Download pdf - Combo Disciplines 1.3

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    Combo Disci

    Name 1st Lvl 2nd Lvl

     Aegis of Entropy 1 Fortitude 3

     Aegis of Entropy Fortitude 3 1

     Armory of the Abyss Obtenebration 3 Potence 3

     Armory of the Abyss Potence 3 Obtenebration 3

     Armory of the Abyss Fortitude 3 Obtenebration 3

    Mortis 5 Auspex 4

     Anticipatory Location Auspex 4 Obfuscate 3

    Becoming upa!a " #icissitude "

    Becoming upa!a #icissitude " "

    $haron%s Oar Mortis &'igrimancy( 5 Auspex 5

     Anticipatory #isage Auspex 4 Obfuscate 3

     Auspex 4 Mortis 5

    $!arity of Emptiness ) Auspex 1

    $!arity of Emptiness Obtenebration ) Auspex 1

    Obtenebration ) *ominate )

    *ominate ) Obtenebration )

    Fortitude ) +otence )

    +otence ) Fortitude )

    ) +otence )

    *ominate 5 Obtenebration 5

    Mortis &,he -ra.e/s*ecay(

    Mortis &,he -ra.e/s*ecay(

     A0aen the 2!umbering$urse

    o!dunic 2orcery&ay of 2pirit(

    o!dunic 2orcery&ay of 2pirit(

     A0aen the 2!umbering$urse

    Mortis (The Corpsein the Monster)

    Echo of the 2ubt!e#iier 

    Echo of the 2ubt!e#iier 

    Effigy of the 2cu!pted,omb

    Effigy of the 2cu!pted,omb

    Effigy of the 2cu!pted,omb

    Mortis &,he -ra.e/s*ecay(

    Eminence of2hade$on6ueringB!ood

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    Obtenebration 5 *ominate 5

    icissitude 5 *ominate 5

    arrior #a!eren 4 Auspex 4

    Beast/s $ommunion Auspex 4 Anima!ism 3

    F!aying ,ouch #icissitude ) +otence )

    F!aying ,ouch +otence ) #icissitude )

    Fountain of 7!! 8umors +otence ) 3

    Fountain of 7!! 8umors 3 +otence )

    -!are of Lies #a!eren 1 Auspex )

    B!essing/s arning Auspex ) *aimoinon 1

    B!ood Apocrypha Auspex 1 Obfuscate 1

    $e!erity 1 Auspex 1

    9a0s of the *racon o!dunic 2orcery : 2pecia! 2pecia!

    Measure the i!! *ominate ) Auspex )

    $a!! upon the B!ood Auspex 3 Anima!ism 3

    +enitent ;esi!ience #a!eren 4 Fortitude 3

    +enitent ;esi!ience Fortitude 3 #a!eren 4

    ,emporis 3 Auspex )

     Auspex 3 *ementation )

    #icissitude ) Fortitude 3

    Fortitude 3 #icissitude )

    2ee the ,rue 2hape #icissitude ) Auspex )

    Eminence of2hade$on6ueringB!ood

    Eminence of2hade$on6ueringB!ood

    Eye of

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    $haron%s Oar Auspex 5 Mortis &'igrimancy( 5

    2tunning A0e *ominate ) +resence )

    2tunning A0e +resence ) *ominate )

     Anima!ism 5 #icissitude 4

    #icissitude 4 Anima!ism 5

    itness of Ahriman *ominate 3 Obtenebration 3

    itness of Ahriman Obtenebration 3 *ominate 3

     Aura of Accursed ;age Anima!ism 3 +resence )

     Aura of Accursed ;age +resence ) Anima!ism 3

    Bear/s 2in Anima!ism ) +rotean 4

    Bear/s 2in +rotean 4 Anima!ism )

    Beast/s #igor Anima!ism 3 Fortitude 3

    Beast/s #igor Fortitude 3 Anima!ism 3

    B!essing/s arning *aimoinon 1 Auspex )

    $!arity of Emptiness Auspex 1 )

    $raft Ephemera $himerstry 5 Fortitude 3

    $raft Ephemera Fortitude 3 $himerstry 5

    *rin the Mind !uietus 5 Auspex 4

    *rin the Mind 5 Auspex 4

    $orpse +ro>ection Auspex 5 Mortis "

    Fenris/ ,a!ons Fortitude ) +rotean )

    Fenris/ ,a!ons +rotean ) Fortitude )

    Fera! 7mbuing Anima!ism 4 +otence )

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    Fera! 7mbuing +otence ) Anima!ism 4

     Anima!ism 1 Ogham 1

    Ogham 1 Anima!ism 1

    *ip!omat/s Boon Auspex 3 +resence 5

    -uardian #igi! $e!erity 1 Auspex 1

    -uardian #igi! Fortitude 1 $e!erity 1

    8atch the #iper +rotean ) 2erpentis 4

    8atch the #iper 2erpentis 4 +rotean )

    Loi/s -ift Anima!ism 4 +rotean 4

    Loi/s -ift +rotean 4 Anima!ism 4

    Long March $e!erity ) Fortitude )

    Long March Fortitude ) $e!erity )

    *oub!e ,a! Auspex ) $e!erity 1

    Maddening 8a!o *ementation 3 Auspex )

    Memory ;ift Obfuscate ) +resence )

    Memory ;ift +resence ) Obfuscate )

    *oub!e ,ongue Auspex 3 +resence "

    Mystic 2ight ,haumaturgy ) Auspex )

    *raught of the 2ou! Auspex 4 =uietus 5

    =uicened 7nstincts $e!erity ) Auspex 1

    ;espite of Lucidity Anima!ism 5 *ementation )

