oircuit-G. W. Mitchell. Total, 14 ; Increase, 4.

    II. 8ALARI1i1S PAID IN FuLJJ-Sumter Circuit-A. W. J. Best; Fort Myers Station-W. E. Collier. Total, (with No. 1.) rn. Increase, 1.


    Ill. Cor.PilOTJONS PAID IN FuLL-Gad.~den Oircuit-R. Martin; Gadsden Nission-W. G. Boothe; tLive Oak Qivcuit-W. H.F. Robarts; tMadi-son and EUaville-W. Dun bat·; tLake City-W. S. Richardson; St. Matl'y'.~ Jlfi.~sion-S . B. Bhck; tWMte Sp1'ings Cirmtit-W. 0. Hampton; Gaine.Y-1Jille-J. B. J olrnstone · Starlce aud Waldo-.T. B. Ley; Micanopy Cfrcuit-tl. L. Smith: Archer bircuit-T. W. Tomkies; tOcklawaha CirciiU-J. S. Collier; t.illoss Bl11ff amdLalce Wier Mission-E . D. Lnta; t.LaVilla-H. B. Frnzee ; Palatka and Gnen Cove Mission-T. W. Moore; ·rPrnitland Circnit-A. A. Barnett; tOrlando Oircuit-T. Bishop; Indian River Mis-sion-J. S. Duncan; Fort Dade· Circnit-W. H. Parker.

    'J'otal, (with No. I) 38. Increase, 14. Total in three grades, !35 ; Increase, 11. Tallnlrnssee District, 6; Live Oak District, 6; Gainesville District, 10 ;

    ,Jncksonvillo District, 8 : Tampa District, 5. **Surplus in salary and collections. *Surplus in salary. tSurplus in col-



    DIS1'RICTB. D~mestic Foreign Oonf'ence . Educa- General Missions. Missions Claimants. Bishops. tion Conf'ence

    · Deleg ------------- -------- --·--1·----Tallahassee .... ,, 800 00 500 00 400 00 60 00 100 00 60 00 Live Oak ...... 225 00 400 00 400 00 60 00 100 00 40 00 Gainesville .... 250 00 500 00 500 00 50 00 100 00 40 00 ,Jacksonville .. 225 00 400 00 400 00 50 00 JOO 00 40 00 Tampa ......... 200 00 800 00 800 00 40 00 100 00 20 00

    --- --------- ---- ---------Total. ..... $1200 00 2100 00 2000 00 250 00 500 00 200 00

    Resolved, Thn.t $200.00 be assessed to the Conference, to be collected dur-ing the month of Mnrch, to defray the expenses of delegates to the General Conference, the money to be forwarded to the preacher in charge (F. Pasco,) 11t Monticello.

    Local preachers, 116; white members, 10,686; Colored and Indian, 18. Infants baptized;. 591 ; adults, 268. Sunday-schools, 158; teachers, 894; pupils, 51627. uonference chiimnnts, amount necessary $2,000.00; paid, $1,814.57. Domestic 1\fissiona, $1,078.00. Foreign Missions, $1, 119.64.

    Monticello has the banner Sunday-school on missionary collections, hav-ing raiRed $116. 25.

    'rhe collection at tho Missionary Anniversary on Siiturday night iimounted to $217.14.



    I. There shall be a Board of Missions for this Conference, composed of six: clerical and four hty membe1·s, to be elected for four years ; all vacancieR to be filled by the Conference upon the nomination of the Bmird.

    The Presiding Elders shall be ex-officio members of the Board. II. '.l.'he Boa.rd shall elect a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and

    a Treasurer. III. The President or the Vice-President shall preside in all meetings of

    the Board, or in the absence of both a Chairman shall be elected. The Sect·etary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Board, and

    make an annual report of the missionary work within the Conference. The Treasurer shall hold the funds of the Board subject to its order, signed

    by the President and countersigned by the Secretary, and shall make an an-nual report to the Board.

    IV- The Board shall make the appropriations to the Mission fields in the Conterence, shall estilllD.te the amount necessary for work of next year, ana

    ' apportion to the several Presiding Elders Districts; shall hold an anniversary meeting during the session of Conference, and shall employ such other means to promote the cause of Miesions as may be deemed advisable.

    V. Each missionary shall be required to make a quarterly report of his Mission to the President of the Board.

    VI. missionary shall prepare duplicate copies of his annual statisti-cal report for the Secretary of the Board.


    I. There shall be a Board of Education for this Conference, composed of five clerical and fom· lay members, to be elected for four All ·vacan-cies shall be filled by the Conference upon nomination of the Boa.rd.

