Page 1: Community college leadership 101

Community College Leadership 101: The BasicsCharlene L. Stewart, MSW

Jocelyn GainersHonson Luma

Herman Pryor, Jr

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Introduction• Personal Growth Areas• Developing Professional Career Goals• Challenging Students to Examine Conflicting

Approaches about Leadership• Challenges Facing Future Community College


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Personal Growth Areas

“Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth.”– Jim Rohn

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Personal Growth Areas

• AACC’s Competencies for Community College Leaders

• Teresa Ann Foxworthy Definition of Personal Growth

• Carl Jung- Individuation

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Developing a Personal Growth Plan

Assess Plan ActionEvaluate

Self Setting Goals Experiences Progress

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Common Barriers to Personal Growth

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 Professional Career Goals

“You cannot achieve your particular goal without taking the first tiny step, towards its achievement an eventual success. Whether the goal setting and planning that you have done concerns your personal or your career life, you can only accomplish it when you sit down and get down to work seriously”.

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Discover What Your Career Goals, Job goals and Purpose in life Is...

What is Your Life Purpose and your personal mission statement in your life? Why are you here? What do you want your life to be like? What is your passion and driving force in your life?

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What are your employee career goals and objectives?

What are your talents, interests, hobbies and passions? You should first start by making a list of all your talents, skills, strengths and abilities.

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What are your driving values in life?

• Understanding your driving values in your life can help you to make the best career goal choices, based on-what is right for you.

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Develop Your Strategic Career Plan

• A strategic career plan is a document that combines your mission statement with a time-line to achieve short-term and long-term goals. Which includes:

• Your purpose statement• Your vision for the next 3-5 years• Your values• Your guiding principles

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Questions you should ask your self before planning your career goals….

• Make more money?• Move up in a organization or own your own

business?• Have more responsibility or power?• Retire early so you can do what you really

want to do full time?

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Leadership and Symbolism

• Concepts of Symbolism• Nature of Symbolism• The Natural Existence of Symbols

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Organizational Culture

• Culture• The organizational Cure• Students vs. The Institution

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Symbolic Acts of Leadership

• Act of communicating• Behavior practices • Participants’ understanding and

expectation of Leadership • Organizational Constraints

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Role of Culture in Performance• Culture Defined• Communicating Identities – Internally and Externally

• Lack of Understanding Role of Organizational Culture–Decision Making Process

Obscure –Cost Increases–Resources Difficult to Allocate–Conflict Unresolved

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Methods of Symbolism

• Present Categories• Symbols In Organization Leadership

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• Brown, C. (2010). Organizations and governance in higher

education. ASHE Reader Series, Boston, MA: Pearson.

• Tierney, W. G. (Ed.). (2004). Competing conceptions of academic

governance: Negotiating the perfect storm. Baltimore, MD:

John Hopkins University Press.

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Challenges for future community college leadership

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Major issues facing community colleges

• Funding• Access• Completion• Innovation • (American Association of Community Colleges,


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• Facts!• Tuition was raised in all post secondary sectors

in most states last year.• Most colleges will be flat funded for FY 2012-

2013.• Pell Grant increases will not cover state cuts of

student aid (Katsinas & Friedel, 2010).• Q: Will the Pell Grant increase to $5,550

improve access for low income students?

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• Facts!• Tidal wave of students• Military veterans enrollment is rising• Public universities have not capped enrollment

but they have “pushed” students to accessible community colleges (Katsinas & Friedel, 2010).

• Q: Can distance learning increase access despite budget woes?

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• Increasing graduation rates is unlikely with budget cuts.

• Community colleges are eliminating sections and classes.

• Completion gaps for students of color have improved but more needs to be done. (American Association of Community Colleges, 2011)

• Q: What are some innovative ways to address the completion gaps for students of color?

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• Community colleges delivering four year degrees

• Data collection systems• Partnerships with local businesses and non-

public partners (Katsinas & Friedel, 2010).• Q: What innovation might you suggest to

address the challenges of community colleges?

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• American Association of Community Colleges. (2011, August). Retrieved from Report on the 21st century initiative listening tour:• Katsinas, S. G., & Friedel, J. N. (2010).

Uncertain Recovery: Access and funding issues in public higher education. University of Alabama, Education Policy Center.