    ;espite of Lucidity *ementation ) Anima!ism 5

    ;etain the =uic B!ood $e!erity 3 =uietus 3

    ;etain the =uic B!ood =uietus 3 $e!erity 3

    *rin the Mind Auspex 4 !uietus 5

    -oddess AmongBeasts

    -oddess AmongBeasts

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2cent of $aine 1 Auspex )

    2courge the ,hra!! Anima!ism 4 Fortitude 4

    2courge the ,hra!! Fortitude 4 Anima!ism 4

    Enhance 2ensation Auspex 3 +resence 3

    2ee the ,rue Form +rotean 4 Auspex )

    +resence 3 2erpentis )

    2erpentis ) +resence 3

    2hado0 Feint $e!erity ) Obfuscate )

    2hado0 Feint Obfuscate ) $e!erity )

    2hared Entombment %nimalism 1 +rotean 3

    2hared Entombment +rotean 3 %nimalism 1

    2hared Entombment Potence 1 Protean 3

     Auspex 4 arrior #a!eren 4

    2hattered Fog +rotean 5 +rotean 1

    2pectra! +uppeteer *ominate 5 Auspex 5

    Eyes of B!ades Auspex ) $e!erity 3

    2tone Me!d Fortitude ) +rotean 3

    2tone Me!d +rotean 3 Fortitude )

    2ympathetic Agony $himerstry ) Fortitude 4

    2ympathetic Agony Fortitude 4 $himerstry )

    ,orpid 8ibernation Fortitude 3 +rotean 3

    ,orpid 8ibernation +rotean 3 Fortitude 3

    ,ree Me!d Ogham 1 +rotean 3

    ,haumaturgy &;ego#itae(

    2erpent/s 'umbingiss

    2erpent/s 'umbingiss

    Eye of

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    ,ree Me!d +rotean 3 Ogham 1

    ,rue Lo.e/s Face Obfuscate 3 +resence 3

    ,rue Lo.e/s Face +resence 3 Obfuscate 3

    hispers of Loathing *ementation ) Auspex 4

    -!are of Lies Auspex ) #a!eren 1

    o!f/s Lament Anima!ism 1 Obfuscate )

    o!f/s Lament Obfuscate ) Anima!ism 1

    Beast/s $ommunion Anima!ism 3 Auspex 4

    -uardian #igi! Auspex 1 $e!erity 1

    Morta! 2in *ominate 3 Obfuscate 3

    Morta! 2in Obfuscate 3 *ominate 3

    Ennoia/s Mastery Anima!ism 1 +rotean 3

    Ennoia/s Mastery +rotean 3 Anima!ism 1

     Anima!ism 4 +rotean 4

    +rotean 4 Anima!ism 4

    -uardian #igi! Auspex 1 $e!erity 1

    ,est the ;oad Anima!ism 3 Auspex )

    7nspire -reatness Presence 3 Fortitude )

    7nspire -reatness Fortitude ) +resence 3

    7nspire -reatness Potence ) +resence 3

    Dominate 4 Auspex 4

    Presence 4 Auspex 4

    ;e.oe the -ift of Adam

    ;e.oe the -ift of Adam

    2ound of a BreaingOath

    2ound of a BreaingOath

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


     Auspex 1 $e!erity 1

    ,rue ,ongue *ominate ) +resence )

    ,rue ,ongue +resence ) *ominate )

    8a!o of 2tee! Fortitude 3 i!!po0er "

    8a!o of 2tee! i!!po0er " Fortitude 3

    Moment of -race *ominate 4 +resence 3

    Moment of -race +resence 3 *ominate 4

    ;ighteous -ae +otence 3 +resence )

    ;ighteous -ae +resence ) +otence 3

    Enhance 2ensation icissitude ) Auspex 3

    8eart/s *esire Auspex 4 $himerstry )

    Enhance 2ensation +resence 3 Auspex 3

    #icissitude ) Auspex 3

    Lesson in the 2tee! Auspex 1 Fortitude 3

    Maddening 8a!o Auspex ) *ementation 3

    #ei! the 2in Daimoinon ) Obfuscate )

    #ei! the 2in Obfuscate ) Daimoinon )

    Madman%s =ui!! Auspex 3 *ementation #ariab!e

    Obfuscate 3 Auspex )

    Presence 3 Auspex )

    2hroud of Absence *ominate 3 Obtenebration 3

    2hroud of Absence Obtenebration 3 *ominate 3

    Birth the #ohd #icissitude " Anima!ism "

    8and of the Master Artisan

    ;ecord ;eca!!2ensation

    ard the 2ou!/s2anctity

    ard the 2ou!/s2anctity

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    Birth the #ohd Anima!ism " #icissitude "

    +ater 2!achta #icissitude 3 +rotean 4

    +ater 2!achta +rotean 4 #icissitude 3

    2ou! *ecoration #icissitude 3 Auspex )

    Martyr/s ;esi!ence Auspex 4 Fortitude :

    2ou! *ecoration Obfuscate ) Auspex )

    Mas6ue of 9udas Auspex 4 Obfuscate 3

    ,haumaturgica! 2ight ,haumaturgy 1 Auspex )

    Forced March $e!erity ) Fortitude )

    Forced March Fortitude ) $e!erity )

    2hado0 Feint $e!erity ) Obfuscate )

    2hado0 Feint Obfuscate ) $e!erity )

    ,rue Lo.e/s Face Obfuscate 3 +resence 3

    ,rue Lo.e/s Face +resence 3 Obfuscate 3

    ,yphonic Beast +otence 3 2erpentis 4

    ,yphonic Beast 2erpentis 4 +otence 3

    Measure the i!! Auspex ) *ominate )

    eigh the 8eart 2erpentis 5 Auspex 3

    Beast Me!d Anima!ism 3 +rotean "

