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  • 7/31/2019 Composting With EM


    Composting with EM

    10 April 2010 | by Lucas DengelTags: organic farming organic gardening EM effective microorganism composting soil fertilitysustainable agriculture


    ng with Effective Microorganism has some advantages; it saves energy and manpower

    since there is no need to turn over the heap, it regulates the temperature, it is easy to handleand available at low costs.

    Advantages of composting with EM

    (1) It saves energy (for machinery) and manpower by reducing the need to turn thematerial.

    (2) It regulates the temperature in the heap or pile, has less heat or energy losses than

    ordinary composting methods, and hence yields increased volumes of the final compost


    (3) It creates value-added compost. While values of macronutrients in EM compost arecomparable with the values in other composts, the yields in crop cultivation with EM

    compost are higher and of increased quality.

    (4) It is easy, and not sensitive to minor management defaults. EM is safe to handle.
  • 7/31/2019 Composting With EM


    (5) EM is available at low costs.

    Practical procedure

    Inoculation of a compost pile with EM needs to be done once or twice, i.e. at the begin-ning and once again during the process, best during turning of the pile. EM application on

    the compost might have to be done more frequently, depending on the type and the sizing

    of raw materials.

    EM composting can be done primarily as an anaerobic process, thus there is no need forfrequent turning; in general one turning after two weeks is enough. It should be noted

    however that the effect of turning primarily has the effect of breaking twigs and fibres open

    and thus facilitates microbial access into the material.

    The compostable material can be heaped in huge piles, i.e. up to 3-4 m high, and 4-5 mwide, and at any length.

    Inoculation of a new compost heap with mature compost is always recommended. If there

    is time pressure, it is recommended to mix the new materials with up to the same amount of

    mature compost; in this way new compost will be ready after two weeks.

    In particular in large-scale operations, composting on the site of crop production might bedesirable. In this context it is recommended to thoroughly treat the composting site with

    EM and then build up the compost heap. After removal of the matured compost the soil

    will be ideally prepared for cultivation.

    Technical details of EM application

    Extended EM solution (EMa) needs to be diluted with water to spread the inoculate

    throughout the compost heap. The amount of water to be used depends on the moisture

    contents of the compost raw materials, but at least 10 liters total volume are required toinoculate one ton of compost materials. The moisture contents of a compost pile are to be

    about 40%. (Test: A handful of compost when squeezed in the palm of the hand should just

    stay together in a lump, but should not give off any water.) If water requirement of the

    whole operation needs to be diminished while simultaneously preserving moisturecontents, plastic sheets may be used to cover the pile against evaporation losses, thus

    facilitating the circulation of the micro-organisms within the pile.

    Inoculation of the compost heap has to be done with the aim to reach everywhere, byspraying or sprinkling from all sides and/or by injecting into the pile. Subsequent appli-

    cation(s) of EMa in the heap are best done while the heap is being turned. (Diminishing

  • 7/31/2019 Composting With EM


    turning procedures to one time, requires an equally ideal particle size of the raw materials,

    i.e. in the range of 1 to a few cm, or 0.5 to 1.5 inch.)

    The required amount of EMa is about 5 liters per ton compost materials applied at leasttwice, or anything between 2 to 10 liters per ton compost materials (or per 2-3 cu.m.)

    several times. Thus a compost heap of 1.5 m width, 1.5 m height and 5 m length (11.25cu.m.) will require at least 10 liters EMa mixed into larger amounts of water, twice to three

    or four times.

    Ideal composting depends not only on EM or any other particular input, but on other

    parameters such as control of moisture and protection from heavy rains or scorching sun-

    shine, on the type of biodegradable materials and their balanced proportions, and on size,shape and surface of the organic waste material. In general, a mixture of two-thirds plant

    material with one-third animal manure is recommended.
