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Page 3: Communication through AR

Abstract Communication is the one of the most important factor in Architec-tural !rm. As much important as the designing process, communication the design purpose and approach to the client is the crucial part of the presenta-tion. "ere are many methods of Architectural presentation within its industry and the common one is the 2-Dimention plans and drawings. As technology is developing the use of 3-Dimention rendering images and virtual environment has emerged into the method of presentation. However there is another tech-nology that will enhance a new better way of Architectural Communication, Augmented Reality technology.

As Augmented Reality has been immersed into the Architectural Industry, its ability have been explored and established in a lot of existed Ar-chitectural presentation. However a number of this type of presentation have not yet to be used commonly in this industry. Over the course of the project’s development, the exploration of Augmented Reality was able to close the gaps on many existing communication issues.

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AcknowledgementsI would like to thank Stephen Peter, Wesley Benn and Robert Walsh for their support and suggestion over the period of the project’s development. I am very appreciate all the time you all dedicated to me and for my project. And a very special thank to Wesley Benn for his project’s material that I obtained for the development of my project.

A very huge thank for my boss and workmate for your understanding and be-ing #exible on my working hours so I could dedicate most of the time develop-ing my project.

Also I would like to thank all my friends who always reminded me how im-portant this project is and help me get through toward the end of this project. "ank you for your support and encouragement.

Finally, to my parents, Mr and Mrs Rattanajaturon, thank you for all your sup-port and understanding throughout my academic life. "ank you for being my inspiration to keep up on the work of this graduation project.

"arida RattanajaturonB. Architectural Computing

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CONTENTS Chapter One– The Project Overview -04-

1.1 Introduction -05- 1.2 Background -06- 1.3 Aims & Objectives -07-� ����6LJQLÀFDQFHV� � � � � � � ����� ����'HÀQLQJ�,VVXHV� � � � � � � ����

Chapter Two – The Research for The development -10-

2.1 Precedent Studies -11- 2.1.1 Overview -11- 2.1.2 Qingdao Campus: An AR Architecture presentation -13- 2.1.3 Dynamic Compact Visualization for Augmented Reality -15- 2.1.4 “Crossmedia Book” by Caramelo Architects -17-� � ������$XJPHQWHG��'�SULQWLQJ� � � � � ����� � ������1X2IÀFH�$SSOLFDWLRQ� � � � � ���� 2.1.7 IKEA’s Augmented Reality Catalogue -23-� � ������$QJU\�%LUG�LQ�$XJPHQWHG�5HDOLW\� � � ����� � ������&RQFOXVLRQ� � � � � � ����� ����$XJPHQWHG�5HDOLW\�3ODWIRUP� � � � � ����� � ������$5�SODWIRUP� � � � � � ����� � ������&RQFOXVLRQ� � � � � � ����

Chapter Three – The Project Production -40-

3.1 Project Introduction -41- 3.2 Development Stages -42-� � ������0RGHO�UHÀQHPHQW�6WDJH�� � � � ����� �� � ������6HWWLQJ�XS�WKH�HQYLURQPHQW�6WDJH� � � ���� 3.2.3 Scripting & Coding Stage -54- 3.2.4 Publish to IOS device Stage -56-� ����7KH�)LQDO�3URGXFW� � � � � � � ����

Chapter Four – The Project Conclusion -70- � ����5HÁHFWLRQ� � � � � � � � ���� 4.2The Project Conclusion -73-

References -74-Appendix -77-

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1.1 IntroductionCommunication is the basic important factor for all industries. As each individual has di$erent knowledge and di$erent understanding towards particular content and idea therefore to ensure each individual acknowledge the content of particular concept in the same way the communication skill needs to be excusive.

In Architectural !rm, communication becomes the most important part of the whole process as most important as the designing procedure. Communication enables Archi-tects/designers to present their design approach to clients. Without good communica-tion skill, the design concept can be misunderstood.

To maximise the ability of Architectural Communication the use of up-to-date technol-ogy becomes an advantage when it comes to presentation part of the project. "ere are number of technology available within the industry however the most outstanding one on this matter is the Augmented Reality technology.

"is project will explore the use of Augmented Reality technology that can be used for the communication through the development of IOS application, conducting a better alternative way of Architectural presentation to the clients.

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1.2 BackgroundCommunication through Augmented Reality has not been commonly used in Architectural !rm even though this technology has long been introduced into this industry. "e use of Augmented Reality is commonly represented the presence of 2D tag location being used in the commercial industry. For Architectural !rm this technology can be further explored and develop. As the intention to develop a new way of Architectural pre-sentation through Augmented Reality, the understanding of the existing Augmented Reality projects needed to be determined.

"e Lynch house, as being a core material of this presentation is located on 47 Brown Road Lane Cove West Sydney NSW. "e house itself is running on the renovation to extend the house structure in the backyard.

As being a renovation session of the house therefore it is signi!cant for the Architect to provide the best visualization of the new appearance of the house to the client. Augmented Reality technology will plays it roles to close the gaps in all the communication issues occur in this process.

1) Upper second #oor external view

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1.3 Aim & ObjectivesTowards the end of the project I would like to create an IOS application implement-ed with the Augmented Reality technology to communicate the new structure of the house to the client. "e application will provide a good visualization of the new renovated house both exterior and interior. "e aim of my project is to illuminate any misunderstanding or unclear visualization of the house for the client and to pro-vide a convenience way for Architect/designer to present/communicate their design approach to their client.