    Beast Me!d +rotean " Anima!ism 3

    $!a0 7mmunity Anima!ism ) Fortitude 4

    $!a0 7mmunity Fortitude 4 Anima!ism 4

    F!esh ound Fortitude ) Obfuscate 3

    F!esh ound Obfuscate 3 Fortitude 3

    Mind of the i!ds Auspex 4 Anima!ism )

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    +rotean 4 Auspex 4

    B!iss *ominate ) +resence 3

    B!iss +resence 3 *ominate )

    Mind/s Eye Auspex 4 *ominate 3

    *oub!e ,a! $e!erity 1 Auspex )

    *oub!e ,a! Obfuscate 1 $e!erity 1

    Mood 2hift Auspex ) *ominate 4

    2ou! +ainting +resence ) Auspex 4

    Burning rath $e!erity 3 +otence 3

    Burning rath +otence 3 $e!erity 3

    7ron 8eart +otence 3 +resence 3

    7ron 8eart +resence 3 +otence 3

    Mystic 2ight Auspex ) ,haumaturgy )

    +u!se of

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    Mas of $athay $himerstry 3 Anima!ism 3

    2ympathetic Agony $himerstry ) Fortitude 4

    2ympathetic Agony Fortitude 4 $himerstry )

    *ominate 4 +resence 4

    +resence 4 *ominate 4

    *ar 2tee! Obtenebration 3 +otence 3

    *ar 2tee! +otence 3 Obtenebration 3

    2hado0ed Eyes Obtenebration 3 Auspex 3

    'ightmare $urse Auspex 4 $himerstry 5

    2mothering *arness Obtenebration ) Obfuscate 1

    2mothering *arness Obfuscate 1 Obtenebration )

    +resence 3 Anima!ism )

     Anima!ism ) +resence 3

    *ip!omat/s Boon +resence 5 Auspex 3

    +rophecy Auspex 4 *ementation 3*oub!e ,ongue +resence " Auspex 3

    +sychic *oub!e Auspex 5 Obfuscate 3

    Espirit *e $orps +otence 5 +resence 5

    Espirit *e $orps +resence 5 +otence 5

    B!ood ,empering Fortitude ) =uietus 4

    B!ood ,empering =uietus 4 Fortitude )

    $a!! the i!d 8unt Anima!ism 5 +rotean 4

    $a!! the i!d 8unt +rotean 4 Anima!ism 5

     Aura of 7nescapeab!e,ruth

     Aura of 7nescapeab!e,ruth

    $ommand the ary2teed

    $ommand the ary2teed

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    +u!se of

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    o!f%s Lament Anima!ism 1 Obfuscate )

    o!f%s Lament Obfuscate 1 Anima!ism )

    *aimoinon 5 +resence 3

    +resence 3 *aimoinon 5

    2ee the ,rue Form Auspex ) +rotean 4

     Anticipatory Location Obfuscate 3 Auspex 4

    2ee the ,rue 2hape Auspex ) #icissitude )

     Anticipatory #isage Obfuscate 3 Auspex 4

    $e!erity ) #icissitude 3

    #icissitude 3 $e!erity )

    $e!erity ) Protean 5

    Protean 5 $e!erity )

    Obtenebration 5 $e!erity )

    7ron Facade Fortitude 1 Obfuscate 3

    7ron Facade Obfuscate 3 Fortitude 1

    2hado0ed Eyes Auspex 3 Obtenebration 3

    Mind/s Eye *ominate 3 Auspex 4

    Morta! ,error Anima!ism 3 +resence )

    Morta! ,error +resence ) Anima!ism 3

    2hattered Fog Auspex 1 +rotean 5

    'ame of the Fa!!en ,haumaturgy 1 Auspex 3

    2ou! *ecoration Auspex ) Obfuscate )

    =uicen 2ight $e!erity ) Auspex 1

    Lesser ;ite of2ummoning

    Lesser ;ite of2ummoning

    F!esh of ind andater 

    F!esh of ind andater 




  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2ou! +ainting Auspex 4 +resence )

    ;andom +atterns *ementation ) Auspex )

    2anguinary Expu!sion Fortitude ) Protean 3

    2anguinary Expu!sion Protean 3 Fortitude )

    2anguinary Expu!sion Thaumatur"# 3 Fortitude )

     Aspect of the Beast Anima!ism 3 *ominate 3

     Aspect of the Beast *ominate 3 Anima!ism 3

    $a!! upon the B!ood Anima!ism 3 Auspex 3

     Auspex 4 Dominate 4

    $haos Fo!d *ementation 4 *ominate 3

    $haos Fo!d *ominate 3 *ementation 4

    -i.e /em 8e!! Fortitude 1 +resence 3

    -i.e /em 8e!! +resence 3 Fortitude 1

    -i.e /em 8e!! Potence 1 +resence 3

    2pectra! +uppeteer Auspex 5 *ominate 5

    -uardian #igi! $e!erity 1 Auspex 1

    -uardian #igi! Fortitude 1 $e!erity 1

    ing of the 8i!! Fortitude ) +resence )

    ing of the 8i!! +resence ) Fortitude )

    Memory ;ift Obfuscate ) +resence )

    Memory ;ift +resence ) Obfuscate )

    ;etain the =uic B!ood $e!erity 3 =uietus 3

    ;etain the =uic B!ood =uietus 3 $e!erity 3

    2mi!ing 9ac/s ,ric *ominate 3 Obfuscate 3

    2mi!ing 9ac/s ,ric Obfuscate 3 *ominate 3

    2ound of a BreaingOath

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    2uc it

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    E!ementa! 2toicism Fortitude ? Obfuscate 4

    E!ementa! 2toicism Obfuscate 4 Fortitude ?

