
Communism and Socialism

Definition of Socialism

According to Merriam-Webster, Socialism is…

• Government ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

• A system of society or group living in which there is not private property

• A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Socialism is an economic and political system that places more value on common property than on private property.

•Socialism was a reaction to the social consequences of the Industrial Revolution of the 19th Century and the economic liberalism that accompanied that period.

Pros and Cons of Socialism

Pros• All members share


• Those who cannot contribute may still participate (disabled, elderly)

• Each member’s survival needs are met

• Equal distribution of wealth

• No socioeconomic classes

Cons• No incentive to work

harder• No competition means

no reward to be innovative

• New members to the community (immigrants) are seen as competition for limited goods and services

• Higher taxes

What is Communism?

• German political thinker in 19th century. • Did most of his work in Britain. • Influenced by German philosopher Hegel. • Published Communist Manifesto in 1848 with co-author

Frederick Engels. • Wrote multi-volume Capital (Das Kapital), starting in 1867.

This is Karl Marx, the ‘Father of Communism’. People who believe in his ideas are called ‘Marxists’

This is his good friend, Frederick Engels.



Karl Marx’s Ideas

• Economic systems go through historical cycles. Over time, and economic system becomes rigid and can’t adjust to new technologies, so a new system emerges; with new class relations and oppression.

• Someday a perfect classless society will emerge and then there will be no further classes.

Marx’s key ideas

1. Slave system gave way to feudal economy

2. Feudal economy broke down with growth of manufacturing, towns, navigation & transportation, emergence of middle class

3. Industrial capitalism emerged, with only two classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie.  

Marx’s Key Ideas for Communism

1. View of History- all history has been a class struggle

2. Labor Theory of Value- no competition. Value of an item is set by the amount of labor.

3. Nature of the State- gov’t is a tool for oppression and religion drives that. Rejects this idea

4. Dictatorship of the Proletariat- once everyone agreed with idea of a “classless society” the gov’t would wither away.

The Steps to Communism

Primitive Communism





Transition to Communism



The business owners or capitalists get richer while the workers do all the hard work.

The capitalists get more power to serve their own interests.

Capitalism creates a huge working-class of people who soon get angry at the way they are treated. They organise in unions and demand changes. This will lead to a revolution and Socialism…

Transition to Communism



In the Socialist revolution all the rulers – kings, churches, capitalists are got rid of.

The workers take control of the country to produce things for everyone.

Because nothing is made for profit, all people benefit from education and health.

These ideas spread across the world to create Communism….

Transition to Communism



The remaining capitalists put up a bitter fight, but the will of the people will always win.

As everyone now works together, war is a thing of the past – armies are not needed. Sharing means no police are needed. Everything is provided by the people – so money becomes a thing of the past.

All human activity goes towards benefiting each other – allowing all to live their lives to the full.

Socialism is different than Communism

• Socialism• Transitory phase between capitalism and

communism• Some elements of Capitalism remain

• Communism• Classless society in which all live by

working and not by owning• State is nonexistent• Wage system is abolished

Guide to Political Ideologies according to the cow.

• Socialism: You have two cows. The government takes one of your cows and gives it to your neighbor. You're both forced to join a cooperative where you have to teach your neighbor how to take care of his cow.

• Pure Communism: You have two cows. Your neighbor helps you take care of them and you all share the milk.

• Applied Communism: You have two cows. You have to take care of them but the government takes all the milk.

• Representative Democracy: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.