!e objective of this project will seek to produce the following;

- Develop a unique IOS application available for iPhone and iPad. - Create 3D model of the house and attached them into their #oor plans and create Augmented Reality marker image to view the model out of the plans - Create a interactive tool to navigate through the interior of the house


By the end of this project will create its deliverables. "ese are list as followed;

- An IOS application created by Unity - Produce 4 x A4 target marker images for the application to view the Aug mented Reality model the target marker will also be places on the posters - Produce 8 x A3 poster presenting the project information (including the target marker) - Downloadable Unity project !le and codes used in the project.

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����6LJQLÀFDQFHV"e signi!cances of this project are that it is being a tool that transforms the ordinary 2D drawing or plans into 3D model to be viewed on the por-table device. "e new way of Architectural Communication will be intro-duced throughout the used of this application and technology.

"e production period is then very important in this matter. When step-ping into the exploration of technology it is very important to understand the limitation and ability of the technology itself. Augmented Reality technology available in the industry requires a basic knowledge of coding development. Especially when implementing this technology to other plat-form the code development knowledge is always important.

"e device uses for the installation of the application also need to have a required speci!cation according to the SDK kit being used as well as the quality of the 3D model that is used for the presentation.

2) Interior second #oor, folding glass doors


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����'HÀQLQJ�,VVXHV"roughout the progress of the project there are a lot of issues occurred over a peri-od of time. I would like to point out some main important issues that directly e$ects on the project development and time consumption.

- Cross platform model exportation: When exporting or importing model from a di$erent platform the main problem is that the model lose some of it information such as texture and model position. - Coding debugging: When working with code, with the lack of coding expe rience it could be di%cult to understand the error and !x up the issues - Model complexity: When working with large !le when publish the !le onto the low speci!cation such as iphone and ipad can be time consuming - "e limitation of free version of so&ware being used: I am using Unity game development to create and publish the application to the de vice. However it is limited for the developer’s user only not for commercial therefore it is impossible to publish an iphone/ ipad application to Apple iTune store, which is resulting in the no-access application to the public.


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2.1 Precedent Studies

2.1.1 Overview

"ere are seven precedent studies that I conducted in the !rst session of the project. "e studies focus on the existed Augmented Reality project that uses a similar method to what I would like to implement to my project. Some of the project is well-known and commonly seen in the industry.

"e studies on these project focus on its design, aim, objective and techniques being used as well as the nature function of the project itself to be inspiration and establish a good knowledge for my project development.

"e ideas and the way Augmented Reality being used in each project has been employed in to my project implementation. To develop a better application I learn from the things that each project le& out and improve that into my own project.

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3. Augmented REality presentaiont, marker image 4. Augmented REality presentaion using hand gesture

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2.1.2 Qingdao Campus: An Augmented Reality Architec-ture presentationReason of project study

For this very !rst precedent study, I decided to look at the way ar-chitectural presentation can be presented using augmented reality technology. As presentation is the most important part of the com-munication process between the designer/architect to the clients. "is project is quite an interesting project that used an augmented reality concept to be a core of the presentation.

About the project

"e project is based on the used of 3D motion tracking and timed 3D animation to present the plan of the renovation of the university cam-pus in China, Qingdao campus. "e content of presentation contains the studies of the environmental e$ect on the buildings and structure such as wind detection and climate change e$ect. "rough the gesture of the presentation the 3D animation was controlled. All animation scenes were rendered and used 3D motion tracking to trigger the animation. "is is a very engaging and interesting way of architectural presentation. Rather than using the normal video presentation this project has enlarged the use of AR technology and motion tracking to create a better communication to the audience. "e presenter can control the actual animation itself, allow them to pause of continue the presentation at any time.

Critical Analysis

Rather than just using a 2D plan or 3D animation, this project presentation allows audience to visualize and understand the con-tent of the presentation better as well as being engage with it.

In term of Augmented Reality, based on my research augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a compos-ite view, this project has carried out this concept well by taking out the 3D animation to be seen in real world and in the same time allows user to interact with it.

"is project has given me the idea of alternative way of architec-tural presentation that can be used to communicate the architect’s ideas to their clients. However the project has some limitation on itself. As the presentation was controlled by used the 3D motion tracking with rendered animation, meaning that the model cannot be presented in any other action. For example, the arrow showing the wind direction will not be activate if it cannot detect the cor-rect 3D tracking motion. Or even model cannot be viewed in any other perspective.

Taking into my project development

I think what I can take from this point is to develop a project in which all the users can simply interact with the model and investi-gate through it easily. Not only having the content to be presented in real world but to have it able to allow user to interact and have full control on the content of what is needed to be presented. - 13 -

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5. Dynamic compact for Augmented reality, presenting 2D information base on model shape

6.AR information on Airplane parts

7.AR information on Airplane parts

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2.1.3 Dynamic Compact Vi-sualization for Augmented Reality

Reason of project study

Another precedent studies that I look as is the dynamic compact visualiza-tion for augmented reality by Christian Doppler Laboratory. Not exactly an architectural communication this project focus on the communication to the user using augmented reality. More like an educational project, the used of AR technology was explored in this project. As can be relate back to what I want to do with my project. "e method of using the AR technology for presentation and for better communication to the user is the priority.

