


COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES TEST1. Complete the chart with the correct comparative or superlative form. (__/30)Original formComparative formSuperlative form

1) Big

2) Fast

3) Intelligent

4) Beautiful

5) Dangerous

6) Hot

7) Thin

8) Artistic

9) Good

10) Noisy

11) Happy

12) Imaginative

13) Bad

14) Risky

15) Cold

2. Look at the chart and then complete the sentences. (__/20)HotelSizePopularBeautifulPrice

Minerva, Rome24 rooms165 per night

Seine Palace, Paris36 rooms190 per night

Victoria Inn, London28 rooms210 per night

Rio Club, Rio de Janeiro60 rooms130 per night

The Minerva hotel is more popular than (popular) the Victoria Inn.

The Rio Club is the cheapest (cheap).1) The Victoria Inn is __________________________ (expensive) the Seine Palace.

2) The Victoria Inn is __________________________ (expensive).

3) The Rio Club is __________________________ (big).

4) The Minerva is __________________________ (small).

5) The Victoria Inn is __________________________ (big) the Minerva.

6) The Seine Palace is __________________________ (cheap) the Victoria Inn.

7) The Minerva is __________________________ (beautiful).

8) The Seine Palace is __________________________ (beautiful) the Victoria Inn.

9) The Rio Club is __________________________ (popular).

10) The Victoria Inn is __________________________(small) the Seine Palace.