    ,he 7!!ness

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    $ircumspect ;e.e!ation Ob&uscate 3 $e!erity 1

    $ircumspect ;e.e!ation icissitude ) $e!erity 1

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    +hobic Aff!iction *ementation 3 *ominate )

    +hobic Aff!iction *ominate ) *ementation 3

    2ca!pe! ,ongue $e!erity 1 +resence 1

    2ca!pe! ,ongue +resence 1 $e!erity 1

    ,he 7ron -!are +otence 3 +resence 3

    ,he 7ron -!are +resence 3 +otence 3

    hispers of Loathing Auspex 4 *ementation )

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3



    rdoptional Lvl *oo+ P" No Description

    'A 'A 1"3

    'A 'A 1"3

    Fortitude 3 1"3

    Fortitude 3 1"3

    Potence 3 1"3

    'A 'A 1"4

     Anticipatory #isage 1 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A 1"4

    'A 'A 1"4

    'A 'A 1"5

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A 1"4

    Obtenebration ) 1"5

    ) 1"5

    'A 'A 1"5

    'A 'A 1"5

    ) 1"5

    ) 1"5

    Fortitude ) 1"5

    icissitude 5 1""

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    ;ots 0eapons striing theuser

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    ;ots 0eapons striing theuser

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $reates eapons or amourfrom stuff of the abyss

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $reates eapons or amourfrom stuff of the abyss

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $reates eapons or amourfrom stuff of the abyss

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $urses ghou!s to burn up inthe sun

    ,arget hears things theyexpect from the concea!eduser

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    2in into the earth andbecome one 0ith it

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    2in into the earth andbecome one 0ith it

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an enter the spirit rea!m0ith one/s physica! body

    ,arget .ie0s the user assomeone they expect

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $urses ghou!s to burn up inthe sun

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an Focus on menta! tasseasier at the expenses ofsocia! graces

    Mortis (The Corpsein the Monster)

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an Focus on menta! tasseasier at the expenses ofsocia! graces

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    *ominate others .ia0hispering to their shado0

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    *ominate others .ia0hispering to their shado0

    Mortis &,he -ra.e/s*ecay(

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an harden body to impro.esome physica!s

    Mortis &,he -ra.e/s*ecay(

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an harden body to impro.esome physica!s

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an harden body to impro.esome physica!s

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an possess a target 0hi!eusing certain transformedshapes

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    icissitude 5 1""

    Obtenebration 5 1""

    'A 'A 1""

    'A 'A @3 ;oad of 8umanity :@

    'A 'A 1": $an f!ay the sin off others

    'A 'A 1": $an f!ay the sin off others

    'A 'A 1":

    'A 'A 1":

    'A 'A 1"? ,hird eye he!ps detect !ies

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 :5 $reates hidden text

    'A 'A 1"?

    2pecia! 2pecia! 1"?

    'A 'A 1"?

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@)

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 1"

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an possess a target 0hi!eusing certain transformedshapes

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an possess a target 0hi!eusing certain transformedshapes

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    ,hird eye burns others 0ithpo0er of the sun

    ,rap the target/s beast 0ithina sane mind andcommunicate 0ith it

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    2pit secretions of *ar8umors at targets

    @1 -uide to the 8igh


    2pit secretions of *ar

    8umors at targets@1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    2ee ho!y re!ics ground orpeop!e

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an use ce!erity for artistic0or a !engthy period oftime

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $asts a massi.e!ydestructi.e storm

    @1 -uide to the 8igh


    $an gauge a target/s

    0i!!po0er andor .irtues*etects creatures 0ith .itaein an area

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an soa sun!ight damage0ith B!ood

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an soa sun!ight damage0ith B!ood

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an menta!!y contemp!ate acourse of action a !ongperiod of time in an instant

    +ercie.e menta! 0eanessesor imba!ances in others

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

     Acce!erate hea!ing byshaping f!esh

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

     Acce!erate hea!ing byshaping f!esh

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an see 0hen a target is in atransformed state

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 1"5

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A 1:@

    'A 'A 1:@

    'A 'A 1:@

    'A 'A 1:@

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15?

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15?

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    Obtenebration ) 1"5

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    5 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@

    !uietus 5 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@

    'A 'A ) Lair of the 8idden 14@

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@ $an gro0 great c!a0s

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@ $an gro0 great c!a0s

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@ -rant +otence to an anima!

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an enter the spirit rea!m0ith one/s physica! body

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    2!o0 a target 0ith terror andmystica! compu!sion

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    2!o0 a target 0ith terror andmystica! compu!sion

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $hange a target into afrenying Cu!o

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $hange a target into afrenying Cu!o

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    Fi!!s the .ictims mind 0ithfear that gna0s at theirreso!.e

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    Fi!!s the .ictims mind 0ithfear that gna0s at theirreso!.e

    $auses $ainites to frenyeasier

    $auses $ainites to frenyeasier

    ,aes on a .isage simi!ar toa bear during freny

    ,aes on a .isage simi!ar toa bear during freny

    ,ransfer/s 0ounds to anima!ghou!

    ,ransfer/s 0ounds to anima!ghou!

    2ee ho!y re!ics ground orpeop!e

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an Focus on menta! tasseasier at the expenses ofsocia! graces

    $raft a so!id i!!usion thatfades at da0n

    $raft a so!id i!!usion thatfades at da0n

    Thaumatur"# ($e"oitae)

    -ain no0!edge and si!!s ofdiab!eried .ictims

    -ain no0!edge and si!!s ofdiab!eried .ictims

     Animate and posesses a

    corpse 0hi!e using astra!tra.e!

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@ -rant +otence to an anima!