About the project

"e core idea of this project is to transform the 3D information into 3D model and pop up text annotation. "e used of the AR technology of this project is based on a 2D drawing, via smartphone the model of the content such as houses, buildings or airplanes pops up with the explanation text. "is help to improve the understanding of the user on the content of the target.

"e outstanding part of this project is that. Real world structure can be an-notated automatically by applying object recognition techniques. By having the application on the smartphone that has the function to recognise shape such as window, doors, walls, colums and etc. the text annotation can then be display on the smartphone’s screen.

Critical Analysis

"e idea of this project is to present or communication the information of the object through Augmented reality. What really interested me is that the concept to enhance the AR technology to be involved with the way informa-tion can be presented. "e fact that the project creates an application that can be used on the smartphone that widely used nowadays allows users to get access to this application easily. "is project provides an alternative way in terms of getting to the information that the creator would like to present.

Presenting the information in 3D can give an exclusion understanding on the content that the creator would like to communicate. It allows users to investigate and understand the content better. 3D model was created and at-tached to the AR technology to drive the understanding on the information presented.However the project itself can face the barriers. As the applica-tion is dealing with the shape recognition of the simple model in this case focusing on the annotation of the building structure part. Base on the shape recognition ability and the similarity of the content, the information that is shown could be wrong.

Taking into my project development

For this precedent study I really like the idea to transform a 2D information into 3D and show it in real world. When looking at the house plan, it can be di%cult sometime for the person who is not familiar with the drawing. In architectural drawing, symbols, lines, line thickness, everything represent some unique information. By having an alternative way of communication/presentation it can help user to understand the content better."e signi!cant part that need to be considered is that the accuracy of the model and how well the camera can capture the di$erent shape of object. Base on my other research, di$erent AR tools has di$erent ability to capture the image and present the model that attached to it. "erefore the crucial part of this is to !nd a good function AR platform to conduct a !nal product. - 15 -

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8. Sugmented Book by Caramelo Architects

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2.1.4 Augmented Book, “Crossmedia Book” by Cara-melo Architects

Reason of project study

As I am looking for a project that has the idea of using Augmented reality for com-munication I found this project is something direct relevant to what I want to do. By using ARmedia, a new way of architectural presentation can be used very e$ective. "is project also won the “Architect of the Year 2012” prize within the contest spon-sored by the Association of Corporate Real Estate Market. It just shows how AR technology can spread into many industry and one of them is the Real Estate that requires a new way of presentation and communication to the customer.

About the project

Augmented Book is created using ARmedia to present their Syene Corporate project which is an innovative way to talk about this project. "e book contains all the information about the building. To present the project the set up of Augmented Book was called a “crossmedia book”, which displays content using multimedia plat-form to communicate both online and o'ine. "e book employs tools such as the QRCode, the 2D barcode that can be scanned by most of the mobile phone ad the Augmented reality technology the platform used for this project was the ARmedia plugin for sketchUp.

"is project conveys how the architectural presentation can go beyond just the tra-ditional 2D presentation tools to explain the 3D nature of the building content. "e book is available to be downloaded online from the caramel o%cial website ( User can either just read o$ the book normally and can look for the 3D information through the use of application that can be downloaded in to the smartphone.

Via QRCode a building structure can be transform for simple #at 2D drawing into 3D rendered model. Allows users to understand the content that they wanted to present easily and better.

Critical Analysis

Like any other augmented reality project, this project employs a simple method of AR technology with a creation of idea to create a book to contain information about the building, that is what really interesting about this project.

"e quality of the model itself is rendered in a reasonable quality for the user to understand the content of the building. "e book also contains a quality render images of the building to give user a visualization of how the building would look like.

In terms of the presentation ideas and the layout, design of the book itself, the project has done that very well. "e aim of Augmented reality is to create a real world perspective for the user to view the building and to understand the expe-rience of it. What this project le& out is the interior experience of the user inside the building. As the project being produce to present all the information of the building therefore showing all information are essential. "e technology for the user interaction with the building was also not found in this project. Interaction allows user to understand the concept and information f the building better. What I think this project could improve is to create a walk through building view that can be controlled by the user.

Taking into my project development

"e whole idea of this project meets the aim of the book itself however what I can take into my project is that, the fact that the model pops up from the actual plan allows user to investigate between the 2D drawing and 3D model. "e objective of this project s also to communicate and pass on the content for the clients to under-stand which is relevant to what I would like to do. Relating to my project, what this project le& out can be improved on my project. - 17 -

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9 3D printing and Augmented reality


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2.1.5 Augmented 3D printingReason of project study

With the combination of augmented reality technology and the 3D model animation, this project has created a powerful presentation for their client. "e aim of this project is for the architect to review their design and present it to the client. As for the similar aim and tech-nique being used in this project that is what make this project worth to do a study for me.

About the project

"e project is called Augmented 3D printing and was created for an Architect Zaha Hadid. "e team that conduct this project was provid-ed a CAD of the new "e Eli & Edythe Broad Art Museum in Michi-gan then the drawing was processed and got into 3D printing a scale model. "e augmented reality technology comes in with the multiple layer of animation of the building that can be viewed on ipad includ-ed internal systems, outside environment, thermal wind #ow and geographical location. "e augmented reality animation based on the marker that the model sits on. "e 3D animation was created to !t the scale of the actual 3D model. "e di$erent function of the view can be choose on the ipad.

