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Occupations that make up my Occupational

Identity.Samantha Bower

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I participated in karate for a number of years and reached my brown belt before giving it up. Participating in Karate I feel has taught me discipline which I feel has helped me to respect other people. When I have been in situations that I was unhappy or stressed about, karate I feel has helped me to calm myself without lashing out or getting angry. Karate has taught me to become a better person by respecting others.

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Playing hockey for the past 13 years has taught be to be a better team player. I have learnt through hockey how to accept other peoples opinions and the views of what others think. You have to respect and appreciate other peoples opinions in hockey in order to improve as a team and do the best that you can achieve. Hockey has also made me feel as though I belong as we are a team who play and practice together and sometimes even went away with on tournaments.

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I have been bought up and lived on our deer farm my whole life. This is a huge part of my occupational identity as I have a lot of respect for the outdoors and animals. I also appreciate all the hard work farmers do, like my dad, to provide for my family and all human beings. I also loved having pets growing up and learning to care and look after them was always a great deal to my brothers and i.

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CricketCricket has helped me to be a good team player. Playing girls cricket was very frustrating as some players weren't quite as capable as others. Therefore cricket taught me to be encouraging and supportive of those players that weren't as skilled as others. The cricket team also grew a good team bond as we would spend most of our Saturdays all together.

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Athletics- Javelin

Competing in javelin was something I found every rewarding at times and other times very disappointing. I had never participated in an individual sport until I begun javelin when I went to high school. I learnt how to deal with my disappointment and no that all I could do was try to improve for next time. My biggest reward in javelin was when I won the South Island Secondary girls under 15s in year 10.

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SisterBeing the oldest of 3 has definitely taught me to care for others. This is an occupation I have held for 18 years when my first brother was born. Having two brothers has taught me to value what I have got as my parents have tried there hardest to provide us with the best upbringing and education that they can. My brothers have also been like my best friends growing up even though we have fought a lot, I still no they have my back and I have there's.

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StudentI have been a student every since I started primary school when I was 5. I always knew that I wanted a job that involved helping people. I started studying Occupational Therapy at the beginning of 2014. I really enjoy it and am excited for the rewards that I am going to get when I’m out working. Being a student is a part of my occupational identity as its something that I have done for the majority of my life and it has influenced my decision to become an OT.

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Being a life guard has taught me a lot of independence of getting my own job and working towards my qualification. I have learnt to deal with a wide range of clients that come into the pool. I feel as though being a lifeguard has made me a more tolerable person and has made me a lot more independent. It has also made me a lot more comfortable with working with a range of different pool users.

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Flat mateBeing a flat mate has had its challenges and rewards. The main challenge that I have had are disagreements that I may have had with the other girls about things. I have learnt to understand that people do things different ways and my way may not always be the best way. Flatting has taught me to respect and value other peoples opinions. I really enjoy flatting and having the independence of looking after myself.

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Fishing is something that I have been bought up with. Our family goes away on camping trips or to our family bach to go fishing. Through the occupation of fishing I have learnt the values of family and we have become a lot closer and had some memorable times through fishing.

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