
Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Formative Assessments

The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 1: The student will be clinically competent.

Outcomes Measurement Tool Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

1a The student will apply positioning skills.

1a. RAD 153, Instructor Competency Sheet #2, “Positioning Skills (expediency)

Score must be: ≥ 2.0 (100%) successfully completed 6 competency exams

14 students completed 109 radiographic views within 56 exams. 101 out of 109 views (92.7%) documented on the Instructor Competency form, #2 Positioning Skills (Expediency) earned a score of 2.0 or higher on a 3 point scale. 71 views earned 3 points; 30 views earned 2 points; 6 views earned 1 point; and 2 views earned 0 points. Action Plan: With such successful results this year faculty will study the expediency for Fall of 2017.

1b. The student will select technical factors.

1b. RAD 115 test #5 Score must be : ≥ 80% 15.4% of the students scored 80% or above on the exposure manipulation problems on the St.

Of the 13 students, one (1) scored an 84, one (1) scored an 80, three (3) scored a 76, three (3)

Catherine’s exam.

scored a 68, one (1) scored a 60, two (2) scored a 56, and two (2) scored a 48. As the Faculty reviewed the questions missed and spoke with the students, it was not that they did not know the information, but rather they were confused by the wording. Action Plan: The Faculty concluded more time with St. Catherine exams, especially once they are released with more digital information

1c. The student will utilize radiation protection.

1 c. RAD 165, Instructor Competency Grade sheet #4, “Evidence of Radiation Protection”

Score must be:≥ 2.0 100% received final scores above 2.5

40exams reviewed, with a total of 103 views, only 1 student scored less than 3.0 on 2 competency exams- and this was only on 1 view each. The average of all views combined on these exams was still a 2.8, above the benchmark. Action plan: Faculty will continue to train new hires at the affiliate facilities to encourage and hold students accountable for proper radiation protection practices.

Use of Results: The results of this semester have faculty looking at a different measure for the students. To evaluate the time spent on formulas to assist the student in this area more and to seek to meet with new faculty and discuss the need for students to utilize radiation protection on all patients when physical injury prevents this action.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program

Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Formative Assessments The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate communication skills.

Outcomes Measurement Tool Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

2a. The student will demonstrate written communication skills

2a. RAD 102 APA Rubric second film presentation

Score must be:≥ 2.5 100% of students (17 of 17) met the benchmark

The papers were well organized and flowed well while still engaging the reader with the details of the patient’s experience. Action Plan: Faculty will spend more time discussing APA format requirements and provide specific examples prior to the due date of the Patient Care research project. The college’s writing center will be utilized also.

2b. The student will Demonstrate oral Communications skills

2b. RAD 102 Oral communications rubric on second film presentation

Score must be:≥ 2.5 76.5% of students (13 of 17) met the benchmark

The oral presentations were widely well organized and delivered and the all but 1 student provided an appropriate visual aid. Action Plan: Faculty will impress the

need for students to stay within the allotted time limit for the oral presentations

Use of Results: Faculty will spend more time explaining the categories of each rubric and provide an example to the students for better understanding by the student.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Formative Assessments

The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 3: Students will develop critical thinking skills

Outcomes Measurement Tool Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

3a. The student will adapt procedures for non-routine patients

3a. RAD 130, test #1 “Weight Bearing Procedures”

Score must be ≥ 85% 92% met the objective. This is 12 of 13 students

The test average for 2016 class was 88.2%. As compared to the 2015 class, there were 3 more students but the 2015 average was 7.2 % higher. The difference is associated with this enrollment number. Action Plan: Classroom has an upright standing device to allow high quality practice once positioning notes are covered. Same style as at orthopedic clinics.

3b. The student will critique images to

3b. RAD 155 the second film presentation graded

Score must be ≥ 80% 12 of the 13 (92.3%) students met or exceeded the objective

Students will demonstrate proficiency in critiquing images to

determine diagnostic quality.

by rubric. determine diagnostic quality. 6 of 13 (46.2%) of students scored 100 on the rubric, 5 of 13 (46.2%) of students scored 96 on the rubric, 1 (3.8%) student scored 84 on the rubric, and one (3.8%) student scored a 76 on the rubric. Action Plan: Students will be required to present all of their images two weeks prior to the final, which will allow for plenty of final review time.