"e application was created for the user to view all the detail of the building. What make this project di$erent from most of the augment-ed reality project is that they combined the 3D structure of the build-ing with the animation AR technology to communicate the content of the building to the clients.

Critical Analysis

"e Augmented reality technology is now widely used and I believed that not many AR project has a combination of the physical model to the virtual environment model. Animation was created to show to information that needed to be presented. Crossing with the multime-dia technology, this project has delivered an e$ective tool for the new way of presentation.

"e way in which the application was made for an ipad was a signif-icant factor. It allow user to get into the information easily as it is a portable device. "e problem would occur when the user does not have an ios device, as there are a number of people that are android user. However that is just a tiny factor that depending on the require-ment of the project.

"e content of this project was rich with information about the in-#uences as stated before however it would be better to have a model viewed with the normal texture therefore the user can visualise the normal appearance of the building.

Taking into my project development

"e fact that this project was published on the ipad and allows user to interact with the application is something I would like to employ to my project. As it would allows user to have a full control and investigate through the information by themselves, which I think it is the best way for the user to understand of what the creator try to communicate. ������

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10. NuO%ce AR application shows the interaction with the user

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������1X2IÀFH�$SSOLFDWLRQReason of project study

As to support the new way of presenting the architectural content into the other market such as real estate this application can satisfy the need of that aim. As augmented reality become more common in the architectural !rm to present the content to their client therefore this application is one of a good example for me to study on in order to look at an advantage and disadvantage as well as the application structure in order to understand and create an application that is e$ective and satisfy the target market’s need.

About the project

"e NuO%ce Application launched by RE’FLEFT, it is the 3D of visual communication for an interactive presentation of real estate and architec-tural project. RE’FLEFT is the German Augmented Reality specialist that makes the real estate before construction become visible and tangible with the application structure that able to read out the marker and present it into 3D model that allows user to interact with it. Changing view grab, drag and rotate the model on the portable device. "is is a very good way in order to communicate and present the detail of the building or house.

Apart from visual and touch control the application also contains a sound information that will explain the technical details and complex component of the building as well. "e application links the print image into the digital content.

"e medium of this application and the 2D image is a portable device being in this fact it allows architect to present and communicate or explain each structure of the building to their client within the o%ce or any other conve-nience location.

Critical Analysis

Application such NuO%ce is something that is very interesting to be used in the advertising industry as well as for the architectural !rm to !nd a way to present their design in the e$ective way. "is application allows an in-teraction which the user has full control. Beyond the normal push button to demand the motion of the element, the touch detect that allows the user to rotate grab and drag the model is al so allows the user to understand the building better.

Sound is also another e$ective tools that allows a better communication however in term of understanding the building structure for the clients of buyer’s level. "e complex information of the structure may not require. If the aim of the presentation is for the particular industry such as structural builder or engineer then the sound explanation or even a pop up text would be advantage.

As well as to create a better understanding of communication I think it would be better to show the model the pop up from the actual plan not just the image the represent the building as the user can then investigate and see the link between the 2D drawing in the real world 3D model visualization.

Taking into my project development

What I can really take or what is really outstanding about this project is the function of the application itself. "e layout and the ability of what augment-ed reality technology can be implement into an application is what I would like to take and achieve in my project. "e interaction part is the most inter-esting and important for this project, allowing interaction as I always men-tion in the past precedent studies is very important for the communication matter therefore I would like to employ this function into my project if I can. - 21 -

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2.1.7 IKEA’s Augmented Re-ality Catalogue

Reason of project study

Augmented reality as on my previous precedent studies is now wide-ly used in many industries. "e aim of it is mainly to maximise the ability in the communication in term of presentation of the item of the building. "is project, Ikea’s AR catalogue implements this tech-nology into their catalogue, allows customers to view the item in the catalogue as well as investigate through them through the use of AR application on the iphone and android. What I will be looking into this project is the interactive action that the catalogue allows user to interface or interactive with such as the touch detection, position of item and the way users experience the application.

About the project

Like any other augmented reality presentation available these days, Ikea’s AR catalogue project introduces the AR technology into their catalogue for the customer to view the item in 3D model over the smartphone. Not just the interactive 3D model, which allows user to grab, rotate and reposition it, Ikea’s AR catalogue also contains a video of how-to instruction video clip to demonstrate the users of how to build up stu$s brought from Ikea.

11. Ihea’s catalogue demonstrates the virtual furniture in real world environment12. Ihea’s catalouge, AR model generate from the catalogue

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mined. Ikea has successfully combine this technology into their presentation and so create a fun and interesting presentation to their customer.In terms of technology being used, what this project application carries out is a high level of interaction of the users. As nowaday the smartphone of android and ios system is used widely therefore Ikea’s has covered the accessibility of the users to the application."e opportunities I think this project might take a step further is that the used of AR technology in their actual store. As dimension and other information of the item is signi!cant in this industry. By having the application that can provide an information about the particu-lar item while customer is at the store by having the smartphone to look at the item and the detail pops up would make it easier for the customer to see the information easier and faster. "erefore giving a better way of communication rather than just reading or measuring the dimension of the item themselves.