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 3:

    Fortitude 1 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"1

     Auspex 1 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"1

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"1

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"1

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    Obfuscate 1 :5

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 3: 8ide speech in con.ersation

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 "5

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    5 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"@

    *ominate beasts in one/sdomain

    *ominate beasts in one/sdomain

    2ay 0hat the target 0ants tohear

    $haracter enters a trance ofperpetua! a0areness

    $haracter enters a trance ofperpetua! a0areness

    $an create a -hou! .iperfrom one/s b!ood

    $an create a -hou! .iperfrom one/s b!ood

     Assume the form of the !astcreature fed on

     Assume the form of the !astcreature fed on

    Mo.e at great speeds for anextended period of time

    Mo.e at great speeds for anextended period of time

    14 $!anboo ,oreador;e.

    $an concea! 0ords incon.ersation

    $an a!ter spiritua! ha!o todri.e on!ooers mad

    #ictim forgets the actions ofthe user

    #ictim forgets the actions ofthe user

    $an see sources of magicpo0er or peop!e 0ho emp!oymagic

    2tea! the memories of adiab!erised .ictim

    $an react to ambushes e.encaught una0are

    $an temporari!y !osederangements

    $an temporari!y !osederangements

    B!ood used for $e!erityreturns in time

    B!ood used for $e!erityreturns in time

    Thaumatur"# ($e"oitae)

    -ain no0!edge and si!!s ofdiab!eried .ictims

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4 $an sme!! those 0ith #itae

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 15

    icissitude ) @: ;oad of 2in :@

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4

    Potence 1 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"5

    Potence 1 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"5

     Anima!ism 1 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"5

    'A 'A 1""

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1""

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1""

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 ""

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"" $an Me!d into 2tone

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"" $an Me!d into 2tone

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1""

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1""

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1":

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1":

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1": Me!ds into a tree

    ,ransfer/s 0ounds to humanghou!

    ,ransfer/s 0ounds to humanghou!

    Enhances p!easure or painon the target

    $an g!ean informationconcerning the target/sforms

    $an in>ect a mind a!teringpoison .ia tongue

    $an in>ect a mind a!teringpoison .ia tongue

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1": Me!ds into a tree

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1":

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1":

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1":

    'A 'A 1"? ,hird eye he!ps detect !ies

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"?

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"?

    'A 'A @3 ;oad of 8umanity :@

    Fortitude 1 @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"1

    'A 'A @3 ;oad of 8umanity :1

    'A 'A @3 ;oad of 8umanity :1

    'A 'A @4 ;oad of the Beast :)

    'A 'A @4 ;oad of the Beast :)

    'A 'A @4 ;oad of the Beast :3

    'A 'A @4 ;oad of the Beast :3

    Fortitude 1 )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

    'A 'A @4 ;oad of the Beast :)

    +otence ) @5 ;oad of ings :)

    Potence ) @5 ;oad of ings :)

    Fortitude ) @5 ;oad of ings :)

    Presence 4 @5 ;oad of ings :3

    Dominate 4 @5 ;oad of ings :3

    ,ae on the form of a,arget/s true Lo.e

    ,ae on the form of a,arget/s true Lo.e

    7nfect the target/s mind 0ithcreeping insanity

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an ho0! out a messagethat 0i!! be passed a!ong by0o!.es

    $an ho0! out a messagethat 0i!! be passed a!ong by0o!.es

    ,rap the target/s beast 0ithina sane mind and

    communicate 0ith it$haracter enters a trance ofperpetua! a0areness

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 1"?

    'A 'A @5 ;oad of ings :3

    'A 'A @5 ;oad of ings :3

    'A 'A @" ;oad of 8ea.en " $an ignore 0ound pena!ties

    'A 'A @" ;oad of 8ea.en " $an ignore 0ound pena!ties

    'A 'A @" ;oad of 8ea.en "

    'A 'A @" ;oad of 8ea.en "

    'A 'A @" ;oad of 8ea.en "?

    'A 'A @" ;oad of 8ea.en "?

    +resence 3 @: ;oad of 2in :@

    'A 'A 1: $!anboo ;a.nos ;e. "?

    icissitude ) @: ;oad of 2in :@

    %uspe' 4 @: ;oad of 2in :1

    'A 'A :"

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1")

    %uspe' ) @: ;oad of 2in :)

    %uspe' ) @: ;oad of 2in :)

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 11@

    Presence 3 @: ;oad of 2in :@

    Obfuscate 3 @: ;oad of 2in :@

    'A 'A :)

    'A 'A :)

    'A 'A :) $reate a #ohd from -hou!s

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an use ce!erity for artistic0or a !engthy period oftime

    ,arget is forced to te!! thetruth

    ,arget is forced to te!! the


    Forces the target on to the;oad of 8ea.en for a time

    Forces the target on to the;oad of 8ea.en for a time

    Burn a target 0ith a meregae

    Burn a target 0ith a mere

    gaeEnhances p!easure or painon the target

    $reate an image of thetarget/s greatest desire

    Enhances p!easure or painon the target

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A :) $reate a #ohd from -hou!s

    'A 'A :)

    'A 'A :)

    Obfuscate ) :) $an a!ter auras

    'A 'A 31 -uide to the $amari!!a 11:

    #icissitude 3 :) $an a!ter auras

    'A 'A :"

    'A 'A 1@ $!anboo ,remere ;e. 4: 2ee B!ood magics in use

    'A 'A :1

    'A 'A :1

    'A 'A :)

    'A 'A :)

    'A 'A "

    'A 'A "

    'A 'A "

    'A 'A "

    'A 'A 1"?

    'A 'A :@

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :3 Me!ds into an anima!

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :3 Me!ds into an anima!