Use of Results: This semester results will lead to more lab practice during class idle times and to manage their time better to prevent the stress of end of the semester with many items due.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Formative Assessments

The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 4: Students will model professionalism.

Outcomes Junior Yea Measurement Tool

Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

4a. The student will demonstrate work ethics

4a. RAD 153, using the Instructor Performance evaluation, #6, “Productivity: Output of satisfactory work” for the 6 competencies.

Score will be≥ 3.0 100% of the students met the benchmark.

Eight (47%) students scored 5 points; eight (47%) students scored 4 points; and 1 (6%) student scored 3 points. The number of students scoring a five in this category increased from 29% in 2015 to 47% in 2016, which equals an 18% difference. Action Plan: Faculty will move simulations of exams along to provide earlier opportunities for students to obtain competencies.

4b. The student will summarize the

4b. RAD 101 test #3 Score will be ≥ 80% 100% of the students, 16 of 16 met the

Faculty found this year’s class average was 86%. Last year’s class scored 16

value of life-long learning

outcome. making an 80 or higher with three students scoring 58, 72, and 75 with 85.7% scoring above 80%.

Action Plan: To allow more time to review all radiology modalities and continuing education requirements for each.

Use of Results: Faculty will move simulations up to allow more opportunity for competencies. More discussion will be held on the modalities outside of Diagnostic Radiology.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Summative Assessments

The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 1: The student will be clinically competent.

Outcomes Measurement Tool Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

1a The student will apply positioning skills.

1a. RAD 258, Instructor Competency sheet #2, (Expediency)

Score must be: ≥ 2.5 100% of the students evaluated met the outcome of 2.5 or higher on a 3 point scale

180 projections were evaluated representing all 15 students. 155 images scored “3”; 25 images scored “2.8” and 5 images scored “2.5” Action Plan: 30 % of final competency rechecks will be completed by the instructor to determine expediency and quality in the evaluation of graduate level positioning skills.

1b. The student will select technical factors.

1b. RAD 268, Instructor Competency sheet #5 “Technique Manipulation” for exam

Score must be : ≥ 2.5 A sampling of five students was evaluated and 100% (5 of 15) of students earned an average of 2.5 points or above.

3 points indicates “Acceptable”, while 2 points indicates “Requires minor improvement.” Of the 5 students evaluated, 5 (100%) scored 3 points

on all views performed (17 out of 17 views). Action Plan: Utilize the programs full student in the cohort and to provide a technique chart for the student to fill in.

1c. The student will utilize radiation protection.

1 c. RAD 220, 20 question Radiation Protection test for the course.

Score must be:≥ 70% 100% of the students scored above 70%. The average score was 83%

Faculty will be moving digital course content to the second semester to allow more clinical applications of digital to provide the students more digital experience. All clinical sites are digital to enhance learning. Action Plan: Continue to check in with clinical sites on the functions of their equipment so we can adapt teaching methodology.

Use of Results: For the instructors to provide a portion of the closing competency rechecks for graduating seniors. This will be used to determine the level of quality and expediency of the graduating senior student.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Summative Assessments

The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate communication skills.

Outcomes Measurement Tool Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

2a. The student will demonstrate written communication skills

2a. RAD 225 Final pathology presentation paper using APA Rubric

Score must be:≥ 90% 100% of the students achieved the outcome.

With using APA formatting in papers in earlier semesters the students are achieving these scores comfortably, Action Plan: The faculty is anticipating the revised APA rubric will continue to bring more depth to the quality of the information being presented

2b. The student will demonstrate oral Communications skills

2b. RAD 225 Final pathology presentation using Oral Communications Rubric

Score must be:≥ 3.6 93% of the students achieved the outcome. This is 14 of 15.