Taking into my project development

"e main concept that I would take into my project development would be the intention of the project that Ikea has. Not only to pro-vide a better presentation or communication, by having this applica-tion it allows others bene!t and in#uence in other factor of the !rm. I would like to implement this bene!t into my project as not to only focus on the communication itself but to look beyond the other factor

Not only to show users how would the item look in 3D view one of the feature that is very interesting is that, the application allows user to re position the item move it towards the room of any other space. "e model was build to the scale of an actual size (real world size) therefore the user can visualize how would the actual item look and !t into the real environment.

Critical Analysis

Ikea has implement an AR technology into their catalogue since 2012. "e !rst AR catalogue introduced only a simple AR technology, which used to view the item in 3D and with the feature video and photo gallery. Towards 2014, Ikea’s catalogue will be implementing on how the user can interact with the item in a virtual environment. "e idea to satisfy users need of item investigation and understating has always been priority. "e fact that "is project used of AR technology to improve on the communication between designer and buyers on how the actual item function and look shows Ikea’s attention to maximise the ability of the !rm’s marketing and technology.Beyond other furniture providers Ikea takes a step further in term of communication to the users/ customers. "is strategy of imple-menting this technology is the powerful way to grab and maintain the customers. Not only focusing on the technology of AR being use, this project actually shows a direct attention to improve on the customer services and so the relationship between the technology and rate of

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13. Angry bird in Augmented Reality

14. Angry bird from di$erent percpective

15. Angry bird from di$erent percpective

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2.1.8 Angry Bird in Augment-ed Reality

Reason of project study

Stepping into another industry that can be used AR technology to develop the product is the gaming industry. "e implementation of AR into gaming industry will focus on the interaction of the user over the AR model. By study into this precedent studies would gain me an understanding of how the interaction of the users can be derived as well as explore the ability of game writing platform such Unity that provide a function to create Aug-mented reality environment for a game.

About the project

"is project is another version of a smartphone famous game, angry bird. Not just a normal 3D interactive game anymore. "is project introduces a new way to play angry bird, in AR environment.

"e whole environment of the game was created in the Unity game develop-ment, with the coding that controlled the movement and interactive func-tion of the model. Allows player to experience this famous game in di$erent perspective allowing more exciting atmosphere and fun environment.

"is version of game require a target marker so when the smartphone shine to the marker the environment of the game is created. User can then rotate camera around the marker and see the environment in di$erent point of view. Player also controls the gun from the screen by dragging the model appear from AR model.

Critical Analysis

Up to these days, the only type of application truly bene!t from such AR technology are generally navigation-based, showing virtual directions and point of interest information on the screen. With the type of 2D gaming into 3D gaming graphic that has been developed, the next step of gaming industry is to have in an Augmented Reality environment and this project has explore and prove that idea and concept very well.

Unity is a power full gaming platform that has a function to publish the game environment into the smartphone both android and ios. What Unity has recently introduced is that to create these environments into AR virtual environment and this project is one of a good example to show that ability. With all of the function that this project has, it drives this project to be considered as a worth trying application that would give a total di$er-ence experience to the players.

"e same technology used in this project can be developed and expand into many game design. "e limitation that I can see from this project is the quality of the model being show as well as the motion tracking of the marker. However this limitation is all depend on the SDK being used. What I think this project has opportunity of is that, the project can be im-plement into many other games and so allows users to experience a virtual environment in the real world through a smartphone.

Taking into my project development

"e fact that the gaming platform being use such Unity, has guided me to the idea of using a gaming control platform to implement to the architec-tural communication for my project as well as the interaction that I can put into my project. - 25 -

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16.Example of augmented reality in architecture

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As from the precedent studies, the key element that I have learnt and implemented into my project is the main idea of how the Augmented reality being used within the project as well as it function and ability to maximise the ability of communication in terms of Architectural presentation.

Not only for the communication purpose, Augmented Reality can also be a main driver to improve other factors in its industry. For example, when using Augmented Reality in communication it provides a very easy convenience way for the Architect to present the work to the client, meaning at anywhere and anytime therefore the client then will be satisfy with the service and so client maintain. "e other important thing that Augmented Reality creates is the new exciting and interesting experience for the client. As being a virtual representation of the model in real world, it provides clients a new way to interact with the model itself there-fore it will reduce the process of time consuming when coming to the project presentation.

What comes next a&er the right technology being used is the interaction is always a good choice. When user/client has a control of the model position, movement and etc. It allows them to easily investigate through the content and therefore acknowledge it faster and better.

I have been using some of the main outstanding point from each project and together with my own knowl-edge to create a perfect tool for communication through Augmented Reality.

2.1.9 Conclusion

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17.Example of augmented reality in architecture 18.Example of augmented reality in architecture


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2.2 Augmented Reality Platform Research

2.2.1 AR platform"ere are a number of Augmented Reality platform available these days in the industry. Each platform has di$erent limitation and function. "e research I have taken demonstrates the di$erences and similarities in each platform.

"e main available platforms are list as followed;

- Metaio SDK - String SDK - Vuforia SDK - Unity 3D


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Metaio SDK

"is Augmented Reality set of SDK is available in both free and pro version. "e package contains an AR coding set, which can be implemented for both Android and IOS sys-tem. I have tried to use this SDK at the earlier stage of the project however I found it was quite hard to investigate and working with the complex model in this AR platform.

