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Page 2: Commercial

An acknowledgment should be written when you receive merchandise, material, money, or information. Such a letter is a courtesy, letting your reader know that his communication has reached its destination. When the matter received was not an order, and acknowledgment can also serve a thank-you note.

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GUBU TOY’S 5500 Street, 96th Street Omaha, Nerrasha 68127

March 21, 2012

Mr. Gus Andrea Quality Industries 1876 Magnolia Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48233 Dear Mr. Andrea: Thank you for sending us the contract to service all of Quality’s office machines for the next three years. We will place it in a safe. We know that your Company is a recognized Industry and it is a pleasure to work with you. If you need something, please call us.

Respectly Yours,

Elisa Ortiz Camas President

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After a decision or agreement has been made, either at a meeting or in conversation, it is a good idea to send a follow-up letter to establish a written record of the transaction.

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QUALITY INDUSTRIES 1870 Magnolia Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48233

March 26, 2012 Mr. Elisa Ortiz GUBU TOY’S 5500 South 96th Street Omaha, Nebrasha 68127 Dear Mr. Ortiz: In relation with the contract, we would like to know when are you going to start with my services how much time your team will take per day, and which day does your team are coming to our company. We will be glad that your respond us as soon as possible.

Sincerely Yours,

Gus Andrea President

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Confirmations are routine for such businesses as hotels and travel agencies, but other businesses may also need to send them. Such confirmations are frequently made by telephone, but a form letter or postcard also effectively transmits clear, correct, and complete information, particularly when the type of business requires large numbers of confirmations. As is often the case, however, a letter written to a specific individual can turn that customer into a regular customer by adding a personal touch.

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Fulson Contractors,Inc. 4444 Western Avenue

Boulder, Colorado 80301

April 12, 2012 Mr. Justin Michaels 622 Garth Street Boulder, Colorado 80321 Dear Mr. Michaels: This letter is to confirm the lunch date which will be placed at trattoria Di Marco, at the corner of Tenth Street and Western Avenue, April 20 at 1 p.m. If you have any inconvenient, please let me know and we would change the date.

Sincerely Yours,

Nancy Carson Architect

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Companies of the request that their bill. This letter should contain any information regarding your order that is needed for the proper crediting of your account: include your account number, the invoice number, and the amount of the check. Do not include extra information that may confuse an accounts receivable clerk.

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QUALITY INDUSTRIES 1876 Magnolia Boulevard Detract Michigan 48233

April 12, 2012

Mr. Robert Perez GUBU TOY’S 5500 South 96th Street Ohama, Nebrasha 68127 Dear Mr. Perez: The enclosed check No. 0015813 for $120.42 is in payment of the contract to service of Quality if office machines.

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Gus Andrea Sales Manager

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The confirmation of an order helps to establish goodwill by reassuring the customer that the order has been received. Whatever the circumstance, should contain specific information. It express your appreciation for the order and assure the customer that it will be filled. The letter may also include a description of the merchandise to reaffirm the wisdom of the customer’s purchase.

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WALLMART 2019 Logan Street

Paramus, New Jersey 70622

April 11, 2012

Mr. Eddy Ortiz BDRM Bedding Store 259 Easton Avenue Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18115 Dear Mr. Ortiz: Thank you for your recent order of March 31, 2012. We are delighted to have you as a new client. The first consignment win be shipped on April 15 and the second are will be shipped when the Twin and Queen Microfiber sheet are in stock, approximately on April 30. The partial shipment will be sent by Air Express and the payment would be charge on delivery.


Elisa Ortiz Sales Representative

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Similar to delayed delivery letter, a stopgap letter informs your customer that you need time to process the request. A stopgap letter can also be helpful if you immediate supervisor is out of town. You can assure your reader that his letter will be given to your employer as soon as he returns.

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LAWSEN LINEN COMPANY Box 762 Bloomfield New Jersey 07003 April 20, 2012 Mrs. Marianne Rollins 44 Ross Avenue, Caldwell New Jersey 07006 Mrs. Marianne Rollins: We are acknowledging your inquiry of April 15 for the sheets of Floral Mist queen-size and pillowcases. Unfortunately due to a factory Strike, all orders have been held up, but we assure you that negotiations are progressing and a settlement is expected, soon we will ship the order as it soon as the problem is solved. Yours very truly Elisa Ortiz Reservations

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All inquiries should be answered, even those that, for some reason, cannot be given a complete response, indicate interest in your company, and an inquirer is a potential customer. You should include not only the specific facts requested, but any others that may be of help.

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The Hampshire School of Etiquette 1528 SE 3rd Avenue Phone Number: 78821-4432 Portland, Oregon April 25,2012 Mrs. Cindy Jones 1234 NE Hancock Brive Woodininville, WAC 98072 Dear Mrs. Jones: Thank you for your interest in coming to our school for the etiquette class. We know that it is important to our students to learn etiquette rules. We do not have available space due to an over whelming response to next months weekly classes. But we have a special seminar entitled” Etiquette for tweens” that will be available on Saturday afternoons for the next four weeks. If you are interested in knowing more, we will send you a brochure of the class description and an enrollment form. We also assure that this special program will give our students the confident and poise in everyday and formal situations. We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that you have a chance to look over the materials. Yours sincerely,

Lisbeth Jiménez Coordinator

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Business people often receive inquiries that can best be answered by another person. In that case, the correspondent must be directed elsewhere. A letter of referral acknowledges receipt of the inquiry and explains why and to whom it is being referred. Alternately, your may find it more efficient to tell the correspondent exactly where and to whom he should write.

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THE HAPSHIRE SCHOOL OF ETIQUETTE 1528 Street 3rd. Avenue Portland 78821-4432 April 23, 2012 Mrs. Jones Maxine Sportswear Manufacturing 842 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10018 Dear Mrs. Jones: We are acknowledging your request for information on wholesale prince on Sportswear. We cannot supply the requested information that you need; therefore, we are referring your letter to Mr. James Wang at the 4069 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10077. We can reassure you that he will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Sincerely , Eliza Ortiz Manager

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There are many times when a businessperson must say “no”. When saying “no”, you should never actually use the word “no”. Your letter should be as positive as you can make it. The actual refusal should be stated once and briefly. The rest of the letter should be reader-oriented and very friendly. No matter what the request, your reader deserves an explanation of your refusal.

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Nashua NH 03051

April 25, 2012

Mr. Rogelio Ortiz Pacific Growth 2785 Kimberly Melbourne Australia Dear Mr. Ortiz: Thank you for your recent request of the bar-code scanning Equipment. Unfortunately, we cannot give you the discount of 25% in your purchase however; we can offer you a 10% discount for the total amount if you pay in cash. We look forward to hearing from you.


Mr. Edwards

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