    II. The Boa.rd shall elect a. President, Vice-President, Secretary and 'Treasurer.

    III. Five members shall constitute a. quorum of the Board. IV. The President or Vice-President shall preside in all meetings of t.his

    Board, or in the 11bsenoe of both, a Chairman pro te1n. shall be elected by the Board.

    The Secretary shall keep o. record of all the prooeedings of the Bon.rd in an appropriate book provided for this purpose, an account of all moneys re· oeived by the Boe.rd, turn over all such mon eys to the Tree.surer, ta.king his receipt for the same.

    The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Board from the Secretary, receipt to him for the same, and pay them out 11pon the orders of tho Board, signed by the Prosident and countersigned by the Secretary.

    V. Annual collections shall be ta.ken in each congregation within the bounds of our Conference, to raise moneys for the purposes of this Board. It ah!lll be the duty of tho preachers in charge to bring this oause before the


    people and solicit voluntary contributions, and pay over the amounts so raised to the Secretary of the Board.

    VT. The amount of mouey so collected shall be annuallr. distributed by tbe Board as follows: Oue~half for 1.he education of the children of the de-~eased preachers of our Conference, the preference being giveu to those sons of such deceased preachers as desire to prepare for the ministry of our Church. The other half for the education of youug men prepAring for the ministry or Church who apply to us with suitable recommendntions.

    vn. The Board shall hold an annual meeting during each session of the Annuftl Conference, and at such other times as they may be called together by the President.

    VJll. The pi:oceedings of the Board shall be famished by the Secretary to the Conference for publication in the Minutes.



    ~· AnTIOLFJ I. This Association shn.11 be called The Relief Association of the Floricl11 Conf01·ence M. E. Church, South.

    ARTlCJ,FJ TI. The officers of this Association shn.11 cousist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and a Treasurer, each to be elected by ballot quadrennially.

    ARTIOLFJ JU. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meet-ings of the Association. In case of his absence, the Vice-President shall rict in his pln.ce. When both a1·e absent, a President pro tem. shall be chosen by the Associn.tion.

    ART!OJ,E IV. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings of the Association ; to notify members of the death of 1my par-ticipating member; to present an itemized account of his expenses ftS Secretary, for stationery, postage, etc., at each annual meetinl? of the Asso-ciation, which account shall be aud ited and paid by the Assoc\ation.

    AnTIOLE V. It shall be the dnty of the Treasurer to receive all mortuary fees ancl to forward the same to hefrs of deceased members; also to hold and disburse all funds belo1'iging to the Association as he may be authorized or ordered.

    AnTIOJ,E VI. Membership in this Association shall consist of two classcs-participating and contl'ibuting.

    AnTIOJ,E VII. To become a participating membe1· one must be connected with our Conference by one or other of our disciplinary relat.ions; i. e., on trial, in jiill con11ertion, sttpernwncrary or superannuated.. Membership to hold good while thus connected with the Conference and fees are paid. Membership to cease when either of these ceases.

    ARTICLE VIII. Any person who signs a written oblignt.ion to pay one dollar on the death of each participating member may become a contributing member.

    ARTIOJ,E IX. The mortuary fee, to he paid by each p1Lrtioipnting momber shall be five dollars. Said amo-unt to be paid within ninety du.yR after de'.


    cease of member, or name of defaulter shall be stricken from the roll unlcs~ ret1Vined by vote of the Association.

    ARTICLR X . Tliis Association shall hold regular yearly meetings clurina the sessions of the Florida Annual Confe rence 111:. E . Churnh, South. "

    Awrw1.E XI. In case of a vacancy occurring in the Secretary's office be-tween the sessions of' tho Aijsocin.tion, the President shall take charge of his books a.nd papers, and discharge the duties of his office until the meeting of the Association. Tf from any cause the President be no t able to perform this duty, it slrnll devolve upon the Vice-President.

    AR'l'JO I,E X U. Upon the death of a parti cipating member, leaving no de-pendent relative , the mortuary ~ees due in hi s sh~Lil ,go into the treasu ry subject to the order of a two-thnds vote of the Assoernt1011 . .

    ARTJ CL1c X ITL Any amendment to this Constitution may he made by t,wo-tl1irds of the members present and voting at any regrtlal' meeting therefor.



