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Transcript Abstract class : No object can be created for this class. These classes are created so that other classes can inherit them. Access control : A way to restrict access to classes, variables and methods. API : Application programming interface. API contains classes which a programmer can use to build applications and applets. Applets : A Java program embedded in an HTML document and runs in a web-browser. Argument : A value sent to a method when the method is called. Array : A list of values of the same type. All values in the array have the same name. They are accessed individually using an index/subscript ASCII : A standard set of values for representing text characters. Base class : A class from which another class inherits functionality. It is often called a superclass. Bit : The smallest piece of data that a computer understands. A bit can represent only two values, 0 or 1. Boolean : A value that can be either true of false. Branching : When an execution jumps forward or backward in a program. Browser : A program used for reading, displaying and interacting with objects in the World Wide Web. Byte : A data type which is 8 bits long. Bytecode : The machine independent output of the Java Compiler which goes as input to the Java Interpreter (The Java Virtual Machine). Casting : Converting one type of value to another. Character : A value used in text. Class : A collection of methods and variables that an object can have, or a template for building objects. .class file : A file containing the machine independent Java Byte code. Class variable : A variable allocated once per class. Class variables have global class scope and belong to the entire class instead of an instance. Comparison operators : >, =,
