Download pptx - Competency Based Training


'Training of trainers’ (TOT) on "Industry Assessor

Program"8 to 13 August 2015

Organized by BAPA-EU in consultation with BSDI

Competency involves applying knowledge skills and attitudes to perform work activities to the standard expected in the workplace

What is Competency?

Being able to do the job Knowing how and why things are done Knowing what to do if things go wrong Having the right approach to do a job

properly and safely

Key features of competency

Task Skills Task Management


Contingency Management Skills

Job/Role Environment Skills


Dimension of competency

This requires performance of the task(s) to the required standard as described in the unit of competency and expected in the workplace

Assessor needs to collect evidence that the candidates can do the individual actions as well as the whole task.

Task Skills

Task skills involve:

The performance of the basic tests to the required standard

Perform basic tests

Captures the skills used as people plan and integrate a number of potentially different tasks to achieve a complete work outcome.

Candidates should provide evidence that they can work efficiently to meet deadlines, handle a sequence of interrelated tasks and progress smoothly between tasks.

Task management Skills

Task management skills involve:Carrying out simultaneously eg: preparing additional samples while tests are running

Perform Basic Tests

The requirement to respond to irregularities and breakdown in routines.

Candidates should show evidence of dealing with contingencies. For example:◦ Breakdowns◦ Irregularities◦ Imperfections◦ The unknown

Contingency Management Skills

Contingency management skills involve answering questions such as:◦ What if the sample label is incomplete?◦ What if the results you obtain are outside the

acceptable range?◦ What if equipment is not calibrated?

In the workplace can the candidate perform the work and answer questions with confidence?

Perform Basic Tests

The requirement to deal with the responsibilities and expectations of the work environment.

The capacity to work with others and adapt to different situations is central to successful performances◦ Does the candidate comply with workplace procedures

and standard methods in performing the task?◦ Does the candidate communicate effectively?◦ Does the candidate observe enterprise and regulatory


Job/Role Environment Skills

Job/Role Environment Skills◦ Following instructions ◦ Communicating with others

Perform Basic Tests

Competency standards are a set of benchmarks used to assess the skills and knowledge that a person must demonstrate in the workplace to be seen as competent. These benchmarks are packaged into combinations to form units of competency

Competency Standards

A unit of competency is the specification of knowledge and skill, and the application of that knowledge and skill, to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. A unit of competency is the smallest unit that can be assessed and recognized.

Unit of Competency

Unit Code and Title

Unit Descriptor

Element Performance Criteria

Range of Variables / Range Statement

Requirement Skills & Knowledge/Evidence Guide

Parts of a Unit of Competency

A UNIT CODE is made up of letters and numbers. Using the unit code TAADES401A as an example, units must contain—

The Unit Title is a brief statement of the outcome of the unit of competency for example "Maintain workplace safety".

Unit Code and Title

Code Title Descriptor

Range of Variables

Evidence Guide


Maintain workplace safety

The Unit descriptor broadly communicates the intent of the unit of competency and the skill area it addresses.

Unit Descriptor

This describes the activities that make up the broader function or job.


This further specifies what is to be assessed and the required level of performance of the activities.

Performance criteria

Describes the circumstances or context in which the work is to be performed

Range Variables

The Evidence guide in mandatory The purpose of the evidence guide is to

guide the assessor in the collection of evidence.

Evidence guides must relate directly to ◦ The elements and performance criteria ◦ Range of variables

Evidence Guide