    The first annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the Florida Conference was held in the M. E. Chim;h, South, Monticello, Floridr1, Ja,n-uary 1st, 1882.

    ln the absence of the President of tho Conference Society, Mrs. C. A. Fulwood I... the meeting was opened by Mrs. Juliana Hayes, President of th e Gcnerttl J~xecutivc Association. ·

    The thirty-fifth chapter of Exodus w:1 s read; and the hymn, "A Charµ:P to Keep I Ilave" sung by the congregation, after which the H.ev. R. R. Bnrnett led in prayer.

    On motion, Mrs. T. Irartridge Wl•S elected President 1n·o tem.' and Mi HK B. W. I'artl'idge, Recording Secretary pro tem.

    The roll being called, the following officers and delegates responded to their names : Mrs. T. Hartt'idge, Treasurer; llfiss L. Tucker, Correspond-ing Secretary. Dele~ates: Mrs. E. E. Bowers, Mount Pleasant: Mrs. S. ~mith, Micanopy and Citra.

    The followin g 1\..nxilittry Societ,ies wc1•e represented by their respective paslors: Apopka City-Rev. R. H. Barnett; Gainesville-Rev. J. B. John-ston.

    The reports of the President, Mrs. C. A. Fnlwood, and of the Correspond· ing Seer tiwy, Miss L. Tucker, weTe read, afrer whi ch a short address was made hy Mrs. Ilaycq, consisting of a review of the work done by the W o-mnn's Missionary Society, nnd words of encouragement and counsel given to the members of the Auxiliary Societies present.

    'l'o the 1Vornan' s llfissionwry Society of the Florida Conference, M. E. Chwl'ch Smtth :

    OF:ilR S1s•rFJR.s-I deeply regret my inablility to he present and pa1·ti cipate with you in the deliberations and ilevotions connected with the first annual meeting of our Conference Society.

    Although Providcnti11lly absent in lJOdy, I beg you to believe "I am with you in spirit."

    l have, in common with the other officers of the Society, been somewhnt at a loHs to determine with accuracy the precise d?ities of each, and hence, I foci a little embarrassed in attempting to indite this brief commnniontion.

    We have ab11ndm1t rer1son for both gratitude and regret. Gratitude in consideration of tho grace and good providcnee of God, which drew us to· gether und enabled us to form our Conference Society, autl which has crown-ed our feeble efforts with some huml2le measure of s11ccess. Gra;tit1tde in remembcmnce of the spiritual blessings that have been vouchsafed to m1 personally, as we hnve become better informed in relation to the moral wants and woes of the world, and particularly our own sex in foreign hinds, nnd huvc boon caused to realize more fully than ever boforo that it is our blessed dut.y and hi~h privilege to be in actual, conscious co-operation with those who carry ' the banner of the Cross'' in the fore-front of tile battle fo1· the world's enlightcmmont and snlvation.

  • I

    24 APPENDIX.

    Gratiflude that in our own appropriate sphere (and we would not enlarge that sphere, OL' step beyond it if we could) we are enabled to work, in a tangible way, for the immediate benefit of our sex; we can contribute of our means, and accompany those contributions with our sympathies and prayers, and thus have the unutterably precious comfort of knowing that we are doing something, however little, towards the up-lifting of heathen womanhood from that deep, dark degradation to which ignorance, sin ancl superstition have consigned her, and though the aggregate of our yearly offerings to this great cause may appear, when contrasted with the contributions flowing into the treasury from other older and stronger societies, to be very small, yet our joy und peace will be nmilloycd if we have the heart assurance that we have striven to clothe best we could.

    And again, r1ratit1tclc in vie1v of the fact that, notwithstanding Florida has many of the features and oharaoteiristics of a now country, no very large centers of populatio11, her villages and prospective cities remote from each other, and much of her tel'l'itory sparsely se ttled, and her people generally p601·, yet it has been found pmctic11ble to inaugurate and establish the Wo-man's Fol'eign Missionary Society.

    U uder the ci i•cu mstances, that it exists at 1111 is a matter of gratitude, and that it is slowly incrnasing in numbers, influence aud usefulness is a matter of devout tlmnksgivinp: to the Great Head of the Church-the Captain and Leader of all our missiouary hosts.