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :)

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :)

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :) $oncea! 0ounds

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :) $oncea! 0ounds

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 33

    @ $!anboo ,imisce;e.

    @ $!anboo ,imisce;e.

     Assume an anima! form 0ithf!ehcrafted extras

    @ $!anboo ,imisce;e.

     Assume an anima! form 0ithf!ehcrafted extras

    @ $!anboo ,imisce;e.

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :)

    'A 'A :3

    'A 'A :3

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 143

    Obfuscate 1 :5

     Auspex ) :5

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@3 A!ter a target/s mood

    'A 'A :4

    'A 'A 15 $!anboo Bru>ah ;e. ""

    'A 'A 15 $!anboo Bru>ah ;e. ""

    'A 'A 15 $!anboo Bru>ah ;e. ""

    'A 'A 15 $!anboo Bru>ah ;e. ""

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A 15 $!anboo Bru>ah ;e. ""

    'A 'A 1" $!anboo #entrue ;e. ::

    'A 'A 1" $!anboo #entrue ;e. ::

    'A 'A 1" $!anboo #entrue ;e. ::

    'A 'A 1" $!anboo #entrue ;e. ::

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14@

    'A 'A 1: $!anboo ;a.nos ;e. "?

    'A 'A 1: $!anboo ;a.nos ;e. "?

    2ee the shapes others cantransform to

    14 $!anboo ,oreador;e.

    +!easant memories ofbeauty can raise .irtuestemporari!y

    14 $!anboo ,oreador;e.

    +!easant memories of

    beauty can raise .irtuestemporari!y

    Experience someone/smemory as if it 0ere youro0n

    14 $!anboo ,oreador;e.

    $an concea! 0ords incon.ersation

    14 $!anboo ,oreador;e.

    $an concea! 0ords incon.ersation

    14 $!anboo ,oreador


    $an paint attributes of thesub>ect 0hich can be c!ear

    for a!! to seeBra0!ing atatcs do aggdamage

    Bra0!ing atatcs do aggdamage

    2trengthens 0i!! againstsupernatura! manuipu!ation

    2trengthens 0i!! againstsupernatura! manuipu!ation

    $an see sources of magicpo0er or peop!e 0ho emp!oymagic

    $an sense physica!discip!ines 0ithin other$ainites

    -ains generationa! immunityto +resence simi!ar to that of*ominate

    -ains generationa! immunityto +resence simi!ar to that of*ominate

    $an determine a !i.ingcreature/s demeanor from!istening to them ta!

    $an determine a !i.ingcreature/s demeanor from!istening to them ta!

    7dentify a corpse from a partof it

    $reate an image of thetarget/s greatest desire

    $oncea!s onese!f as an Asuratiayya

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 1: $!anboo ;a.nos ;e. "?

    'A 'A 1: $!anboo ;a.nos ;e. ":

    'A 'A 1: $!anboo ;a.nos ;e. ":

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 5

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 5

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 33

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 33

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 33

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 33

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 33

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 33

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 1@) 2care or embo!den horses

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 1@) 2care or embo!den horses

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 3:

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 1@ +redict forthcoming e.ents'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 3: 8ide speech in con.ersation

    'A 'A ) Lair of the 8idden 14@

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 1@) Buff physica!s of others

    'A 'A 1 Libe!!us 2anguinis ) 1@) Buff physica!s of others

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 ""

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 ""

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 3@

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 3@

    $oncea!s onese!f as an Asuratiayya

    7nf!ict +hantom pain on atarget corresponding 0ithone/s o0n 0ounds

    7nf!ict +hantom pain on a

    target corresponding 0ithone/s o0n 0ounds

    ,arget is forced to te!! thetruth

    ,arget is forced to te!! thetruth

    2ummon !onger strongertentac!es

    2ummon !onger strongertentac!es

    $ targets eyes 0ithshado0s

    $on>ures a persona! scourgefor the target

    Extinguish f!ames 0ithshado0s

    Extinguish f!ames 0ithshado0s

    2ay 0hat the target 0ants tohear

    $reate a doub!e of yourse!fin the materia! 0or!d 0hi!eastra!!ing tra.e!!ing

    ;einforce items to mae

    them more durab!e;einforce items to maethem more durab!e

    ,ransform your ghou!s into araging pac of anima!s

    ,ransform your ghou!s into araging pac of anima!s

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 15 $!anboo Bru>ah ;e. ""

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 "5

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 )

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 )

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14@

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 ""

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 3@

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"3

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 ""

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 141 -rants Minor +re$ognition

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 :5 $reates hidden text

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 3@

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 11@

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 33

    %uspe' 4 @: ;oad of 2in :1

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4 $an sme!! those 0ith #itae

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 33

    'A 'A 13 $!anboo -angre! ;e. :)

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 1@ +redict forthcoming e.ents

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 3)

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 3)

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 111

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 111

    $an sense physica!discip!ines 0ithin other$ainites

    2tea! the memories of adiab!erised .ictim

    Better .ersion of ;ide the

    i!d ;ideBetter .ersion of ;ide thei!d ;ide

    2ee fast ob>ects indetai!

    *efend against a!! incomingattacs 0ith fu!! capacity

    2ee through the eyes of!oca! anima!s

    $an react to ambushes e.encaught una0are

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an menta!!y contemp!ate acourse of action a !ongperiod of time in an instant

    *etermine is the target iste!!ing the truth and the truthbehind their 0ords

    2ee through the eyes of!oca! anima!s

    7mbue a 0or 0ith a*ementation po0er

    -ain no0!edge of thenearby area from anima!s

    ures a persona! scourgefor the target

    2ee the shapes others cantransform to

    ,ransfer/s 0ounds to anima!

    ghou!,ransfer/s 0ounds to anima!ghou!