96.6% of the students met the learning outcome of 90% of the “students will successfully complete the pathology presentations with a “3.6”

or better when evaluated according to the rubric on oral communications” . In comparing the data to years prior, the oral communication scores are on the increase by 3%. Action Plan: Begin oral presentations in RAD 102 to increase comfort of public speaking.

Use of Results: Maintain use of the new APA rubric and begin oral presentations in Patient Care, RAD 102.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program

Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Summative Assessments The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 3: Students will develop critical thinking skills

Outcomes Measurement Tool Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

3a. The student will adapt procedures for non-routine patients

3a. RAD 225, midterm exam on non-routine exams of extremities and spine.

Score must be ≥ 85% 53%, 8 of 15 students met the objective.

This class tested comparable to the year prior on the individual tests given with an average range of scores from 89.2-95.5 % compared to from 89.3-96.1%. This year test #3 Special Views of the Lower Extremity was our lowest score with an 89.2%. This was near identical to last year’s 89.3%. Action Plan:

Allow more time during class to gain hands on experience positioning each other. This will keep them prepared for the Friday simulation labs.

3b. The student will critique images to determine diagnostic quality.

3b. RAD 258, Instructor Competency Sheet, #6-#10, “Image Evaluation”

Score must be ≥ 2.8 100% of the students met the learning outcome target of 90% will obtain 2.8 or better on a 3.0 scale

Category #6- 0% scored a 2.8, 0% scored a 2.9, and 100% scored a 3.0. In Category #7- 0% scored a 2.8, 0% scored a 2.9, and 100% scored a 3.0. In Category #8- 0% scored a 2.8, 0% scored a 2.9, and 100% scored a 3.0. In Category #9- 0% scored a 2.8, 0% scored a 2.9, and 100% scored a 3.0. In Category #10- 0% scored a 2.8, 0% scored a 2.9, and 100% scored a 3.0. Action Plan: In 2017 the faculty will have an increased presence in the clinical site to perform more of the student’s competencies during this semester.

Use of Results: Maintain Friday afternoon lab sessions for simulations and create pockets of time during class for impromptu hands on activities with positioning. The presence of the instructor’s in all the main hospital sites keeps students up on simulations during idle time.

Midlands Technical College Radiologic Technology Program

Outcome Analysis Summary of 2015-2016 Summative Assessments The time of assessment for the documents below is from August 2015-July 2016

Mission Statement: The Radiography Program is a comprehensive two year A.A.S. degree program which provides its students a high-quality, customer service, competency-based didactic and clinical education. The education provided prepares the students to enter the entry-level job market in diagnostic radiology, allows them to transfer to senior colleges, prepares advanced students for subspecialty areas, as well as instilling lifelong values and assists them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Goal 4: Students will model professionalism.

Outcomes Junior Yea Measurement Tool

Benchmark Results Analysis/Action Plan

4a. The student will demonstrate work ethics

4a. RAD 268, using the Instructor Performance evaluation, #6, “Productivity: Output of satisfactory work” for the 17 rechecks.

Score will be≥ 4.0 on a 5 point scale.

100% (15 of 15) of students earned 4 or 5 points on item #6, Productivity: Output of satisfactory work.

4 points indicates “Consistently completes work in an efficient, timely manner”, while 5 points indicates “Superior work. Always productive. Consistently does more than is required.” Of the 15 students evaluated, 13 (87%) scored 5 points, and 2 (13%) scored 4 points.

Action Plan: Faculty will require a portfolio of exams that are becoming scarce in order to ensure that students are as prepared as possible to enter the workforce.

4b. The student will 4b. Program records Score will be ≥ 90% 100% of the senior class Spring of 2016 all of the

summarize the value of life-long learning

and verification forms: Students will attend at least one professionally orientated seminar/conference.

achieved this outcome. 15 of 15 students.

senior class attended and several of them competed at the 2016 SCSRT Annual Meeting in North Myrtle Beach, SC. Action Plan: Continue to promote the annual meeting of the SCSRT and to keep the students involved in the competitions.

Use of Results: A plan is in place to accommodate the reduction of certain examinations and continually promote professionalism by attending the state society annual conference each year.