    While reviewing our short history as a society, runnin~ through only a few months, our gratitude is enlisted, but alas 1 our gratitude is blent with regrets 1

    Reg1·ct that we have not been able to woTk more efficiently and successfully; that· so few· auxiliary societies have been formed ; that 11.ny of those formed should have clecliuod in intcl'est; tlmt it should be found difficult !Lt any point where we have t\Jl orguuizcd Chmch, to enlist the co-operation of our sisters ; and most of all do we rol!'ret that any of our honored and beloved pus-tol'S should eve n seem to be inchlfe1·ent to a grand depa,rtment of Christiuu work and achievement, which we have come to believe is so vital to any large and permanent success of missional'y labors in heathen lands.

    Let us, nt the openiug of the now ecclesiastical year, renew our personal devotion to Chl'ist, and the result will be iucroased zeiil and self-sacrifice for the gl'eat cause of missions.

    Your sister and co-workel' in Christ Jesus, Mns. CHAS. A. FULWOOD,

    President W. M. Society, Fla., Conf. Memphis, Tennessee, January 13th, 1882.

    Report of the Corrcsponclillg Secretary of the Coriference Society of Florida, tit tlicfr annual meeting, January, 1882.


    MRs. PiiESIDENT: A short account of the formation of the Woman's Mis· sionary Society in Florida may not be inappropriate at this time, though the Corresponding Secret.J.ry is supposed to report especially upon the work of the Conference Society.

    On March 11, 1878, a meeting of the ladies of St. Pnul's M. E. Church, at Jacksonville, wn.s c11lled for the purpose of organizin~ themselves into an Auxiliary of the Woman's Foreign .Missionary Association. This move-ment hud been anticipated by a correspondence between Mrs. S. H. McGav· ock, Corresponding Secretary General Executive Association, and the Chu.rch at Sanford, which deserves the honor of taking the initiatory steps, and seven Indies of that Church united their names with seven at St. Paul's as the be-,ginnfog of u missionary society. These were afterwards formed in two sep-6.rate Auxiliaries at Sanford and Jacksonville, respectively. An effort was soon made, in an appeal to the Churches, to extend the work and increase

  • APPENDIX. 26

    the number of Auxiliaries. Gainesville, Quincy, Tallahassee, Madison e.nd other points were communicated with; and finally, at the end of three years when a meeting was called by Rev. H. B. A.very at Mrs. McGavock's solic-itation, for the purpose of organizing a Conference Society, six Auxiliaries were represented-Jacksonville, Sanford, Gainesville, Quinc7, Jasper and Micanopy. The meeting resulted in the .election of the followm~ officers:

    President-MRS. C. A.. FuLwooD. Vice·Presidents-J acksonville District, Mas. M. C. W.&.SHINOTON; Gainesville District Mas. J. T. MEADOR; Live Oak District, MRs. B. H. FRINK; Tallahassee District, MRS. G. W. T.&.YLOR; 'l'ampa District, Mas. A. PEELER ; Corres!londin~ Secretary, Mrss Lours.&. TuoKER; Treasurer, MRS. T. H.&.RTRIDGE; Recordmg Secretary, MRS. M. E. SooTT; Auditor, MRS. H.B. AVERY.

    Before our first quarterly report to Mrs. McGavock, forwarded September last, there had been added five new Auxiliaries at Mount Pleasant, Apopka City, Citra1 Prospect and Maitland respectively, making in all eleven up to the time ot our second quarterly report. Since then four new ones are re-ported, and our number has increased to fifteen, with a membership of three hundred and fifty-eight, besides thirty.four honorary members. A large number of our pastors .have been communicated with, by letter, in reference to extending the work and aiding in this great enterprise, besides a direct a_ppeal to them through the columns of the WESLEYAN by our President, Mrs. )!'ulwood. They seem to be in sympathy with the work, but little has actually been accomplished. The Correspondini;: Secretar.Y___has distributed copies of the annual report, leaflets, specimen copies of the Woman' a Missionary .Advo· cate and the Constitution, etc., throughout different sections of the State.

    There are over eleven thousand members in the M. E. Church, South, in the State of Florida; of this number probably over one·half are women. The proportion1 then, is exceedingly small of those who are members of the Missionary Society-only three hundred and .fifty-eight in five thousand I If every woman of these five thousand would use her influence and give her earnest pra:rer to this great object, what a giorious offering, year by year, would be laid upon the altar of our God.

    We have urged the ta.kin~ of the Woman's Missionary .Advocate as an in-centive to effort ; we need rn this new field of Christian enterprise the infor· mation and encouragement which it affords. We .find there are twenty-two subscribers, though the number is increasing.