    $auses the target to enter ade!irium and .anish from the0or!d

    $auses the target to enter ade!irium and .anish from the0or!d

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 :"

    'A 'A )1 Libe!!us 2anguinis 4 :"

    'A 'A )) *e.i!/s *ue 14"

    'A 'A )) *e.i!/s *ue 14"

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1"4

     Anticipatory #isage 1 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A 1"

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 141 F!eshcraft faster  

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 141 F!eshcraft faster  

    Obtenebration 5 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 143 ,ransform in a sing!e turn

    Obtenebration 5 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 143 ,ransform in a sing!e turn

    Protean 5 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 143 ,ransform in a sing!e turn

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14@ $oncea! ounds

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14@ $oncea! ounds

    'A 'A 1? Libe!!us 2anguinis 1 33

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 143

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1""

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14@

    #icissitude 3 :) $an a!ter auras

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14@

    $ommunicate distance0ith 0o!f ho0!s

    $ommunicate distance0ith 0o!f ho0!s

    2ummon a !esser *emoninto the 0or!d

    2ummon a !esser *emoninto the 0or!d

    $an g!ean informationconcerning the target/sforms

    ,arget hears things theyexpect from the concea!eduser

    @1 -uide to the 8igh$!ans

    $an see 0hen a target is in atransformed state

    ,arget .ie0s the user assomeone they expect

    $ targets eyes 0ithshado0s

    Experience someone/smemory as if it 0ere youro0n

    *ri.e $ainites into;otschrec

    *ri.e $ainites into;otschrec

    ,emporari!y assume mist

    form to a.oid attacs7dentify a corpse from a partof it

    @ $!anboo ,imisce;e.

    2ee fast ob>ects indetai!

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A :4

    'A 'A )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 141 -rants Minor +re$ognition

    Thaumatur"# 3 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    Thaumatur"# 3 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    Protean 3 )3 Archons and ,emp!ars 14)

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15:

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15:

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15

    Presence 4 @5 ;oad of ings :3

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15

    Potence 1 )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15 Embo!den A!!ies

    Potence 1 )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15 Embo!den A!!ies

    Fortitude 1 )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15 Embo!den A!!ies

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1""

    Fortitude 1 )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

     Auspex 1 )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"@

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"1

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"1

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"1

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"1

    14 $!anboo ,oreador;e.

    $an paint attributes of thesub>ect 0hich can be c!earfor a!! to see

    2uspend foreign b!ood toexpe! !ater 

    2uspend foreign b!ood toexpe! !ater 

    2uspend foreign b!ood toexpe! !ater 

    ,arget #ampire disp!ays abeast!y mein to those aroundthem

    ,arget #ampire disp!ays abeast!y mein to those aroundthem

    *etects creatures 0ith .itaein an area

    no0 0hen a .assa! breasan oath

    7nsert a !atent derrangementinto a target

    7nsert a !atent derrangementinto a target

    $an possess a target 0hi!eusing astra! form

    $haracter enters a trance of

    perpetua! a0areness$haracter enters a trance ofperpetua! a0areness

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1") *ra0 B!ood into yourse!f

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1") *ra0 B!ood into yourse!f

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1") 8ide unseen in shado0s

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1") 8ide unseen in shado0s

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15? ,oughens the sin

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 15? ,oughens the sin

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"1

    'A 'A )4 -uide to the Anarchs 1"1

    'A 'A )5 $!anboo $appadocian 41 ;eturn from Fina! *eath

    'A 'A )5 $!anboo $appadocian 41 ;eturn from Fina! *eath

    'A 'A :"

    'A 'A )5 $!anboo $appadocian 41 *iagnose and cure diseases

    'A 'A )" *ar Ages $ompanion ?:

    'A 'A )" *ar Ages $ompanion ?:

    'A 'A ): -uide to the 2abbat 1)3

    'A 'A ): -uide to the 2abbat 1)3

    'A 'A 1:3

    'A 'A 1:3

    'A 'A @4 ;oad of the Beast :)

    'A 'A ) Lair of the 8idden 14@

    'A 'A 1@ $!anboo ,remere ;e. 4: 2ee B!ood magics in use

    'A 'A ) Lair of the 8idden 14@

    'A 'A 3@ Mexico $ity by 'ight 115

    'A 'A 3@ Mexico $ity by 'ight 115

    'A 'A 3@ Mexico $ity by 'ight 114

    'A 'A 3@ Mexico $ity by 'ight 114

    Mae a !imb impossib!e 

    Mae a !imb impossib!e 

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    2tea! and encrypt secertsfrom a target/s mind usercannot access these secrets

    $reates a c!oa out of*arness that resists the sunand fire

    $reates a c!oa out of*arness that resists the sunand fire

    $raft dangerous!y !etha!bone 0eaponry

    $raft dangerous!y !etha!bone 0eaponry

    )? #ampire ,he *ar Ages

    $raft dangerous!y !etha!bone 0eaponry

    )? #ampire ,he *ar Ages

    $raft dangerous!y !etha!bone 0eaponry

    ,ests the to see if the targetis on the @4 ;oad of theBeast

     Animate and posesses acorpse 0hi!e using astra!tra.e!