How does it work?As Metaio SDK is a package of the set of code that can be develop by the coding plat-form. For the Mac IOS system the Metaio SDK can be used with the Xcode application. "e setting of the application will need to follow the requirement of the code set provid-ed in the package. Metaio SDK allows users to use the existed generated target marker to track the attached model. Xcode will act as a platform to put all the code together and publish it onto the device.

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Why is Metaio SDK good?With a new version of the Metaio SDK it has improved the visualization quality and allows users to import their own model into the package. It is also allow a multi-threaded tracking and rendering pipeline. "is set of SDK has the ability to allows user to control the model being import automatically by iphone without having to generate any new code to control the action.

Why is Metaio SDK bad?From my own experience, I found it is quite confusing for me to use this SDK. As it does not allows users to see the position and the motion of the model while it is being generated to attach to the target image. Metaio is not an interactive application. It is only a set of code package, which require another step of coding development knowledge, which I think I am not in that point.

Allowance & LimitationWith a free version of the Metaio SDK, it allows user to creates as many as tracking marker as they like. However the pattern of the target maker need to be under the same template where the SDK required. "e limitation of this SDK would be the action of the animation model that cannot be place or adjust while using this free version. Meaning that the Augmented reality can only show the rendered still 3D model

19.Metaio simple marker 20. User interface with the interaction of touch screen and model rotation

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String SDK

As similar to Metaio SDK, String SDK is an alternative AR package that can be used to create the Augmented Reality application on both Android and IOS device. "e free demo version is available to download however another license is also available but each has its own allowance and limitation.

How does it work?As like other SDK String SDK also requires another appli-cation to implement its coding process and publish it to the device. However unlike the Metaio SDK String SDK does not provide any rendering tool for the model. It also does not allow the interaction between the user and the AR model. Sting SDK is commonly use for 2D Augmented Reality such as the presentation of tag location and image presented when the target marker is detected.

21. Example of AR project created by String SDK

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Why is String SDK good?String SDK has a simple project set of code where the user can use to develop any other application. In comparison to the tracking ability, the String SDK has a high performance in this area of ability.

Why is String SDK bad?As being the user myself, I found the tutorial of this String SDK is quite less comparing to other tutorial to other SDK. "erefore for the user that wishes to investigate through this SDK the high knowledge of coding system is required.

Allowance & LimitationFor the free version (demo) of String SDK, it only allows one marker to be track and does not allow user to publish the application on the itune. If user want to get the unlimited access to all the function a good amount of spend will be put down into this.

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In all amount the three AR SDKs this is the one I found the most useful and easy to investigate AR platform that I used for my proj-ect. Vuforia SDK contains the coding set to be used for Android, IOS and Unity development. It is the cross platform SDK that is available in the industry.

How does it work?Just like many other SDK, Vuforria SDK contains a set of AR coding set to be used to implement in other platform. It provides 4 di$erent target markers and allows user to create or personalise target marker to be used in the project.

Vuforia SDK

22. Augmented reality uses a shape of cylender as a target image

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Why is Vuforia SDK good?Vuforia is a total no cost Augmented Reality SDK. It has the ability to create AR project from simple to complex one. With the number of tuto-rial available in the industry, that makes Vuforia SDK becomes quite popular amount other SDK. "e outstanding part of this SDK is that, it has the web site that is used to rate the quality of the target maker, allows users to create their own target marker in a good tracking quality.

Why is Vuforia SDK bad?Based on number of review of the users, a lot of people do say in comparison to other SDK available, Vuforria SDK is the one that has poorest tracking performance.

Allowance & LimitationVuforia SDK allows users to conduct as many as model and target marker as they like and also has no limitation on the license.

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23. Unity Demo project demonstrate the user experience of light and shadow

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Unity 3D is a game development platform that allows user to create a game environment and publish it the both android and IOS system. Unity 3D provide the tool to create a simple object and allows users to import any complex models.

How does it work?Unity 3D incorporates between the 3D model and script command. "is is a powerful game engine that is used widely in the game industry. To-gether with the AR SDK is it a very interesting tool to create quality application on the IOS and android device.Why is Unity 3D good?Unity allows users to create any interaction between the model and the user via coding. "e multiple cameras can be used within the project to present the di$erent perspective of viewed in the model and this includes the AR Camera.Why is Unity 3D bad?"e only bad thing about the Unity 3D from my own experience is that Unity does not allows users to create complex model itself however im-porting method can be used instead.

Allowance & Limitation"e limitation of the free version of Unity 3D is that when publishing the Application on iphone device it does not allows user to publish the per-sonalised splash image. Some of the function on IOS device was also unavailable.

Unity 3D

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24. Sphero, Sharky, Augmented Reality Game


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2.2.2 Conclusion

By having to experiment and do a research on all the appli-cation, looking at the advantages and bad things on each AR platform allows me to choose to most suitable platform for my project. "e main two main platforms that I will be using is the Vuforia SDK and Unity 3D. As I found this two platforms contains all the function that I need and easy to use.

I am aiming to create the application that allows the device to track multiple target marker as well as create an inter-active environment for the application therefore these two platforms are the most suitable platforms for my project.