    We have not confined our correspondence to our pastors, but have written to certain elect women also at dfferent points, suggested by those interested.

    In some cases these letters have never been answered ; in others the re-sponses have not been encouraging. There was a plea of ill health, or a new organ to purchase, or it may be a lack of interest on the part of our sisters. Now and then objections may have been urged as to our confining our labors to home missions, " Charity begins at home " and other such familiar ar-guments. There may be others beside ourselves who have not been aware, until a recent period, that out of every hundred dollars raised for religious purposes in this country ninety-eight are spent at home, while only two go abroad, and that where there are a thousand hands in the home field, there is only one in the foreign.

    We have the gospel; every one in our country, perhaps, can hear the gospel, ifhe will, once a month. One-fourth of the world have heard of Jesus; eight hundred millions have never heard His name I What is it to give money 'l That is the least we can do. Think of the noble men and women who have gone forth to a foreign clime, a stro.n~e language, a heathen land-sacriiicing all for their Saviour, while we sit quietly under our own vine and fig tree amid the endearing associations of home, and surrounded with friends and comfort, and with the privileges of the Sabbath and the sanctuary.

    Our heathen sisters are crying to us for help ; they are holding out their hands for the Bread of Life ; they are welcommg the glad tidings-the ear· nest of that glorious day whfln their chains shall be riven and woman shall be exalted from slavery and oppression to her proper sphere as the compan·


  • 26 APPENDIX.

    ion and friend of man. Shall we withhold our pittance? Shall we refuse our influence while that sacred voice, with its divine command, comes rolling down the ages, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel 'l" AR the blessed influence of the religion of Jes us spread~, and penetrates further and further into those benighted lands, the Cl'¥ is hen,rd, " Why did you not send us the the gospel sooner?" Bereaved ones stretch forth I heir arms for the loved ones torn from their embrace and butchered, it may be, before their eyes by barbaric cruelty, and cry out, "Why did you not send the gospel sooner. 'l'hen we, to-day, might not thus be standing with empty homes and bleeding hearts?''

    Christ is calling-the Church is callin"-the pagan world is calling, and, as women redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, we may not-cannot sit idle in His vineyard.

    We believe the very effort born of missionl\ry zeal may serve to quicken every Christian energy-the reflex influence on spirituality will repay for all self-sacrifice. Let us pray for each other-for greater zeal-intensified devotion, and perfect consecration.

    The outlook is growing more and more encouraging; new Auxiliaries are being formed; juvenile societies are springing up all over our beautiful South-land, and our last annual report registers o. membership of nineteen thousand members. The receipts of the fiscal year were over $19,3G2.00. We have six thousand subscribers to our organ-the ·woman'.~ M'issiona171 Advocate. We have missionaries in China, Brazil, Mexico, and the Mexican border; we have Bible women, and native preachers ; we have schools, and a hospi-tal in contemplation; but this is only the beginning-only the entering wedge. We ueed the sledge hammer of grace with its triple power of faith, and prayer, aud devotion to drive home the truth!

    If we expect to evangelize the world we must educate the children. [Was the old Greek schoolmaster wise after all when he said, "I rule the world I" "How?" was asked. "I role the children," was the reply, "and the chil-dren rule their mothers, and the mothers rule thelr fathers, and the fathers rule Athens, and Athens rule the world!"] Now, if we are to rule the world for Christ, we must train the children. The future of the world lies in the fa.ithfnl tuition of youth. Women are needed for women's work. There are doors which only women can enter, o.nd a wise Providence is open· ing the way for their careful preparation o.s medical missionaries to enter the secluded and cloistered zenanas of the oriental world.

    But how much might be said on this wonderful theme ; methods of work; hints for raising money; suggestions for rendering the monthly meetings of Auxiliaries more attractive, and other points of interest; but I cloHe merely with an appeal to our women of the M. E. Church, South, in Florida. Let us be up and doing; let us enter into a. ~enerous rivalry with our sister States; let every woman consider herself a missionary, heaven-appointed, to influ-ence others to join in this divine labor.

    Every effort made is adding stone after stone to the glorious edifice rising slowly and surely heavenward, polished 11fter the similitude of a palace, whose corner-stone is Christ, and whose maker and builder is the eternal God. All of which is respectfully submitted,

    LOUISA TUCKER, Corresponding Secretary Ooriference Society.

    Reports were received from the following Auxiliary Societies: Jasper, Sanford, Apopka Oity Micanopy Gainesville, Mount Pleasant Jackson· ville, Citm, Maitland, Key West-First Oharge-Sparks' Chapel, Monticello, and a Juvenile Society iu Madison.