    $reate a doub!e of yourse!fin the materia! 0or!d 0hi!e

    astra!!ing tra.e!!ing;esist in>ury from fu!! bodyimpacts

    ;esist in>ury from fu!! bodyimpacts

    $raft more anima!formsfeatures to use

    $raft more anima!formsfeatures to use

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 31 -uide to the $amari!!a 11:

    'A 'A 31 -uide to the $amari!!a 11:

    'A 'A )5 $!anboo $appadocian 41 *iagnose and cure diseases

    'A 'A 31 -uide to the $amari!!a 11:

    'A 'A )@ Libe!!us 2anguinis 3 ""

    'A 'A 31 -uide to the $amari!!a 11:

    'A 'A 3) $!anboo Baa!i 4:

    'A 'A 3) $!anboo Baa!i 4:

    'A 'A 33 ind from the East :1

    'A 'A 33 ind from the East :1

    'A 'A 33 ind from the East :@

    'A 'A 33 ind from the East :@

    'A 'A 33 ind from the East :@

    'A 'A 33 ind from the East :@

    'A 'A 34 o!.es of the 2ea :@

    'A 'A 34 o!.es of the 2ea :@

    'A 'A 34 o!.es of the 2ea :1 $an gro0 great c!a0s

    'A 'A 34 o!.es of the 2ea :1 $an gro0 great c!a0s

    'A 'A 34 o!.es of the 2ea :1

    'A 'A 34 o!.es of the 2ea :1

    icissitude ) :5

    *amage from Fire and2un!ight are do0ngraded to!etha!

    *amage from Fire and2un!ight are do0ngraded to!etha!


    Forges a pact 0ith a minordemon 0ho can spea inp!ace of the user

    Forges a pact 0ith a minordemon 0ho can spea inp!ace of the user

    $an Earthme!d 0ith $hi!deor -hou!

    $an Earthme!d 0ith $hi!deor -hou!

    Enhance attributes of ananima!

    Enhance attributes of an

    anima!Mo.e at great speeds for anextended period of time

    Mo.e at great speeds for anextended period of time

    ,aes on a .isage simi!ar toa bear during freny

    ,aes on a .isage simi!ar toa bear during freny

    Enter short torpor toconser.e b!ood

    Enter short torpor toconser.e b!ood

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    ;e.ea! hidden B!ac 8and,attoo to specific targets

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    icissitude ) :5

    Ob&uscate 3 :5

    'A 'A 31 -uide to the $amari!!a 11:

    'A 'A :"

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@3

    'A 'A :"

    Daimoinon ) @: ;oad of 2in :)

    'A 'A :"

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@4

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@4

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@)

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@)

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@4

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@4

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@)

    Presence 3 @: ;oad of 2in :@

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@4

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@4

    'A 'A :@

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@3 A!ter a target/s mood

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    ;e.ea! hidden B!ac 8and,attoo to specific targets

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    ;e.ea! hidden B!ac 8and,attoo to specific targets

    +arry or $atch thro0n or2hot +ro>ecti!es

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    Learn enemy capabi!itiesafter being 0ounded by them

     Ana!ye then use a target/spersona! 0eanessesagainst them

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    ,ae the form of someonethe target ! of cares for

    ,arget forgets a sensationthey/.e pre.ious!y fe!t

    35 $aine/s $hosen ,heB!ac 8and

    2tea! and encrypt secertsfrom a target/s mind usercannot access these secrets

    +ro>ect a fee!ing ofin.u!nerabi!ity in order to co0others

    +ro>ect a fee!ing ofin.u!nerabi!ity in order to co0others

    ects a ra0 charm ofsorts aiding in socia! ro!!s

    ects a ra0 charm ofsorts aiding in socia! ro!!s

    ,arget becomes a nearabso!ute thra!! for the rest ofthe night

    ,arget becomes a nearabso!ute thra!! for the rest ofthe night

    +ercie.e menta! 0eanessesor imba!ances in others

    ards the user againstmenta! tampering

    7mp!ant a de!ayed +resenceeffect on a target

    7mp!ant a de!ayed +resenceeffect on a target

    1) $!anboo Fo!!o0ers of2et ;e.

    ;eads a target/s characterand sins

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@) 7nsti!! terror in a target/s mind

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@) 7nsti!! terror in a target/s mind

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@)

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@)

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@1

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@1

    'A 'A @) -uide to the Lo0 $!ans 1":

    'A 'A 3" $ounse! of +rimogen 1@3

    'A 'A 31

    'A 'A 31

    2hame a target into si!ence0ith a scathing comment

    2hame a target into si!ence0ith a scathing comment

    Enhance intimidation after aphysica! feat

    Enhance intimidation after aphysica! feat

    7nfect the target/s mind 0ithcreeping insanity

     Ana!ye then use a target/spersona! 0eanessesagainst them

    3: $!anboo Bru>ah &1sted(

    ury and freny

    3: $!anboo Bru>ah &1sted(

    ury and freny

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2imi!ar to *rinthe Mind

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2imi!ar to Mystic2ightG

    2imi!ar to Long

    March2imi!ar to LongMarch

    2imi!ar to 7ronFacade

    2imi!ar to 7ronFacade

    2imi!ar to ;eadthe inds

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2ame as ,rue,ongue

    2ame as ,rue,ongue

    2imi!ar to7nspire-reatness

    2imi!ar to7nspire-reatness

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2imi!ar to *rinthe Mind

    2imi!ar to Mindof the i!ds

    2imi!ar to Mindof the i!ds

    2imi!ar to ;eadthe inds

    2ame as

    Beast/s #igor 2ame asBeast/s #igor 

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2imi!ar to F!eshound

    2imi!ar to F!eshound

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'o statedsystem forreco.eringthese secrets

    2imi!ar to Mystic2ightG

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    2ame as2haredEntombment

    2ame as2haredEntombment

    *oesn/t seem to

    match up 0e!!0ith modernru!es

    *oesn/t seem tomatch up 0e!!0ith modernru!es

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    'o stated

    system forreco.eringthese secrets

  • 8/19/2019 Combo Disciplines 1.3


    1st Ed po0er

    done forposterity

    1st Ed po0erdone forposterity