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3.1 Project Introduction Communication "rough Augmented Reality is the project aiming to con-duct and develop an IOS application that can be used as a tool for an Archi-tectural Communication. "e application employs the used of Augmented Reality technology to transform the simple 2D drawing and plans into 3D model being presented in real world environment, provides a new way of Architectural Communication.

"e application contains two main functions. "e !rst function is the Aug-mented Reality mode that can track 4 di$erent markers. "e markers are determined as #oor plans of the house. When the device’s camera point down to the #oor plans, the 3D model will pop up and follow the movement of the target markers. Another mode is the walk through mode. By using a button for user to control the camera to walk through the interior part of the house therefore allows users to experience the condition and atmosphere of the interior part of the house.

"roughout the research and precedent studies part of this project, the two main points that I would like to develop into my project is the Augmented Reality presentation and the interaction of the users to control the experi-ence of the building interface. And with the use of available technology and tool I am now able to create a !nal production of my project.

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3.2 Development Stages


Beginning with the !rst stage of my project production, the material of the project was given from Wesley Benn. All the components given are listed as followed;

- Lynch house Revit Model (Created in Revit 2014, .rvt !le)- Site Survey plan (.pdf !le)- Construction Report (.pdf !le)- Images of existing house (.jpeg !le)- Lynch house 3D environment walk through (.ls3 !le)- Image of site location (.jpeg !le) - Set of elevation and #oor plans (.pdf !le)

As I will be working with the Unity 3D platform therefore I need to prepare the model !le to be suitable with in the application. Revit does not support any exported !le type for Unity 3D therefore a few cross platform !le transferred is required.

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25. Front side of the house 26.North Elevation of the house

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I start of with exporting the Revit Model into .IFC !le (2x3) and importing it into ArchiCad 17. "e reason I am taking this steps because when export-ing .IFC !le some application such as 3Ds max cannot obtain the texture detail of the model therefore I results in the plain model with no texture. "e solution for this is the export the model into the BIM development tool such as AriCad 17.

However when importing the model into ArchiCad 17 the texture of the model is di$erent from the original one therefore I need to apply the similar texture and I am doing this in Google SketchUp as it allows similar texture to be applied to the model.

In this step of model transferring I have also re!ne the model as some part of the model is missing. And also did an AR test with the plugin in Sketch-Up to see if the model working !ne in AR mode. And the result is quite satis!ed.

27. Model imported into ArchiCad 28. Export option in ArchiCad 17 for SketchUp !le

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29. Model imported to GoogleSketchUp with texture panal

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Next step is to get model ready for Unity 3D. "e SketchUp !le than is exported as the 3D model in .dae format. "erefore !le converter required to convert the !le in to .(x !le.

Model is now can be imported to Unity 3D. Some setting up with the texture was required and up to this stage I am now have the model ready for the Augmented Reality environment.

31. Texture/material in Unity folder31. 3D exporting menu option in SketchUp

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32. Model imported into Unity, with no texture being applied

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33. First Floor model 34. Second Floor Model


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I am planning to have 4 target images for the camera to track and show the model. "erefore I have created 4 di$erent target images to repre-sent the #oor plans of the house.

"e target marker images include the !rst #oor plan, second #oor plan, roof plan and the site #oor plan.

35. Whole House model 36. House model with the surrounded Environment


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To accomplish the model into the plans I need to separate them into a group, the grouping method in Unity is called prefab. I created a prefab of di$erent plans and attach it in its own target image.

"e target image needs to be imported into the Unity environment as Unity package assets. To create this package, I use the target image devel-opment tool available online from Vuforia website and import it into the project. Stars rate under each target image determines a camera detection performance of each image.

First Flootr Model Prefab

Second Flootr Model Prefab

Roof Model Prefab

Environment Model Prefab

37. Project’s Hirachy view

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5 starts rate target image that is best to be used as a target image for Augmented Reality camera.

38. Target Images evaluation in Vuforia Target manage- - 51 -

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39. Intervire view from Unity 40. Exterior view from Unity

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41. Exterior view from Unity

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3.2.3 Scripting and Coding"ere are several codes used in this project. As stated before the application is created with two main modes therefore the code is created in command two functions.

Augmented Reality Mode

"e code that used for this mode is from the Vuforia SDK, I have imported the TargetMarket set of code and adjust the value and determine the target image to the model. "e ARCamera carries out the set of code to call the target image with the mod-el to be apprear on the screen whrn the target image is found

Walk though Mode

With the used of button to control the motion of camera being used, therefore the main code is to create a button and activate the movement when button being pressed. Each o&he #oor acts as one whole model, each model id placed an attached on the target image, will be called when the command from AR code trigger. "ere are several cammara each attach to the each mod-el and the button control code is used to command the motion of the camera to create a walk trhough experience in the model.

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"e structure of coding system in this application can be lay out as in the diagram. As shown there is a link control between the two mode this function is command by AR camera to call out the model when the camera !nd the particular target image.

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3.2.4 Publish to IOS device Stage

When publishing the application to IOS device there are a few set-ting on the server and Unity platform that is needed to be done.