    The Key West-First Charge-was entitled to the honor of being the ban· ner Society, but not having reported in time to the Corresponding Secretary, the amount sent up was not meorporatcd with the collections for the year 1881.

  • APPENDIX. 27

    An election of officers for the ensning_year was held, resulting as follows: President, Mrs. C. A. J)'ulwood; Vice President of Jacksonville District-Mrs. M. C. Washington; Gainesville District-Mrs .• T. T. Meador; Talla-hassee District-Mrs. C. T. Carroll; Live Oak District-Mrs. B. H. Frink; 'l'umpa District-Mrs. Demerrit.i. Corresponding SecrPtary-Miss L.' Tucker; Recording Secretary-Mrs. G. W. Scott; Auditor-Mrs. E. B. Parkhill.

    The Annual Report of the Treasurer was read and approved. Mrs. C. A. Fulwood wa9 elected as 11 reserve in case the Corresponding

    Secretary, Miss L. Tucker, should fail to attend the meeting of the General Executive Association to be held in Nashville in the month of May.

    In the afternoon a public meeting was held, which was opened with devo-tional exercises, conducted by the Rev. C. A. Fulwood. Addresses were delivered by Mrs. Hayes, Bishop Mc'l'yeire and Dr. Wilson ; and the reports of the President and Corresponding Secretary of tlw Conference Society were read again by request. A newly organized society at Ocala was report-ed by the Pastor, .Rev. H. E. Partridge.

    During the session Bishoj) H. N. McTyeire and Mrs. C. T. Carroll were made life members of the Conference Society.

    A resolution of thanks to M" rs. Hayes for the inspiration of her presence, her words of kindly cheer and friendly advice, and her valuable assistance in their first annual meeting, was passed by the officers and delegates of the Conference Society, and the members of the Auxiliary Society of Monticello, after which the Society adjourned sine die.

    Miss E.W. PARTRIDGE, Recording Secretary pro tcin.

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    28 APPENDIX.


    JAOKSONY tLU]-Prcsident, Mrs. 'l'. Hartridge; Conesponding Secretary, Louisa Tucker.

    G.UNESVILJ.E-Pre8ident, J\lrs. L. C. McCook; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. E. Scot.t.

    MICANOPY-President, Mrs. S. L. Smith; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Nellie A. Riggs.

    MouN·r PLEASAN'r- President, Miss Ida Wood; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. Howe.

    SANFORD-President, Mrs. ,J. W. Tucker; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs, C. H. Leffler.

    Qu1NOY-Presidcnt, Mrs. C. R Dowmau ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss R. White.

    JASl'ER-Presiuent, Mrs. M. E. Frink; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. H. Frink.

    APOPKA-Presillent, Mrs. R. H. Barnett; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. S. L. Jones.

    CtTRA-President, l\frs. R. C. Dough1s; Corresponding Secretary, Miss A. C. Burleson.

    P1t0Sl'EOor-(L11kc Conway, Omn~c Couuty,)-Presidcnt, Mrs. E. Bishop; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. S. E. Mizell.

    MAI'l'LAND-Prcsident, Mrs. L. B. Scarlet.t; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Lizzie Simmons.

    KEY WFJs•r- Fmf!'l' CuAJWE- Presiueut, Mrs. M11ry Dcmerritt; Corr\)S· ponding Sccret1uy, Miss Liiurn Curry.

    St'.A.RKS' CnAPEr.-Prcsidcn t, Mrs. Emma Roberts; Corresponding Secte· tary, Miss Georgia Lowe.

    TAr,J.AIIASSEE-President, Mrs. Green A. Chaires; Corresponding Secre-tary, Mrs. R. B. G01·mau.

    MoNTICIJLLo-Presidcnt, Mrs. E. B. Parkhill; Corresponding Secretary, Miss E. W. Partridge.

    OoA.I.A-Presidcnt, .................................... ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. J. Allred.

    '!'he Conference Society w11s orgrinized April 27th, 1881 ; number of riux· iliaries, 16; number of members, 37a; number of subscribers to Woman's Missionary Advocate, 81 (perlmps more) ; honorary memberl!i'34; life mem· bers, 2 ; fonds tmm1mitted to the 'l'reasurer of the General jjjxecutive Asso-ciation for two quarters, $111.55; Juvenile Socibtios, 2.