Setting on Apple Developer

As it is a requirement for Apple product that any application that will be publish to IOS device needed to be registered under the development program with a membership charge. "e setting up of device serial number is required as well as some other setting. When publishing the application on Itune store the application need to be submitted and reviewed by the Apple application ap-prover. "is process usually take around 2-3 Weeks time.

Setting on Unity 3D

To publish the application onto IOS device some set up on Unity is also required to determined to !nal destination and detail of the application.

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42. First dra& Augmented Reality from Vuforia SDK on Ipad

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43. "e application main manu page, control by button to navigate between two modes


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3.3 The Final Product"e !nal product if this project is an IOS application called “ARApplication” being install on my iphone 4s and ipad 2nd Generation.


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Walk Through mode

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Walk Through mode

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"roughout the exploration of the Augmented Reality technology, the aim and objective of this project can de satis!ed. With a number of researches and precedent studies being taken along the project, it has allowed me to understand and aware of how Augmented Reality technology can in#uence in the Architectural !rm. By having to use the existing developed technolo-gy the signi!cant part of the communication can be developed and maxi-mised the ability or Architectural Presentation. Communication is always one of the most importance part of Architectural presentation and so as being within this industry it is a role play for Architectural Computing Stu-dents to look for an innovative way to develop that quality of the work and so “Communication "rough Augmented Reality” is one of the project that help to enhance this technology into the Architectural !rm.

4.1 The Project Conclusion

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����5HÁHFWLRQBy having to work though this project from the scratch, this project has proved to be quite challenging but enjoyable in the same time. As the !rst few weeks I was not really sure of what I am capable of. "e !nal outcome of this graduation project seems to be far from what I have imagined. With the help of the tutors and support from friends I then came up with this !nal product of a project. Overall I am satis!ed with the outcome.

"e problems I faced during this project were something really stressful for me. I was really concern about all about the proj-ect progress about my ability to conduct a !nal product and now I have reached my goal.

"is project contained most of my knowledge and experience I have gained during the last 3 years enrolling into this pro-gram. Unity coding skill, website development skill and modelling skill from the !rst year. Understanding the concept of building information, investigate and conduct through the building plans from the second years and lastly in this !nal year, to implement on all of what I can do into a single !nal graduation project.

It is very interesting to see how everyone has achieved to their goals of the project. I have gained a lot of experience and very glad to attend to this course for the last 15 weeks, And I hope I will be using all my knowledge and skills gained in my future work place.

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References:-WordPress. (2012). Qingdao Campus: A presentation architecture augmented reality. Available: Last accessed 1st Nov 2013.

-Tobias Langlotz. (2013). DYNAMIC COMPACT VISUALIZATIONS FOR AUGMENTED REALITY. Available: Last accessed 22nd Oct 2013.

- Social Compare. (2013). Augmented Reality SDK Comparison. Available: Last accessed 22nd Oct 2013.

- Qualcomm. (2013). Augmented Reality SDK Comparison. Available: Last accessed 5th Nov 2013.

- Caramelo Architects. (2012). Augmented Book. Available: Last accessed 1st Nov 2013.

- DESSI. (2012). CROSS-MEDIA BOOK USING AR IN DESIGN PRESENTATION. Available: Last accessed 1st Nov 2013.

- Tech News. (2011). Augmented Reality Brings 3-D to Retail. Available: Last accessed 1st Nov 2013.

- Inition. (2013). Augmented 3D printing for Zaha Hadid from Inition. Available: Last accessed 1st Nov 2013.

- Marcus Fairs. (2013). Inition develops “augmented 3D printing” for architects. Available: Last accessed 5th Nov 2013.

- real at real. (2013). Creeps - Augmented reality for kids. Available: Last accessed 5th Nov 2013.

- Mashable. (2013). Virtually Furnish a Room With IKEA’s Augmented Reality Catalog. Available: Last accessed 5th Nov 2013.

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- Christopher Ratchli$. (2013). Augmented reality: the Ikea catalogue and beyonf. Available: Last accessed 5th Nov 2013

- Caroline Williamson . (2013). TRY IKEA FURNITURE IN YOUR HOME WITH AUGMENTED REALITY APP. Available: Last accessed 10th Oct 2013.

- Make use of. (2013). AR Games: Is "is "e Future of Gaming?. Available: Last accessed 7th Nov 2013.

Image References:1.Screen shot of model from Unity 3D2. Ibid.3. Image capture from the video from websit : Ibid.5. .!les/styles/feature_image/public/3D%20Print%20Show%20C.JPG10. https://( http://gigaom2.!!leadmin/user_upload/images/sdk/tutorials/01_02.png20.!leadmin/upload/images/2013/new_products/IMG-SDK_bene!ts_03.jpg21.

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22.!les/rotor-images/home_rotor_2-6.png23. Image captured from Revit model26. Ibid27. Image captured form ArchiCad28.Ibid29. Image captured from GoogleSketchUp30. Ibid31. Image captured from Unity32. Ibid33. Ibid34. Ibid35. Ibid36. Ibid37. Ibid38. Image capture from Unity40.Ibid41.Ibid42. Photograph was taken by me.

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Appendix:Scripts used in the project: onGUIAR.js

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Scripts used in the project: onGUIExterior.js


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Scripts used in the project: onGUIStart.js


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Scripts used in the project: onGUIMain.js


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Scripts used in the project: onGUIFirst.js


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Scripts used in the project: onGUISecond.js


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